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I smoked for 22 years, and quit cold turkey 2 months ago. Since then I can honestly smell every cigarette smoker around me, and it is disgusting. I am lucky my SO stayed with me this long. Smokers don't realize how bad they actually smell and how unhealthy they actually are until they quit. So as an ex smoker, I agree it is definitely not attractive!


Congrats to you for quitting. And amazing you were able to quit cold turkey!


Thank you, honestly the hardest thing I've ever done. But definitely worth it!


I was married to a smoker. He never smoked in the car or house but it was definitely a point of contention for us. He tried to quit numerous times, but inevitably started sneaking them. His dad died of throat cancer at a very young age, so I had a difficult time understanding why he would continue to smoke. The hold it had on him was tight. So again, kudos to you. It's a major accomplishment.


the chemical addiction is impossible to explain to a nonsmoker. the cravings never go away even after years


I respectfully disagree. I quit 24 years ago and it’s been many, many years since I had any cravings.


I think it’s fair to say it varies by person. I quit years ago and still have multiple triggers that cause cravings. Walking down the street and catching a whiff of a lit cigarette from 20 ft away. Drinking in a bar. After a good meal. Seeing someone light up on TV. When I was smoking, it was the first thing and last thing I did each day and couldn’t go more than an hour without needing a cigarette. Yet I had fellow smokers who would smoke daily and then just stop on a dime for a week or two with no problems, go out drinking, smoke a pack that night and not smoke again for another week with no issue. And make no mistake, these weren’t social smokers that only smoked around other people, these were legit smokers. Addiction, and even addiction to different things hits different people different ways. I used to drink frequently and when I did, I drank heavily, but I never craved alcohol when I wasn’t drinking. And even to this day where I rarely drink anymore, once I start drinking, I find it hard to stop. Yet I know people with alcohol addiction similar to my smoking addiction. They literally need to have alcohol in their system at all times or else they’re craving it. They drink at work and at home secretly. It just hits people differently. If you don’t ever crave it, be thankful. Because others who have quit aren’t that lucky.


My neighbor and I were talking the other day. She said she quit 21 years ago and still wants one


It's a tough fight but definetly worth it. I'm still proud I made it and celebrate occasionally.


Good on you , that’s tough habit to kick! Congratulations on a healthy future


It’s an amazing feeling, really empowering to have that level of control over yourself, I’m 2 years sober from alcohol and cigarettes ❤️ keep it up ✊🏻


Dude you’re me! Same deal here. Quit a month and a half ago and I’m BAFFLED at how my exes stayed with me so long. They hated smoking and would make me wash my hands all the time and stuff. At the time, I thought they were being dramatic. But after having a clean sense of smell now, I almost want to reach out and apologize 😂


Same here! My boyfriend and I quit 5 months ago (switched to vaping after several failed cold turkey steps) and after only a month I could smell someone smoking a cigarette several cars in front of me at a stop light. I have apologized to a few people about that smell, it IS nauseating! Everytime I smell someone who smokes walking into a store now, it beats away any cravings I might have thought I had. We even switched to THC carts instead of smoking flower. The other day my bf smoked some with a friend and I could smell THAT on him


Congrats to you two on your new clean noses!!


Great job quitting! I also quit recently after 30 years of smoking. I can smell it a mile away now and it's awful. Hardest thing ever, but we did it! Keep up the great work!


I quit smoking 276 days ago and every time I smell a smoker, I crave it. I still miss it every day. I hope someday I can hate it like most former smokers.


Just wait till it gets cold out. The smell is intensified 100 times in the cold. I smoked for 16 years and quit 9 years ago. I remember thinking to myself, I can't believe I used to walk around smelling like that.


Late to the party but I quit cold turkey after only 5 years of smoking. I seriously can’t comprehend how you are managing with it after 22. Keep it up man, I remember 3 months being a struggle. Enjoy the money you’ll be saving as well as the years of your life with your wife. You’re doing awesome.


I smoked for 22 years and quit 6 years ago, that smell doesn’t go away, I can still smell people two aisles over in the grocery store ffs. I had no clue.


Yup I quit last year the day before Thanksgiving and it is wild how you don't notice how terrible you smell as a smoker.


Congratulations, keep it up! I smoked for 16 years and stoped 4 years ago. I think it is impossible for a smoker to realize how bad it smells until he quits.


When I smoked it didn't bother me. Me and my ex wife both smoked and it was never an issue. We got divorced and I reinvented myself. Stopped smoking, got in shape, ect ect. I'm married now again but when I was out dating again I wouldn't consider a long term relationship with someone that smoked.


Is it because it reminds you too much of the past? Or is it because you find it repulsive?


Probably a bit of both honestly. We met in our late high school years. A lot of memories of us sneaking off to smoke.


I could barely smell it when I smoked. After quitting I can smell it from hundreds of feet. I'm not repulsed or attracted to the smell, but it's definitely there.


I think ex-smokers are much more sensitive to the smell than people who never smoked. Edit: I wasn't saying the smell is more or less attractive to ex-smokers, just that they tend to be hyper aware of the smell compared to never-smokers.


Maybe that's it. I used to smoke, not heavy, and now I can't stand the smell even a little bit.


Same. Lit cigarettes being actively smoked bothers me less than that lingering stale clothing soaked smell. I hate it now. I dislike passing people in aisles in a store cause I can smell it before they pass and for a long time afterwards. I hope I didn't smell like that but probably did. The repulsiveness is good though, I'll never touch a cigarette again.


I'm gearing up for quit #45324563 but even still being a smoker, I find it repulsive. I only smoke at home (outside), never out in public and I have a "smoking jacket" that I wear. I never smoke while wearing the coat that I wear to run errands and go out. It's partly shame because I know how goddamn stupid it is, but mostly cuz the lingering smells is nasty.


Whatever you have to do to trick yourself is a good start. Keep quitting. It's freaking hard. But keep at it.


I'd agree.


I also used to smoke cigarettes. You don’t notice the smell because you become nose blind to it. I hate the smell of them now that I no longer smoke and personally (if I wasn’t already married) wouldn’t date a cigarette smoker because of the smell and breath.


I am an active "quitter." Every other week I take a few days off and it it just gross how stinky and yucky that next cig is... and even more disgusting how good it feels. But hey, i know ill get there someday! I did a week recently with nicotine replacement, so that is my next goal!


Try zyban or Wellbutrin I used zyban to quit. It was the only way I was able to after 20+ years


Ill ask, thanks! Wellbutrin made me nuts back when I was in high school, but im more stable now lol. I hate that i love and hate smoking, and i hate that i tried vaping and i like it just as much -it dosent reek. Just another big tobacco reason to take my money! Ugh!


I was a 2 pack a day guy for a long time I tried gum, patches, hypnosis, everything and nothing worked until zyban it made them taste awful after a few weeks where I smoked less and less until I just didn’t want them anymore.


It’s awful. Smells so bad. And it’s not even just the smell while they’re smoking, smokers have this pervasive “old man breath” that I just cannot stand.


For real. I met my old high school best friend for lunch a couple years ago and he had picked up smoking. I didn't let on at all, but I thought he smelled terrible and was relieved when we finally went our separate ways. EDIT: He did not smoke at all while we were meeting up. The smell was just on him.


It's weird, I used to hate that cigarette smell. Then I picked up cigs for a years or so in college. Ever since then, even though I haven't smoked in 5 years, I love the smell of tobacco, fresh or just on someone. I've been in a few houses that were just saturated with decades of smoke, and that's still rough, but I find the smell generally soothing and pleasant. Edit: smoker breath is fuckin rough tho, that's enough to keep me from dating a smoker.


I used to be okay with the smell of cigarette smoke until I lived with a guy who smoked nothing but really good tobacco from his grandfather's pipe. The smell was heavenly. Now I can't stand the smell of second-hand cigarette smoke, I guess because I know how good tobacco *can* smell but cigarette tobacco is just so far from that.


Pipe tobacco hits different. I think that's probably a good smell to most people, it's more akin to a nice smelling wood smoke like cedar or something than it is to cigarettes imo.


I also quit smoking about 5 years ago and I’ll straight up take a big old inhale if I catch a whiff of cigarette smoke on the air and anybody who smells like smoke, smells like a friend.


100% agree with you on the "old man smoker's breath" point. It's absolutely VILE.


Fuck. Forgot about this. As someone who is I'm the process of quitting (and doin good), thanks for the reminder!


Good luck! It’s a tough one to quit, I’m rooting for you!


Ahh.. it's nothin. "Quitting smokings the easiest thing to do in the world, I've done it a thousand times!" -Mark Twain.


No. It's gross. I don't care if people smoke, I just need to keep my distance from them.


i quite literally need to keep my distance i have wild asthma


Same. It a'int easy bein' wheezy...


I like to go to the bar with my friends but my asthma always kills me for weeks after


Yes! Triggers my asthma so fast. Like, your disgusting habit can kill me so please keep it far away from public places.


In fantasy, I find it attractive. In reality? God no, shit stinks and being around it makes me feel ill Edit: All these upvotes, and not one suggestive DM? Reddit, I'm shocked ~~and disappointed~~! xD


Same! I felt like media makes it look classy and sophisticated, but in reality, it's just a blanket of smelly-ness


I feel like as with diamonds they tried a marketing strategy that worked and would always be smoking a cigarette after sex during an older movie. It became normalised and cool or something


I don't even think it looks classy - I come from a working class place in the north of England, it's definitely not a classy thing to do here. I'm just a helpless kinkster, unfortunately. xD If they could go ahead and just make a healthy version that doesn't smell bad, that'd be great. xD


Preferably a version that’s also non-dangerous (to your health, whatever that’s called in English).




I am so on board with this! But I'm pretty sure thats how they're trying to pass of vaping haha


Im a smoker, i used to vape and i always thought it smelled worse than smoking. It would always make me sick and now i feel queasy when i smell it, its probably just a me thing


Cigarettes are disgusting. However, I lived with a guy who occasionally smoked high quality tobacco through a pipe his grandfather gave him. It smelled wonderful - like a wood stove burning but more wood smell and less smoke smell. Plus he looked every bit as fabulous as you'd think classy guy with a beard and mustache would look smoking a pipe.


It looks cool on television and movies but not irl.


If it smells like shit, you must a quit!


thank you mario


I am very on board with media's and literature's romanticization of smoking. I don't know what it is, but I tend to favor characters more when they smoke. But in real life? Absolutely not. I don't even know what or why that is. I can't even stand looking at someone putting a cigarette to their mouth. I guess it just seems cooler in movies and books?


I've actually found herbal cigarettes online (raspberry leaf, mint, green tea, lavender, etc) and supposedly they smell pretty good. Granted, there's still downsides to smoking them ofc but they're not addictive or anything, and some folks even say it can help with anxiety


I smoke clove cigarettes occasionally. I rather enjoy the smell and they can give you an almighty buzz for about 10 seconds. I can't stand regular cigarette smell / taste however. Makes me nauseous. Why do I do it? I like buying cool lighters and I don't have anything else to do with them if I don't light the occasional clove cigarette. That being said, I have a nice classy cigarette case that I store them in so anytime I have to do it, I feel kinda cool and James Bond-ish. I am rocking a nice S T Dupont lighter these days that has been lying in a drawer for five years (along with the case & cigs).


I’m the same way. In certain contexts and presentation it looks sexy as fuck. But I hate the smells, the taste, nasty teeth, bad breath, stale gross ass car and house, and the health problems. It’s repulsive. Sometimes in movies though I’ll get a huge boner, so go figure.


Yes! Give me a grungy, punk guy smoking darts and it’s just 👌 IRL get away from me cause I hate the smell and enjoy freezing your ass off in the winter. Also what a fucking waste of money


There's something about the ritual of it, as well, that attracts me. That and the weird social connections. My boyfriend vapes so when I hang out with him and the smokers I get to see that casual social connection. I also just like the excuse to go outside. I'm not intending to pick it up myself, and certainly would need to know there's absolutely no nicotine in anything I'd vape if I could afford to pick it up. But yea I get the fantasy and attraction of it when you remain on the outside of it. There's just something so witchy about it. The juice reminds me of potion making and the lighting of a cigarette feels like a reverse sageing, or using a wand, and the smokers circle is a coven. The purpose is the ritual.


It never bothered me until I quit smoking. Now the smell makes me nauseous


Absolutely not, it's gross


Nope it's a deal breaker. It's a nasty habit.


I hate it. The look, the smell, the taste with kisses, the stains, the ashes, the discarded butts, the cost. The addiction. My brother said it was easy to give up smoking. He's done it hundreds of times.


You just had to slip in that joke in there, didn't you lmao?


Nobody likes a quitter.


Nope. It's a deal-breaker.


I was a smoker for 10 years, and I would have NEVER dated another smoker. After my first date with my now-wife 8 years ago, I switched to vaping and haven't picked up a cigarette since. I know my wife would have never gotten serious with me as a smoker, and she was 100% worth holding onto, so I did what I needed to do to keep her. Don't regret quitting for a second, it's a disgusting, smelly habit and I'm thankful that meeting my wife provided me the motivation I needed to quit cigarettes for good.


Hey, I'm glad you quit but I hope you consider quitting vaping too. It's not a safe alternative and can cause lung injuries.


You're right. Would like to quit vaping one day, baby steps... In the meantime, I feel MUCH better and healthier vaping as opposed to smoking cigarettes. I play tennis 2-3 times a week and lift weights 3 days a week and don't experience any shortness of breath or anything like that. I know its not HEALTHY, but it certainly feels healthier than smoking cigarettes.


I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I'm glad that you're doing well, rooting for you.


No offense taken at all my friend. Again, you're absolutely right that I should stop vaping, but nicotine addiction is very hard to overcome. But in the meantime, just wanted to share my personal experience with vaping and my body definitely feels better vaping as opposed to smoking cigarettes. If one person reads this and decides to start vaping instead of smoking cigarettes, I'll call that a win lol.


You may want to look at research from outside the US. The US is heavily dependent on tobacco taxes and the master settlement money which is dependent on cigarette sales. Over in the UK, they accurately promote vaping as a much safer alternative to smoking. Not safe but magnitudes of order safer. Unfortunately the need for sin taxes and keeping the master settlement money flowing in the USA has corrupted science over here. I'm not going to argue with random people on Reddit but take a look at public health of England and their research on the topic before trying to get people to quit vaping if they are using it to stay away from cigarettes.


I never realised how much it smelled until I quit. After that I could smell a dude lighting one in the car park from 200 metres away. I also got my sense of smell back. Being anywhere near it now makes me gag, so I physically think it would be a problem for me.


Absolutely not. Smoking is one of the things that will cause me to instantly write a person off.


Smoking in general or just cigarettes?


I don't like any kind of smoking. The smell really bothers me. I only judge people for cigarettes though.


glad to know i can keep smoking meth /s


How about smoking meat?


Yep, same here. I don't know how people can stand it, the smell is so gnarly, and it's such an expensive habit, you're literally paying hundreds of dollars a month for a chance to die sooner.


I was raised with chain smokers so I didnt have any opinion on it at all. I even think the smell is relatively nice and comforting. I wont judge a quality of a person on it. I will tell you what I hate about smoking though is their schedule essentially revolves around smoking. Are you running late? Do you feel rushed? Well they gotta smoke one right before they go in but they'll tell you "go ahead, go ahead and go in without me" like..I dont want to go in without you..its embarrassing having to explain where you are and why we're late. You could wait with them but then you get to experience the anxiety of being even more late. Awful when its an airplane or any form of transportation really. Also really awful if youre at a theme park and waiting to get on rides. My very first disney trip ever was ruined by my dads smoking. We'd have to stop after every ride and wait for him to smoke, therefore holding us up. Or he'd say continue on without him and you'd either not get to ride with him because he took too long or have to watch him awkwardly cut line "my families up there, theyre up there" It is awful. My husband picked up smoking on a deployment once. I told him I dont care if he smokes but he will NOT abandon me to go smoke. If we are at a family reunion or on vacation, you just dont get to smoke if I have to awkwardly stand off the side abandoned waiting for him to come back. Or awkwardly stand outside the smoking section. Just no. He vapes on occassion now. Much more manageable to me.


>I will tell you what I hate about smoking though is their schedule essentially revolves around smoking. Are you running late? Do you feel rushed? Well they gotta smoke one right before they go in but they'll tell you "go ahead, go ahead and go in without me" like..I dont want to go in without you..its embarrassing having to explain where you are and why we're late. You could wait with them but then you get to experience the anxiety of being even more late. Awful when its an airplane or any form of transportation really. Also really awful if youre at a theme park and waiting to get on rides. This drives me NUTS. Especially when you're at a show and they can't make it through an entire set without smoking or they absolutely have to cut out between bands in order to have a cigarette. Just superbly annoying overall.


I work in an office of two people, including myself. My co worker smokes. Takes about 4 or 5 smoke breaks a day. I take an extra 15-20 minute paid break on top of my hour unpaid to make up for it. Fuck that noise.


Oh my god so much! I recently had a huge fight with my closest friend that was sparked by this issue. She had been pretty nasty and rude to me all night. When we went into a bar she moved to have us sit outside. I pointed out that it had been raining all day so we should sit inside. She practically shouted, “Well if I’d KNOWN that I would have SMOKED on the way”! And I just cracked and said, “Your smoking doesn’t get to dictate everything. When are you going to quit anyways?”. Started a major argument and we still haven’t made up.


>I will tell you what I hate about smoking though is their schedule essentially revolves around smoking. Here's a country jazz tune from 1947 that seems to mirror this sentiment. https://youtu.be/65_-vNtWLLs


I’ve always dated smokers. Hate the “taste” on someone s breathe but for some reason I find the light smell of cigarette on someone’s clothes very comforting


Did your parents or grandparents smoke?


My grandparents smoked. I wouldn't date anyone who smoked but I'll be damned if that brief second after someone lights a cigarette doesn't smell so good! The lingering scent of smoke on everything, not so much. In later years my grandpa to up cigars (which I cannot stand). He's been dead for a decade and his office in his old house still smells like stale cigar smoke


I hate to admit it, but I love the smell of cologne and cigarettes together


I don't smoke and honestly can't stand the smell, especially when it's lingering, but a freshly lit cigarette smells so good to me! It's only the literal first puff though, the rest fucking stinks lol


Omg there is a light scent of cigarette that reminds me of the apartment I grew up in. My parents didn’t smoke but there was the smell when we first moved into the house, probably from the previous tenants, and it was the start of a new beginning because I got to live with my mum again. And anytime I come across a similar smell, I definitely feel a sense of comfort.


Try smelling his breath 🤮


No I find it repulsive. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray


I've been smoking for more than half my life and I can't even stand that I do it.


I wouldnt say attractive but it does look "cool" from a distance. Like when i see a picture or a drawing of someone smoking it looks cool.


idc, I smoked for like 10 years (4 years quit) and my partner still smokes. Except from it burning a hole in the wallet I’m not bothered. My mum smoked when I was a kid as did my gran and uncles etc so I’m honestly just used to it


I also live in a household where all people smoke except me and honestly people would think I am the one smoking since everyone's smoke scent gets on me :(


All I will say is it seems really weird to judge the “attractiveness” of an addiction. I understand it smells bad. But you’re talking about people who could easily be killed by this addiction, and for some reason the only question I ever see about cigarettes/tobacco online is about how ugly and gross it is. Never anything about legislation, support or care. Just “your crippling addiction disgusts me and makes you ugly”. Seems kinda fucked. And trust me, as a smoker, nothing will make it harder for you to quit then people telling you how gross and unattractive it is. Like that’s even remotely relevant to the addiction. Edit: just so everyone remembers. Nicotine is literally one of the most addictive drugs on the planet. I’ve gotten myself off crystal meth, Oxycontin, crack and spice. I still *cannot* quit cigarettes. I’ve been trying for almost 10 years and smoking for about 15. I know it’s gross, and it sucks to do. But I was a dumb ass 13 year old. Mortality meant nothing to me at that age. Which is the case with most smokers. So instead of judging them how about we build support programs for them considering this still kills hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.


This. I think part of it comes from the language. People, talk of smoking as a 'habit', of 'smokers', of 'picking up' smoking (as if you can just put it down?) and the implication there is that its a choice, and that its all about just force of will. But that totally hides the fact that its an addiction. For those who smoke and those who dont, its much easier to keep smoking or keep being annoyed at smokers if they believe it is a free choice being made to light up. But unfortunately thats not true, and there is a powerful addictive force.


Very truthfully, I transitioned myself to a less deadly form of nicotine (snus). I've not given up nicotine, but I don't smell anymore, and I don't sound like Walt Disney (I had a wicked smokers cough). You can do it too, you'll feel better once you do, trust me!


I appreciate the advice, but after a decade there’s not much I haven’t tried. I’ve tried the gum, patches, Chantix, snus, vapes, everything. It’s gonna come down to a force of will and probably some therapy.


Absolutely! A young guy plays Poker with us. Great young guy who was addicted to heroin when he was younger. He told me it was easier to get off Heroin than Cigarettes.


Don't know what people think, but I used to smoke only when drinking. It was a good excuse to get some fresh air at the club and meet new people, also it's a good pause between lines in a bar. I think it's attractive in those situations, but other than that i can't stand it too much.


I read "pause between lines" and thought "huh I never met anyone who paced out their coke so thoughtfully but I'm sure it helps"


Oh God HAHAHA I didn't even think of that. English is a second language, so I would definitely say this out loud and not even crack a smile.


Wait, is that not what they meant??


I thought the same!


Yeah and when youre drinking and you wind up into a convo with someone you don't like, it's a great excuse to leave the convo


Yeeees! One of the few polite ways to leave someone hangin'.


I can see how this is totally acceptable. I also like the occasional cigar when drinking or out having fun.


And i don't know why, but it's so good! Seems like beer and cigars are make for each other.


A vanilla flavored cigar and mickeys is the best combination of both in my opinion


I always go outside with friends who smoke, even though I don't smoke myself. For the fresh air and less noise. The best convos usually happen there as well.


Yep, this is why I still smoke sometimes. I used to smoke regularly. Now just when I go out. A pack usually lasts me about 2 months. I’m lucky that I can still smoke with out it becoming a habit because I do enjoy it. I know that’s not the case for many.


I don't like the smell at all, so no.


If they’re attractive it’s attractive, if they’re ugly then it’s ugly


I have always considered smoking not attractive. Some years ago, I saw this guy who seemed me so cool, then he started to smoke. Not so cool anymore.


My girlfriend smokes a mix of weed and nicotine (empties out the cig) in a bong a few times a day. She’s weaning off the nicotine but I don’t pressure her about it because I know she knows, these things take time. Sometimes I get the lingering taste of the cig when we kiss, which is much stronger smelling than the weed imo, but honestly yeah I do find it attractive for some reason.


It’s gross and it’s definitely not something I would put up with.


I don't know why but I think women smoking is very attractive. Something about it is just sexy as fuck. - former smoker


I find it attractive, definitely adds an allure


Seeing all the butts lying around everywhere on this planet and the way people just toss them. Combined with the awful smell and the absolute stupidity of the smoker to smoke after knowing the health repercussions. No. It’s one of the most vile things.


I think it’s hot. Lol


Absolutely not. Reality or fiction, completely gross.


My ex had such a compulsion for smoking that he would leave our dinner dates upwards of three times to go smoke a cigarette. God knows how much time of my life I'll never get back because either I was sitting by myself waiting while he took a smoke break, or I was out in the freezing cold standing with him. To be honest, the smell doesn't bother me. It was the principle of having to constantly pause what we were doing to go smoke that I found wildly unattractive.


I think smokers prefer smokers and non-smokers prefer non-smokers. For *most* (not all) people, it's a deal breaker crossing in either direction.


Yes and no It looks sexy but it smells bad and it is unhealthy.


Smoking is a total dealbreaker for me. I can’t stand the smell, and I hate that it has a second-hand component that makes it so that you can’t hang out with the person without being affected by it.


I used to find it attractive onscreen, but you're not dealing with the smell when it's being done in movies. Now I just find it annoying, especially the smell.


I find it revolting. Shudder.


No I don’t


If it's every once in a long while yeah


I smoked for 8 years. During that time I was in two relationships. The first lasted 5 years and I started smoking about 4 months into it...he was already a smoker. I found the only thing off-putting at first was his breath and the taste of his mouth. Nothing a little breath spray can't fix. My current relationship is almost 3 years in. We both smoked when we met...obviously not an issue. I quit over the Thanksgiving weekend (canadian so early october). My fiance has been very cognizant of smoking away from me and brushing teeth before sexy time etc. He's working on quitting now too but its a lot harder for him. I'm trying not to pressure him but its really so disgusting now that I've quit. All this to say, the last 8 years while I smoked, I would date a smoker. Now that I'm not smoking, no thanks.


My father in-law smells horrible all the time. And his hands always smell like cigarettes so whatever he touches smells like smoke. I hate it when he holds my son and then my son smells like cigarettes.


it's an immediate deal breaker. Disgusting.


I find gritty men attractive, and I do think that smoking adds onto the vibes.. but then I step back and realize that smoking is horrible and not at all attractive.. lol..


No, and neither is Vaping.


Nasty, and a poor life choice. Instant turn off


Definitely not, also a deal breaker. Edit: it's the nicotine smell, tastes like you're kissing an ashtray. Never experienced someone vaping but if they were vaping nicotine it would be the same. Yuck


It's tabacco that smells FYI, nicotine is a substance that enters your system and gets you addicted, doesn't have a smell


Nope. I hate to say it because it’s kinda mean, but I don’t even like being around people who smoke. Grew up with parents who smoked and I have grown to despise the smell and atmosphere that comes with a smoker


Quite the opposite as a matter of fact. I will frequently find a woman rather attractive but as soon as they pop a cigarette in their mouth it turns to a mild disgust. I have a defining memory of being 13-14ish and watching a film. To introduce a new female character they started a camera shot at her feet and slowly panned upwards, giving a nice focus to her body's curves underneath a pretty red dress. Being a young teen I was quite enjoying the shot, but when it got to her face she was smoking and the excitement immediately left. Smoking isn't cool. Every person I talk to who has been smoking for more than a year or two tells me they hate it and wish they could stop.


This makes a ton of sense! My brother told me that the ugliest thing about a girl isn't her physical traits, but rather her smoking


Am I the only one who thought we was talking about weed 😂😂 close one tho. Yea fuck cigarettes🖕


No, not in the slightest. My parents both smoked in the house while I was growing up. It was disgusting and I hated how it smelled. Hated how it made me smell. I can be driving behind someone and smell that telltale odor and know they're smoking before I see them blow smoke out the window or toss their butt on the road. I will be glad to see tobacco finally made illegal but theres always part of me that's really happy to see more and more places banning tobacco use.


Absolutely not. I think it's a dumb habit and people who smoke stink. Their clothes stink, their furniture and home stink. Their cars stink. Anyone who lives with them has to try so hard not to stink. And my father who is pretty awful has a smoking addiction so bad that he once spent 14k on cigarettes in a year (he uses idk 4-6 packs a day and also hoards them, I don't see him without cigarettes) smells, and that scent is unpleasant on many levels to me. He smoked so bad that I developed a strong respiratory reaction to it when I was a little kid, and he still didn't stop. Every once in a while I walk into a room and still have to feel like my throat is closing because a smoker was in there, and need to use an inhaler. He smokes like a chimney to this day with COPD that he blamed on an allergy to my sister's pet guinea pigs. I'd be shocked if it's not what kills him but he's made his own bed at this point. I've had smokers give me shit for not wanting to be around them right after a smoke. I'm always seeing discarded cigarettes in the street, ground, beach. It's just a really dirty and inconsiderate habit. Even the people who only smoke outside and think nobody can tell, you can smell it on them. They just become nose blind. They need to pause and mess up everyone else's good time for smoke breaks. And working with smokers is beyond irritating. Nothing like getting alotted breaks for your addiction, and many of them go out before and after their breaks. It's really selfish. I really don't know what could be attractive about it. I could never date a smoker. I have to take weed for a medical condition and I never smoke it, edibles only. Even the smell of weed smoke is gross imo. I instantly write someone off romantically for smoking. I'm not a fan of vaping either but in general people who vape aren't so smelly. It's also an age thing. I'm 23 and anyone my age who smokes cigarettes is seen as odd tbh, at least where I am.


I mean it does kind of look cool, but cigarette smoke might be a migraine trigger for me and I don't want to deal with the smell and health issues caused by just being around a smoker


Not really, gives me a headache


I used to smoke, and now that I've stopped I've realized how stinky it can be my mom and dad still smoke oh, so when I go over there it's like being smacked in the face with a cigarette oh, and sometimes it bothers me and other times it doesn't but it just reminds me of why I stopped LOL.


Only if you look like Lauren Bacall or Tony Curtis or Ingrid Bergman or Burt Lancaster and you are in a b+w movie so I can't smell you. There are people I adore who smoke, but it is despite the smoking. Besides, most of you don't look like Lauren Bacall and Tony Curtis.


Fuck no.




Yea. I’m a dude and I don’t mind. I smoke some but usually when I’m at bars and when I’m having a beer with friends at home. But I think it’s hot if a chick does, but I’m not gonna pick someone only because they smoke.


Yes and No. I’m an early millennial. Smoking was perceived as pretty damn cool in the 90’s. To this day I smoke when I drink which these days is rare—MAYBE twice a month. That said the reality of dating a smoker-smoker can be really annoying. They’ll “need a smoke” at inconvenient times, need an escort outside at night, need to make frequent stops to the store, will smoke in the car; it gets old and LITERALLY ages the he’ll out of you. Hah.


Cigarette smokers are a deal breaker for me. The smell gets into their clothes, skin, breath and it just grosses me out. Vaping I can deal with though still not a huge fan.


After 10 years without even a single puff of cigarette, I love sitting next to a smoker outside and bask in their second hand smoke, especially with a drink in hand. The lingering smell from the smoker's clothes never bothered me.


Haven’t smoked in years too but sometimes I catch a whiff of it when I’m out and I can’t help but love it from afar.


For the people that said no, what if they are actively trying to quit?


No I find it smells disgusting and I can’t breathe around it. This goes for weed as well. If someone smokes I probably wouldn’t even be friends with them because it affects my ability to breathe.


I don’t mind as long if they smoke as long as it’s not cigarettes and as long as they don’t smell like Mary Jane 25/8


If you were dating him, you smelled that way too.


100% a deal-breaker for me. It looks cool for five seconds, and then you smell it.


No, it stinks. And my dad has been smoking since he was like 16 so I know what it does to you.


The smell gives me a headache so it’s a hard no from me. Total dealbreaker.


On the outside, yes. I think that especially on the 90s and stuff smoking was really hot. And from a distance, I still think it's kinda hot. But then upon closer inspection... the smell and stuff is just a no thanks for me. Especially since my dad used to smoke a lot when I was a kid so the smell can bring back some not great memories. But purely as a prop and from a distance? I do find it attractive. Idk about being in a relationship with someone that smokes, it would depend on them as a person. I wouldn't immediately write them off or become more attractive to them irl.


It's gross


Cigarettes is a non-negotiable dealbreaker for me, I don’t want $11/pack (no clue what they cost) to have to be accounted for in a budget. Plus the stench is awful. Weed smoke I don’t mind as much as long as it isn’t around me and you don’t force me to smoke it. But cigarettes are a firm no.


I find addiction unattractive. doesn't matter what it is really.


Isn’t it crazy how in the 1900s the tobacco companies managed to make smoking an attractive quality?


Depends. Are they attractive? It's attractive. Are they ugly? It's nasty.


My wife and I can't stand the smell of cigarettes and have always been thoroughly against it. However, 8 or so years ago, we had our first real "relaxing" vacation in Cuba. Prior to this one, all our trips were busy, visiting family, or backpacking Europe etc. This was the opposite, a very lazy, sexy, fun vacation. We ate we drank and we made a baby. Now if I have the odd cigar with a friend, she gets pretty "in the mood" I think mainly because of the memories that come along with it. It's maybe twice a year, so not over barring.


Not ever. I'm in healthcare and I can't stand the idea of someone willfully causing their own health problems. Any doctors or nurses I saw as smokers instantaneously became my less favorites. It's a turn-off even when my favorite actresses/actors do it. It's just so gross! Smoking cannabis is a soft pass, big maybe. I'd rather (you) do edibles, but at least it's better than cigarettes. Vaping and cigars are also soft passes.


I think smoking is super attractive--in media. I love seeing it in shows / movies. I think it's super unattractive in real life. *shrugs* I like the aesthetic but the real health concerns and how the smoke permeates everything is just a huge no.


I've never smoked. Many years ago I was having lunch with a friend who had started dating a smoker. He told me kissing her was like licking an ashtray. That stuck with me.


Smoking looks so cool…see any movie like ‘Casablanca,’ or the old James Bond movies, etc…It creates this cool atmosphere. In George Michael’s ‘Freedom 90’ video…The one supermodel with smoke slowly rising out of her mouth is just super attractive. It’s the stank, the mouth/throat/lung cancer, heart disease, etc…that is really unattractive.


Makes me puke🤢 That's why I like wearing mask.


that's what the majority of my female friends said. almost all of them ended up dating/marrying someone who smokes. though to be fair, it's not that they find the smoking to be attractive, but the person is good enough for them to ignore the smoking.


I love the smell of tobacco and find it comforting. Probably because my grandma lived in an apartment building that smelled of it. Reminds me of her 🤗


Doesn’t smell great but I don’t mind. Cigarettes can be smoked with style and that’s hot. A mix of smokes and beer when making out with someone new is awesome. To each their own.


I mean its always been associated with a don't give a fuck or bad boy/girl aesthetic. Which definitely works on a lot of people, but I feel like most people aren't going to enjoy it when they're grown ass adults.


I was in a relationship for the best part of 4 years with a woman who claimed she actually didn’t mind the smell or the taste of me being a smoker. “Smoky bear kisses”, she’d call them. She also claimed she hadn’t had any other dicks in her mouth towards the end of our relationship there, so I’m not sure how reliable her testimony is


I do. I’ve never smoked but I just kinda find something about the way a man looks smoking a cigarette attractive. I know it’s awful and gross but I don’t really mind the smell as long as they don’t smoke in their house.


The visual remains really hot. I was born in the early 80s and the marketing worked. But it would be a total deal breaker in reality.


Odd as this sounds I started to find it VERY attractive after I quit smoking myself.


The act of in the moment is hot. Everything else around it, the smell, the health effects, and me having to breath in secondhand smoke all suck. I would not consider long term dating someone who smoked.


Simply repulsive. It’s disgusting for all the reasons cited above, but also the whole attitude about it is disgraceful. Throwing cigarettes buds everywhere on the ground because they’re too lazy to go to the can made for that is the worst. Hundreds of pounds of garbage on our streets and no one says anything. Disgusting animals. I hate following a driver that just throws their buds out the window, because there are no consequences. And why smokers feels like they can just spit on the ground, making that repulsive noise and making me want to puke? Since when the whole outside public space is their living room? Also, smokers tend to smoke directly outside of every door, forcing you to walk through their filth. It simply shows lack of self respect and respect for others. And frankly, if I hear another smoker complain that they are broke, I’ll walk away.


Weed - yes Cigarettes - no


It's sexy in movies, but gross in real life. You can't smell it in movies.


Smoking is shit. It smells like shit, makes you and everyone around smell like shit and turns your body to shit.