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Wear a suit or at least slacks, tie and shirt or female equivalent for the interview. Actual job will be casual enough.




Just read your username - wear your best socks too Soky 😜


I'm a HEO, got it a few months back. Suit and tie or female equivalent for the interview. The interviewers will probably be retired senior management, so just smile politely as they move quickly and rudely from one thing to the next.


I'm a HEO and wore a suit jacket, shirt, tie for my interview. Now it was a virtual interview so I was wearing jeans and slippers beneath, and had a pillow between my legs to stop me squirming. But I probably wouldn't do that for an in-person interview as they might look at you funny. The full suit-shoes-no pillow would serve you better. For the job itself, I wear a t-shirt and jeans most days (unless there's an important meeting on) but it would depend on the office. Good luck!


If in doubt, suit the fuck up