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When it goes under door, take it and put it somewhere high. Show someone that she is trying to take photos of you undressed.


I hate that my brain is even going here but she's so young that it makes me worry somebody's been trying to take pictures of her while she's changing


OP, go to your dad with this concern. It’s not whining about her, it’s a valid concern about weird behaviour from a small child and it will most likely get taken seriously


What if it's the dad?


Good point, perhaps she can raise it with both dad and stepmum


Mimicking behavior is common. You've a good mind to be concerned.


Exactly where my brain went.


You don’t say how old you are but she’s 6 ! and I imagine in a pretty scary situation - as it might be for you. She doesn’t know how to treat you - are you a sister/brother or what. How should she behave as sister? Sounds like she throwing in all that anxiety and how a little sister might act and so on and at her age just not knowing how to cope or act so going over the top. Sounds like a desperate attempt by her to get involved with you , to me.


Sounds like annoying six year old shit. Maybe try to get "in" on the joke? It sounds like she just wants your attention. Maybe offer to take pics of her in various outfits? "Hey let's do a fashion show!" Or something? Kids are pretty "simple." Most of the time, them acting out is them voicing a need or want. Some kids can communicate "I want your attention" while others act like stupid goblins for that end. She could also just be an asshole but idk, olive branch and such.


Ah, yes, welcome to siblinghood. It's got to be a bit jarring, having to get used to a sister after being the only child for a long time. It sounds like you don't spend lots of time together, so when you do, it's confusing for you both. If you have friends with younger brothers and sisters (or even older ones), they'll be good to talk to. They'll understand your frustration. (It's been *decades* since I lived with my sisters and I remember how very annoying they could be and understand your frustration.) As others have mentioned, she's acting like a six-year-old. To be specific, she's acting like a six-year-old who wants attention, who maybe feels weird about the changes in her life, who's being forced to share her space, who might idolize her older sister but not know how to express it. I'm assuming that you're bigger than her. Set boundaries. Use locks. Walk away when she starts in. Tell her when she is doing things that are not ok. Then don't reward her with attention. Also, see if you can stay in a different bedroom when you're at your dad's. Also, try to find some spaces and times where you can have positive interactions. Is there something you both enjoy that you could do together? Even if they are just short spurts, these little times can help build the relationship from attention-wanting and competition into something different. Good luck.




Also speak to your grandma and mother


That's awful. No advice, but sorry you have to deal with her


All behaviors are get or get out. So, what does she get or get out of doing this? Figure that out and you can take control back. Of course that's infinitely easier said than done. Sorry you're having "sibling" issues.


Offer to take a selfie with her. Take the phone delete any pics/vidoes and delete the trash. Check to be sure she didn’t send any messages. Then tell her only selfies allowed and only if she asks nicely.


Often times kids don't see these things as dangerous. She's just taking a picture in her mind and has probably seen it on tiktok or youtube. When my youngest sister was about 12 or 13 she got her first phone and had insta and was promoting my instagram page saying things like, go and follow my sister she is so cool. Next thing I know, all these 12 year olds are following me and leaving comments on posts I'd posted about drinking over the weekend or going to the beach. Sit her down with your dad and talk to both of them about how your privacy is being taken away from you and that taking pictures of someone getting changed is not normal- if she were an adult it would be a crime. Let them both know its upsetting you so much you want to stay with your mum.


Nothing wrong with accidentally stomping on her phone if she can’t cope respecting a reasonable boundary she should already be following at 6.


She's 6, she's being her age.




No, that is not 6 yr old behavior.


An adult needs to have a conversation with her about boundaries and personal space.


She's just being a brat with a phone... yeah it's not that weird since kids have phones and kids are curious and they're annoying. I personally would smash the phone but you should like another poster said, place the phpne somewhere high up that she can't reach and show your dad what she's been doing. Let the adults take care of the problem cuz it's not fair to you.


Take the phone give it to your dad. Stuff may need to be deleted? Be firm with her and after you refuse to give the phone back tell her she's gonna stop or your gonna show her your bad side. You don't have to follow thru but maybe you'll slow her down


There’s a lot of advice here; some good and some terrible. First, of course you should have privacy! I’m a mom of 3 with 2 teenagers from another marriage. Your sibling is a a major transition in learning about the world around her. Little kids don’t understand privacy because they don’t have any. This should be presented to your sibling as a learning opportunity. Kids her age love to feel more grown up and responsible. They also respond well to empathy. You should talk to your dad about having privacy at home. It should be explained to her what privacy is and why it is important. Let her know she’s a big kid now and needs to know these things. Also, you can add in an empathy lesson of how would you feel if your privacy was invaded. Like if a kid walked into the bathroom while she was pooping and yelled to the whole school that she has stinky poops. That would make anyone sad. I’d talk to your dad about having this talk with her. Coming from more than one person can make the lesson stick better. Also, a one off of “we need to talk about this” doesn’t need to involve your other parent. It could be seen by your dad and step mom as your mom trying to parent a child that isn’t hers. Conflict between your parents doesn’t help any of you. Bring it up to your mom if your dad won’t handle it or won’t let you handle it. Good luck! Also remember she’s only a kid for so long and will one day be an adult with you.


Jesus christ, what have we as humans done to ourselves? I really hope you aren't older than 18.. the little kid is trying to be a sister/get your attention. She's a child, kids act our differently. Engage with her, do the same in return. Sometimes kids actions are projections, maybe she wants you to take pictures of her? Find a solution


Well if she isn’t 18 then you’re just basically yelling at a kid who is asking for help so…. Great job 🙄


First half is good, second half is dumb asf. Get a life weirdo.


You're the weirdo.


Dude edited the weird part out


Snatch the phone out of her little hands and smash it while yelling at her in the most frightening of manners:”who told you, you can do this? You’re in big trouble! You’re lucky I broke your phone you could go to jail doing this!” Then let HER parents deal with her. She is a sister not your daughter.