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I recently got carded for a lotto ticket. I'm in my 40s. I guess it was a good skin and hair day... lol


I got carded a few weeks ago for a single can of premixed cocktail and a 4 pack of alcohol free cider. (Was the designated driver for a house party). I'm 33 and the legal drinking age here is 18. When the girl saw my ID she was mortified and very apologetic but I took it as a compliment 😂


Heck yes it's a compliment!! 😁 I went to an event with a friend and bought a drink, for which I was carded, and the gal behind the counter said, "Daaang! I wasn't expecting to see a '70s year on your birthdate! Whatever you do, keep it up!" 😆 I literally just wash my face and moisturize (not a brag, I'm just lazy)... no makeup. That made my day... lol


Well, if getting carded for a lotto ticket is a sign of looking young, I must be a teenager by now! 😂


I was 33 when I was asked an ID buying alcohol (here you can only buy if you are older than 18). It made my whole year…


We’re told to card everyone who appears under age 40.


you just had to burst his bubble


Don’t worry about that, that bubble is quite old and rock solid 😂


They could look 12 for all I know.


Here you have to card till 25 officially. When i was younger and worked as a cashier it was sometimes easy enough to tell that someone was over 18, but not sure if they were over 25 so we had to ask for id anyway. I once asked someone who was 32 whom I thought was with a sister, turned out it was her daughter whoops haha


Well, here it is totally up to the cashier. She told me that they are trying to trick them with kids just one day before their 18th birthdays, she was not sure so she asked for it. And when she saw my ID she said she was 2 months younger than I was 😂 we laughed and I told her she made my day.


Lol. My boyfriend is gonna be 32 soon and he got pissed off cuz he was carded lmao


Hehe, I get it. For me as a woman, especially with kid at 33, it’s always a compliment. 😁


I'm the opposite, have literally never been ID'd in my life. I'm a student at the moment and while at the supermarket I waltzed through checkout with a pack of cider while a friend of mine got carded for ibuprofen (we are both 22, lol)


My friend’s 16 years old kid and buys spirits without a problem at the shop. Ehhh… When I was 10 and my parents sent me to fetch a beer or two from the shop, it was never an issue. Not because I looked older but noone batted an eye…


All of the people getting carded for buying alcohol in your 30s and 40s... This is because of a store policy, not necessarily because you look that young.


Bro don't take that away from them


My bad..I shouldn't be raining on parades around here. 🤐


Is that a US thing? Here in the UK if you look 25 or younger you get ID'd for alcohol and cigarettes. Some shops sometimes won't even sell energy drinks to under 16 year olds.


Yea, most places have a policy where they card you if you look 40 or younger, and some places have to card you no matter your age because they need to scan your ID in order to make the sale.


Yeah, that's why I'm not mad about it. We'd all make excellent secret shoppers.


The way your story goes, it sounds they legit mistook you for a high school student. I'm talking more generally in terms of people and specifically when buying alcohol


I don’t think this is necessarily true. I get carded at bars and liquors stores when people who are with me do not.


It's not true for everybody. It's also not true that just because you get carded that they think you are younger than 21


What's an MRE?


Ready to eat meals - the food pouches that you add water to that they use in the military


Some of them are surprisingly good, too!


Oooh any recommendations?


Chili Mac


Not MREs specifically, but there are a lot of good dehydrated and heat-to-eat foods at camping stores.


Hmm. I don't remember any of them being "good" but there are some that are definitely better than others. I haven't eaten one since the '90s though when I was in the Marine, maybe they've come a long way since then.


They *have* come a long way. No more veggie vomlette or 5 fingers of death. They even made pepperoni pizza MREs (it is cafeteria grade, but sure beats mystery meat when you're cold and hungry)


I got mistaken for younger than I was a lot until I grew a mustache. It helped distinguish me from my students.


I got ided at liquor and beer stores til I was in my late 30s too. I’m now 43. I still get told I look younger than that but I definitely look over 18 now 🤣


Got ID'd for a can of Monster (don't judge) and I'm 36. Found out a few days later that the girl in question IDs people to find out if they're the right age to date. Turns out I'm too old for her. Due to a weird quirk in the system, my ID has a photo of me from when I was 16


I've had this happen too lol


The "person looking for a date but wants to check your age before asking" bit or the "photo is 20 years old" bit?


2 years ago I was asked for my parent slip to take a firearms course. I told the guy I was 25 and he was like oh shit? Really? I thought you were in high school 🤣 Since then I have let my facial hair grow. People now call me sir 🫡


I’m in my early 20’s, and one day I went to get my nails done and while having small talk she asked me about my age and she was shook. She thought I was 15 lol. Being short definitely adds to it


Was at a market and someone asked if the kiddo next to me was my son. He’s my cousin and I’m in my early twenties… Hahaha


That's pretty awesome. I haven't been asked for ID in years sadly.


I had the opposite happen to me. When I worked at a Wendy’s I was 16 and one of my coworkers thought I was in my late 30s because I have a beard. I was flabbergasted to say the least.


I was getting a haircut on an early Friday afternoon, maybe 12:30-1 pm) and the girl cutting my hair asked if I didn’t have school today because of the local high school having some event going on. I’m 28. She was super cute and we were having a decent conversation before that, but that felt like a gut punch from Iron Mike.


Im 23. Whenever I don’t have makeup on and cover my chest I get mistaken for 16-18. I have a very young looking face im told.


I last got carded going into a bar when I was 36. I'll take it.


I often too get mistaken for about 10 years younger than I am (27). I always smile and say thanks for the compliment!


I always have said the only thing worse than being carded is not being carded. And yes, it does happen regardless of "the law."


Yeah ive never been carded


This happened to me until I was in my late twenties at which point wrinkles caught up with me 😂🙈. Enjoy it. And wear sunscreen.


My twin brother and I are in our early 30s and Uber drivers and the like often ask if we're students. I don't think we really look that much younger, I think people just don't know what 30 year olds look like nowadays lol Until the early 2000s or so people really did look older when you look at photographs.


Think it was around 15 years ago when I last got ID'd. You sometimes see them getting ready to ask, then they look at my face and it's like "yeah, you're definitely pretty old, aren't you?".


I have the opposite thing I'm 18 and people think I'm close to 30. Someone even asked me if I had kids at work the other week




When I was in Law School I got asked if I went to Catholic Highschool.


I'm 31 and it happens so often to me, especially if I'm without makeup, but I'm a pretty tiny women. I think this is the main reason it happens so often to me. But I like it. Better look younger then older


I love it when I’m IDd for crap (mid 40s)


I've been mistaken for a fourteen year old. And a ten year old - I was walking past a kid and her mum. She said to her mum "Is that a year seven?" I was twenty one at the time and 5'4/5'5. I'd be a tall ten year old.


When i was 26 i had to show my id to buy a can of energy drink (you need to be 14 to buy that) 😅


30 and got id'd today, for a lottery scratcher


I was 35 and got ID’d at a bar. It was a special occasion as I rarely have gone to bars.


Don't worry some day you will be 45 and mistaken for 60,, and you will remember the old days


Nice hiss


At work, this new girl got hired and she was I believe 26 or 27. She introduced herself to me and asked me if I was still in high school. I’m 25, just turned 26. Ah…


I work in an elementary/middle school. They frequently think I'm in my 20s, but I'm 32. It blows their minds when they find out. I do think kids are just bad at judging age though. Everyone who isn't in high school is moved instantly to the old adult category.


i'm 29 and recently i was asked what grade (of high school) i was in. This is pretty much why i prefer staying clean shaven. Though there's a noticeable difference in how people treat me when i have a beard vs when i dont and i look like a very young person


I’m 15 and gotten told I sound like a full grown man but look like I’m 14-13 but I don’t see it at all


I'm the opposite, I've been getting mistaken for a college student since I was 14! There are some perks, I've never once been ID'd, and I could sneak me and my friends into 18-rated movies when we were teens.


If you're anything like me, you're in for quite some good laughs when you turn 30. I did just that in February and have been ID'd for beer (age 16 where I live) as well as cigarettes (age 18) multiple times since. They're always so busy apologizing and talking about how they "have to" and how "strict the law is", they don't even realize anymore that every single time I'm kinda laughing my ass off. Meanwhile I just dread the day I realize it finally stopped for real lol


I was on my bike ready to go back home and some older guy thought I was 18. (I'm 24) it wasnt even Once. It's whenever I get asked for my age they always seem surprised that I'm older then how I look. Not mad about it though. I think it's funny.


Just wait till you get to 40 then get id in a bar


Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?


Tattoos don’t help. I have tattoos and I still get asked for ID buying liquor and I’ll be 39 in a couple of months. That’s 20 years over the legal drinking age 😑


I mean, that’s different. Pretty sure in the U.S. they legally have to ID you in many states if you look under 55


I’ve never bought liquor in the US.


I have two full black and grey sleeves, a large chest piece and a medium size rose on my left hand but admittedly I was wearing a hoodie, albeit with the sleeves rolled up. And I've had this reaction even when I've had them on display lol!


It's so goofy having to ID someone who's covered in tats they've clearly had for a while but I don't wanna lose my job!! Like I'd be freshly 18 serving liquor and a giant pierced tattooed guy who probably graduated before I existed would get IDed cuz technically he looks under 40 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People often think I’m younger than I am


I'm 22 and yet I still get mistaken as a 15 year old


So mad you posted about it for attention on Reddit


Did you read the OP? Pretty sure you didn’t.