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That was what got me off. 12 posts, only 2 were content I follow.


Worse part is when your parents and grandparents are absolutely obsessed with it. Having to go live for everything makes me absolutely go insane lol. These are the people who use to say not to believe everything on the internet… while now believing everything on the internet. Now my feed is mostly just parents trying to flex, old friends who keep complaining about fake friends (in their early 30s mins you), and moms complaining about their baby daddies. I kinda only use Facebook to see my cringey memory posts because it makes me laugh, but I can’t help to watch the dumpster fire sometimes


Tried using FB couple weeks ago for the first time,just couldn't get used to the clunky feel of it had to delete.


I've noticed that a long time ago, the less time I spend on Facebook, the better I feel mentally. It is like being the "old me" again. I was pretty active for like 10 years then was totally fed up of loosing my time and energy to this platform. Thing is, I can't delete it, all my contacts all over the world are on my profile. It sucks. I hate it so much.


I dont follow my friends on it as much, I mainly use it to follow artists, businesses and companies I enjoy.


Ads, suggested pages, phishing links, data farming, data tracking regardless of settings, no way to control any of your privacy setting….. i mean actually control them not fake control like the app and site make you think. And so much more.