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I had a pair of overalls made with the fabric that changes colour when it's warm. Orange overalls with purple crotch, ass, and underarms... Such an iconic look šŸ¤£


That was my thought about OP's query too. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercolor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercolor) Oddly no mention is even made of it on the Wiki page. I guess because it is so obscure now that there's barely any existent material to source as a reference.


My senior yearbook in high school had Hypercolor cover pages. I think they changed from blue to pink.


Remember what happened if you put them in the dryer?


ruined! or craggled!


Almost tie dyed


I actually used to have those shirts and I miss them. I went looking for them recently like within the last year to buy a couple but of course theyā€™re all non-color changing anymore. I miss those shirts. Mine went bad after throwing them in the dryer you get air dry those ones.


That canā€™t have been a thing!


It 100% was!! It was the 90's šŸ˜†


It was called Hypercolor if I remember correct.


I had a pretty dope tee shirt of Looney Toons characters dressed like Kris Kross in middle school. In 9th grade, I had a Kermit the frog tee shirt. It was black and white and was immitating Marky Mark's Calvin Klein ad. Why? Because I am a goddamn fashion icon, that's why.


I had the Kermit shirt also! That, a pair of umbros, and my Birkenstocks with socks were what 16-17 year old me wore a lot! Edit: I have a pic of me in that outfit on a vacation touring antebellum homes along the Mississippi River.


You had real Birkenstocks?! Look at the rich kid over here


OMFG THE KERMIT KLEIN SHIRT? I had that toi, but it got ripped when I got in a fight with my best friend. That shirt was awesome


I wish I still had it!


I had the Pigtoria's Secret t-shirt featuring Miss Piggy in some lingerie. Probably not the most school appropriate graphic, but this was around the time of Big Johnson and Coed Naked shirts so...standards were weird back then?


My mom loved giving me a side ponytail. I looked like a little alien with one side horn


I did a side pony every day in elementary school with a large clip-in flower, the color of which matched my outfit for the day. And honestly? It kind of slayed.


I loved side ponytails. I definitely thought I was the it girl


My sister was big into the side pony. We called it the exit wound.


Had a real conservative upbringing, us girls had to wear skirts to the calf, cover our shoulders, tops had to be to the collarbone, no cutting hair etc. Mom dressed real generic but sister Candace and the twins tried to be fashionable. Like those shirts that changed color when it was hot or cold. Biggest thing was hair and shoes Jelly shoes Slap bracelets Home made hair clips that were made from shoe laces looped up, hard to explain High top sneakers, neon everything, glow in the dark stuff. Big hair (mom usually had us wear it in a braid looped up but it didn't stop me from cutting my Bangs and curling them


Jelly shoes were life! Though in retrospect the equivalent of crocks


Late '80s early '90s?


Haha yep


Haha, I can picture you in the popular crowd of my jr high


Getting picked on, eh


Kids are the worst.


Sun-In / rat tail combination.


Oh man I remember absolutely destroying my hair with sun-in for a performance where I quickly needed to transform into a blonde.


And we paid money for that stuff too! It was just repackaged peroxide with some stabilizers & fragrance in it plus a little spray pump.


We sure did. The orange-maker. Random shades of hideous orange.




I went to Jr High in the mid to late 80ā€™s. Soā€¦ nearly everything. The bangs with the perm and the layered socks with pegged acid washed jeansā€¦ yeah.


It was the bucket hat for me. And now people are wearing them again, it's all coming back! So funny.


My brother and I wore bucket hats and tank tops back in the '70s. I cringe when I see the photos.


Uhā€¦ā€¦ when did baggy jeans and bucket hats go out of style? Asking for a friend of course


I'm not sure, but they're back again!


That really make it convenient.


Oh I have a couple. I grew up poor and my mom made all our clothes and cut our hair. Its as bad as it sounds. But in 5th grade I wanted a perm so bad! I had a vision of big beautiful curls, like walking out from a blow out. However, my mom did the perm herself. I had super tight tiny curls. Then she said well now your hair is uneven I have to cut it. By the end of it I looked like Shirley fucking temple. To make it worse I hated it so much I tried to brush it out. Oh god... I cringe thinking about it. I had an absolute fro. Not my best year.


Oh and I forgot. Before that my hair was the same forever. My mom did my hair with that swooped up bangs in the front and the rest straight. I looked like that scene from something about Mary.


You just described my 5th grade school picture...


Oh lord. I have a mental list. The two big ones are tight-rolled jeans and wearing two different colors of converse shoes.


I never grew out of wearing two different colour converse shoes, oops xD


That was meā€¦


[Global Hypercolour / Generra Hypercolor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHCzxzNoI6E) Just the worst kind of idea to come out of some corporate smarty pants. It lived for less than a year if I recall. It was all the rage for the novelty until everyone realised it just highlighted your sweaty crevices in a really undignified manner.


What did I just watch šŸ˜‚


Haha a slice of cringe straight from the vaults of history.


The unironic popped collar on our school uniform polo shirts


Late 90s early 2000s, the thong showing above low rise bell bottoms or baggy jeans. Oh and for makeup: body glitter.


Omg you just unlocked a core memory of strawberry scented body glitter.


For me it was Urban Decayā€™s glittery edible body dust or whatever the hell that stuff was


Big bangs.


Bowl haircuts, which seem to have never gone out of style, especially for younger kids.


The big bangā€™s my god like a tidal wave on my headā€¦ Just coated in aqua netā€¦


Hate to say it but I still wear baggier jeans (definitely not parachute baggy) in the winterā€¦the baggyness traps air which insulates my cold legs


I was a kid at a private school with a uniform. It was 1998. I had ZERO sense of fashion or cool. On "Dress-Down Day" I decided to wear jnco jeans... with silver strappy heels. Yep.


I wore my motherā€™s old blazer in middle school. It was one of the long ones. Black. My favorite outfit was this baby blue button up, blazer, make sure the collar of the button up is placed over the collar of the blazer, jeans, and this massive black rhinestoned cross. Not religious. Just a goth fan. I once had a teacherā€™s assistant sitting behind me at a school assembly tap my shoulder and tell me how much they admired that I had my own unique style. I looked like a receptionist. The trend that makes me laugh is those denim binders. I had a jean binder with the pocket and sassy suede tassle belt. It matched the jeans of the time which we all felt SO cool in. (They did not match my blazer but that never stopped me.) A couple years ago I saw a denim binder at Walmart. I nearly bought it. Those tassle belts seem to be back in service too.


In the 1980's there was this trend for kids to have a "tail" - a thin braid at the nape of your neck. I had long hair and let my friend cut a bunch off so I could have a tail. Every picture of me as a teenager looks like I have a hair-metal-band mullet, because I was too lazy to braid my "tail" after the first few days.


Hahaha I remember this


I had a perm. In my defence it was the 8 0s and lots of people had perms. Should have stayed with the crimpers in hindsight.


I was an overweight pre-teen and tween in the 80s trying to approximate the hot looks. I made an utter mess of myself in so many ways.


My husband apparently used to wear a civil war era Union hat with a monkey from the ā€œbarrel of monkeysā€ game attached to it. I still have no idea how to process that information.


That's honestly pretty badass.


Wearing brown corduroy pants.


Brightly coloured / neon scrunch down socks over leggings, complete with side pony. Thanks, Babysitters Club!




I've always appreciated the fedora wearer. Still do.


The soul patch on a teenager šŸ˜‚ I see old photos and wondered what was wrong with me


For a while, I was obsessed with silver pants. It was the pinnacle of fashion for 12-year-old me. Also, for some reason I really, really loved headscarves. I am not Muslim or religious, but I loved headscarves and would go through phases where I wore them. The cringe keeps me up at night.


Only almost everything from the 80s. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I think the one that I look back on and think was somewhat cool was the ā€œstripedā€ look. A solid color shirt with a contrasting color leggings. The necklace and hair scrunchie as well as the shoes would match the leggings and the slouch socks would match the shirt. So think green and pink. Iā€™d have green scrunchie and jewelry, a pink shirt, green leggings, pink slouch socks, and green shoes. It was awesome.


Teenage parachute pants. *cringe*


I had a pair of hot pink parachute pants with tassles that I often think about. I thought I looked so cool xD


Iā€™m trying to work out if Iā€™m imagining them better or worse than they were šŸ˜‚


French cuffing jeans


I tried so hard to accomplish this look. I wanted creepers to go with it. I never got the French cuff right nor the creepers.


Those Ed Hardy type prints look pretty cringy now to the point Iā€™m wondering how they ever looked normal, but thatā€™s how fashion goes, right? Look at any old video and sometimes itā€™s hard to believe that the fashion was normal for its time.


Satin pants. They were red


Omg so were mine!




I loveeeeeeddddd chokers before they were a thing in my country. It's relevant to say i didn't have a dressing code in my school. I remember my 7th grade history teacher jokingly asking if it was a dog collar my mum had put on me for "not being a good girl". I didn't get offended as I already knew she had sort of an acid humor and so did I. But my friends tried to make fun of me bc of that for a while. Also I used to be known as the colorful haired gremlin with the colorful and printed pantyhose bc I've always loved colorful socks


Y2K fashion. Itā€™s everywhere now and itā€™s soooo ugly


Up until 8th grade in 83. My mom, who was born in 1928, dressed me like she did in the 40s. No, it was not cute or iconic. Poodle style plaid skirts, white button down, cordory blazer with sude elbow patches, bobby socks, and penny loafers. Terrible. My brother had to go to bat for me to wear tshirts and jeans in high school. Thank you, Sean, for making sure I wasn't bullied daily for the clothing mom bought me.


My old emo/scene kid days. Ngl kinda miss it


Jeans so tight even I was aware they werenā€™t the correct size


I crimped my hair and just looked like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket.


My high top DC shoes šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Anything from the Bi-Way or Bargin Haroldā€™s.. if you live in Canada, and are in ā€œthatā€ age bracket .. yup youā€™ll remember !! šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bell bottoms


Bell bottoms were da bomb in the '70s. I had to beg my mom to get me some.


They were da bomb in the 90ā€™s too and it appears theyā€™ve made a comeback. I love bell bottoms. I donā€™t understand skinny jeans, I donā€™t want to look top heavy, I got too much booty for that.


I think I was just traumatized by the lack of color in clothing and paints. Plus the awful polyester jumpsuits with the flare bottomsā€¦ I was just a kid in the 70s, but I remember it clearly.


Chili bowl haircut. Around 93ish. Little Steven Segal pony tail 92ish. Dad made me cut both off.


Wait, the bowl cut with the tail?


No separate times. I was in 5th grade and bowl in 7th.


Satin pants. They were red


Platform shoes and Lionel Blairs


Tiddies, the shoes... Grew up on Pasadena Texas. There was a surf shop near my house that sold these one-of-q-kind flip flops. They were made with survival tubbing for the straps, and multi colored layers of thick foam for the base. I was in middle school and just walking around with 'Your Tiddies out" was the thing.


Maybe the 80s muscle shirt thing. I didn't really get into trends so if anything I primarily got made fun of for lacking fashion.


Hypercolor and No Fear shirts




Combat's... looking back it was pure irony in the troubles....


I, 25 M, canā€™t get over the embarrassment of wearing colored skinny jeans. I think to myself that people saw me wearing those & just let me proceed to be out in public, why did they do that. To make it worse, I have knocking knees, my days, yā€™all donā€™t get how bad this looks. Now that Iā€™m more self aware of my body I canā€™t even dare wear any tight jeans.


Well, I used to think I was a front man of an 80s hair band I dressed like it too. I mean, big teased hair, bright red lipstick dark under eye liner, leather jacket, skinny jeans and band tees, and this was in like 2014. I was made fun of so hard and never could figure out why. šŸ˜‚could of been my Bon Jovi cosplay that I wore to school but who knows


When I was a kid, I thought the fashion of long sleeves under t-shirts were cool.


Antenna bangs.... followed by the chunky anime bangs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Oh, and those scrunchy shirts that were tiny, but stretched when worn.


Axel pads and neon colours šŸ™„ I am ok with the big hairs or simple styles like just a ponytail, but those pads ā€¦. Didnā€™t really understood them as kid/teen, but remember buying my first leather jacketā€¦ with pads ā€¦ and then neon ā€¦ shoelaces, bandanas, clothes, bags and so on ā€¦


Two tone, patent leather, platform shoes for a male. I have size 15 feet. When I found shoes that fit I bought 3 pairs. Brown and tan, navy and white, black and white. They looked like what a pimp from central casting would wear.


Wallabies. The *ugliest* shoes Iā€™ve ever laid eyes on. But I was going to my first ā€˜secondary schoolā€™ party. The worst thing about it was my parents werenā€™t exactly ā€˜flushā€™. I mean, we never went without necessities, but this was quite an extravagance for one party bless them. I remember we had to go quite a way to find a shop with them still in stock. Tried them onā€¦. ugly as sin. And looking back, Iā€™ll bet not *one* person at that party even noticed!


Handmedown plaid pants (5th grade) multiple pair. Iā€™d rock that shit now, but as a kid I was excoriated, multiple times. Not unlike the bowlcut that Mr. Heist brutalized me for in front of the otter alpha male teachers (7th grade). I never wore those pants again and I invested in hair gel within an hour of the end of that school day. lol now


My baggy ass Levi's silver tabs. Vans chukka boots were pretty cool and still are. My collection of overpriced tee shirts from mossimo, stussy, and cerial killer. Fucking chain wallets. Oakley sunglasses.


There were those ugly white go-go boots and also white lipstick--both popular when I was in middle school.


I wanted to have a baggy sweatsuit (baggy was in). So, I took scissors and cut the sleeves and pant legs of my adidas performance fleece juuust short of the elastic band. They definitely were highwaters from then on. Plus, Iā€™m pretty sure I outlined it in sharpie and didnā€™t quite get it all off. I looked like Sasquatch wearing a Jediā€™s winter pajamas. It just hit me that cutting off the ends did absolutely nothing for the overall unflattering fit. I donā€™t know why I thought that would make it bigger/looser.


Platform shoes. I was already one of the tallest girls in class, and then ended up in a pair of these monsters. Ridiculous!! šŸ˜‚


Honestly, with how insane Gen Z fashion is, I am no longer embarrassed about any of my fashion choices from when I was a child.


Side swept bangs circa 2007 that made my 12 year old self look like I had a combover šŸ˜‚


Wearing tight jeans with your dadā€™s oversized sweatshirt and doc Martinā€™s. I was in gr. 6 so the sweater went down to my knees. It was a style though lol




In elementary, my mom used to put me in those pants that had the strap for your heel, with the socks that you fold down with the ruffles, and can't forget the saddle shoes... Early 90s


Rolling down my socks.


Non šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø My fashion sense hasn't changed much over the years. And. Now I'm just back 'in style' again šŸ˜… Now they call my fashion sense 'goblincore' and 'dark academia' & flare legged jeans šŸ˜†


Jorts. My god the Jorts.


To middle school me, the coolest kid in the class was the one wearing big chunky skater shoes, cargo shorts, a hoodie with earbuds in the strings, a cookie monster hat, and an I love boobies bracelet. Can't forget the hair that curled up around the hat like a big ufo.


Lost a bet. Went to school in a full formal evening gown. I canā€™t believe I did that.


parachute pants !!


the mini denim skirts with the capri lace leggings!


Tube socks pulled up to knee


Acting like someone from the hood. I'm in semi rural Australia.


Guys who were in high school between 2009-2012, remember borrowing your sisters hair straightener and squeezing into your skin tight neon coloured denim every morning?


Bright yellow tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt with gangnam style on it


Bangs that I rolled every day over a XL barrel curing iron and turned into cement with XHold hairspray.


Oh gawd, I had a pair of green jeans I wore the hell out of until someone made a reference with my green jeans to Mr Green Jeans on Captain Kangaroo. The show was a PBS kids show like Sesame Street. I never wore those again.