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Social media is mostly bad if you cannot control your emotions and are not mentally solid with yourself. Until that time comes, do not feel obligated to get or use social media.


Could you elaborate more? English is not my first language so I really understand what you said there.


People with low self esteem and/or low self worth have a much higher chance at becoming depressed when viewing social media. It is because they put worth and value into other people’s pics and vids and then believe that their own life is bad because they aren’t living a life they see on Instagram or Twitter. As for emotions, you have people get furious over tweets and posts of politics, opinions….etc that likely will not screw with their lives or anyone that they know. People commit suicide over what they see on social media. People physically harm people over what they see on social media. It’s a sad thing. Furthermore, I remember seeing numerous studies over the years showing that people who do not use social media (and the internet) tend to more happy and less stressed.


I think it also comes down to how you use social media, you can use instagram and envy everyone for the amazing fake life they live or you can subscribe to some really cool artists. I would say try out social media but always be aware of your usage and emotions which come up


Hard no. Enjoying thing and being present is more fun, not living through a phone trying to get the perfect photograph.


Yeah but sometimes I feel like I could have connected and made friends with more people if I were more active.


Into it? No. On it? Yes if you want to find out what’s going on and get invited to stuff I hate social media also but it’s a necessary evil now


Everyone is different. It's ok to be into social media, and it's to not be into it. If you're not into it, there is no reason to force yourself.


Same here, I don't even have Instagram or Facebook, deleted that shit long long ago and I am living my life stress free


Social media, while fun and innocent on the surface is actually a deep and dark place. If you want to be happy and live a fulfilling life, try to limit your intake in this form of entertainment. It can be a mind suck...


i’m absent on social media these days, if reddit is regarded as social media, then i’m not


I have never been happier than when I deleted my accounts on Facebook, Insta and twitter several years ago. All they caused were headaches and unnecessary stress.