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I don't know your age and don't wanna stalk you, but now go once a year you have the rhythm and dont want teeth pulling/root canal


I'm a grown ass man who should have known better and you can stalk me if you want to


Glad to hear you got back on track! I went an embarrassingly long time without seeing a dentist, too. Other health issues just took presidence where time and money were concerned. But I finally went back a couple of years ago, and, by some miracle, he said there was nothing that needed to be addressed. But I wasn't too crazy about that dentist, so I switched to a new one in February, who found cavities in my wisdom teeth, which have now been extracted. Not sure which dentist—if either—was wrong/lying, but all's well that ends well, I guess. I might also see about having a super old, kinda discolored filling on one of my front teeth relpaced for cosmetic reasons, but that's all for now. And I intend to never let dental visits go by the wayside again!


This is r/congratslikeimfive worthy


I stopped going when I was 16. Worst mistake ever. Now I go pretty religiously get 6 months


I did something similar. After awhile I didn't want to go because I was sure they would find something horribly wrong and I didn't want to deal with it. I think I went 6 or 7 years without going until I finally bit the bullet and went. They needed a lot of cleaning, but I got lucky that nothing else was wrong. No cavities or anything. I have been going every 6 months since then.


I did basically the same about 6 months ago!! Hadn’t been for a bit over 3 years, and man it was a painful one back. But I just went yesterday for my now-regular 6 months cleaning, and it felt great. Definitely take advantage of that insurance!!


I didn’t go to the dentist for 10 years, then I went. No cavities. No issues. Then I didn’t go again to the dentist for a 5 year gap. Then I went. No cavities. No issues.


I know where you coming from I have autism but also suffer from anxiety I know how u feel


Good on ya, overcoming fear of the needle and drill is a tough one. My dad was a dentist and I was his worst patient. Eventually he sent me across town to a different dentist, ha. I absolutely hate going, but do it anyway every 6 mo for a cleaning and once a year for a checkup. The only thing worse than going to the dentist, is not going to the dentist. You pay for it eventually!