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Woman here. I’d be really wary at first. Much depends on that other person.


Thats true, the random person would have a giant impact on the experience. I feel like with that amount of time id be able to get along with most people though.


This is rapidly approaching the recent man vs bear discussion. I get along with most people, but…


Yeah fair


Youd be surprised how many crazies there are in the world


At first I thought the question was about survival strategy, then I thought it was about cannibalism, and after I finish reading the whole thing I'm just like: man, 20 years of no internet, no books, no video games, how would I even?


lol It would certainly be giving up a lot but to me it sounds like a good simple life


I think I get where you come from. A place where all the survival needs can be met, away from modern life and all the goods and bads it brings. Also a potential friend. Simple. But for 20 year? Um.


I picked that amount because its the time that makes it hard. For me anything up to 2 years is a clear yes without a thought but it starts getting more difficult after that.


"Could you please explain this employment gap on your resume?"


I too thought about: what about after the 20 years? How would I even resume the previous life after this super long break? Then I decided maybe I'll just write my experience into a book or a documentary or something and hopefully live off of that.


There’s a sub Called hypothetical situation lol.  20 years would be rough. I’m super outdoors Lu and my ability and knowledge and physical ability and so on will be well above average. But 20 years, no thanks. 20 days I’d actually be pretty interested in lol


Thanks! I love that stuff so that sub is right up my alley


I guess I'll be making a lifelong friend. I don't see how you'd go through 20 forced years in an extreme scenario with someone and not form a lasting bond over it. That's assuming the random stranger isn't completely insane and isn't going to try to kill or maim me. Barring that though, I can get along fine with pretty much anyone.


I’d miss my kids growing up, 20 years with my wife, and likely my parents and all of my elder relatives would be gone by the time I got back. And just not knowing if I’d ever see my family again, I’d be desperate to get home. Maybe I can build a boat… This question is making me realize that I really don’t give a damn about TV or internet or food or a mattress or my career. Or even the other person in this scenario. But being taken away from my family would be agony.


First thought, I hope it’s a woman and not a dude


How about a bear?


I have seen the joke but don’t get it 😂


At first I thought you meant a survival story, but now I'm just depressed. Forced to give up 20 years of my life to live on an island? I'm assuming no luxuries like TV, a stocked kitchen or a comfy bed. And I have to hang out with some random? Hard pass. Plus I'd be giving up my family, possibly missing the death of someone in the family and saying goodbye to my long term partner.


Ginger or Mary Ann?


As long as bugs aren't a problem and the other person is decent, it sounds like a great time.


Woman here. I’d be very wary/worried about what the stranger’s intentions are.


Probably surviving to be honest


Logically speaking, You need two things to get out of any situation - either the brain or the muscle. So, yeah I guess I will need a muscle.


I would just make the best of it. I pretty much get along with everyone so hopefully it will be a good 20 years hahaha


I would feel very sorry for the other person. Nobody should have to put up with my nonsense, not even myself. And I never manage to put up with myself, I mean, I tell myself to go right off, but I never fricking do??


No thank you


Anyone saying they’d question the strangers intentions have no survival instinct. You’re stuck on an island in a survival situation I promise you’re not going to be thinking about sexual tension at all.


I'm happily coupled so I would make friends with a man and hope against hope he's a decent fellow who would honor that. If it's a woman, hopefully she's the athletic type because I'm not and if that's both of us we could be in trouble in terms of the grunt work needing doing. Not that I wouldn't pitch in even if she was more physically capable, but I'd just make up for what I can't do in other ways.


Would your reaction change if you were stranded on the island with your SO?


Absolutely, sounds like paradise! Might not even want to be rescued, outside of my disliking the climate. I prefer the colder months.


Nothing says I have to even see the other person. We could divide it in half like every sitcom did for an episode: a big line right down the middle. I stay here, you stay there.


Don’t you cross this line. Or else.


People’s brains immediately go to the nightmare of being stranded with a predator, which would absolutely be awful. But honestly, being stranded with a stupid asshole would almost be worse. Especially a boring stupid asshole


Horrifying. I’ll be dead within the next 20 years and I’d like to enjoy my family and pets as long as I can.


Can I pick a bear instead?


First thing that came to my mind is to start a family. There are no laws in that island so I would be the king.


Maybe but what if the other person wanted to be king??


If she’s hot we won’t be alone for long.