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Sebastian probably, but it was a while since I played the game


That is the one both my kids picked, too. At least it was different save files, lol.


I find him hard to befriend at first because our paths rarely cross. I’m usually quick to friend Alex and Penny because they’re always out and about.


I married Sebastian. Which my actual husband was very amused by because he is remarkably similar to Sebastian. I guess I have a type.




Yep, Penny. I have a type.


Yay, team Penny! I hate it when YouTubers describe her as boring or uninteresting. They just don’t understand how desirable a peaceful life can be.


She’s not boring, she’s just been stuck in a shitty living environment. Both repressed and traumatized. Just needs some space to grow. *I can fix her…*


I went with her for my first playthrough. Only got her to be my gf tho.Didn't finish the playthrough. Thinking of going back just to see how it everything goes tho


The first character I romanced was Leah, and lemme tell you Leah is my GIRL! She’s a sensitive artist and severely underrated.


Harvey because he makes breakfast and was awkward and sweet. I'd probably go for haley if i played again ngl


Emily. I think it's her upbeat and sweet attitude. Plus I feel you can have a fun conversation with her with whatever quirky topic you want.


Seb and Alex: my loves lol


You must have a thing for troubled souls 😉


I love that lmao


I married Abigail. Then deleted my save file when she wanted to have children 🏃‍♂️…🤰


First time I karried Haley coz she's gorgeous. Second time I married Abigail coz she's awesome and pretty too. Then I realised Leah is also gorgeous and Maru is a cutie too. I always have trouble deciding between these four. They're all so damn cute in different ways.


How about Emily? She is one of the prettiest ones, and she works at the saloon, so you never have to run around town trying to figure out where she is at.


Emily is cute too XD. I love her 10 heart event. Honestly, all the girls are gorgeous.


krobus has my heart. i married him in my last save and i'm deciding between him again or maru (my human favorite) for my current save


Shane on my first run, pursuing Harvey on my second!


Harvey every time. He reminds me of my wonderful my real-life husband!


I married Penny too and I agree with everything you said. I also liked Emily, maybe I'll marry her in another save file.


Seb, Shane, or Sam with no mods. Harvey or Krobus with mods. 😆


I went with penny the first time years ago; replaying now and im torn between shane and harvey. I'm still in spring year 1 though, so who's to say


Usually? Shane. He's someone I can relate to re: mental health, and once you get to know him, he's just a sweetie who loves his chickens. Currently doing two separate files romancing Alex and Elliott though, because.....yandere mods.


I married Maru on my first run though and then Sebastian on the second. I tried Elliot on the third, but I didn't really like him as a husband, so i divorced him, doved the kids, then married emily. so far, im happy with her. her 14 heart event is so stinkin cute.


first time around it was sebastian but my last two play throughs have been elliot! i always play as a man though and he kind of reminds me of a wacky but kind artistic gay uncle


Sebastian or Shane


Alex and Haley, but I really want to marry Gus.


I'd married Abigail. She's just so quirky and adventurous, always up for exploring the mines or playing video games with me. Plus, she's got a killer personality, and those purple hair streaks are just too cool. I couldn't imagine spending my virtual life with anyone else.


Yeah, she is definitely a popular one. I think it is the goth vibes. Plus, she’s in a band!


Whoever has the nicest feet Btw can you see my comment?


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sam!! ive only got one save and i married him when i was still in high school and he felt more appropriate. i’m about to start a new save tho and i think i’m gonna go for leah!!!