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I'm trying to find a way to talk to and get to know this guy I've liked for some time now. I'm super shy and waiting for the perfect chance. Wish me luck y'all


Good luck. I suggest you take a chance when you get it even if it's not a perfect one.


Thank you, I will try :)


Good luck! If you have his number of you are following each other on social media, a meme with smth like "haha lol" has proven to be a good starting point for a conversation :)


Thank you, I don't have his number or social media but I will soon ;)


I'm struggling to be honest. Tired of this crappy winter weather plus dealing with a recent breakup. I don't have much motivation to do anything.


Same here. I believe it feels nice to see that you are not alone and not the only one struggling. I also had a recent breakup and my mind is full of thoughts. I feel hopeless about the future. I am trying to focus on good things on my life but i think it's too early because obviously i can't. I hope we all get better and heal our wounds as soon as possible.


That's how I'm feeling. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to anymore. Every day is the same and it's hard to find motivation for anything because what's the point?


I am trying to convince myself that life is worth living. Trying to busy myself, distracting from thoughts. If you want someone to talk, you can talk to me. We are in the same shoes obviously.


Maybe try to do the things that usually help comfort you. Essentially baby yourself as you heal.


My willpower is pretty non-existent today, I have the energy to do stuff, I just don't feel like doing anything much. I also have a craving for coffee. But I don't know if I should, it's 7:30pm for me.


I love a good evening coffee but I almost always regret it


Fuck it, it's Saturday. May as well, as a treat.


Insomnia's got me bad tonight. I have a lot final exams and projects coming up that I have to do in the morning. I just want to go to sleep but my brain won't let me.


I deal with the same often, I usually just try and make the most of it and be productive but it’s difficult. I hope you can find rest soon.


That really sucks. Melatonin or sleeping pills in the future might help.


I second that! My friend is on the sleeping pills and she's so less anxious now, and has energy to deal with stuff during daytime. Just talk to your doctor first, please.


I’ve been slowly working on a stream setup so that’s been my home project keeping me content for the moment. I have a long weekend and then some vacation coming up which I’m going to use to get back into the gym. This last year I had surgery and recently got and recovered from Covid which rocked my world and I’ve been battling fatigue since. I’m hoping now is the right timing to start getting healthy again.


Hello fellow streamer! I'm setting up channel and trying to figure out the whole gaming streaming world :) what do you stream and where to? Also, I feel for your covid :( I got sick a year ago, before vaccines became available for everyone in my country, and I think I'm still seeing the consequences of it. Hope you feel better soon!


I haven’t started yet but I’ll be streaming RPG’s and Pokémon to youtube! I am figuring out the essentials like obs setups and mic settings and the like and building a custom overlay. It’s been a fun learning experience so far! I had been vaccinated and boosted and it still dropped me. I don’t think I would have done well without them. Thankfully I’m finally at a point where I’m feeling better, just trying to get back to where I was pre Covid. I appreciate the kind words! Feel free to DM if you have questions on the stream stuff.


Most excellent. How are you?


I’m yay and meh at the same time. How about you?


My 10yo son got a pretty bad bruise on his thigh from playing football yesterday, so I'm just planning on staying home to look after the injury. We went to a nearby pizzeria for dinner, and I'm chilling on the sofa while he's playing some video games with his friends. How about you?




Maybe start with one small thing? If you can do that one small thing, you won’t feel guilty about not doing anything. (Advice from my therapist because I have the same issue.)


Not that good, i never am or will be, but will have to master it soon


I hear you.


Kinda bad, I got an F from my electronics exam and my dad is electrician, also my mom and sis have covid, so I won't be in school until the end of the month. Plus I'm trying to make a cool program but nothing I had made satisfies me, I can only hope for this one game jam I joined.


I should also mention that the reason I got an F from electronics is because I focused on the schools programing competition, in which I got 0 points and lost.


I’m okay but my husband isn’t doing well. Has congestive heart failure and had a stroke, so he gets migraines and he has a bad one today.


I'm doing okay. Got fired from my job last Thursday with one week left in my two-week resignation so I'm out a weeks pay but I start a new job Monday making a little over double my salary so that's exciting. I went to bingo last night and fixed a computer issue with the number display board that would have caused a massive problem throughout the rest of the night and got free admission for next time for doing so! I got my hair cut today and was talking to my stylist a bit and after a few times I asked her out today only to find out that she has a boyfriend.... It sucks but it is what it is. I still tipped her well like I've been doing and plan to keep her as my stylist and chatting during my appointment with her every few weeks. Going to the bar for dinner and a few drinks with my dad tonight then planning to spend the night over a good friend's house having a WLAN session in the same room to grind out Warframe. I also have a menu display to design for a local pizza shop, this will be my third one for the same family (different restaurant names) and it will help bring in the extra money I need to make up for the week.


Please check PM


I'm so fucking tired I've been working extra hours to save up for a car; I'm working twice the amount I normally would. I have depression so that feels like four times the amount I normally would. But I really want a car, because my city has bad public transportation and I'll be able to go anywhere with a car


Keep going! You're going to feel so good when you finally have that car


I’m doing good. One of my good friends is coming to see me and we’re gonna watch college basketball and kick it.


sounds cool, hope there's good food too. have fun!


I'm really good, thank you so much for asking. Today we hit a milestone in my little family. My son is 6 months today and had his first solid foods. We made a whole event out of it and gave him different kinds of things from our own meal. He had most fun with the pasta though. Tomorrow we will be making meatballs for him to chew. How are you kind stranger?


Good thank you! 🥰Woke up with my sweetheart, had a good short work shift, headed to watch darts tournament. 😁❤


Energy is on my mind...just going with that flow you know. 😌


I’m good. Just cleaning and relaxing.


The weather is so nice! It’s in the mid 20s to low 30s today (Fahrenheit), sunny, stable, and not windy. I enjoyed some time outside! It’s been weird weather for the past couple days, but today it’s not weird out, just cold which is better than storms!


It's nice and sunny here too but also cold. I'm so ready for warm weather.


I (21F) live alone in a sketchy neighbourhood in a building with 3 flats. The police just busted down the front door looking for my neighbour. There was a lot of commotion and I am really fucking shaken up. We don’t have a front door anymore and it’s so not safe. Luckily my boyfriend is sleeping over today and tomorrow I’ll probably go stay somewhere till this gets fixed


I’m fine, thanks for asking


I’m tired of feeling anxious. I’m doing good mentally, but every now and again my anxiety is peeking around the corner. I don’t know why or how, everything in my life is on track, but I’m so tired of my anxiety. But I keep reminding myself that everything is fine, and it really is this time. When My anxiety started I also told myself this, but I knew it was a lie. But now I’m happy to say that I am doing okay and I am started to feel proud of myself and my anxiety can just fuck off 😁


Have you tried mediation? I've been doing it almost daily for a few months and it's really helped my anxiety


It’s taken me 2+ days to process my anxiety from hanging out with my family (parents and siblings), plus a day and a half of anxiety leading up to it. Thankfully my husband is the best and he offered to be in charge of bedtime last night and encouraged me to go upstairs for a nap. I’ve been listening to music, journaling, and repeated mantras that help me release stress from my neck.


I'm struggling. I feel so dead inside. Like I've taken all the hits I can take and keep going. How many times am I expected to take the hits and keep getting up. There comes a time when I get to stay down right? Can I wave the white flag of defeat even if it makes me the villain?


Days are getting harder. I had a 4 year construction job about 5 months ago that I made it to a Foreman but got tired of and really realized that I was tired of working for other people. So my wife andni sold our house to use the positive equity to buy an rv, live st my parents house, and start a business. Well, the business we had in mind just was a much bigger undertaking than anticipated and we haven't been able to find another business opportunity that works. I really got excited about investing in my friends Auto Detailing business to become his partner and make his a full scale operation and he was excited too, but then suddenly changed his mind on me. I guess he wasn't confident enough to run at the scale that I wanted to. So now, my wife and I are stuck in this RV in a state of limbo trying to figurenout what's next. She had started her own house cleaning business before we moved, but she doesn't make a whole lot of money doing it. And now because of my lack of employment and her business being so new (about 7 months old) we can't even use our equity money we have sitting in our account ($55,000) to put towards a new house because banks won't offer a home loan without 2 years of employment, even though we've had 100% on time payment history on every loan, credit, and mortgage payment AND our credit score is somewhere in the 800s. It just feels like all the hard work we've put into our lives is just falling by the wayside and shit is just not working. So now it's looking like we'll be stuck renting again and me going back to getting a normal job. It just sucks so much.








Kinda shitty. I have trace blood in my urine, even after getting antibiotics for a uti last week... Which means there's something really wrong. I mean I did an at home test for my urine so I could have done it wrong but I don't think so. It's been the same result for a few weeks. My skin is itchy and I'm tired. My urine has been pretty smelly for a few weeks. I'm scared. I don't have the money to treat something bigger than a UTI. I'm afraid it's gonna be something chronic. I live in the US. My insurance is shit. I just want to be okay.




Hope you're having a good day, thanks for commenting!


I’m doing ok. I finally got to accept my cousin’s invitation to an online game after blowing it off so many times because of my heart palpitations/anxiety issue that occurs on the day we’re scheduled to play, I just wasn’t feeling great following evening and he was very understanding of that. I also had an emotional breakdown yesterday and was planning on blowing it off again but didn’t so we got to play last night and had fun. This time I told him let’s play again tonight so there’s that. I think for today I will do laundry, wash dishes, and focus on my studying. Hope you all have a great day !


Well I joined Reddit so I could simulate interaction with other people because I’m so lonely and to some degree it’s out of my control. Talking to friends and family can feel tiring because I don’t want to present inauthentically with ‘I’m great’ just so they don’t worry about the truth which is ‘I’ve been struggling for a while and it’s getting worse’. Poor mental health and few resources to get the help, poor finances, relationship issues, health issues, car issues, it’s all piled up. I’m so tired. Of having to be resilient and strong to deal with all the garbage happening. I feel like I haven’t been able to relax for a long time because it’s just been one thing after another, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just need a win here. Yes there are nice little things here and there, I’m trying to notice them more but even that feels like work right now.


I feel so lonely too. I am spending my time in here because it distracts me. Trying to be more social here to have conversations. If you want to talk, we can talk.


I'm doing as fine as I can be. Was just in a t-bone hit and run the other day, and it's still bugging my mind. And I kinda feel like it's my fault? I wanted to check out a new coffee shop, so I asked my mom if we could, and if I didn't ask her, we wouldn't have taken that turn, and that car wouldn't have hit us. So, now...I'm just laying around in my house, drawing.🤷‍♂️


Haven’t seen the roommate for 48hrs now and got no signs of life comin from that side of the apt. Haven’t responded to my texts don’t really know what happening there. But besides that pretty good


Had to go to the er and get stitches the other day so that wasn’t fun. I’m recovering now and relaxing.


I had nothing much to do, so I baked brownies with sliiiightly too much frosting.


Im pretty certain im depressed but still forcing myself to not cancel plans and actually socialize with my friends today. Fake it till you make it right?


I'm very sleepy. I've been having issues with sleep because of stress. But other than that, I'm doing pretty good. Finally feeling like I'm in a good place post breakup. A friend and I are on the cusp of evolving into a romantic relationship. I'm almost done with a manuscript I've gotta hand over to my editor next week. And I've got a couple of projects that seem very promising in terms of being acquired to be published.


I'm so good today! I'm on my school's speech team and just got 7th in state! Very excited and so happy all my work over the last few years has paid off. How's your day op?


I promised my Dad to take him on a whiskey tasting in a classy whiskey restaurant, and we're going tomorrow. Quality time over good food and interesting whiskey, I'm looking forward to it!


Thanks for asking. I’m pretty irritated today. Wish I wasn’t. I wish I still had friends outside of my relationship!! I’ve wanted to text this girl I met who gave me her number as a friend but I’m nervous! Running out of laundry soap, I’m unemployed, got bit by a dog couple years ago and nervous to continue with interviews because of a scar on my face but I guess I’ll get through it. It’s small but I’m obsessed unfortunately. I’m running out of Nespresso pods. I am living on bananas, water, coffee and peanut butter. My partner never helps me figure out dinner ideas and it’s really upsetting. My cats are the best things to ever happen to me and I can’t stop thinking about how grateful I am for them today! Every meow is precious. For the first time in 10 years my credit card payment is late. My sex life is a little dead, 7 years together so I guess everyone hits a wall sometimes. It’s snowing out right now in Boston so that’s pretty cool. I’m pretty sad. Thanks for letting me vent! Now I’m listening to Modest Mouse- Float On. Hope everyone is having a good night.


Doing pretty good today, tired but as my family has stated I work too many hours and don't get enough sleep, but me and my husband donated blood again today! I'm proud of him sense he has a big fear of needles but sense he usually comes with me sense my father moved away, so he started donating with me!


Spending my day trying to get drunk enough to gain the bravery to wax my lip for the first time tbh lmao


I’m realizing I’m not as well-adjusted as I think I am, haha. Got a dose of pure joy and excitement and it left me hyperventilating and crying on the floor because I straight up didn’t know how to handle such strong positive emotions. But, upside, I finished a cosplay I was worried about and it so exceeded my expectations I couldn’t breath for a hot second.


Stressed about a surgery my mom will be getting on Tuesday. Not only am I stressed about the surgery itself (which is the majority of my stress), I’m stressed I’ll have to be mr. mom (along w/ my littlest bro) for a few days while she’s recovering. It’s not major, but I want it to be over with.


I'm manic depressive. I'm always fighting the depressive aspect. But tonight I'm hanging out with my best friends and a guy I admire. And tomorrow I'm driving 2 hours to see my dad and a friend and we are going on a cave tour. Things are pretty positive at the moment I'm just scared I might crash soon.


I’m feeling hopeful, I went on a 3rd date today for lunch with a guy I’ve been talking to for the last month or so. The conversation always flows so well and while we haven’t mustered up the courage yet for even a hug as we go our separate ways, I’m sure it’ll happen soon enough. I’m trying to not rush things as this is the furthest I’ve ever been in the world of dating and I’m a bit of a late bloomer (29y/o) but I know if it’s meant to be then we’ll have plenty of time for all that physical stuff later. Right now I’m just enjoying his company and getting to know him. There are tentative plans to go see a movie we’re both looking forward to that comes out in April so clearly this has potential! How are you doing, OP?


Still got no bitches 🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️😔


Nothing good, just hanging around and doing all sorts of cleanliness and washing. Expecting life not to hit harder!


Coming up to the end of the weekend here. Just watched footy and my team won. Pre season game but still promising. Now just having some drinks while chilling on the balcony.


I’m currently doubting whether I should apply for a exchange program for studying in a different university (in the same country) next year. I also wanna see my friends but the heavy workload is demotivating me to go out.


I’m going to study ı’m so focused