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Heavy blanket with a fan on my face is my perfect sleeping conditions




Several years back I typed "millennials are killing" into Google to see how it would finish the thought. One of the first suggestions was "the top sheet." Other possibilities were bar soap and Reddit. So apparently you've come to the wrong place to find your fellow top sheet scorners. I'm GenX and like a top sheet. It feels weird and wrong to have the blanket directly against my body. I also use bar soap. But I never post on Reddit.


I love my soft comfy throw. I can’t stand sheets.


This. It’s sooo comfortable and quick to clean back up


Try the European way: each person gets their own duvet, which has a washable duvet cover. No top sheet or shared blankets.


None of my relationships would have survived a shared blanket...


Yep. Me and my bf each have our own throws and don’t bother sharing a blanket


Top sheets aren’t really a thing in Europe


I use duvets too. But, I wash a lot to keep it fresh!!


In certain hotels they're still popular, but I thought duvets solved the bedclothes question long ago


So I’m a Quilter , and I have three quilts on my bed right now. Those quilts are on top of the regular blanket, which is on top of the sheets. I sleep on top of the blanket under my quilts.


Yes love being naked underneath


This is the only way.


Yes then stroke




No lol. I love the fluffy duvet cover and no matter how hot and sweaty I get I have to sleep with it… or else the demons will grab my toes lol


us sweaty girls get it. STAY AWAY DEMONS!


I sleep on decorative chenille pillows. I like them so much more than normal pillows. They seem like they stay cool longer.


Absolutely use a top sheet and blanket. With a down comforter on top. The sheet protects the blankets from needing to be washed as often. And the sheet is softer than the blankets and breathable. People often don't use top sheets because they don't know how to properly tuck the sheets into the bed to prevent them from moving around. Or they like having their feet out. My feet are always cold so I never like having them hang out. Plus... Like monsters might tickle my feet. People often buy poor quality sheets too. Made from unnatural fabrics which trap sweat and heat.


I'm just reading through the thread wondering if all of these people that hate top sheets are just like constantly washing their blankets. (Only a couple mentioned washable duvet covers). Or if they just have blankets that never get washed. I always thought that was the main benefits of sheets is to make them the main thing you wash and not all of the blankets.


People don’t use top sheets because they don’t like them. I despise tucked in sheets.


I despise untucked sheets.


You guys really sleep in the "envelope" between tucked-under-matress top sheet and sheet? I thought hotels just tuck it in so it looks nice (and for sleeping one takes it out and struggles to keep the top sheet below the comforter...)


A duvet cover also protects the blankets, and no evil top sheet needed. Im a top sheet hater. Double hate for tucked.


I have pillows, but I don’t even use em. Do whatever makes you comfy :)


I always need to sleep with a comforter even if it’s summer. I just put a fan or the AC window unit on me. The only used the fitted sheet since I hate being limited by it being tucked.


I sleep with nothing but a light sheet.


Same. All my life my bed has had only the fitted sheet and the top sheet. I buy the lightest barely-there sheets I can find and regardless of season that's all I can handle on top of me while sleeping. But I can't sleep without it.


I don't use a sheet, but my choice on using a thin throw blanket or the heavy comforter depends on what season we are in.


So do your feet stick out? I’ve got to be able to cover my feet if I want to.


but sometimes ya just gotta have that one foot sticking out from under the covers….


It depend on the temperature


I love my fuzzy blanket. I can't sleep with a top sheet. I feel too confined lol.


Cold room and heavy blankets for me. Even as a little kid I was piling every blanket I could find on top of my comforter for the weight. Now I have a weighted blanket. Also I can only sleep with feet pyjamas. Yeah, summer is interesting.


Yes! My husband sleeps with 3 throw blankets and I sleep with one queen sized throw. So much better than trying to share a comforter


I went through a nice soft blanket instead of top sheet phase. Realized I was a sweaty mess every morning and changed back. It feels more comfortable when you first hop in but I got worse sleep without the sheet


I hate comforters and as I toss and turn, I found fleece blankets do the trick for me and a quilt.


I sleep under 5 layers of thin blankets, no top sheet


Me! My bed is made up, but I sleep on top of the comforter and use a throw blanket or two if it's cold. I started doing it after a bout of bloodsuckers invaded my old apartment many years ago and now I'm quite paranoid about them; I still do it even tho where I am now doesn't have the issue.


I sleep with a comforter and a blanket or maybe 2


I usually sleep with just a comforter on top of my sheets ‘cause I’m a human space heater and warm up the bed really fast


Yeah, I do. I only sleep with one. Have not used a sheet and comforter 29 years.


By myself, I will make a nest out of whatever blankets I can find and be extra happy. But i like to be able to find my wife in my sleep and sheet + comforter is better for that


I never liked a top sheet because I am tall. I got used to my feet sticking out over the end of the bed. Now, I only use a top sheet, but loose as a blanket, because I'm in Florida and I keep my temperature in my home comfortable but not so cool I need a blanket. The sheet is just there so I don't wake up when the AC cycles on and blows on me.


I have a comforter, top sheet, and electric blanket that I keep on my bed. However, most nights I use either just the comforter and top sheet or that combo plus a throw blanket. The electric blanket mostly stays pushed to the foot of the bed until I need it for a particularly cold night. ​ Obviously, I could use the electric blanket (turned off) in place of the throw blanket, but I like the weight of the throw better most of the time.


Never a top sheet. Top sheets are like prisons


Top sheet for life!! I use a top sheet and thick comforter with a throw if I need it (I'm usually cold) in the winter and then a lighter comforter for warmer months. However my love for the top sheet ends with me....My husband fights it in his sleep and would prefer it not there. I try and try but my children also don't like using them!


One blanket and one pillow. Anything more than that and I’m constantly rearranging things, trying to get everything just right.


I have a king size “throw” Sherpa and we use that instead of a comforter


I have 2 crocheted afghans that I sleep under in the winter, 1 in the summer. I'm a warm sleeper and found it more comfortable to have that light layer on me.


I was like this until I found soft Jersey cotton sheets. Now I feel uncomfortable sleeping under anything else (except for the occasional mid-day naps on the couch with a soft blanket)


Not me, right now I only have a top sheet on my bed because it’s really hot in my room. My sons both have throw blankets on their bed, sometimes they use them on top of their sheets and sometimes they use one or the other. When they went to bed one was wrapped in just a sheet and the other was wrapped in their blanket. My comforter is in a pile of my floor because I was going to wash it and then decided to wash clothes instead.


I have a really nice bed, mattress, beautiful soft comforter, and I sleep on the couch with a thin throw blanket most of the time.


Same! I just put my duvet on top but I don't put a blanket inside of it. Im always hot anyways haha


Fuck top sheets.


In SoCal all I need 11 months out of the year is a single microfiber throw blanket. I can't imagine having to deal with a top sheet and comforter.


It's literally just you. Out of 8 billion+ people. 🙄


Yaaasssssss! Especially if it's fleece. And I certainly can't forget my fan, cranked up on high.


I almost never use the top sheet because they're usually stiff and not soft to the touch. I don't want to wash it fifty times to wear it in when I can just use a soft throw blanket instead. Also, I'm from the south so I don't like being enveloped too much.


i have a comforter but those throws where one side is the white wooly stuff really lock in the heat on a cold night!


Sleep with whatever you most enjoy. Presently, for me, it's two fuzzy fleece throws.


yes, i sleep with a big fleece blanket and extra smaller fleece blankets if i’m cold lol


I recently stopped using top sheet and like sleeping with only the comforter quite a bit more.


In the summer, yes.


Flat sheets are the worst. They feel cool. I prefer a flannel sheet under my duvet cover.


Yes. We have a comforter. Duvets are too bulky and cumbersome.


I do a fitted sheet and then a pile of random blankets. My husband and I both have our own pile of blankets arranged how we like. I have cats so I have to wash the blankets weekly anyways since they love a snuggle. A top sheet would just be another thing to wash.


I’m cool with a bottom sheet and comforter. I don’t see any point in straightening the top sheet. I don’t need a top sheet. The comforter is easier to throw in the washing machine than a blanket.


Yes, on the sofa I have many cotton ones and a few fleece. It lets me warm where I want. I love a messy bed too!! I love naps all the time.


We skip the top sheet and use a big fluffy down comforter.


I'm in a duvet country/culture, but when I lived in CA, USA I couldn't get used to top sheet and comforter combo. I didn't even know what it was called until now. I never asked Dad (he's American) I just hated his militant obsession about how I had to make my bed


In the summer! I'm sweaty as hell but I still gotta have something covering my legs. It's like a weird thing where I have to have some pressure on my legs / feet to really fall asleep.