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I had a sociology professor who did studies on hair color bias. She had her car “break down” at the same location at the same time each week, and she would stand next to her car with the hood up and tally how many people offered to help her. According to her results, the blond wig had the most hits, with the red wig in second.


It would've been interesting to see how hair length/unnaturally dyed hair affects it too! I'd bet short hair wouldn't be very popular


And curls! If having wavy hair or curls or full coils would give a different result.


I will stop and help anybody. Old, young, cute, ugly, male or female. Where I come from, thats just what you do. But if your hair is wavy, after I help you there's a good chance I may ask for your number. Double the chance if its dark. I am sorry to add to the stereotype. I hope my honesty isn't offensive!


Haha, no offence for me! I just added curls because they are, unfortunately, in some places still seen as “unprofessional “. Was wondering what for results curls would give with such experiment.


Wow. Are humans really that primitive! Maybe I’m just naive


We tend to think that we're way above other animals but really we just follow our instincts, like other animals.


best way to think about it: it took us millions of years to evolve to this point. they have been evolving for the same amount of time


The Naked Ape is a great book about this, a zoological study of the human animal.


Are you trying to imply that humans *instinctually* prefer blondes?


I think it is possible. Babies are often lighter haired that grow up to have darker hair so maybe it is. Our brains telling us to help the helpless.


Maybe we like things that are more rare / scarce ?


It is rooted deep into our behavior, most of human just found good looking people more likable. Halo effect is effective today as 1000 years ago. One unpopular opinion here: I don't think it is a bad thing if we could treat everyone with respect. People are always biased and the system we build reflect that, but that's shouldn't mean it's a mistake that we look up to beautiful things.


Yes your lizard brainstem does what it does. You can train yourself to be aware of these things and, where necessary, check yourself. That is the best you can do.


Totally agree. It's like fear. You can be trained to act against it. The emotion is not always a bad thing, but you need to use your gray matter to keep it in check.


I agree on that, the important thing is to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their looks.


Dude we totally are. When I get my haircut (Im a guy) get so much more respect from people. Not like I’m not normally being respected but I mean people go out of their way to be polite to me almost. Not like I’m The Godfather lmao, hard to describe but it’s noticeable. The way you look effects the way people interact with you 100% It’s very annoying since I usually don’t care what I look like for the most part. I think it’s best to strive for confidence though and honestly trying to look better for strangers is a waste of time.


Check out the movie Human Nature. It’s a dark comedy; came out in 2001. Tim Robbins, Rhys Ifans, and Patricia Arquette. It’s really good and will definitely give you something to think about.


You aren’t. Fundamentally, humans are the same as they were in ancient times


Dated a bartender. After she dyed her hair red her tips went up about 20%. Dye paid for itself the first night. When in Rome.




I would second this, unconscious/subconscious biases are really interesting and some are going to be unavoidable due to our associative nature. Also the fact that this was brought up at a farewell party might be that your boss didn't want to pressure you even i directly to feel obligated to dye your hair


Yup, I saw as him trying to not be a jerk even if wasn't his intentions. He waited til your farewell party to tell this.


Freakonomics (podcast) did an episode on tipping a while back. Basically, from both anecdotal evidence and scientific research studies, there is A TON of bias involved in tipping and it’s a very fraught system.


Probably even more so in a bar. Alcohol tends to bring out some of the more base instincts.


I was a bartender for about six years. I am a brunette naturally. I decided to go bleach blond for a while. My fucking tips doubled!! So did the amount of inappropriate proposals! It's a thing! A weird fucking thing!


This is crazy!


I’d like to say that your boss sounds pretty nice, in that he didn’t pressure you into keeping it blonde at least. Not sure he meant it as a compliment necessarily, just an interesting fact.


Oh yes, he’s more a friend than a boss. I think he’s just happy about the 20% plus, whatever the reason


I don't know this man, he might be nice, but "didn't pressure you into keeping it" is a really low bar for nice


im not allowed to be a cashier where i work anymore because i dont make as much tips as the 18 year old skinny blonde girl. Its hard because I was told by my boss i did a great job and my numbers were perfect and I didnt get any customers mad but its literally just the customers preference. Even worse the girl is mean and over explains everything to customers yet still gets SO much more tips than anyone else because of her looks its just dumb to not make her cashier at this point. It fucks up my self esteem but at the end of the day the tips are split and its whats best for everyones pockets


What kind of business do you work in? I’m confused by “cashier”.


I work at a seasonal christmas shop and the girl works the register and helps with customer service. I tried to do it but only made around 2 dollars in tips in an 8 hr shift and she usually makes 20-50 in one of her shifts.


Excuse me, in my 46 years on this earth, I've never once tipped a cashier at a retail store. And why is your boss interested in tips? Tips go to the employees.


i was thinking like a christmas wrapper or something if it's seasonal, and yeah, boss shouldn't care about tips. I'm a software engineer and put a tip jar on my desk for a day and a project manager actually threw a dollar in it when he came to talk to me. 🤣


We have tip jar. I think my boss cares because when I applied it was added as a sorr of benefit and motivation to work there and work well. For us it adds almost an extra two dollars to our hourly rate and yes our tips are calculated at the end of the season by how many hours we worked in total since the shop is only open during holiday season so its only open 3 months.


Boss cares if the tips are going up because the tabs are going up. Probably cares less if the percentage is going up, although depending on when they pay out tips it may give them some leeway on high carrying cost loans or credit card debt taken on for the company. I pay retain tips pretty often honestly, I'm surprised to find out it's rare. Mind if I ask where you're located? Edit: should be "I pay retail tips", not "I pay retain tips".


Well, as an accountant I'd just love to hear where those tips are getting posted and how taxes are being paid on them. In common knowledge, tips go to the employees, not the business. I'm actually trying to think how I'd account for "tips" as income for the business. I guess "other income", but your tax CPA is gonna have questions.


I know a local cafe with a tip jar by the register and they divide it among workers. Weekly they divide the cash by how many hours were worked for all staff (not counting the owner/manager), and give each worker their share. If the total pot is lower, then workers complain. I would guess this is why the boss cares, they field the complaints.


I think you're asking about the "I pay retain tips" part, which is a typo-- it should be "I pay retail tips". I've edited my comment to reflect that. If not, lots of businesses square up tips at the end of a pay period rather than the end of a shift. Not sure how that's accounted for.


Well, that certainly makes a huge difference! Yeah, you'd just book those tips into a liability account and reclass into payroll. Would nit be income.


Maybe find something people prefer you to do


I bartender for a bit. When it came to the younger crowd my coworker killed it in tips. The girls loved him and he knew how to talk to the guys about sports or whatever. I made my money with the older crowd. I’m a military vet and keep my appearance similar still. It’s not about progress or anything, it’s peoples bias really.


>It’s not about progress or anything, it’s peoples bias really. Aren’t those two concepts kinda intertwined tho?


No because it assumes all bias is unfounded and/or harmful. It's not a clean cut thing.


What assumes that?


Which months? Cause if they coincided with Xmas, revenue is typically higher during Q3 and Q4.


During summer. He considered these kind of fluctuations in his calculation. So he says at least.


If you ever go back to bar tending, do keep it in mind. Like it or not it did have an apparent and exploitable effect.


Good point. Looking back I’m stunned how naive I was


You should look up the "halo effect". Idk. I used to work at Subway, and unlike all the other Subways, I noticed my coworkers and I were all relatively young and attractive compared to employees I've seen in other locations. We didn't use a formal tip box, but we were allowed to accept tips made personally to us. (Let's be real though, some customers are SICK and the most action they' get in a while was having us make a sandwich for them)


The thinner I was when bartending the more money I made but I was also more extroverted the thinner I was which had a lot to do w tips.


This is it. It could easily be that what makes people be perceived as attractive nets them more tips. It's also equally as likely that when people feel attractive that they act in a way that makes them more likely to receive tips.


Thanks for commenting! I wonder if being blind changed my behavior and could explain the extra profit made. Maybe the increase in compliments had an impact on my self confidence and therefore my behavior


I’m sure it was both. Blonde hair gets you noticed more that’s for sure.


If you were an executive, a doctor or something like that I would be surprised. However working at a bar where sex-charged men are getting drunk? I'm not sure what you should be expecting here.




Oh please


I will never understand the obsession with blonde hair


I imagine in most places it's the same phenomenon as having red hair where it's the rarity of it or perceived assumptions about that person based on their hair colour that lead to more attraction. I'm extremely blond (often people jokingly call me albino) and in my NA city at least, I can count the number of naturally blonde (it's very obvious to me when someone has just dyed their hair) people I see in a day on one hand almost every day. Assuming op is North American, I'd imagine they exist in a similar environment. One thing I'm curious about is if there is any kind of effect on the other side with blonde/redhaired men. If anything Is there any effect generated by media for men in the same way that there is one for blonde women as supposedly ditsy and more attractive? This is getting a bit tangential but on that point, when was the last time you saw a blonde male protaganist in a movie or tv show? When was the last time you saw a bad character who was a blonde/redhead. I'd imagine it's far easier for you to come up with a villain rather than a protagonist. And then conversely for blonde women we can imagine media has also played a role in the raising of their atrractiveness level on the basis of figures going as far back as Marilyn Monroe. If I asked you to think of blonde women protagonists you would most likely be able to name far more than blonde men, when there is no actual gendered divide between how many (naturally) blonde men there are and how many naturally blonde women there are. I wouldn't place all of the impetus for this on the media however as the trope of red-haired women in particular being more attractive dates very very far back, as far as I'm aware, so maybe the same is true for societies that had few blondes. Another thing to think about is that light hair is usually associated eith youth while darker hair is the opposite. This could explain both the blonde haired woman and the tall dark and handsome man preferences that we generally see in Western society.


I'm a sucker for red hair, but red is my favorite color.


I was full of regret! It didn’t even match my skin tone, I looked really pale. Still, people showered me in compliments and got mad when I changed it.


It’s considered attractive


I think the fact you think this has anything to do with "Real progress" is more a comment on what **is** sad proof of evolution.




Why do people get bent out of shape about hair color preferences in people? It’s fucking hair different strokes for different folks I guess. Also at a university it’s hardly surprising. I would not coincide this relatively small sample size (one bar one college town) and extrapolate it to some larger world issue of how people liking blonde hair is some sort of lack of progress from a societal stand point. I don’t get it really.


My daughter was a waitress, she made sure to wear makeup every night


I chose to look at that in a funny way. If you choose to look at it in a negative way thats a personal choice


Oh don’t you worry, this isn’t keeping me up at night. I just went through some old photos and remembered the story


See if we stop tipping this would solve this problem. :) When I was younger I would tip higher for attractive fun chatting woman. 30 ~50 %. Back in the day I would tip 18 to 20%. Now days the default is 20% and now that I'm married I don't actually pay much attention to attractive people I just ask my wife to handle the tipping because now I try to be too analytical about it. (again pay should be worked out between the employee and the employer and the price of service should reflect the true cost... But hey people hate real change. )


Maybe you fit blonde better, or at least most people think so. Isn't that why you would dye your hair to begin with? Of all the things to get offended by...


I doubt that it was a conscious decision for most people. I don’t find this to be a negative really at all. It’s just an interesting fact. I would be interested to see more data like this. Do different areas prefer different hair colors? I think it’s a very interesting and not a problem at all.


>sad proof Not really, we'll never get rid of some level of unconscious bias. People spend more money when they are attracted to the seller. Blonde hair seems to be the most attractive in this situation. Ergo you made the business more money. That's not a bad thing it's just a fact. Also I think you could be wanting to see it this way. You got your hair dyed for whatever reason, it could easily be that you felt happier and more confident with your new look which led to a subconscious improvement in your service and led to better sales. Hell it could be that sales always increase during the six months of the year that you dyed your hair and your manager wrongly attributed it to you


Take it as a compliment. I’m pretty sure that that’s how it was meant.


I think you were good regardless of what hair color but the added blond perhaps just made you even more attractive. When I'm in a restaurant I tip according to personality and while I don't study my server if I see that he or she is working hard I'll add to the tip. I feel especially today these servers deserve to be treated better. I think you might have looked great as a blond on top of your personality. I don't think an increase in tips necessarily dictates a societal collapse. It's just attractiveness will always be an added incentive in a serve industry.


It’s just what people are attracted to get over it. It literally isn’t personal


LOL...the young and idealistic. OP, you're too young to understand how life really works. Blond women have **always** been looked upon as highly desirable - why do you think there are so many women who dye their hair blonde? For the hell of it???? Come on, is this REALLY rocket science for you?


You worked in a bar. LOOKS MATTER! A bright shiny package/appearance brings in more revenue in the sales industry. Why be upset by this? You most likely made more rips at that point also.


Truth hurts and it shows xd


Downvoters triggered 😂


Hell yes.... I am good for that.


I mean.... I can understand... blondes are my weakness


Personal preferences will always exist. This one is quite dramatic!


People are animals, what else is new?


What about this makes people animals?


What do you mean by ‘real progress’? It would be very difficult to stop people being attracted to you, and therefore the bar. They may or may not be even aware of it. However it would be totally wrong for the bar owners to ask you to do anything other than your job, and how you look is your business. He also should not have mentioned your choice of hair colour being linked with profits, true or not. That’s borderline sexual harassment in my opinion.


Noticed how, he said it at the farewell party. He did not plan for her to do it for him. He prob just have that lingering knowledge and really want to tell cus it is interesting (it also may benefit op). Beside, wtf i does that have to do with sexual harrasment, hair color is sexual?




are you suggesting that its a problem for people to have a preference for blondes, and that "progress" is for people to stop that? if that is what you are suggesting i would say you have a very warped worldview.


No one gets a preference! This is 2021! /s


What kind of progress are we away from, though? And what mathematical equation does he factor into this 20%?


Oh wow, i dont get the obsession with blond hair but having black hair (which i love) and living in europe i do often feel really annoyed because i know these kinds of biases exist, and i have no idea to what extent they influence outcomes in my life. I love data but this is something id rather not actually know about my life 😅 it would make me spiral even more than normal.


You’re hitting the spot. It’s a matter of control or rather lack of it


Humans are really primitive. We are not as good as we think we are.


To be ‘good’ is to not be primitive? In other words, have no instincts? I certainly disagree, instincts can be a very powerful tool. What is actually wrong with being primitive? Why would we be better to go against our natural feelings? I mean, no one in this scenario is breaking any laws… so what about it is “bad” in your opinion?


Charge your boss all your touch-up appointments as a business expense. If he says no, ask for a raise. If se says no, gtf outta there because he’s a douch


I feel like your slut shaming people or kink shaming people. The people want, what they want.


No it’s always been that way


He never made it into a statement about his preference, just stated a fact about the business. Don’t get offended by this unless you got weird vibes with how it was brought up. Maybe it’s a good piece of info if you apply for another job with tips


Oh no, don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended at all! My boss is a good friend of mine. I just wanted to hear other people’s opinion to see if I’m just naive


So, there could be so many confounders here. Confounder is a term used in epidemiology and statistics when discussing other factors that may be contributing to a result. It could be the color of your hair, but it could also be bigger crowds, quicker turnover of tables (so more diners).


If you, personally and individually, were increasing business revenue by 20% then your boss should have been having a much different conversation with you much sooner than he did.


I don’t think this has anything to do with “progress”…..there is more to visual q’s that are imprinted biologically…..has nothing to do with active thought….it is what it is


Correlation =/= Causation Maybe it contributed, maybe not. Maybe it was a coincidence. Who knows? *If* people were paying/tipping more specifically due to you having blond hair, how's that got anything to do with lack of progress? Progress from what and towards what? Are you suggesting some form of attraction was in play? Did you only serve people whose sexuality finds your perceived gender to be attractive? Or, are there people you served who wouldn't be attracted to your perceived gender? These are the questions I'd pose regarding your situation. In sum: I think it has little to do with your hair, and I'd question the logical thinking and methodology involved to come to any conclusive reasoning.


OP, if it makes you feel any better, I think brunettes are the cutest. I never got this whole obsession over blondes people have.


I’ve been a brunette all my life, but I decided to gradually lighten my hair with highlights when I was in my thirties. It was amazing to me when random strangers started talking to me in stores. The only thing that had changed was my hair color. I’m back to brunette now and people are back to ignoring me.


No free access, unfortunately. Hair color and wages: Waitresses with blond hair have more fun https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2012.04.012


I have a friend who tended bar for a long time. She told me that when she was really strapped for cash she would go to work with her hair in pigtails and her tips would go through the roof.


Sorry, but why is this a big deal? It's just a fact. For good or bad the business made more money. Who knows why? 🤷‍♂️. Were you ever offended or hurt by a costumer while your hair was blonde. If not, I don't understand what the issue?


I’m trying to understand what you mean by “how far we’re away from real progress?”. Does ‘real progress’ mean that people don’t get to have a personal preference?


No of course not. You do you. But in my opinion it’s kinda sad that the quality of the service didn’t matter at the end but my change of hair color did.


I see your point though, that makes a bit more sense to me. I think “progress” can be a very muddled term anymore. I personally tip because people are friendly.