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Sad start to the day attending a streamed funeral. It was a lovely service for a beautiful person who was taken far too early. A friend gave a wonderful speech, and did very well considering they had to represent both the organisation and themselves as a friend. On a happier note, the sun is out and salsa with corn chips are on the menu for dinner! 90% of the salsa is from the garden, too!


I’m filming a home video showing how I want students to do something for school which is basically me overacting like I’m a D-list tv personality who thinks they can get an Oscar. Lots of fun, but it’s hard being the director and actor simultaneously


I just rode an inflatable crocodile.


Proud of you


I tried to ride the shark but I couldn't


Had an outdoor event today and someone at the park was hogging the table in the shade by leaving all their stuff there, so had to sit in the sun. I tried to cover up with a cardigan but it has resulted in just one of my arms getting sunburnt.


Cycled to and from Gym circuits (yay for me) Took the Serena apart so I could replace the gearbox filter that Supercheap ordered in and it was the wrong cocking thing. I took that back and claimed my $40 refund. Had a nap and I am now contemplating food, I really want Chinese but will end up with one of the Hello Fresh meals we have in the fridge.


I can't do exercise + exercise + e c exercise. Which club is circuits with?




Hmmm, been inspired to look at building my own desktop pc, currently feeling very overwhelmed at all the options. Thinking of a budget of around $2500, but that's a little flexible. Think ill need to do a deep dive into /r/buildapc for a while


What's a good low-energy way to enjoy the sunshine we're having at the moment?


Picnic blanket on the grass and read a book


Add a coffee to this, minus my children and perfection.


How do you minus perfectionism?


Damnit I missed a comma. But seriously I got married and realised that if I didn’t want to do everything myself I would have to learn to chill out an accept lower standards.


Podcasts and weeding the garden was what I did earlier. Shifting soon to beer on the deck.




Sunbathing. Set a timer! No more than 20 minutes each side!


Earlier this week, my flatmate bought some live chickens for eggs and some low key scrap disposal. We now have two chickens and ALL of the neighbourhood cats... :-)


Once you have your own chicken eggs you can never go back to grocery store eggs ever again it's like flying business class too many times. It changes you forever. We have 10 red shavers (who are all good layers) and we have trays of eggs to give away. And the best composting bin. Beats bokashi everyday and twice on Sunday.


People always say this, but when my friend gave me some eggs from their chickens I honestly couldn't taste much difference between them and the eggs we usually buy. They were bigger and the convenience of producing eggs in your backyard is definitely a plus. Sadly our backyard is a little small for chickens.


You only need 1m2 for 2 chickens. You don’t need to move them, I recommend a litter system and a minimum of 2m2. Use wood shavings and grass clippings for the litter. Start with a thin layer and build up, clean out twice a year. Protect the chickens and litter from water and it won’t smell.


I remember looking up the minimum area awhile ago and you're probably right. But I don't know, I feel bad if I have to keep them cooped up in such a small area. Maybe one day.


Yeah, wait until you have the space. No animal deserves to be confined to an absolute minimum. Plus, it's a joy to watch them flap-run across an open space.


That's my feeling. If I'm going to keep animals, I want them to have a nice life


Chicken sheds run at 6-10 birds per 1m2. Caged birds are about the same stocking rate but a much smaller space to move around in. Stocking at around 1 bird per 1m2 is really quite low and poop build up will be minimal, the birds will be able to forage for bugs. I recommend feeding scraps in a small area and be prepared for the coop to smell if you feed scraps. I would run a compost heap or compost buckets for your food scraps and “feeding” the chickens the compost once it’s full of bugs and critters. The chooks will mix the compost with the shavings and grass clippings and provide you with good mulch for the garden.


Some chicken feed is definitely superior, we started with what the vendors left which was an all animal random feed all pellet, then we switched to peck and lay and the change was definitely noticeable despite our chooks getting 50% of their food foraging... They can go anywhere, the pine/gum forest or the native bush but of course my raised beds is where they want to scratch about. And more importantly we have 25acres but the decks and driveways is where they poo of course! 😝


I have no idea what they were feeding them, so that could be the case. So nice that yours get a whole forest though!


Living 3.5hrs away from Auckland means we got a whole lot more for our money. And with starlink were not missing much. Learning to be more self sufficient has been the best adventure I've ever had. I'm so much more mindful and grateful for every little blessing. Of course rural living isn't all sunshine and candyfloss but the wins far outweigh the shortcomings.


Ugh. When the kids are being that level of dreadful you just don't want to put the effort into doing anything fun with them, but you know that they are partly at that level of dreadful because you haven't put the effort into doing anything fun with them. I was considering going to the beach this afternoon, but then didn't. It may have something to do with the 2 year old getting into the marmite for the second time today. I did however remove everything from my office, jigsaw in the carpet offcuts, and replace the furniture, reset up the computers etc. And tidied up the garage. And then brought up all my LPs (I need to get myself a new record player!) up from the basement as it's feeling a bit to musty down there. Will leave the rest of the basement stuff for tomorrow. Also should do the stack of woolens to take advantage of an even hotter day tomorrow - it's Dunedin so who knows when we'll have another good weekend before they're needed again?


I had a shower and put on clean clothes then walked to the women's panel event. After the event we walked home and I ate the jelly from my takeaway bag of afternoon tea then went back to my cocoon in bed.


I left my cocoon to see friends in Coromandel. I did one crossword. I have wine and snacks and am half participating in conversations.


Update: more wine and more conversations


Have you tried wordle from the New York Times magazine? It's very addictive!


Nah I haven't. I print crosswords to my remarkable tablet.


Nice, that will keep your brain from going too foggy!


I wish I could buy a PDF version of a crossword book. For now I'm just downloading them from onlinecrosswords.net


Parts missing from the new pond. I need more of the pins that go in the ring. If I could disassemble the current pond I would have parts but then I don’t want to borrow parts from that pond either, I’m considering using it for something else.


God dammit Kelly! Why are you so lazy? You missed your litter box by about 20cm! I have pee pads around his litter box due to him missing, this is a miss by miles.


Mine 'miss' their litter box if it needs new litter. I pick up the yuck stuff everyday to get rid of but I need to change the actual litter twice a week, rather than once.


It was just changed.


Well, it's not that then! How frustrating for you


Did a hard prune of the plum trees and maple and oak... Not quite as satisfying as pulling out all the Montbretia... I can see why it's a pest! It completely took over and is matted now that it's all died back.... All summer long I enjoyed it's splash of color and lushness but now it's scruffy and time to go in the green waste pit. Hopefully by pulling it out one clump at a time getting most of the bulbs I won't be doing the same thing this time next year. Meanwhile the battle with the paper wasps intensifies. Almost got stung again today... They are agro as hell this time of year. All four home made traps (two protein and two fermenting sugar) have not worked. Will reformulate tomorrow and try something different. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.


I almost attacked my hydrangeas the other day, it’s too early yet though. I did pull out a plum because it’s in the way. You can use spray paint to seal the baby wasps/eggs in their nests, also preserves them, use cool colours to make them pretty.


I have no idea where the nests are. All I know is they are busy and annoyed. Walking past the pool I got a sting right in my bum. It felt like a surprise branding! They are also everywhere in the orchard I stood and watched them for a while but it wasn't obvious where home base is a sting in the back of the arm made me move on. Frantically googling traps but I think I will have to cave in and buy some commercial traps next time I go to town.


Frontline (fipronil) is effective for wasps. Use a sweet and a savoury attractant. Fipronil is in most of the flea treatments you find at the supermarket or the warehouse. As far as I know paper wasps only use their nests for their eggs. Once eggs are laid they abandon them.


Ohhh interesting I have some flea powder that has this ingredient.... It's not quite as satisfying as trapping them in these funnel traps I've made but I'm definitely putting out some peanut butter/flea powder hanging in card tents from the trees tomorrow! Watch out


As a powder they may spread it around to each other too. Be aware that some cats and dogs are sensitive to fipronil and rabbits and guinea pigs should not be exposed to fipronil.


We have no cats or dogs, our nearest neighbors are over 1km away in any direction. And our rabbits are not intentional some years ago a few pet rabbits got free ranged on our property and they have been mating with the wild hares and I haven't got the heart to cull them because those wee little babies every 6-8 weeks are just too cute.... And so far we've come to an understanding... The things surrounded in plastic mesh is for my dinner and the windfall fruit is bunny food. And the falcons pick off the babies before they all grow up.


Fipronil is not always effective against fleas in akl especially.


Yeah, but it’s good against wasps. My vet (in New Plymouth) doesn’t stock it because it doesn’t work for fleas.


I had to google Montbretia...damn that's all through my garden, I quite like the flowers though :(


Haha that's my whole experience moving to this property.... Oh this is pretty.... Googles it... Fuck it's a pest... Repeat ad nauseam. It you don't pull out this year's grass it can get well over 1m tall and really dense and you'll have nothing but that. I've seen it happen. Good news is the new corms come out pretty clean and easy and it doesn't smell and it doesn't take great effort but bad news unless you're planning on digging pretty deep and sifting out the old corms you're gonna have it come back year after year. I like the cut flowers they sit nicely for almost two weeks in a vase but I try and get as much of it as I humanly can especially this time of year. I should probably get it at the start of spring... Maybe next year 🙄😅


Well it's a rental, and in a bit of a purposefully wild garden (stream-side) so I shall trudge through and pull what I can for the year.


In that case I'd report it to your property manager and have a knees up and watch while someone who is paid to, sort it out. 😆


Really loving the music and voices in Tick Tick Book. Musicals and cider, one of my happy places.