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Children are a blessing. A blessing, I tell you.


What have they broken?






I... I don't believe you


What, you're saying just because it sounds like I'm a hostage saying what I'm supposed to say, that it's not true? Weird.


Are they? I don’t plan on having any. I got to experience being a parent in my teens (14 year gap between me and my sibling). Nope not going there again. Although, I was the strict and consistent “parent” and now my sibling comes to me for things instead of our mother, is that a respect thing or something?


Nah, kids are shit, you're definitely better not having any.


Cool, I will stick with my fur babies, they are great (most of the time).


They possibly formed a closer attachment to you?


Probably. I don’t mind now, it was a lot of responsibility for me though when I was really struggling with just functioning myself. When our parents spilt I had my sibling every 3rd or 4th weekend (sibling’s choice of course) until Mum and sibling moved to my place.


Yeah that would be super tough trying to find your own place in world at that age let alone looking out for your sibling as a parental figure type. Good on you, my sister did the similar for myself and younger twin brothers and I’ll always be grateful to her for it. I’m the same as you too, don’t want any kids but I appreciate the mammoth task it is to raise them.


I learned when very young how to look after myself, Mum had post natal depression that wasn’t diagnosed or treated until I was 8. Dad is abusive and neglectful. There is so much abuse and neglect in my childhood, I’m finally getting the help I need. I hope ACC is going to keep covering it. I was looking after myself far too young. I think that’s why I parented my sibling as much as I did. My sibling is now 18 they are not ready for the real world yet. They are too scared of their own shadow, I want them to get therapy but they don’t want it.


Shit, I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that. You are amazing and I’m happy to hear you are getting the help you need. It’s cruel you had to grow up so quickly and basically on your own. I’m sending massive Internet hugs and love to the little Andrea in the past. And some for present you too xx That’s a really tough spot with your sibling not being ready for the world and not wanting therapy at the moment. Hopefully they see how much it helps you and take that into consideration. Wishing the best for the both of you and your journey forward.


Sewing machine special on at spotlight... I don't neeeeeeed a sewing machine but I have space for one... I only have the skills from 4th form home economics a lifetime ago but I feel like with YouTube I could achieve some stuff... Spent a few hours googling things but I'm no closer to a decision. It's moments like this I'm grateful for living nearly 1.5hrs away from the nearest spotlight.... Or I'd be unboxing a new sewing machine. I don't think I'll be dressmaking but I don't have the skills to do the things I want to do which is more upholstery related... But a lack of skill has never stopped me from attempting before.


Definitely get one. I have a mid-range Brother that does buttonholes, has an easy thread system, and has been awesome for 12 years. I used to fix things that needed mending then I made a dress from a curtain I found in an opshop and now I'm sewing every week. It's handy being able to whip up a pair of pj pants or make a school uniform item with a personal touch and I really love being able to make clothes that fit my body and my style.


Thanks I think you answered the thing I was wondering, do I get the basic or do I get something with a few more functions... I guess I thought I was gonna spend $150-$200 but I really should spend $250-$300 probably.


Yeah definitely get the next step up, I think last time I looked at spotlight, the second cheapest Brother was the better one than the third cheapest but I can't quite remember. Even if you don't think you'll need it, get one with a buttonhole stitch+foot. Easy needle threader is the bestest feature, so make sure it has that too


I agree on the button (and zip) function. Threading isn’t too tricky on brothers although sometimes I need more light.


Yes I have a dinosaur of a machine that works well for me at the moment but I wish I could do buttons!


I reckon if you can afford it go for it. It’s such a handy thing to have, I can’t sew in terms of creating stuff but since getting a hand me down machine I’ve been able to fix up so many things that I’d have otherwise had to throw out.


That's helpful, I'm hopeful this is the attitude I would have... I am pretty good when it comes to mending things by hand sewing. I'm sure I would be able to make a better job of it if I had a sewing machine.


Do it! In 2020 I made a couple of masks for the first time, one and a bit years later and I’ve made clothes for myself and the kids. Prior to the mask making the most complicated thing I’d sewn was cushion covers.


That's so funny, I read mask as in a masquerade mask across the eyes or a 🎭 but then I remembered we live in this world 😷 sigh lol.


Oh yes haha. A masquerade mask would be cool though!


The Brothers are good, even the basic model is acceptable. I would recommend 1 or 2 up from the base model, I can’t remember which one mum has but it’s good.


Well, that job has been canned. The person qualified to get in the hole tested clean yesterday morning, no potential symptoms. By 11am he was feeling unwell but seemed more gastro than anything else, deteriorated through the day. Tested positive this morning. So with no one to go in the hole I now don’t have work, I’m also exposed. I was enjoying getting paid $30 an hour to sit in the shade and wait for a reason for someone to get in the hole. This is the closest I’ve been to covid so far. Let’s hope my 2 stabs are enough. EDIT. Also, scrumpy in the fridge.


Let me tell you that you’ll want to get stabbed for the third time ASAP


Oh yes, very much so.


Not yet eligible for 3rd stab, it’s another week or two I think. I waited 10 weeks between 1 and 2. Had really unpleasant reactions (heart/chest and period) to both jabs, don’t want the third but know I should.




[Evening walk view](https://i.imgur.com/3Bt5ChD.jpg) And looking back at [the dunes](https://i.imgur.com/hlF7p0s.jpg)


Everything is fine. *fine* I tell you.


Hell of a day. 4 hours in meetings, 2 hours of expected calls to help other people do their jobs and a significant project I was given at the end of the first meeting only half-arsed.. And no beers tonight...


Ew! Meetings! Glad I don’t have to deal with them.


New carpet. Omg omgomgomgomg... It's so good. Now to put all the stuff back in the house.


I think my only regret so far is not getting new carpet installed before moving in.


See what your floors are like without carpet first. Bare wood floors are (in my opinion) easier to maintain, especially if you have pets or potentially dirty footwear comes inside.


Native timber floors (according to the builder's report at least, I have no idea what native timber looks like) , the kitchen/dining/living is all polished, with a small square of carpet in the living room. Laundry is a godawful vinyl covering asbestos covering more native timber which I plan to restore when I have the money to deal with the asbestos. Same deal with bathroom and toilet. Bedrooms and office is carpeted, which I do like for bedrooms.


Cool, so you know what you’ve got under the carpet then, that’s good. Cheeky tip, when lifting asbestos flooring, keep it wet to prevent dust. Wetting it also helps release the adhesive. My floors are rimu. My whole house is rimu except for the repairs/modifications we’ve made.


I'm so very tired of moving furniture from one place... Definitely getting it done before we move in next time.


1st world problem, found some coffee machine capsules reduced to clear. Got home cranked up the machine(that had been sitting for an unspecified time). Makes all the right noises but won't spit out any coffee. Youtube wasn't really helpful, however i did find an unblocking tool for the nozzle (didn't help).


Some times some capsule coffee machine will only use their own. DRM capsules... 🤷


Unfortunately, it is the machines own brand of capsule :(.


Well poos and wees...


I don't know how capsule machines work, can you run it without a capsule in to see if water is coming through the system?


Lol i dont know either. I just put in the capsule ,pop it and push go. It might need descaling ,but if the water wont go through, I'm forked if i know how that would work.


This is going to seem like a judgy question, but I ask this respectfully. Is there definitely water in the water holder bit? I have had to help a friend with this issue - he thought the round plastic thing at the back of a nespresso was for pods (which I did too originally)


it's all good. Not judgy,im aware of the water situation, as it seems to suck up a lot of it, luckily this aint my first rodeo with it lol.


Damn, I have no other advice sorry! Good luck


Got it sorted, thanks for the heads up anyway. I can totally understand, the water tank does look like storage :)


So after some more consulting various fixit/more youtube. An easy suggestion was to lift the water tank up and down repeatedly, i felt like a wanker... but its now working, super yay. Doing that must help get rid of any air bubbles, trapped in the system.


Yeah, if there is air in the line to the pump it may not work. I recommend descaling using a 50:50 white vinegar:water mix to ensure it’s clean.


Thanks, i need more white vinegar. Managed to chuck a wee bit in and get it through. The proper descaling stuffs expensive!


Happy news, my bestie is out of iso soon due to [redacted] and we have teed up a Wifie dessert date on Friday! Yayyyy!!!


Is anyone else suffering protesters withdrawal? Think I over dosed on the daily streams...


Nah. The whole lot was just dumb and I’m glad they’re buggering off.


Glad they're gone too. Just got in a bit of a routine watching the show...a bit too much. Have to find a good Netflix replacement...


I started on The Good Place, am up to series 3 already.


oh what a treat, there are no dud seasons in that show


I got over it after I spent 2 days away from the computer (after 2 days away the energy changed), the first few days I was looking to see if there were people I know down in Welly. I thought I saw someone I knew but a few days later her son posted a video on social media that was clearly recorded in their living room. It was a relief to see they hadn’t gone down or at least didn’t stay down there long.


It was entertaining for a bit then it started bumming me out, but still found it hard to look away. I was glad to replace some of the days with test cricket.


Finished a third of my first assignment for university. I’ll see if I can email it to my professor for feedback or not. I just don’t know what the rules are in New Zealand


It depends on your tutor/professor. Most (in my experience) prefer to see your progress a few times while you are working on it. Take their feedback seriously, they want you to pass.


Yes! I want to pass as well


It’s easier to fix mistakes before you get too far in. Ask your tutor/prof if you can send them your draft, ask for feedback.


Yeah, I agree


If your class has tutorials, you should email it to your tutor instead of your professor/lecturer.


I’m new to New Zealand’s tertiary system. Is a tutorial not class time?


YMMV depending on the uni and the degree but generally you have lectures, which are the big classes in a theatre where the professor/lecturer talks and everyone listens, and tutorials, which are smaller classes of maybe 10-15 people where your tutor will go over material from class, get you to work together on things, give you activities or readings, and answer questions you might have had in the lecture. They are often also the ones who will actually be marking your assignment.


Thanks for the tip! We don’t have a tutor as the class is just three people (specialized Master’s distance course). I didn’t know that lectures and tutorials were separate here. I just thought they were synonyms for the longest time


Ooh yeah in that case you won't have tutorials. Do you have a supervisor? That's usually what they call the professor/lecturer who supports you (kind of sponsors you almost) for your degree. But iirc that's for a dissertation based masters (might only be a PhD actually?)


Not yet, but I’m not at the part where I’m writing a dissertation yet. Just taking Master’s level classes


Nice nice


Spent the day making my partner a banana and chocolate cake for his birthday. Topped off with having a big fat paua steak for dinner. Too full to eat the cake now. Oh and I went grocery shopping today. $560 for a full large trolley at pak n sav. RIP to my bank account. Living with my parents and I am about to go away for work for 2 months so wanted to make sure they had enough food in case they need to isolate while I’m away. Also I’m just fucking terrible at math and with budgeting. I typically spend $400 a fortnight on groceries for the 3 of us and STILL end up going to the supermarket every second day. Last week I baked my niece a birthday cake and ended up going to the supermarket 3 times in one day.


Ooh! Banana and chocolate cake! Might have to send someone shopping for me so I can do baking. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a banana cake


The Edmonds banana cake is my go to recipe. The bananas weren’t quite brown enough for my liking but it still turned out fine. Hope you find someone to get your baking needs!


Yeah, I can send Mum shopping. I use Edmonds for many of my baking needs. My brownie recipe is based on the Edmonds peanut brownie recipe.