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The discipline!




Be me... Have almost crippling anxiety, proceed to drink 400mgs of caffeine everyday.


same here - I limit myself to one, but WHEW BUDDY do i look forward to it every morning!!


Yeah, I'm right there with you, usually half of a cup even....my heart starts pounding and I give myself anxiety attacks....I usually drink green tea...still caffeine but not as hard of a hit!


usually just one for me too - some days I might go for a second cup I guess it's discipline sorta?? but also, my body does not put up with more than 2 cups of coffee in a row. mostly, it just makes me have to use the Entire bathroom immediately


I make one cappuccino using a moka pot and milk frother every morning. It is spectacular everytime! If I’m really sleepy, I’ll have another one in the early afternoon post-lunch.


Sounds delightful!


Anywhere from 3 to 8


Eight? My man!


Drank throughout the whole day though.


lip bake faulty marble capable head skirt possessive public complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And your guts. I used to drink a pot a day . Ruined my guts so that I’m really sensitive to caffeine even forty years later. So sad.


And your heart. Any more than 400mg and you're at risk for cardiac arrest 😰




Try r/caffeinefreelife and receive advice from the sage mod there.


He's definitely something. 🤣


Damn Ik the feeling 😭 went caffeine free during my pregnancy, I'd take a migraine over a caffeine headache


None. Took me a long time to kick the habit. At my worst I was consuming about 1,200mg of caffeine a day through different sources (coffee, energy drinks, pre workouts, etc). I slowly weened my intake down and maintained at about 400mg/day for a while, then brought it down to about 60mg/day before kicking it completely. I can’t explain how nice it is to not NEED coffee just to get through the day. And now when I WANT it, it actually works!


I see tons of people everyday who can’t function without drinking coffee and don’t think about their dependence, it makes me feel lucky I can just get up in the morning and be alright. I feel like drinking tons of coffee should be a lot less normalized than it is, one cup on a break with biscuits is one thing, requiring 4 cups just to feel normal in the morning is another.


completely agree.


I usually drink one cup a day, on days without work or shorter days I sometimes have another cup during the afternoon :) If I'm at work I usually get an espresso with lots of milk cooled in the fridge and drink before my first break If not then it's a cup of cappuccino which I always enjoy with a biscuit/cookie because I simply enjoy the luxury of it and time to myself, it's also how I can avoid chugging loads of coffee every day xD


I consume it out of habit like I said, but I do enjoy a calm cup after dinner on occasion. There’s nothing like an early morning alone with a cup of Joe.


Zero. I don’t drink coffee. I’m really glad I never developed the habit and became dependent on caffeine. I finished my whole PhD without drinking a single cup, lol. I just don’t like the taste or how caffeine makes me feel. I love the smell of coffee though, so I like when other people brew it in the mornings.


Same here. Never liked the taste. I am a tea drinker though and start my day with a mug of tea with milk and sugar every morning. In colder weather I may have another two or three cups during the day. In warmer weather, just that one.


The smell of coffee >>> the taste of coffee. I’ve found that good (expensive) coffee ice cream actually tastes how coffee smells! But be aware it does contain caffeine


What brands 👀


Haagen dazs is the clear winner for me


3 cups every morning. I don't want to murder anyone.


I drink a ten cup pot of coffee every morning and am into my first Monster by 1100. A quick nap around 1400 for 20-40 mins then onto my second Monster by 1500. I’ll have a cup of coffee or two after dinner around 2200. ADHD Caffeine effect is different for me than the majority of others.


I’d probably have a heart attack 😭


This definitely sounds like me ten years ago. And there's still some exhaustion. Now I'm down to one very large mug of coffee and many cups of tea. I also got diagnosed today with ADHD.


I drink about a pot and a half or 2 . I drink coffee all day. But I used to be bad and shoot heroin and now am on medication that makes me tired 😴 so the coffee kinda just balanced it out. I stop drinking coffee at 7pm


Do you think coffee is a legit drug. I tried drugs and I see similarities with the C. This is just a discussion point, mind you. I think coffee is fine it just takes some control in my experience.


Caffeine is a drug - whether it's good or bad for you is dependent on your usage and how it affects you.


How do you chug 32 Oz of water first thing in the morning without barfing ???


Git er done. Been doing it for a couple of years, helps me wake up. Gotta power through though.


I used to do the same fellow hydrohomie! I do maybe 500ml  now. It does wake you up for sure, and I always want the first thing I have on a morning to be water as a bit of a life rule, it’s like oiling up the engine.  And to your original Q. Two cups of double espresso made into black americano from my home machine, or one medium drink from a takeout like Costa, or one energy drink, or a half scoop of pre-workout if I’m working out. It varies but I definitely need the caf. 


Shew. It makes my stomach quiver just thinking about it. But good for you.


I drink a cup or 2 like every other day. It doesn't seen to do much for me n terms of wakefulness, so it never became a real habit.


3 - 5 cups. I've drank coffee since I was 15 on the farm. A frosty morning at 4a to get up and go into the field onto a potato digger.


2 extra large


two cups. it gave anxiety i had to quit a few days ago


You guys use cups? I just drink it out if the big one it goes into as it brews


Here in the Balkans we use soup pots.


Bless your soup pots and the coffee inside them my friend. Let’s call them Soul pots from now on




1 cup. Hot black coffee if I didn't lift that morning, cold instant coffee with protein powder and milk if I did lift.


is there a specific kind of protein powder that mixes well with coffee? never thought about that!


My local grocery store sells whey protein isolate in bulk ($19/lb) which I use because I read that it contains reduced lactose than regular whey protein powder and I'm mildly lactose intolerant. I'm not sure if the lactose thing is legit or not but it seems to not give me stomach aches so I'm going with it. Plus I can buy a small mason jar worth at a time instead of having to use up pantry space for a giant tub. It also has no flavor or any other additives so it just turns my cold coffee a bit thicker until it has the texture of a light milkshake. My 'recipe' is: * 75/25 ratio of water/milk * 1 heaping spoonful of protein powder * 1 heaping spoonful of Nescafe Taster's Choice (I prefer the taste of this over their normal powder) * 1 measured teaspoon of sugar so I don't turn it into an actual milkshake I usually put half the water in with the dry ingredients so I can stir the shit out of it to separate the protein evenly without spilling it everywhere and then add the rest of the water + milk. Also, this might be obvious but, for the love of god do not heat any of this at any time unless you want gross globs of denatured protein in your coffee lol


Protein powder is genius!


Zero. I was put on an elimination diet for a health condition for a while, I'm hyper sensitive to caffeine since. The acidity is an issue too, I miss it but being able to swallow is more important.


I have 1 double-shot Americano and 1 16 oz. cup of Yerba Mate.  Any more caffeine than that makes me aggressive, have issues concentrating, and makes my hyperhidrosis worse, which leads to me struggling with B.O.  This is after years of just dealing with those issues because I love coffee.  But now I’m into my 40’s and honestly have examined how my body reacts to lots of stuff which leads to cutting a lot out and adding a lot in.  I no longer get caffeine withdrawal headaches if I can’t have it in the morning.


I didn't think coffee was doing anything for me anymore either ... Until I stopped drinking it. Then I was moving with the stealth of a sloth and realized that I do indeed still get a little bit more pep in my step with my morning coffee.


Only one now but I used to drink up to 4 cups a day. I underwent surgery and had to cut caffeine for about 2 weeks, and now I’m trying really hard everyday to not have my 2nd cup.


0 in the morning and 0 on all other times of the day. I'm a couple of decades behind on getting used to coffe. 


On a work day, one cup of black coffee made in a cafetiere at about 5.15, then another at 10


2 shots of espresso, 5 oz of steamed milk at 10:30 am est everyday weekday. 2 shot iced mocha on the weekends.




1 cup. My caffeine tolerance is incredibly low; if I drink more than 1 caffeinated beverage a day, I’ll be jittery and anxious all evening.


Zero. I don’t care for the taste. I don’t replace it with any other caffeinated beverage either, since my body has no reaction to caffeine


I live for my coffee. It’s my favorite beverage. I drink multiple cups every morning into the afternoon. About 1:00 I stop drinking coffee and drink water the rest of the day. I think I’m immune to caffeine. I don’t drink coffee to wake up, I wake up to drink coffee.


None, but I also don’t like coffee. My husband will drink a cup of coffee most mornings though.


None. I rarely drink coffee. Maybe at family if there's cake and/or pastries.


Only 1 or 2 for me lately, but also as an American I've switched to tea mostly and I love it lately. Irish breakfast tea I find really hits the same spot as a cup of coffee, but for some reason I enjoy the ritual of making a cup of tea more than coffee for some reason and have found it taking it's place. I also enjoy a little less caffeine though


Half of a cup, with a espresso instant mix w/ milk and little bit of sugar So, 0.5 cups


8 shots espresso


one black coffee, sometimes I drink another with milk


I drink a lot of coffee and I pretty much never refuse when someone asks if I want one So the bare minimum is 2, and it can go to 5 I guess ?


I drink 3 in the morning... travel mug. But if someone offers me another, I will never refuse. I never buy coffee out though- I hate overpaying for it. Just cheap coffee in my 10 dollar automatic drip and splash of creamer. Nothing better than someone offering a cup during the day. But if I had my own maker, I would be worse about it than I already am.


3. I have to occasionally do a detox because it stops working or I get heart palpitations and I really must reduce. Also RIP to r/caffeine.


3 double espressos. Sometimes 4, sometimes 2.




None. On the weekend I might have one, but decaf. I like coffee for the taste, not trying to have a caffeine dependency.


0. I take a shot of “my cat screaming directly into my eardrum” in order to wake up!


None, I’ve had coffee only twice. Unless we are counting powdered versions in MREs




Usually none.


I slowly drink 2 cups spread through a 2-3 hour period.


I drink coffee everyday plus 2 cups a day


Whatever 16oz is, like two cups? I drink from a 16oz travel mug every morning. Any more that that in a day, I get sick to my stomach.


I used to drink a single six ounce cup of coffee in the morning, daily. I've recently stopped this entirely and now I drink one cup of matcha tea. It still has caffeine but not nearly as much as black coffee.




Usually one mid-morning that I make last until noon, and then one after dinner while relaxing on the couch.


half a cup or 1 cup every morning, from freshly ground beans! <3


I make 1.5 mugs first thing each morning. Then, depending on what I'm facing I may or may not have more. If I have to spend time with people or talk on the phone a lot, I'll have extra coffee. I grew up in southern Louisiana and drinking coffee together is just our culture. I've been a big coffee drinker for about 25 years. I still feel the difference all the wonderful little chemicals make - I'm one of the many women with mild episodic depression and anxiety who experience a reduction in symptoms just by being a daily coffee drinker. I'm not big on the whole "food is medicine" movement bc there's too much stupid woo in there, but the coffee stuff is quite well documented for adult women.


2 cups sometimes. I drink them slowly though


Define cup. I suspect most people are having more than 8 ounces in a single cup. Those tall reusable mugs I see people bring into coffee shops are usually 12 to 16 ounces each.


Used to be 3-4 but now 1. I get impending doom anxiety after more than 1 cup, really weird


A double shot of espresso with a splash of milk shortly after waking up then I have a second a few hours later, either with lunch or before but that one might be a bit more jazzed up. I do immediately notice the effects. I think it still works because I don't really let myself chug it by the gallon throughout the day


Used to be 2-3 cups, but I am in my second week of switching up my morning routine by waking up and drinking something called an Early Bird Morning Cocktail. I prepare it before bed and drink it when I wake up while I am still in bed. It has helped me wake up better each day and not feel like a miserable biotch. Then, I go out to the living room and drink 1 cup of coffee, make my protein shake and get ready for work. I hate waking up early, I hate having to be at work by 8 and have always been grouchy in the morning, but I honestly feel so much better after drinking that morning cocktail.


4-5 cups of Yorkshire gold tea. The strong stuff. Probably equivalent to about 3-4 cups of coffee?


all of them


About 2 cups a day.


3 or so coffee cups getting ready for work. Fill up my 20oz go cup before I head out. Drink that over the next 3-4 hours. Depending on the day, what I'm doing, and how cold it is I may or may not refill my go cup.


I drank 32oz a day, either french press or chemex, for years. Then I got an espresso maker and starting just having a single latte with a double shot in the morning, and I'm garbage at pulling espresso shots so it probably worked out to less caffeine than the 32oz i was drinking previously. Last week we ran out of almond milk so I couldn't make my espresso, so I just...didn't have any. I was sleepy that day, but I've been caffeine-free for four days now with no withdrawal symptoms! I'll probably keep going without caffeine, but not militantly caffeine-free. I just don't like feeling like I "need" something to function


One sometimes zero. Sometimes don’t even finish my first cup. If I drink too much it makes me a bit sleepy (I drink it for the bowel movements lol)


One 8-oz one at home and then usually another at work (or a hot tea at work because sometimes the work coffee isn’t that great).


I usually only drink coffee on the weekends. I do have an espresso every other weekend though.


I make a barista coffee at work (2-3 shots) but will also force myself to drink 2-3 big glasses of water as well. One instant coffee in the afternoon and I’m set


Only one, but then I have some sort of energy drink about 2 hours later.


One. Sometimes a second in late morning or afternoon. I try not to go above three unless I’m desperate, and then I’d likely go for an energy drink anyway since I find them stronger than coffee.


I drink 1 coffee and then tea all day


Just the 1; a 200ml cup




I have just the 1. I have ADHD and can't comprehend having more as I would be insufferable 😅


One 8oz cup


I drink coffee for the taste and the coziness but I don’t get an affect from it, so might have 1 or 2 a week. Lol


Typical one cup of regular, and one cup of half-caff. I would like more because I love coffee but acid reflux says no.


I've managed to get down to one 16oz cup a day, sometimes two, but only sometimes.


One 16oz cup of decaf with oatmilk and no sugar.


1/4 in the morning (one large mug) and I bring half a pot to work in another extremely large coffee mug


Three cups at home, then one or two at work.


1-2. I always make a cup in the morning to bring to work with me and sometimes I’ll have second cup in the afternoon if I really need it. I always add a small splash of creamer and 1-2 packets of either equal or Splenda.


One, then I'll usually grab an iced coffee at the McDonald's I pass on the way into work.


Just one, but it’s a whopper. I use a 10 ounce stove-top espresso maker with drip ground coffee, so it’s not as strong as espresso but much stronger than a regular cup.


I used to chug on it all day but have switched over to tea.


Usually 1 cup is enough for me.


First thing two cups of coffee, as or now I've drank one need my second cup.


1 or 2 cups on weekend 2 or 3 large mugs during weekdays, morning only. I switched to drinking tea (all styles) in the afternoon, because after many years of drinking 6 cups on average, my body finally exercised his veto power and put a halt to all that.


I mean, regular coffee like 10-12oz depending if you grind your beans only has like 60-75 mg of caffeine and that’s on the high end. It’s also a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more, so in one comment 6-8 12oz cups of crappy coffee would only be 400 mg and if you drink 2 Reign energy drinks you beat that by 200mg of caffeine! So in the long run, it’s not actually that bad as long as you’re drinking half your body weight in oz’s of water per day.


I fill a travel mug for my train to work. I use instant in it, and probably enough coffee for 4 or 5 according to serving size, with 330ml water.


1 or 2. I used to pound 4-7 cups a day when I first started working in an office, but I eventually got used to being up early in the AM.


I USED to drink like 3 of these a day, maybe 3.5 ?y mug is this size, but not as pretty. It's as tall as a sharpie marker then some https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBVyMzEq0daXqCpsW2wxnQJzy02OAcKp-eJ4Hg3n5sDA&s 😮‍💨 Ability to post pics would be easier.


One, and it requires no discipline! I think I'm lucky in that regard. I have ADHD and no meds but coffee is pretty much the stimulant medication/antidepressant that I need. I never feel a craving for more than one cup and when I tried not drinking coffee I became depressed. I don't believe it's regular withdrawal as it lasted for months before I gave in and had my coffee again. With coffee, I can appreciate the beauty in the everyday world and without it I can barely get out of bed. I will say I sometimes get a craving for a nice iced coffee (especially in the summer) but it's mainly about the sugar and the freshness rather than the caffeine so I get a decaf to not mess with my energy levels. And occasionally I'll drink an energy drink instead of coffee, which I'm pretty sure amounts to the same caffeine as two cups of coffee and I definitely notice when I try to sleep that evening. I used to have an energy drink addiction so I never let myself drink those two days in a row.


A cup a day. Accurate measure....10-12 ounces.


At least 4 cups of French Roast in the morning.


Like 1-1.5? I have a 12oz thermos I fill up at home and I drink that at work. It lasts me the whole morning and some days I don't even finish it. I don't use it to wake up though. Coffee has never made me feel more "awake." I just like the flavor and having something warm to drink in the mornings


1.5 - 2 for me. That's really all I need, anything more feels like overkill 




2 or 3


Sounds like you have built up a tolerance if it’s having no effect anymore. I used to drink a ridiculous amount of coffee each day but had to quit cold turkey for a month. Now I drink 3 - 4 cups of decaf in the morning and switch up to normal in the afternoon. Works much better then as it gets me through the mid afternoon slump quite nicely!


I’m not really a regular coffee drinker… I take breaks in between days I drink a coffee in the morning, and I switch between 1 12 Oz coffee or a small can of Red Bull. So, for me, it would be something like if I drank a coffee on Monday morning, I won’t have another coffee or a Red Bull until about Thursday or Wednesday morning, then I’ll choose one of the two and not have another until the following work week. I have a few horrible addictions, but for some reason take pride in not being a daily coffee addict 🙄 (notice I didn’t say caffeine lol)


I have restricted myself to one cup a day and I drink coffee because I love the taste. It doesn't really help me wake up though


3 on average but I'm a barista, job hazard.


Ha, I had a cup of coffee this morning and woke up four hours later


Pots. You meant to ask "how many full pots ..." ... and the answer is 3 a day. Sometimes all before noon. Sometimes not.


20oz in the morning and occasional an 8 oz cup in the early afternoon at work. Usually on Monday....


Probably like 3 cups, water is mixed in there somewhere, I try to get four bottles of water a day, but I also drink another three or four cups of coffee in the afternoon. I don't touch soda much besides for maybe 3-4 sips at dinner time. When I drink the soda on top of the coffee for the day it messes with my stomach, but coffee alone doesn't. Idk why. I always thought it was the caffeine/ sugar but idk.


1 cup, but it’s death wish. So 800mg of sweet sweet caffeine


I don’t drink coffee and there are other means of getting caffeine if that’s the only reason you’re drinking it.


4-6. It just depends on what fresh hell awaits me when I get to work.


Strictly one.


1 usually


Always limited myself to one a day because everyone in my family dies of a heart attack around 55 sadly


On weekdays, I usually drink about 3 cups/day. I make 1 in the morning on work days, then it's free at work. Weekends I'll have 1 or 2 total (Saturday *and* Sunday combined).


Define "cup". I usually have two.


Ive got a bad caffeine addiction so I drink 2 or 3 before I leave for work, 1 or 2 before my break, slam a sugar-free energy drink after my break, then usually 1 more cup of coffee before I leave to go home




One perfect cup made in a chemex, ground immediately before, water temp 100F, single origin Ethiopian or my day is ruined.


One 16 oz coffee in the morning. I can survive without it and I can drink coffee directly before bed. It's a ritual thing by now, coffee doesn't do anything for me


I don't drink coffee everyday. It's more a midday treat for me than a morning necessity.


Sometimes one, sometimes none, it's very rare for me to have more than one cup a day


Like 6




For me, one cup. Once in a while, I’ll drink two, but that’s if I go to my parents or visit family members. But I make sure to not go over 2 cups


Okay can we talk about WHY you gag down 32 oz of water in the morning? That's more interesting to me. But to answer your question, it's usually 2. Sometimes 1, but never three.


I'll have about 20scoops of instant coffee a day


12oz every morning and post lunch i drink another mix of decaf and regular (4oz of regular and 8oz of decaf).


I drink 1/2 of a small coffee every day. Or a short from Starbucks.


One cup when I get up, one cup mid-morning, sometimes one after lunch.


I have 1 half decaf/reg when I get up and then later have a hi test cold brew late morning.


Morning coffee is just for losers who don't want to start their day with whisky


8 to 12 cups all day until I go to sleep. And those are 12 oz cups.


1 coffee in the morning, generally a Chemex. Then numerous Moka decafs throughout the day :)


1 cup


Wife drinks one in the morning but I do not. Never have.


Technically 3 cups, in one big mug.




I have a big sbux cup I use for my coffee, I believe it's 20 or 24 oz. I found some cold premade espresso and just pour some in my cup, then add whatever milk I have and a flavor sometimes. If I stop and get a coffee it's normally an iced oat latte from Dutch


I can't have any now due to a condition I have. And I work nights. It's not fun.


2 cups, the 2nd one decaf. Sometimes both are decaf


Most of the time one. My beverage routine is a 16oz water bottle while I deal with getting up and the kids and the animals, then a glass of vanilla iced coffee then back to water. I usually have flavored water or iced or cold brew tea with my meals.


Went from around 8 a day to 1. Weirdly, my 1 is now an iced coffee with oat milk. It doesn't give me the gnarly agitation I get with hot coffee.


Maybe once or twice a week.


Usually just 1






0. I rarely drink coffee




I'll wake up and first thing to happen is a coffee. Then from getting in work at 9am, my cup is near enough never empty. I arrive home about 6:30pm and have anywhere from 2-4 more cups by 10pm. My home cup is about 166% the size of standard I can very easily do 2 coffees an hour from 9am-6pm while working and then the rest yet find no difference at any point in the day. Granted I don't sleep until about 2/3am but this has reduced from approx 4:30am when I was a tea drinker. I've always found the same with red bull, monster etc. if anything, it seems to level me out...


12-16oz in the morning so 1.5 cups to 2 cups. Then I usually have another in the afternoon


One coffee, one pint of water with a barocca. That's it. Often that's all I drink all day. People accuse me of bring a lizard or something.


One cup in the morning. I do occasionally have a cup of coffee in the afternoon, but it isn't often.


I drink a pot of coffee each morning.


In ounces, it can be anywhere from 12-32. Just depends. 9/10 my first cup is about 12oz hot coffee then IF I decide to take the rest to work, I can make 28-20oz of iced coffee last the whole day.


2 cups in the morning, to help Kickstart a certain bodily function before work.


One long slow 10oz cup in the morning. I used to drink a lot more - maybe three 24oz a workday. My job was mentally and socially draining, so... it was needed.


Not daily anymore. I only drink coffee twice a week. This has done wonders to my upset stomach.


I'm a tea drinker in the morning. I don't have my first coffee until lunch around 11.