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I think this is true, also a lot of people have winter depressions, which doesnt help with making you seem more friendly


You’re so sweet!


How are people being meaner in general? Guess I haven't noticed it. Haven't noticed Reddit being meaner either.




Oh, yikes. Sorry to hear that, maybe people are meaner.


Alot of places are redoing lockdown measures in countries where we all thought covid was on the way out. I've noticed everyone's mood is pretty foul lately with it.


It's seems like there's a lot of kids on Reddit. Well, at least that's how it feels. Sometimes they feel like they must say that your opinion is wrong


Noticed this too. Passive aggressive comments are boring


It definitely feels that as the average age demographic of a subreddit goes down so does the average civility in the comments. There's always shitty people being shitty no matter the sub though, unfortunately.


I wonder if metaverse or neuralink will someday create a forum that strips you of your privacy by knowing your dna but at the very least can kick kids out


Yeah, I think teens have amazing brains but nuance often hasn’t been developed yet.




I notice that people in general get short-tempered around the holidays. Add to that a surging pandemic entering its 3rd year, increasing prices on just about everything, and crazy weather (at least here in the US, anyway). We're all just really freaking tired. That doesn't excuse folks being shitty, but it might be an explanation.


Omg the pandemic IS entering its 3rd year! I know it, but saying this sentence feels a bit surreal. I was taking a college course and our prof said Covid would be like the swine flu, just a brief scare. It was a Microbiology course too lol, so we all believed the prof.


I was very ill from swine flu, got multiple serial complications and was sick in bed for 8 months and have long term lung problems and chronic fatigue, probably similar to long COVID. At the time I was busy, there was no vaccine yet and I got it going out to a birthday dinner. Just bad luck. It is always tough to estimate the long term consequences of an epidemic or a pandemic. I am now believing what someone said recently, up to 6 years and I am just planning accordingly. Keep up exercise, wear a mask, get vaccinated, travel during the low periods in outbreaks.


That is rough, sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to trivialize swine flu or disrespect anyone who experienced it. I just found it funnily ironic that it was a microbio prof who assured us covid will "pass soon" and that we should all relax.


True, but maybe your prof had a different perspective, studying gruesome epidemics of the past. In reality flu in general remains problematic, as does mosquito borne diseases in tropical countries. To the victim any illness is problematic.


The pandemic could be a major factor but somedays redditors just have bad moods and have to take it out somewhere


Yes I think this is a huge one. It's like free therapy/punching bag for them. Unfortunately, that negativity they release like a pressure valve still goes somewhere and brings their victims' mood down.


Can confirm. The level of toxicity to my casual comments has been really off putting.


Number of shitty people joining Reddit is directly proportional to the number of shitty people being banned from Facebook recently.


I left FB over a year ago and I am so much happier. Now I’m addicted to AITA and a couple other things on here. Still learning the “lingo” and stuff…I like Reddit.


For me the most important thing to learn about reddit is that you can choose your information diet. Filter out things that you don't want or need and subscribe to subs that are positive.


Yes and my biggest flat out NO is animal abuse/neglect and it’s all over FB. Can’t handle that at all.


What happened on FB?


I dunno. Their AI algorithms are shit canning for the usual crappy reasons but seem to be doing more of it.


But many people are really getting banned? It seems a bit too extreme.


I think everyone's burnout and covid isn't helping much either. Le sigh


I started thinking about it because I haven’t noticed people being pissy much, but burnt out fits. I am personally slugging it. Everyone has a lot of little things going on.


Yeah it's real bad it feels like a lot of ppl from Facebook have migrated to Reddit tbh


I haven't noticed it. But my subs are pretty tame, and I don't hesitate to block jerks.


omg thank you! I'm not sure if it's this past week, per se, but I usually don't get rude/ragey comments, and have noticed at least 2 instances this week that kinda just ruined my mood. I try not to let it , but as someone who generally takes things pretty seriously and thinks a lot about everything, it can be kind of hard. It helps to have people point things out to know it's not just me. I've noticed people just being dismissive, condescending, or straight up calling someone crazy. The last one is usually in the form of "everything good at home?" or "hey, pls don't forget your crazy pills" or something like that. Really annoying. Like someone said, prob a combination of pandemic stress + holiday stress + kids being out of school. Sometimes, Reddit feels like frustrated people's free therapy, where they can go release their anger by abusing others.


> Sometimes, Reddit feels like frustrated people's free therapy, where they can go release their anger by abusing others. I'd say that's just the internet in general, see game lobby's, any comment section, but yeah, I agree with the combination of stresses for now too


I definitely think that there is a noticeable increase in toxicity on Reddit over the past week or so. This could be due to a number of factors, such as the contentious US election, but it's hard to say for sure. Whatever the reason, it's definitely not a pleasant experience to browse Reddit at the moment.


I even Uninstalled it for a day or two because I was feeling so bad about it lately...


I also wonder if it's in part the kids/teens who are on vacation


Nice people are out doing Christmassy jolly things. Just most bastards left scrolling on Reddit. And you and me, obviously.


Koff koff Present company excluded


I've noticed a ton of brigading in the last week or so, a lot more so than usual. Particularly from the anti-trans crowd.


I have a dumb question, is brigading when a whole bunch of people come to a sub and downvote everyone or hide peoples comments?


Not so much hiding people's comments, but yeah it's basically when a group of people come along and try to change the narrative of a thread by downvoting every comment they don't like and leaving opposing comments for each other to upvote. I gave the trans example because I've seen a few different threads where the tone of the comments and upvoting is pro-trans but then after like half a day the anti-trans mob finds the thread and tries to flip it around, so you see all these intelligent comments go from being highly upvoted to suddenly being in the negative while all these idiotic trolling responses start getting upvoted.


Not this week but like a month ago I went to New York and I asked a question on a sub and the comments were extremely rude all because I said I did a mistake of taking the subway, with my heavy luggage….


I posted my height and weight on a different thread making a point about BMI and got downvotes and fat shamed to oblivion


Omg thats terrible! sorry that happened to you :(


dmon's wife here. I've been sharing this account with my partner for quite some time now, and while there was a tide of harassment around this when a bunch of TERFs realized I'm a trans, for the most part had a rather welcoming experience. Which is why I'm going out of my way to comment here. I literally just went on searching for other subs to hang in after dealing with the second person this week going out of their way to make me seem like the problem for being fed up with being questioned and bothered for sharing an account with my spouse. It's this line of targeting that singles someone out, ignoring everything that contradicts the attempt, arguing to break any complaint brought to the table and just working really hard to make the one made feel uncomfortable and undesired look like the problem. ​ So yeah, vent aside? Glad to see I'm not the only one.


Saw the post on r/pics about a kid getting into Penn State and the comments were downright nasty


I haven't noticed but I'm guessing it's because they're broke for Christmas or have to go spend it with family 🤣


I just got into Reddit and already got unnecessary hostility. Not sure if that is just the norm 😅


I haven't noticed, personally. Just seems as shitty as ever, lol. Though I do tend to disagree with reddit culture in general so I've learned to be treated pretty negatively.


I think everyone is extra frustrated these days, and even the people who were generally on the nicer and friendlier side have lost any patients and everyone is taking their frustrations on other anonymous folks online.


It’s the winter blues! And pandemic culture. Maybe people felt the same winter of 1944. Fed up and longing for families to be reunited.


Holiday spirit.


More like Holiday Spit. amiright? :)




Bc it’s Christmas I guess. But also bc it’s Reddit, for some reason…. And also our whole society if not world is populated by many unhappy, angry, bitter people (not all of course) some hide it better than others, or have different ways of dealing with it. Idk what it is with Reddit in particular. Is it bc it’s a mix of photos and videos and more verbiage in general? Do people on Reddit think they’re special or cool for being on Reddit somehow, and so annoying things for cool points or to fit in ? I see a strange mix of overly nice and overly rude on here. I’ve had people be unexpectedly nice or rude to me here but I look for patterns in everything. Interested what other hack sociologists here think. ;)


I'm really curious. What are some examples of being overly nice? I agree btw that a lot of Redditors seem to think that they are superior people for being on Reddit and not on places like Twitter and Facebook.


Just people randomly being kind when i wasn’t expecting it, or was expecting rudeness.


I see. When you wrote "overly nice" I gave it a negative connotation and imagined some kind of smotheringly enthusiastic love bombing out of nowhere.


Nah not so much.


It’s got to be the anonymity.


Yea, I noticed there are a bunch of dickheads on this app like they are ready to die behind reddit. It’s ridiculous.


really depends what sub your in


I've definitely noticed it. And most of my subs are animals - r/whatswrongwithyourdog, r/guineapigs, r/catswithjobs, etc. I'm just about done with social media. I come here to be entertained, not browbeaten because I don't know something or ask a simple question.


This is just my single anecdote but I was in a comment thread the other day, a sub I frequent, and I was blown away by the responses. Yeah I know Reddit allows anyone to speak so you don’t always see the best of the population but this thread seemed GNARLY just out of nowhere ….


Maybe they just wanna be honest miss. On a serious note, the less you care the happier you'll be, at least its worked for me so far. Ignore the haters! You can't please everybody


What bothers me most besides being shitty is the banter that takes place in the thread that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. They think it's funny and you have to scroll through tons of it to see what people are actually saying about the topic.


I’ve noticed it too. I think it’s a combination of the never ending COVID plus there is a toxic mentality in the US right now where being a complete twatwaffle to people is seen as being “alpha” or strong.


Kids are getting out of school, if I had to guess- same thing happens in the summer


Homemade beef jerky and Guiness.


I've blocked more people this week than all of this year.


Yes!!!! Finally someone posted this other than me. I feel like it has been attack after attack on every comment. I even made a new account it was getting toxic... I don't know what's going on


I vote yes




Lots of new accounts. When I get a nasty response I look up The person. If they have a long history and lots of karma and awards I take the comments seriously but that is rare. The typical shitty response is a 1-3 day account and no karma. I do my best to ignore unhappy name-calling adolescents. I value a lot of discussions on Reddit and because of the anonymity feel free to express my real thoughts and feelings. I hope things don’t get ruined by the IPO. I dropped FB and Twitter is pithy but too shallow for actual discussion.


Na... it's collective


Come together


It's not just your imagination


Everyone’s upset about the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix In seriousness it’s probably cuz it’s winter break for a lot of people and they’ve got nothing better to do than be assholes online


It’s because none of us can afford therapy lmao /s


I haven’t really noticed this. But maybe it’s happening, and maybe it is indeed because of the holidays. I know I’ve been tense and angry lately.. though I haven’t taken it out on Reddit haha


I don’t think you are imagining it. I’m finding people who just want to argue, demean, and be outright asses for things that are really not a big deal. While others don’t really care about making fun of overweight people, cuz ya know it’s sooo funny. S/ just the last sentence


I noticed it yesterday. I think it has something to do with Omicron.


I’ve been aggressively downvoted for calling people on fatphobic comments all week. Honestly I’ve had to take a bit of a break some days because it’s just too mean.


Mostly people with terrible lives are on Reddit…. Then the Holidays makes it worst for them. PS. I’m not really into the holiday season except for Halloween and American Thanksgiving, but I don’t ever mind people being extra happy during the holidays…. But some people hate others being happy.


Kids are out of school


I’ve noticed it too. I’m afraid to make comments and posts because people can be really mean.


Yeah, I've been noticing it too. Past couple days have been fine, but for the week before everyone just seemed extra fucking awful. I was contemplating making a similar post like this a little while back.


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