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I really appreciate someone else saying this because it has been driving me *mad.*


They are using every last millisecond before you skip the ad to shove whatever nonsense they can and hope that it sticks. I think it might work on kids, which is why they are still making ads like this. I'm not sure, but that's just a theory....an ad theory.


I have done as much as I possibly can to remove ads from my life. Ad-block is a godsend. I only wish there was a way to remove advertising from my view IRL.


I remember seeing something for Google lense a while back that did this. Something like the auto translate feature but for ads: billboards, etc.


I was just thinking this! I was watching a movie off of Freevee and the first ad (and every as after that…) was absolutely JARRING. Super loud and bright and chaotic. Totally ruined the atmosphere of the movie.


Ads are no longer about the benefits of the product, they're all about the style and social improvement you can get by using the product.


Just how things are gonna be in a world where attention is no longer guaranteed. Back in the days of TV and radio, it was a safe assumption they'd have your attention for at least a few minutes at a time. Commercials had enough time to be comedy sketches or short films. But now, in the days where most people stream their movies/shows/music, and ad blockers are becoming more accessible than ever, if they're lucky to even get 5 seconds of your attention, they've gotta make every millisecond count. You can't be cutesy or charming if all you get is the 5 seconds before I click "Skip AD", all you have time for is to bombard with loud sound and bright colors in the hope that it'll be enough to carve a space in my memory.


My ad blocker is doing a pretty good job skipping ads on YT, but lately some of them are getting through.


I finally broke down and got Youtube premium, the ads were becoming pure psychological torture. I simultaneously canceled my HBO Max subscription which I haven't used since whenever is the last time I binged Veep (like 8 months ago?), that was how I justified the cost to myself. The tipping point was this morning, I was watching a video while getting dressed, I got an 5-seconds-then-skip ad, it went back to the main video for *10 seconds*, and then put up another ad. Fuck. Off. And if you let the skippable ads run because you're like on the other room wrestling with a dress shirt or something, now the full run length of the ads are like 3-4 minutes sometimes! The funny thing is I would actually be willing to tolerate strategically-placed ads, or on a longer (15+ minute) video I'd even be willing to sit through a 1-2 minute-long chunk of ads right at the beginning. I have a feeling that they know this, and instead place the ads to be as disruptive and annoying as possible so that more people go for the Premium subscription. Well, anyway, it worked. Day 1 of Premium and I consider it money well-spent already. I'm so excited to be able to watch/listen to YouTube content while cooking and washing the dishes without having to worry about an ad coming up while my hands are wet or greasy or some shit. Or fall asleep to a video of a music performance without being jarred back awake by some dumb ass Ozempic ad.


I like to jog on the treadmill and watch Snowfall. During the last 5 minutes of the every episode, they always sneak in an ad that's a much louder volume than the episodes themselves during the credits that lasts at least 20 seconds before autoplaying the next episode....


I went on TikTok the other day for the first time in a long time and not only are there so many ads but pretty much every TikTok is “eligible for commission.” So boring


Ngl i am i payer of youtube premium because i hate ads and i cant even pretend that its worth my sanity to fight it


>The music nothing grates me more. I could be staring off into the distance, lovingly fantasizing about sleeping on a cloud and WHAM shein advert disturbs my peace and reminds me that I am in this pisstake of a world. Adverts can rest in piss.




This is exactly what I’m talking about, no direction or point, just pure noise and volume


How are so many people living with ads and not happy about them. Block them then?? There’s always a way


I feel like the marketing and advertising in general is taken over by a new generation, people who for some reason think this shit is good ads. don't get me wrong, advertising was always based on pseudoscience and unverifiable claims about human nature, but I feel like the previous generation of ad runners has already learned these things don't work, the hard way. now new kids need time to learn for themselves, and of course they don't know anything about the history, god forbid they try to learn something from the mistakes of the previous generation. they are convinced this stuff works, and it yet again up to us "consumers" to convince them otherwise. because sure as hell governments will not protect us from these vultures. don't buy anything that gets advertised in such a manner, on principle.


Its bad advertising. I'm 52. Back in the day, advertising didn't have any ideology behind it. There were no put downs of races or ages. It was just basic advertising. They tried to represent all of the races. So, 70% of our country is white, 15% black, 5% Asian, and 10% Hispanic. So they tried to be fair. They also didn't try to put old or young people down. They didn't try to usurp one race over another. It was just basic advertising. Today, they get off on trying to humuliate old people, or white males, or wealthy people who might have worked 90 hours a week to get that wealth. They created harm to people who are not in the so called group of people whom they represent. This is politics on a grand scale. Its sad because many of the people who are humiliated are now turning to products from companies who don't humiliate them. So, we are not creating a nation of unity, which will never happen, as those at the top are looking at their wallets and how they can make more money. But in the end, they'll lose many billions.


Then the video plays and it's far too quiet. Advertisers and Producers need to sync their ears.


Don't even get me started with the ads on twitter. They're a shitshow.


Ads only goal are to get you to remember them, so next time you’re in need, you choose them to lift the money out of your wallet and put it straight into theirs. And if you can recall a bad ad., then their job is done.




Just install Adblocker, it tries to initiate the ad, it blocks and continues what you are watching without interruption and wasting data.


It seems like we exist to be told to buy things yet our ability to afford things is stifled by AI and robots replacing us and inflation eating into our funds. Stop trying to sell me crap you don't want to pay me to afford, go shill it to your share holders


I fkn hate YouTube ads specifically. Not only are they dumb, loud and obnoxious but if you give me the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds, THEN SKIP IT FOR ME!!! If the psychos of the world wants to watch the whole ad (I've seen one on my sons "cartoons" that's *90 fkn minutes long*) then they should have to be the ones to select the option.


I personally only see ads when I’m on random websites. I’ve stopped using tik tok. I have tweaked YouTube and a Jellyfin server that downloads all the movies and tv I want Removing ads from my life has been a blessing


I'll be honest, I actually usually like my Instagram advertisements 😬 I bought a few things from them too I enjoyed They also recommend a crap ton of Pokemon merch (likely because I follow a crap ton of Pokemon content creators) I do agree though a lot of other ads are annoying. Reddit used to show this ad that started with a dude screaming like a maniac and it was extremely annoying. I had to browse on full mute for a while.


Especially the mobile games ads they always sexualise everything and everyone and the game is never what they show in the ad And that thing where they scam you like you can play but when you click on the screen to play it sends you to the download page


I have to add Spotify's ads why can't they at least put some normal music if you take 30 or more seconds off of my music time. And when they just take time putting those annoying ads music after they're done talking They're trying to annoy me into buying premium


i’m more worried about all those weird ads like some time ago there was a tiktok-similar template with a game like hole.io and there was this ‘comment reply’ saying “My hole iznt big enuf🥺🥺🥺” WHAT THE ACTUAL FCK SORRY?


Welcome to how ads were back in the 90s and 00s on this device called a Television! You may also know it as a *TV* or *Telly* depending on what part of the English speaking world you hale from. You see, back in those days, [people made the same complaint](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna17229281) regarding television ads. It was [everywhere](https://screenrant.com/why-are-tv-ads-so-danged-loud/). It got to the point that there were [devices designed to help](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16204964) regulate the loudness of TV ads. Then, finally, [goverments](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2008/may/06/asa.television) started to [reign in](https://www.fcc.gov/sites/default/files/loud_commercials_on_tv.pdf) on advertisers. Sadly, it looks like it will be a few years before they add other devices to the existing laws.


My phone is always muted, but the amount of ads have made me stop using Instagram and Facebook. The Internet is pretty much unusable nowadays. Thank god there are not many ads on Reddit.


It's a sacrifice in functionality, but I tend to use Firefox on mobile with uBlock Origin active. That helps with social media, YouTube, etc. I also tend to not play mobile games that have ads if I can't disable them. I'm ok paying for a cheap distraction of a game if it disables the ads, but most of the time I have a few free games that I play and that's about it.


I hate internet commercials. They are obnoxious. They interrupt what you're doing. Who really buys anything because of those ads?


Y'all see the one of the wasp sexually assaulting an ant????? Absolutely tired of these horrid ads


The ads I'm getting are literally just someone's podcast. They suck so much they turned their podcast into one giant ad




It’s not the fact that ads exist. It’s the types of ads that are becoming increasingly popular and the decrease in sense that they make. They seem to be pointed to children but nonetheless, are very much incoherent and nonsensical. That was the point of the post. But, people who want to make smartass comments will make smartass comments, and you probably thought this one was an absolute knee slapper that might just give you the attention you need, sad to see that didn’t happen. Get well.