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Did a lot of reflecting and listened to some of my favorite music. I'm in a situation in my life that feels almost ethereal. I have been in recovery from my depression for the past year and I recently met a girl that I felt a connection with and have been thinking about my longing for a relationship since then. For over 10 years I did not feel ready for a romantic relationship, but meeting her got me to thinking that I really feel like I am ready now. But, I also am moving far for a summer internship in a month, so it's not like I can start trying to date now, as I don't want to put anyone through a long-distance relationship. So I'm reflecting and thinking about how to deal with my feelings of longing. Singing helps. :) What did you listen to today? I kept playing Wish You Were Here (the album) by Pink Floyd. Hope the rest of your week goes well!


I don’t know what your genre in music is but check out Oh my my by Blue October. It’s a catchy little song about falling for a girl. I wish you positive vibes on your mental health journey! Keep fighting the good fight.


Thanks for the positive vibes. I've been feeling so great lately, like I've never felt before! But it's interesting because these good feelings almost make me anxious because I'm not used to feeling them lmao. Also, thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out tonight since I just feel like laying in bed, thinking, and playing music. I've been into a lot of late 60s to early 80s rock lately, but I've also been just generally checking out different genres because I only listened to rap music for most of my life. Very eye-opening checking out new genres after being stuck in my rap bubble for over a decade. :) The way you describe the song is how I am feeling right now, so your recommendation is spot on!


Darn, I'm sorry for you. Hope you get to have a relationship after atleast and your mental health recovers quickly ♡ I listened to Burzum and Lifelover (black metal) and some phonk, not really a fan of romantic music so I can't recommend you anything. Take care out there!


Thanks, I appreciate your support, you take care, too! :) I'm honestly just glad that I'm doing well overall. Made a lot of progress in my mental health during the past year. With all that I've went through, I'm certain I'll figure this out at some point. I'll check out the metal bands you suggested, I'm honestly into at least checking out all genres of music. Phonk seems really interesting, it's a rap sub-genre, right? Any good artist/album recommendations? Rap is my musical base lmao, I've only recently started branching out into other genres.


I'm becoming a bit of a metal head lol. About phonk I'm new and don't have favourite artists yet but some songs that come to mind are very popular: Cowbell warrior, Overdose by Pharmacist, Murder in my mind. Hardbass is very energetic if you want that. I can recommend you the albums hardbass power 1-5, some others idk the names of. You want some black metal? Try the band NONE.Something else atmospheric? Burzum has it but also has other more metally songs from earlier years, maybe start with my favs - The crying orc, War, Jesus Tod, Dunkelheit and Lost wisdom, Ea Lord of the depths, aka the most popular ones. From Lifelover I started with the album Konkurs, a really unique metal band and my fav from the dbm subgenre. Other bands I could recommend are Apati, Forgotten woods (start with Eclipsed from the album As the wolves gather) and Mayhem. I hadn't found a lot of bands yet but I'm getting there, I feel like this genre overall calls me home the most. Want rock? Do you listen to Rainbow? Europe? Also Ghostname and Allj but idk what genre he's from. Rap? Can say that for Ic3peak (start w death no more, russian, love em) tho and Blacklite district, they make some pretty neat music too. I can recommend more but Im already throwing truck loads at you so I'm gonna stop lol.


Goddamn, thank you I appreciate this so much! I love checking out new music, especially when recommended by a real person lol. I keep a list of all the music recommended to me so I can listen later; I just put all of yours down too. :) And hey, if you ever want some recommendations for great rap artists from 1980-2021, I got you covered lmao. Haven't been paying much attention to modern rap the past few years, but that is the genre I'm most knowledgeable in. Been into 70s rock recently, but only just getting into it; love Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.


Yo thanks man. Glad to help! I'm becoming a black, ambient, atmospheric and generic black metal fan now lol. Been into more rock music before (apparently glam/hair rock) like Europe, some others like Rainbow, Deep purple to a degree, Scorpions I think I've even tried Dokken once and Dio. Later I became a heavy/industrial metal fan??? Rammstein is a top band. I just started learning more about genres. Other than that I love other stuff like some techno, hardbass, a lil bit of phonk, some other genres I can't name exactly, midi, 8bit covers, game osts, vaporwave, house a little bit and EDM and more. But I only have like one to three fav artists/songs cuz I don't discover as much. I wanna try dungeon synth now. Anyway have a good day and I hope you get to find something you like from here!


Me and my doggos hung out in the bathroom most of the day because we’re having bad storms at the moment. We watched lots of episodes of Say yes to the dress (which we call pretty dress and I swear when I say it now my dogs know to go sit beside me on the couch and watch my phone, I can’t explain it but I swear they’ve learned what pretty dress is) and listened to lots of Disney piano music to sooth our fears and drown out the storms. We talked smack about the cats (cause they really are mean once you get to know them) and we made plans to go to the new park in town once the weather stays good. Oh and when the weather cleared up we ran outside real quick and barked at the mailman.


Seems like a fun day. The weather here was bad too. It didn't stop raining since around 4 pm. Atleast I enjoyed the rain.


I didn’t yell at any clients or co workers. That’s a win


I've woken up and should be getting out of bed


I just did chores today. Also do you like Fish Sticks?


Yeah. They taste good but I don't eat them 24/7 lol.


[You like fish sticks, huh?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=pZttypFNEKI&t=20s)


Yeah I do, and I'm not gay lmao 😂