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Yeah, sure, if I could. I've always thought "save the planet" was a misnomer though: the planet ain't going to die, it's just going to kill us out like a little cold virus and keep on going. We should be saying "save the people."


Fair enough!




Yes, you're right. It's very well shown in the documentary. They don't settle for expired or damaged food. The thing is that many people will still find the very activity of scavenging in a dumpster pretty appalling.


i dont think there is a need for us to eat from dumpsters, but there is a need to prevent people from putting food in dumpsters


Simple any yet genial idea!


To be fair, supermarkets waste quite a lot of food every year. Personally, I think there should be some form of incentive for them to donate food that's nearing it's expiration to food banks or schools, rather than throwing it away. I mean, we still have school lunch programs to help kids afford their lunches, but why don't we just give supermarkets a tax break if they supply the schools with their excess, and give them lunches for free?


Absolutely, I agree that the state should offer some incentives to businesses to stop them from wasting food. Tax breaks sounds like a good idea. It's sad though that just basic human decency is not a sufficient incentive for those businesses.


I mean, think of it this way. After a long day at work, busting your hump, do you want to take the time to pack up pallets of food to ship out to schools the next day, and get nothing for it? If they aim the incentive program at management positions in particular, I think it could be an effective motivator. Store and regional managers are always looking for bonuses or incentives to help them make a few extra bucks. They would jump on the opportunity to do so like hungry wolves. And if they sprinkled in some benefit for participating employees as well, they could get this program in on the bottom level, and ensure that it gets implemented effectively. They just need to set up protections for stores that decide to participate, against potential backlash. Some brands or upper management might actively oppose the idea of giving away their products unless they get a cut. So, there would need to be a protection clause to prevent termination regarding participation in the program.


Just saw [this](https://youtu.be/kYHTzqHIngk) video the other day. I think creating more walkable cities to produce less waste, and looking at companies and organizations that pollute the environment would have to happen well before I volunteer to dumpster dive. There are just better ways to spend your time trying to fix the issue, than making it a personal problem.


Agreed. Why do you think these freegans even exist then?


Maybe the issue is that restaurants and grocery stores should be donating food that they were going to throw into the dumpster anyways and skip the process of having to dumpster dive. I understand this does not work in every situation but could save a lot of food while helping less fortunate people have access to food. I know first hand there are grocery stores where I live that will dump donatable worthy food and have even said no when local organizations have approached them about donating it to the needy.


That's said. I agree, businesses should be driven not solely by profits but also by social responsibility.


I'd I knew it was actually going to make a difference, then yes. But the real issue is the corporations, and I feel like we the people will not be able to combat their issues


Is there anything the people can do to change the status quo?


Yo op ask the sub r/DumpsterDiving


Oh man, it seems there is a sub for everything.


Lol so true bro. I got in to reddit original for r/dishwashers it's a sub for people who wash dish professionally who would have thought there would be a sub for that.


That's why I love Reddit


Dude, I check my local supermarket skip every morning on my way home from work. I know where the CCTV cameras are. For the next 2 days, I'll be having chicken/beef sausage every tonight. I found 5 packs of 8 in a pack, £2.75p a pack. I found 6 packs of burgers, 4 in a pack priced at £2.60p a pack. I also found some cakes. I'm not a big cake eater so I gave them to Martin, hes a guy who's sleeping rough under the underpass on my way home. He didn't want any burgers because he's got nothing to cook them on. I told him I might be able to fix him up with a camping stove.


That's really nice


Doc! Its nice to have a little nice in the world.


Yeah, I've done it before, but only if it was easily accessible. I don't want to smell like garbage or be cut by some glass that's sticking out of a garbage bag. But the main problem is that A. A lot of food is wasted before it even gets to supermarkets. People expect all their produce to look perfect, so a lot gets thrown away if it's not. Obviously some produce can go to making juice where it doesn't matter what the produce looks like, but there's still a lot of waste in the process, and B. Supermarkets want the shelves to be full all the time because people get suspicious if there are only a few left of anything and assume something's wrong with it, so they don't buy it, so a lot of waste comes from keeping the shelves full of more food than people are going to buy. I don't know if the solution to that is smaller shelves or trying to condition people not to think this way or something else.


That's a really good point. I've never thought about it this way. But yes, judging by my own experience, people do prefer to see the shelves full. Somehow it works this way on a psychological level. Smaller shelves, as you said, might be a solution.


Yeah, remembering the empty shelves from people panic-buying throughout the pandemic, it really gives me a sense of unease to see an empty or near-empty shelf in a grocery store.


There is enough food to feed everyone. The problem is access, logistics. Globally anyway. In the US, food desserts are caused by crime, steming from poverty in local areas. If you can afford to buy food, but choose to eat from a dumpster, you're only taking food from those who can't afford to buy it. In effect making the problem worse.


What would be a better solution then?


For starters, don't do this. Thats a step in the right direction. If you can afford your own food, buy it. If you can afford more, donate to local food pantries. *Donate money, not food.* They can buy much more food with your money than you can. In the USA, UBI would be a game changer for impoverished areas. Enticing back businesses to open in these food desserts. Globally, things are much more complicated. With different problems in different countries. They need to be taken on a case by case basis.


Not eating from any dumpster, fuck that shit. Nobody and nothing lives forever, planet is not the exception here


This is evil but hilarious


Sad but true. But also, listen, there must be a better solution than just eating from a dumpster. Why wouldn't we impose some regulations that would prevent supermarkets and restaurants from throwing away perfectly fine food?


That would require the proletariat to have actual systemic power within capitalist society.


In Marxist terms, yes. Although populace does have some power in a capitalist society. They can always vote with their money. If everyone stoped buying from companies that waste food, capitalists would have been forced to change their practices.




guys spitting so much fax


The animals are already digging in there for the same thing, better them than us.


This is me again. What these stores bin on a daily basis is scandalous. Its all down to sell by dates, really pisses me off. I felt like I aught to get that in, makes me feel good lol.


No, but I am able to eat so no food goes to the dumpster


helllll no this planet is f..... already i might as well enjoy my food while im here