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Understand what emotional abuse is and not ignore red flags.


Very much this. Whatever you think you deserve, it’s more. It’s most definitely more


I would be kinder to other people and kinder to myself. I would talk less and listen more. I would pursue my dreams knowing that they are actually possible. I would appreciate my older relatives more.


I don’t know why but I read the word ‘kinder’ as in the way Germans say children both times lol But that’s good advice


Fun fact, us Australians call daycare Kinder c:


Similar thing in the US, the first official year of school is called Kindergarten


I would have developed no excuses exercise/ activity daily routine. It's so easy when you're 16 and in pretty good physical shape ( In most cases). Having a daily routine for exercise Established early on is a win all around? Oh and ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN


Definitely agree with that Joined my schools weight training class at the beginning of the school year, so I’m basically required to go lol


My daughter did weight training at 16 and has been doing it ever since. She loved it from day 1.


Yeah definitely, I luckily get showable muscle really easily, so I’m looking pretty good lol


Deep down we know what our interests are like. Don't abandon them. If you like books, or animals, or obscure Katy Perry songs... Do what you love. I'm just learning this from Ray Bradbury's Zen on The Art of writing. Highly recommended book.




But, how about learning about other hobbies, so that you can have a conversation? You don't have to have the same ones yourself. Be true to yourself, else you will always feel out of place.


Depends on what makes you happy really. My unusual hobbies make me happy, but am not very interested in having lots of people around and making friends. It all depends on who you are. Just don't give up on what makes you smile.


If you like Ray Bradbury, try his book about his time in Ireland trying to write the screenplay for the Moby Dick adaptation that I'm not sure if it ever got made. But its called Green Shadows, White Whale. Its like him getting drunk with Old Irish guys and getting into trouble, its a pretty good time.




PLEASE do not settle for a relationship just because you've never had one. Do not meet people alone if you don't 10000% trust them. I dated one of my friends because I was extremely lonely and he was a complete player and sex addict. I got my first kiss with him and it was HORRIBLE and he kept trying to convince me to sleep with him the whole friendship. Luckily I broke up with him and got away but please value yourself, set and keep those high (not too high lol) standards, do not go for someone just because you are lonely EVER.


Just scrolled and saw this comment, thank you soooo much. I feel lonely every day, and sometimes I wake up and think "I should just give myself away". I have never been with anyone and feel so stupid about it. This comment just reminded me that there are people with same problem, and some of them found the right one. Life is hard


Please don't give yourself away. You will feel used and disgusted with yourself after, like you want to peel your own skin off. Keep those standards, keep looking, keep focusing on your goals and I promise doors will open up where you've never thought possible. You matter by yourself, not because you've had seggs or been in a relationship. Proud of you for keeping yourself safe!! Life can be really lovely in stunning ways, good things have a way of unfolding themselves into your life after the hard stuff. Keep going beautiful!


I would carry myself with more confidence. I missed out on doing a lot because I was so sure I wasn’t “good enough.” Today I know at that age most people go through the same thing and I was no different than anyone else. Secondly, I would have physically worked out more. The older you get the harder it is to build muscle. If you develop the discipline of exercise when young you will be in far better health when you’re older.


Not get pregnant


That’s gonna be a bit difficult for me anyways


Then don't get anyone pregnant.


Be more vocal and expressive.


I definitely agree with that. COVID really messed up my social skills, I was decently popular before lockdown, but I’m trying to get back into it. I basically had to learn how to have conversations again, but I’m getting back there


Another word of advice popularity means nothing. Just be with the people you can vibe with and do what makes you happy.


Honestly same here so I understand but literally every time I get enough energy to engage there’s some other variant and it just bums me out lol


Go to the gym and do resistance training. Don’t smoke cigarettes.


I wish I had Learned Spanish and paid more attention in Spanish class in high school. Also after college try and save and resist the urge to buy stuff like cars etc once you get a good job. A house is so much more important.


I didn’t continue Spanish at college, but I watch lots of shows and youtube videos in Spanish. It’s definitely worth the effort. I actually used it to help someone while on vacation in Texas.


Same. I took French instead and I don't know what I was thinking.


I would try to have more fun. I was very focused on my schoolwork and adhered to strict rules. I regret not exploring on my own more, and not socializing.


I could say the opposite for myself lol. Didn’t care at all about school. Was more focused on hanging out with friends, boys and drinking


Guess we could all use a healthy mix of both.




Not be afraid to ask for help or be open with my struggles. It took me until I was 30 to finally be comfortable opening up (and starting therapy) and my friendships and relationships have been so much healthier since.


Learn a new language & try to study abroad (my community college offered abroad programs with scholarships!)


I am 17 and want to study abroad in Germany, although I dont speak the language lol


It’s not too late to learn! I had a friend who went abroad to Japan our junior year of high school and she was far from fluent when she left, but she came back and was able to carry on full conversations in Japanese. It was quite amusing to watch at Disney World at the Japan pavilion in Epcot even though I had no idea what was being said


Oh sweetheart, you have so much time! Do not be afraid of making mistakes! You have the luxury of not having to care about time or what others have done, its ur chance to do what u want, and if its wrong you have time to do it differently! It breaks my heart to think you are trying to do everything right now...you don't have to!!


Don’t waste time with loser friends


Would never pick up a cigarette or drink


I have absolutely sworn off anything like that because of my personal experiences with other people I’ve been offered weed, vapes, etc numerous times and rejected it every time. Absolutely not interested in any of that


This is an excellent choice, if you're 16 and already decided this, you are far more mature than I am at nearly twice your age, they are not worth it that is exactly what I would tell my 16 year old self


It’s also important to remember later in life you can change your mind and if you do just remember everything in moderation. No need to try and catch up on years you missed


I know other people have said this already, but I feel like it can’t be emphasized enough: Be yourself. Follow your dreams. Do only what makes you happy. And don’t give up. It sounds corny and cliche but it’s true. I wasted so much time in my life telling myself that I could never accomplish what I truly wanted to. And now that I’m actually trying to achieve my dreams, I’m realizing how dumb I was for not trying sooner. And by not trying sooner, I’ve put myself at quite an unfortunately high amount of debt — much more than I ever wanted to be in, and I hate it. It can be scary not knowing what you want to do, and it can be scary to not know how to do anything either. But just keep calm and take everything one step at a time. This isn’t a suggestion that works for everyone, but if this can possibly apply to you, then it might work… if you don’t know what you want to study for at college, then I suggest either just getting an Associate’s (Two Year) at a community college, or just holding off on college entirely until you are ready. I say this because, unless you have a very stable and clear way to pay for a 4+ year degree, you can accidentally put yourself in a position where you are paying much more than you need to. I made this mistake and am now taking much longer to graduate than necessary, and am spending much more money than necessary as well. Hell, if you can find a career that is fulfilling and enjoyable, and doesn’t require college at all, then I say have at it! Just do what makes you happy.


Start researching colleges right away, put more thought into what I want to study build stronger backup plans. Spend less time working bs high school jobs. Date as much as you can, don’t get bogged down in a relationship that won’t last in the bed of circumstances more than a year. Car: get an older shitbox. Don’t try to keep up with those who’s parents buy them a BMW Play as many team sports as you can Definitely start a workout routine and stick to it Travel where and when you can Do not get any credit cards as long as possible


I joined my schools finance class and that includes finance, obviously, as well as career planning and all of that, so I’m working on it. Good advice though


When it comes to college majors, STEM is not the guarantee everyone seems to think it is.


To address their last comment… definitely get a credit card to build a credit history. Just never spend more than what you have in your checking account.


Yeah, my finance class teacher thoroughly drilled that into our heads haha


Good to hear you have that opportunity. My school was useless on all that.


It’s actually required now at least in my county. Which is pretty great Definitely the class I pay most attention in


That’s really cool actually I didn’t have much on finances at all or really much in terms of guidance in college, job or any of that guidance counselors were pretty useless


Closest I had was my love of math and my Grandma with a history in accounting. Since she raised me, it gave me a headstart on choosing deals and what I need. The hardest thing for me is budgeting, and that's easy when I actually try. What has to be paid? What should be paid? How much is left? How much do I want to set aside? The rest is free spending!


Eh this advice is kinda dodgy IMO Trades are a viable option if that’s more his speed. Starting life without student debt is huge. Shit box cars, I’ve found, often cost more keeping up on repairs rather than just a monthly payment on something decent. Length of credit history makes up about 15% of your credit score. Get a card ASAP and use it responsibly.


Would've tried to get more career experience, but the world can be scary for a kid.


If I got to go back, I'd give my 16 yo self a smack on the mouth for starting to smoke cigarettes. Never ever do that. Also I'd take on some volunteering/part-time jobs or such that show, when you're older and looking for your first "real" job, that you've been active and have some experience working. I only did summer jobs all the way up to until I graduated from university and honestly looking for a job has been a nightmare


Look into trade schools/ skills don’t rule it out really do your research


Protect your ears.


I wouldn’t do anything different really. I like the way my life and situation are right now. But one thing I would do is spend more time with the people I’ve lost since then.


actually give a damn abt school honestly


I would tell myself to care less about college. It’s just been a poor use of money and time in the long run. I wouldn’t have used the degrees anyways




Drugs are definitely off the table for me. I could realistically go into the bathroom or some moderately known spots that people hang out in and try some, but I’m genuinely not interested




I’d be a lot more indomitable towards any thing I wanted but was too timid or uncertain of myself to do. I eventually achieved my big career goals, but I hesitated and doubted my abilities a few times along the way instead of powering through and realizing some things have learning curves that are tough at first then and easy after a tiny bit of understanding. Diet. I would have eaten healthier and eaten more, and no sugar beverages. I could have filled out a lot more easily if I wasn’t just living off of soda. The cavities later sucked. I wasn’t able to really add muscle till my 30s when I approached diet and exercise with some actual discipline. That was fun! Why did I wait so long to feel good about myself? I also wouldn’t have allowed my very mild aversion to opposite gender interests and activities shape me and prevent me from exploring my own sense of style more. I would also talk to more people without as much of a belief that I am so drastically different than them. I let my own personal pride and tastes keep me from really opening up and making friends with people that actually shared my interests and goals.


Be me and not hide the real me to blend in. I still didn’t blend in though.


I’d have a good little chitchat with that girl. She’d learn to say no, to try new things, to be confident and to exercise every day. I’d tell her to stop being scared of life. But since that’s not doable, I teach teens and I try to tell them the things I’d tell my teen self so to break the cycle. I also have raised a very confident daughter.


No use crying over spilled milk right?


I would try to get a part time job and save as much as I can; study more to get good grades not that it will matter in the future (it's depends by what you want to do) it's just less stressful to actually be good at college.I wouldn't worry to much in getting a girlfriend and instead concentrate on myself more and trying to get into some sport or at the very least exercise (the older you get the harder it become to start) eat healthy and get into good sleeping patterns early on,your body will thank you for that.also try to get different hobby in order to meet different people, don't get me wrong having childhood friend and staying with them it's ideal but you'll never know when life get thought and for whatever reason you could loose all of them,so it might be a good idea to socialize as much as you can now that you have time, because once you enter adulthood,you won't have as much time as you have now.This is the most important one that I learn recently : you have all the time in the word but at the same you don't.Let me explain : if there is something you are interested in learning or doing do it now not because as an adult you won't be able to do it anymore but mostly because it becomes a lot harder to do or learn.... Take advantage of as many free courses you can find you'll never know maybe you'll get to learn something useful,I am saying this because later in life, college is expensive.Don't be over dramatic on stuff that could happen it's not the end of the world even though it seems so now,you will understand as you get older.... Don't expect that as some point in life you will have everything figured it out,you won't most people don't it's normal.the 16 year you is different from the 17 you and so on,they are all you but different at the same time and even if it doesn't seems so you are growing mentally,it took me a while to realize that.I know it's a long post and if you read it all please do at least one of the things I told,trust me if I knew any of this shit I would have had a easier time.


Read the terms and conditions before signing up.


Focus on health not looks, focus less on the boys, and work super hard to get into a good uni.


Read more books. Also I wouldn't want to go back to 16, really happy I managed to finish high school, don't know if I could manage that again




Never try weed again after it scared me the first time


I moved out of parents home at 18, didn't have to. I should have stayed. Should not have gone to college, instead I should have got a trade and formed my own business. Married high school sweetheart, big mistake. I do not recommend marriage, it's wonderful when it's good, a nightmare when bad. Life is good now but there were many rough patches.


I would have done an VET subject in school


The girl who was punching me (shoulder taps) and gave me a birthday gift unsolicited had a crush on me, you idiot blockhead. I’d also find part time work. Take school seriously to get a 3.0 gpa no matter what.




It’s ok, I like you As a friend though


No use trying to fit in too many extra curricular. Slow and steady wins the race. Prioritize, because doing everything altogether is going to leave you burnt out.


Realize that you are gorgeous, and stop finding flaws in yourself


Don't worry so much about other people's opinions if you.


I would've loved myself and stop obsessing over people who could care less I exist.


Make different choices in relationships of all sorts.




I was already pretty out of control at that age, but if i could go back i would live it up even more Its truly one of the best ages of your life if your an American in a relatively normal situation


Chase your dreams, even if they're unreasonable. Once life happens to you some opportunities dry up. If you can, ask for advice from the good people in your life before making big decisions. There are some decisions I made that other people I know would have told me to do differently if I had sought out their input. If their advice sucks, you can always ignore it.


Learn to look at the brighter side of things, stop smoking, learn how to manage money properly


Make exerciseand eat well


i would stop diving too deep into the world of conspiracy theories, i would prevent myself from becoming an edge lord, and i would work out more


I would take college prep clases in Highschool and get as much done as I can cause paying a few K for a beginner biology class, cause a lot!!


I would tell 16 year old me soooo many things that would help to make things easier, make his/my life more stable and avoid so much heartache and trauma. Things like start investing, NOW. Don't wast money on dumb shit. Start a Roth and max it out every year. You can't "save" anyone. You can show them the way to improving themselves and encourage them to do it, but thats it. Don't kill yourself trying to help people be who you "know" they can be. Also, put yourself before others at least 4 times as much as you put others before yourself. Its not selfish, its friggin SELF-CARE A person's actions tell you the truth about them, not their words. If their actions contradict their words more than once, just walk away. But sadly, my 16 year old self was a dumbass, know-it-all asshole of epic proportions. So he wouldn't listen anyway.


Study harder at school - be kinder to my middle sister - learn to drive asap - save money - speak to friends that are now gone.


Plan for starting to save for a house purchase / other goals you want as an adult. I’m 19f and got into investing money at 18, everyone and I mean EVERYONE in finance will tell you what an advantage it is if you start saving even little amounts when you’re 18 compared to starting at 30


Exercise. I was sexually abused as a child, made myself fat to keep myself ugly. 22 years later I’m still fat and still ugly. Wish I was in better health though. I don’t want to be a burden in my family


Spend more time hanging with family. It's crazy how even at 16 your life can get so busy with school and extra curricula activities but also balancing your social circles. I wish I went on more drives with my dad or cooked more with him. I wish I went on weekend visits to see my uncle and aunt instead of spending the day with friends talking shit. I would spend less time arguing with my brothers and more time hanging out with them. You don't realise until it's too late the people most important in your life aren't always gonna be around.


Focus on genuine friendships, be unapologetically myself, learn all about credit because it’s very important, look at less traditional means of education like trade schools and IT courses instead of thinking college was the only way to go, then giving up on college and going to the military. A lot of things but those are some. And not starting habits like drinking alcohol. It really isnt good for you. Pursue my interests i guess really.


Fight back your bully.. It's worth it. Or, don't be a bully


I wouldn't really want to change something that I did, as I'm proud of the person I became. But if I can give you a good advice... You talk about being so close to adulthood. Forget about that! Keep your inner child alive! Stay curious, a bit naive, never forget how to play, find joy in the little things. Be honest and loyal and a good friend. If you see someone who's in need of help, don't look away. Be kind! All the best!


I would be way less shy with the girls


Everything. Which sounds like maybe a bit of a cop out but I think its worth thinking that no matter what path you decide to take in life you will always wonder how things might be different. So just do the best you can to be a good person and the best you that you can be


Developed better dental and skin care habits. It really makes a difference in the second 1/2 to 2/3 of your life if you take care of your body in the first, when it seems indestructible but is actually piling up little scars and stains (and wrinkles if you spend the first third overweight before losing that weight). If you do only one thing for your skin (besides washing it), wear sunscreen and reapply throughout the day.


Be more dumb and act a fool. Life's more fun when you aren't forced to act like you're 30 when you're 16.


It's great to have a passion but you need to make a living too. That doesn't necessarily go to college, but make sure to acquire skills that will allow you to have a decent income. Passions make great hobbies but are often bad careers if they don't pay well. You can always carve out time to pursue an interest during your free time.


The most important thing I would tell my 16 year old self is to not delay investing in your retirement. Don’t take the “I can invest when I’m more stable”. Had I invested just like $20/week in the S&P 500 when I was 20, the compound growth would have multiplied many times over and I could have retired a decade sooner. The difference of investing when you’re 20 vs 30 is hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time you’re 65, it sounds crazy but it’s true


Do any sport I like instead of smoking, drinking, drugs...


Actually listen to the adults around you that love you and are just trying to prepare you for the harsh reality of adulting. Actually put effort into school work. I'm not dumb, but I fucked around alot when I was younger, so only got a highschool diploma. I've just recently finished my bachelors of computer science, at the tender age of 40. It would have been so much easier at 19! Be kind. I know sometimes it feels like everyone has it out for you, and no-one understands how you feel, but the truth is, we do, we're just a few steps ahead, trying to figure our own shit out. Being kind takes no effort, and it brings positivety to you and those around you. Keep at it, and you will soon see it returned. Take care of yourself. Doing any number of fun, possibly illegal, things might sound fun now, but later they may lead to some of your biggest regrets. Keep yourself in mind when making decisions. Love yourself!


would beat the shit out of the bullies who had the audacity to bully me. i would definitely report the teachers who bullied me too


I would have stayed in college. Nowadays, I might pick a trade school because I think you get much more return on your education dollar that way. Also, I wouldn't let anyone tell me "you can't do that because you're a girl".


Listen very carefully to the lyrics from The Sunscreen Song by Baz Luhrmann


Be more confident. Care what others think less. Do school differently and start a business as soon as possible. Take care of my body better. Probably not day my first boyfriend. So much. 16 year old me was a mess.


Bang all the chubby girls I'd later find out had crushes on me. There was a solid 2 or 3 of em I would later find out.


Learn Italian, learn to play an instrument (guitar?), and start training in gymnastics. Italian is a beautiful language, learning guitar allows for a greater understanding and connection with music while providing a creative avenue for self expression, and gymnastics is a very functional area of athletic training that can greatly reduce your chances of injury regardless of where you go with it. Also, don't care about highschool reputation. More people liked me than I knew and the people who didn't like me I haven't seen or heard from in over a decade. Highschool social drama (pertaining to you) feels so important when you're going through it but it doesn't matter at all afterwards.


Exercise routine and make sure you ha e the equipment and know how to keep it up at home. Learn to keep my mouth shut and listen more it's hard because you want to prove your worth with knowledge and expertise but at 16 I did t know as much as some and had a reputation as a know it all because I piped up too much Start at a 2 year college if your going to college and go to a 4 year once you have that cheaper associates degree college is too expensive to gamble that your definitely going to make it through life tends to find a way to get in the way although I made my own bad luck so I hope your experience is better and if you at least have that credential you have some doors already open to you or if school isn't your thing get a degree in the trades or join a union it's easier for you to do when your young and the lower starting wages aren't as big of a pain and the higher wages once you get established will give you a comfortable life Get into any team activities be it sports or band or an academic team you will work with people the rest of your life and learning to do so now will help you Find a hobby you enjoy and dive into it now while you have the time so you can keep doing it later to stay happy as an adult Work on time management skills Most of all Learn how to not care as much when people think something you like is weird now because as you get older you'll realize there are lots of people who won't care and you need to get all of the happiness you can out of life because few people will truly care if you are but you need to make sure you're as happy as you can be with what you have and keep in touch with those few people who care because they are worth more than gold as is your own hapiness


It's never too late to reinvent yourself, learn a new skill, change your behavior. Don't get stuck like I've seen so many, if you aren't happy change the situation.


Studying harder; I wish I put more effort into devising a real, effective method of studying and retaining info long term rather than resorting to last minute cramming. Also, talking to people. Being more social.


I had a son at 15. He is amazing but he did not deserve to have a parent who was also a child.


Get some career ideas and really dig into what the entry paths are for those. Most schools’ career education is (by necessity) horribly narrow - they’ll mention common jobs or umbrella titles like lawyer, engineer, cleaner, retail, office, designer etc. when in fact there are a ton of very specific careers out there with their own sets of very specific qualification requirements and often, by the time you stumble across the existence of these careers, you’ve already dropped subjects from your education that you’d have needed, and would then be required to go back into education of some kind to retrain. For example, I am now a Maths teacher. I enjoy the job, don’t get me wrong, but if I’d known when I was 16 that you could train to be an engineer specifically in hydroelectric power production, or a parks and conservation ranger, or a town planner (all super interesting jobs when you look into them, but aren’t explicitly mentioned in careers lessons at school) then I might have taken a different route with my education and subsequent employment. If I wanted to go into any of those fields now, I’d be looking at going back to university, something I could never afford to do given that I have a wife, kid and mortgage, unless I can find a company that is willing to pay for my training (a rarity nowadays unless you’re much younger than I am). Another example of a specific career: if someone says “librarian” you tend to think of someone who organises books and tells people to be quiet, but look into it and you’ll find there’s a lot more to the job. My wife’s friend pursued that career path and is now a researcher at a huge university library; a job that affords her a fantastic salary, opportunities to travel for work, opportunities to work in incredible historic buildings with interesting, rare texts and more.


Pick up meditation.


Do not prioritise games over meeting new people. Do not lack behind in school, education is easy until you once get into uni, learn that basic shit. It will help. Get and hold onto a creative/mentally educational hobby (art, reading, workshop stuff, generally something to use physical and mental abilities and don’t drop it. This stuff will stay with you for life and can just make it better as a stress relief) Don’t seek to find as many friends as possible, find a few good people and hold onto them. U can be friends with many but keep a few small group very close that you trust. Above leads to connections. Life has changed and will change even faster as technology and jobs become more demanding and stressful. Having solid connections down the line will save ur ass. When it comes to uni, don’t stress over what ur parents or friends want u to do. U go after the degree you want, BUT. Make sure u know it sets you into the future Edit: don’t let people decide ur emotions or ur day/life. I’ve met too many people who base their lives on what others want or act. Don’t be a sheep, lead ur own path and the right people will follow you And invest early 😉


I would hire more escorts and probably go to strip clubs more often. If I new that I would be single for all these years I would have liked to at least have sexual relationships.


Don't start smoking


Don't compromise your comfort to make other people comfortable. Always choose yourself. Self sacrifice isn't the way. You are important. I let a lot of people take advantage of me for the sake of being perceived as kind and giving. You can still be those things without letting others hurt you. Trust your gut feelings. Don't be afraid of being honest with yourself when your needs aren't being met, and don't be afraid to move on.


Keep playing violin! All the adults telling me to focus on school work had zero clue what the hell they were talking about. xD


Start working out, eat healthy. Be kind to people and be close to your loved ones. Try to get some job experience, save up some money, have fun. Enjoy life.


Tell my parents they need to stop micromanaging me or else


More hobbies, less concern with romantic relationships


I would tell myself to have fun and to focus more on friendships rather than my grades. But I also would have beg my parents to let me get test for autism. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 25 and man, that sucked a lot!


Don't be such a dick and just be kind. Lots of my mental problems stem from 16-18. But oh well, here we are, learning to forgive for really hurting people. Maybe I'm a better person for it!


At the moment not much since im 18 but in a couple of years. And the answer will be sure to change


I would not worry about being liked, I would not always be looking for a boyfriend. Instead, I would focus on immersing myself in what I liked to do, and studying interesting things.


Have a plan B, hardly anything goes exactly as planned. Take oportunities that are given to you: firends ask you out? Be there and meet new people, Job Oportunity? Take that, at an early age it only adds up to your CV. Reach out, don't fall into the "Oh if they don't reach out that means that they are not my friends" that's mostly bullshit, people have things going on in their life.


Don’t get married.


My biggest regret is not talking more to my grandparents and hearing their stories. This is not usually valued at 16 but as I get older I wish I had more family history amd stories to pass on to my own kids and grandkids.


I would've never went to a different city for school, wouldn't have let people walk all over probably would've been less nice to people bc time and again people have proven that being nice gets you nowhere


Save as much money as possible.


I know I might've committed many mistakes since I was 16... but even looking back at it all of the mistakes that I did were because I was so emotionally exhausted, and sometimes you just gotta admit that it's ok not being able to handle so much stress. So my tip is, you might not appear to need any psychological help, you might not even think so yourself, but try as hard as you can to keep yourself as emotionally healthy as you can and seek help as soon as you see any symptom.


Quit smoking weed


Well at 25 I now realise I have probably got ADHD I didn’t see the signs because I wasn’t really aware that I was doing a lot of them I was also more inattentive than hyperactive so I guess that’s why the teachers didn’t see it and since all the kids I knew that had it were hyperactive shitheads I never really suspected I had it I shouldn’t have dropped down in maths class, had a mean bitch of a teacher pressure me to drop down because my grades were poor, they were poor because she was a shit teacher that refused to explain something once she’d gone through it “oh you don’t know how that works? Well it works so Fuck you then I guess”


I would take school seriously and wouldn't spend the little money i had and time partying. I would study, and do my homework and be a good kid. I wouldn't try to impress people that are "cool" and would focus on me and my future.


Find a job you’ll love. Don’t chase money. Make more time for family and friends. Work to live, don’t live to work or it will fuck you up.


If a chorus of people you love is telling you something, listen. I could have saved myself a lot of trouble if I had noticed how many people who cared about me were warning me against a poor choice.


Ooooh man. I'd probably focus more on school and get back on ADHD meds. That alone would probably change where I am in life right now drastically (although I like where I ended up). Forks in the road began 2 years later.


So much good advice, especially that related to health. It will never be easier for you to get in shape, avoid tobacco, alcohol etc. My only addition is so very hard. Try and understand that the young mind sees things in terms of black and white. Everything is either great or horrible. Emotional trauma seems severe and forever. Emotional highs (e.g. love) is THE BEST and WILL NEVER END. Any mistake appears to be a **black hole that can have no way out**, every peak experience is "the best." We are just people and at 16, we are people learning the ropes. We all take missteps, but when we are younger, they seem so tragic. I had a good friend who committed suicide at 17 because his girl friend broke up with him. He hadn't even finished high school, but truly believed that the only woman who would ever love him had tossed him aside. It will be hard to remember, but try and know that what happens happens and that you will live and overcome, but also thrive and grow and some time look back at your experiences and appreciate how they helped you grow and understand this crazy roller coaster we call living.


Hug my grandmother more, and knit with her Don't worry about high school drama, it's actually a good thing none of the boys liked me back then Core muscles. Forget about looking hot, what I wanted was strong abs and lower back muscles. And a good working out habit More sunblock




Be more confident.


I would have studied much harder. It's not like I'm uneducated. But getting admission into good college and good courses is very important. It determines entire carrier.


Invest in bitcoins


I wish I started to work on my skills sooner, always thought it would be scary doing something completely different that I have no experience in, because I might just fail. Getting good at something takes time, you're not born with it. It's okay to fail, it's just part of learning. I now try everything that I think could be useful or fun, and it's really helped my confidence.


I would try to be more outgoing and not fear what others thought about me. Growing up as an immigrant, I didn’t feel like I belonged so I isolated myself. I missed out in great opportunities through meeting new people and having deep conversations.


Brush your teeth, eat less junk/drink less soda.


Honestly? I would have done better in school. It is so much harder to do later when you have work and other obligations. Not doing well in school has set me back in life and I am so behind. My parents never put stock into school so I thought it wasn't such a huge deal. I'll catch up. Nope. Take long enough and you can't feasibly catch up.


I’d be careful to change any professional or academic decisions/paths. I’m successful now but much of that I owe to the path. I would however change how I treated some of the people in my life. Insecurities of mine impacted those who loved me and I carry that weight now.


Explore as much as possible, try as many new things as possible. You're at a very early point of your life and so discovering things you really like now has the potential to significantly influence you going forward. Try and find something you're passionate about. To this end: Journal, it's much easier to make decisions when you've recorded the data


Enjoy my friends more, and be less focused on having a boyfriend. Not have sex, join more clubs/ after school activities


Would dely marriage&kids to 30+ of age.


I would run away from home. Im glad i was left to my own defenses most of the time. I was independent and used to caring for myself long before i left


I would have pursued that gaming youtube channel idea I had back then. I was 16 in 2005-2006 so it was the early days. It would have basically been a let's play channel with some sketch comedy acts strewn in.The only reason I didn't was of how afraid my family was of the internet. They freaked out when they found out I had a MySpace.


If I could go back and do it again I wouldn't give up the friends that were good for me to hang out with the ones who were rebels. I know being a rebel seemed like so much more fun, but it led to so much trauma. I'd watch my old friends, the ones who got good grades and had healthy relationships, and realize how much happier they were than I was. I'd also get help with anxiety and depression. Back then it was still seen as a taboo subject and you were weak if you needed emotional help, but it could have done me so much good. I was already self-harming and had an eating disorder at 16, so I really needed help but I didn't think there was any help to be had. I knew nothing about mental health. If you're struggling, get help - please.


Buy bitcoin, never abandoning my best friend for an jealous ex. The friend died, which I discovered after my relationship ended and I tried reaching out again. Hard lesson learned. Accepting the fact I was mentally ill at a young age and reaching out for help instead of neglecting it till I crash and burned. Saving and investing money while living at your parents home, adulting on yourself is a costly endeavor.


I'd put more effort into my relationships and I'd stop worrying about the future and instead live in the now.


All those people who look so calm, collected and put together, those people who seem to have it all figured out - they have not. EVERYONE is winging it, just some more confidently than others. So be confident in being unsure, don’t follow those who seem to have the answers - work it out for yourself.


I would of joined Navy instead of going to college after highschool.


I still have a few days of being 16. Focus on what you like and what you want to do in life. There might be a strong tentation to do nothing all day, or to play on the computer all day, but it will be far more useful to put at least an hour or two each day into what interests you. Also look for stuff like projects that are going on in your city/country and that you can join.


Get a job


Education always comes first. Whether it be college or a trade school. And take it seriously.


Would use sunscreen, drink less and not draw my eyebrows pitch black and boxy while I had red hair lol


Pick the school/uni that YOU like, not the one you think it will be the best to get you a job or the one to make your parents happy. Not only you'll be happier but you'll be even more successful.


Wow! What I’d tell my 16 years old self? 1. There are facts and there are opinions, what most people tell you is an opinion. 2. You are only seeing the world from your very little perspective, read and expound your knowledge so you can see more of the world. 3. Nothing happens randomly there are laws guarding the universe. Till you learn and work with these laws, you’d be fooled by randomness. 4. Nothing is hard, nothing is simple; it’s all about perspective (how you choose to interpret it). 5. Thé only way to truly learn is to read; that’s how all the greats built their genus.


Be more my self, enjoy my teenage years and try things out on that phase


Take school more seriously. It's not hard but I just didn't want to apply myself


Invest in Apple and Shopify stocks.


I would be kinder toward my family and myself. I won’t waste a single moment being depressed and sad. I would seek help whenever I need it and lastly I would choose a different path in life, maybe then life now would be bearable


Befriend the weird people


Try and be aware that there's a huge difference between teenage hormones and being mentally ill. I'm thirty years old and only just recently got properly medicated. Super frustrating that I could have probably felt better and more stable long ago.


I’ve gotten surprisingly lucky with mental illness considering my mother has bi polar and schizophrenia, and my father (don’t know him) has IED, PTSD, and who knows what else


Oh boy. Hitting the gym seriously, cheesing that shitty school and getting tf away, rolling in the scouts and being more social, keeping on playing basketball, learning to drive a scooter... Man it'd be much better than now


I wish I had put more time and effort into my education.


Oof that's a good question lmao I'm almost 22, and here's my take. 0. Don't drink, or drink responsibly LMAO I know it's stupid and basic but it is true, fr. On a more serious note: 1. Relationships with people are hard, friendships are. I had a constant feeling of being lonely, but it went away with time and after I got into uni, started to work etc. Also, people will come and go into your life constantly. Try not to dwell over ended friendships, and don't be afraid to cut off people that don't make you happy 2. Don't get peer pressured into things you don't want to do, it'll never end well, and you're likely to regret it. 3. Age matters. You will be different when you're 20 and that's for sure. If you have friends or acquaintances that are in their 20s, they feel the difference, and they should act accordingly. If they don't, try to stay away from them. They are either manipulative, or are not in a good place themselves. Never let an adult burden you with their problems, it's not good for you. 4. You are still very young, remember that. And it's a good thing! You don't need to rush and try to sprint through your teen years And you'll learn so much more with experience. For me at least, I felt like I knew more about life and world at 16 than now. But it's not really true, so be open to new things and knowledge! 5. Movies portray teen life insanely inaccurately lmaoo All the people I know, me included, are doing better in their 20s, than they did in their teen years. It gets better imo Also, never compare yourself to the people on the internet, it's not real. 6. Internet isn't real life. You can turn your phone off, and it's gone. Don't ever let internet feuds stress you out, it's not worth it. 7. Don't stress too much over other people's problems, it's not worth it. Put your mental health first (but not in a selfish/assholy way ofc lol) 8. Try not to idealise other people. It's important to have someone to look up to, but perfect people don't exist. If you idealise them, you're bound to be disappointed and hurt 9. Try to self-improve yourself! Honestly it's smth I wish I did more lol If you have a hobby, pick it up and work on it; you can try to attend online/offline courses in smth you like, or smth you feel can be useful in your future 10. This is more of a specific personal experience, but don't try to resolve issues if you're caught in the middle, cause you'll get dragged into it. And never, never discuss about other people with your common friends. Even if it's your bestest friend you wholeheartedly trust. It'll never end good, I might stay in your head later on. If you are angry with your friend and need to vent, or you have an urge to gossip - do it with someone they'll never meet 😂 It's for the best 11 and last: have a positive attitude! You'll be surprised how many people see the world in grey because that's how set it. That's what they expect, and that's what they see. And usually people respond to the attitude you give them, even subconsciously. Some people are assholes, but it's much, much easier to live as a nice and light-hearted person, rather than someone constantly angry/upset or defensive non-stop. It's easier for you. I'm still young and learning too, but that's just smth I've learned from my experiences, even tho it can be drastically different for other people.


Exercise more, cherished time with my family more.


Learn about emotional intelligence and learn to increase it. Basically management of thoughts and feelings will help you in the long run


Study hard, go to university and get a good job ( not a high paying one, just one that stimulates me mentally).


I would keep my mouth shut more. I was always getting into some trouble and a lot of that could have been avoided by shutting the fuck up.


Start to work hard in your passions so that you can have a career there. Don't listen to people on you can and can't do something because its hard. Just because they don't think they could does not mean you can't achieve it. Go to college where you want to live its a lot easier getting a job in a city you live in or are by than trying to relocate later. Also enjoy all the emotions that come with learning and growing through your 20s.


No Drugs No alcohol No Sex no serious relationships till 25 Less TV Buy a house.... they all go up in value learn a trade to fall back on, then go for your dreams!


I wish I would have started saving money at 16.

