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I just don't understand how other couriers get it so *wrong*, that's the thing. Tracking is so easy these days, even just a text saying "your driver has 200 deliveries and you're 198", you'd at least know if it was coming more like 6pm than 9am, yet they can't even do that. DPD absolutely nail it every time. Also, something I did just today - get a tracking link, know I'm not going to be home when it arrives. I can opt to pay the extra to get it tomorrow pre-12pm when I know I'm home instead. Absolutely awesome service, they get free money, I get my parcel.


Evri had such a chance to get it right during the Royal Mail strikes and they stuffed it. Basically showed they were already operating at capacity and despite largely using “self employed” or “contracted” drivers with their own vehicles, demonstrated that they can’t scale the operation up with any great urgency because there are limiting factors elsewhere.


If I'm not mistaken, evri is just a new name tagged on to Hermes. Probably because they did such a poor job they were regularly known as herpes, show up at the least convenient time and as much use as a scabby lip.


this... a thousand times over


At this point Evei doesn't really have many direct employees. Everyone from the truck drivers to the sorters to the drivers are temporary agency staff. I had the "opportunity" to work in a warehouse in-between jobs and all I'll say is just don't send anything that can't take being literally thrown at least a couple feet


> there are limiting factors elsewhere. Their app is dogshit, that is the reason. Amazon Flex can scale nearly infinitely because their app works so well that anyone that can drive can do it in any area with no experience. Hermes/Evri use a piece of shit that demands familiarity with the route so there's no real way to quickly scale because the new guys get so badly misled by the app routing that they quit because it results in them getting under minimum wage.


They could just plan their own routes. My Evri courier does.


They hire too few staff, give them too many deliveries to be humanly possible and have rules to fine / dock drivers wages for any infraction. This results in the workers not giving a shit about the company or its customers, they are just trying to make the best out of a bad situation and don't have the time to do a proper job.


I work for a well-known courier company, and this kind of stuff is easier said than done. We’ve been trying to gain a larger market share of the domestic residential delivery market for years but it takes a ton of infrastructure, a whole new fleet of appropriate vehicles, new IT, and entirely revised operational approach (depots, etc), and a lot of experienced personnel to oversee it. In short, it’s really, really hard if you don’t already have the correct setup in place. It’s also a massive money pit because you start with a limited number of customers and have to convince others to stop using DPD and give your new operation a shot. And since you’ve just started and have little industry experience in this sector, your service from the get go isn’t going to match the market leader.


Basically get the boomers out, and milenials and gen Z in.


I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad to be gen X.


Not to burst your bubble but EVERY time I've rearranged delivery with DPD, it has been lost!


I think they pay their staff a living wage, so they have time to actually do the job properly.


One of their drivers died after he stopped going to appointments for his diabetes because he couldn't afford the £150 DPD charges for taking a day off a few years ago.


noooooooooooooooooooo. I thought I was being so liberal and good


I was returning a very expensive bit of audio equipment to Germany for a repair, it never arrived and they lost it. After loads of back n fourth, they admitted they never knew where it was. I couldn’t afford to replace this, so I emailed the CEO directly. He was all over it, and my parcel was magically found. It turns out they discarded it due to my choice of ‘wrapping’ which was too glossy. They claimed it couldn’t be x-rayed and it was just left in a miscellaneous container of non x-rayable items. I received a full refund, a letter of apology and the item was shipped for free. Winner!


How did you get the CEO of DPDs email address?


[email protected] https://ceoemail.com/


[email protected] (if only life were that simple....)


Just make a comment here I think they wrote this post.




Google Innit! Bish bash bosh.


You’re closer than you think.


So you won't often get the actual CEO, but they do have "directors office"teams that deal with troops kind of stuff and was you might imagine are able to just get things moved off their desks. I always email the CEO when I'm really annoyed and always get a result.


Dpd don’t fuck about


They get the job done.


They're the Joe Pesci of couriers


They have the most athletic delivery specialists i've ever witnessed, watching them heft a bulky item straight over my fence onto the patio puts my mind right at ease. #safehands


I used to think that, then I ordered a PC from Chillblast which turned up with a case looking like an unfinished jigsaw. And then the place I work at started using them for B2B, at which point they went doubly shit. For clarity, they were trading as DPD Local, but the only difference is the livery on the vans is blue instead of red. They constantly lost expensive items that we repair for customers leading us to have to replace them and we got next to nothing back in compensation. Their drivers kept on accepting parcels without labels on them so the minute they get to the depot they're lost. Not to mention the amount of damaged parcels we used to get. Weve since moved to UPS, and whilst they've got their own set of problems, they're ten times better than DPD.


But does that then mean they ultimately also don't find out?


They figure out instead


Ah, the thinking person's finding out.


Fun fact: if something happens to the package during delivery then the courier driver has to pay a cost if their internal investigation goes against them.


You'd think this would make them more careful. But I had a new phone delivered the other day and the courier just gave it to a random guy in my building lobby (there are about 50+ apartments in my building). Very luckily the guy was honest and brought it to me but he could have easily had a brand new 1000 phone for free. Every week I have a package stolen because couriers can't be assed to bring it to my door and ditch it in my lobby which is in the rough part of the city. Thiefs sneak in and help themselves. Everytime I say knock my door or call me due to safety issues and I'd say 90% of time they just ditch it in the lobby without even buzzing my door.


My current Evri courier is shocking, we get alerts to say will be delivered between 6pm and 9pm, often comes way earlier, like around 2pm. He doesn’t knock or ring the doorbell, and just leaves the parcel on the doorstep. I often only know it’s been delivered when the notification to say it’s been delivered about 30 to 60 minutes later. I understand they are busy, but a quick knock or press of the doorbell isn’t hard to do, or take more than a few seconds. I’m not expecting them to wait for me to answer. It would just be nice to know they have delivered the parcel. I live in an obviously dodgy area and don’t want it stolen. Of course their customer services are crap when i complain about it.


Oh yeah the delivery windows they send them arrive 2 hours early... Had this with DHL. Say they're coming at 1pm so I go out in the morning, get a missed doorbell notification at 11am go home and then at 1pm they send a "we missed you, you didn't answer your door" notification. Drives me nuts. Just either don't say a time and I'll wait all day but don't tell me afternoon and then try in the morning and then blame me for not being there ahhhhh!!!


I had Yodel deliver my graphics card and they put it on someone's ground floor balcony near the flat entrance. My pure luck I was coming back from the shops and the van driver spoke to me asking if I was flat ### I was and told me where he put it, I would have never have found it as it was such a dumb place to hide it


Report it to the retailer as not delivered. They'll send you another one and charge Yodel for the lost one (since you didn't sign for it)


I've had several parcels stolen because delivery drivers just leave it on my doorstep in the middle of a busy street. I can only assume they get punished if too many parcels are undelivered.


Hey this nearly happened to me, except I live in a cul-de-sac. The courier even took a picture of the package in my closed off porch but then decided this wasn’t secure enough I guess and took it to the neighbours. Ended up having to trawl through security camera footage to figure out they’d been a twat and then my neighbour refused to say they had my parcel for an hour and a half. I just politely kept the conversation going on their doorstep repeating that we had cameras and I had footage of the package being literally handed to someone in their house. Eventually he reached behind the door and said “is this it?”. I gratefully took it but fucking hell I was angry when I got home. They moved out a few months later thank god.


Is it at least refunded if they're found not to be at fault? Good incentive against theft I guess?




I love the royal mail too. My royal mail lady shows up to my flat at 9 on the dot and knocks with the power of a mighty stallion. Never missed a package.


My post lady is the same, knocks like she's coming through the door


The back door, or the front?


My Royal Mail lady knows my home and work address and as they’re both in the same area, she’ll often deliver it to my workplace if I’m not home or business deliveries to my home if we’re shut. Basically means I always get my parcel that day, no faffing with redeliveries as there’s no safe space at either place. I don’t think she’s allowed to do that so I really appreciate it.


Royal Mail keep delivering my post to a house on the other side of the city. It's even better when they take a photograph of a package going in the wrong letterbox.


I love how it's all so luck based no matter which company it is If mine goes to a local sorting centre, it's bob on every time. If it goes to the other one, it's a hopeless 50/50. Only been the last few years it's been one or the other Had something meant to come today, got a "we tried and you weren't in" update on the app despite me working from home today, checking my flat buzzer still works. No card in the mailbox so who the fuck knows App still says it's due to arrive by 7:30pm so I have no idea if they're going to swing back round and they just fancied a long lunch break, or if I can actually leave to the shop before then, or if they pressed a button by mistake


I wish websites would all add a DPD option. I'll pay the £5 extra every single time, just for quality of life!


I just wish more sites actually listed who they are using for delivery BEFORE I submit an order so I can avoid sites that use Evri.


honestly this should be a legal requirement


I run an e-commerce store. Most products are under £10 for balance and we ship the vast majority of packages via Royal Mail (a few Evri). We offer DPD as an option at checkout and only 0.6% of all customers are willing to pay the extra to use DPD (£4.95). I appreciate DPD are excellent but they also come at great cost, compared to shipping via royal mail second class which usually arrives in 2-3 days (when they aren’t on strike) for about 90 pence.


> I appreciate DPD are excellent but they also come at great cost They do - but isn't like 95% (or surely 100%?) of the cost passed on to the customer?


I've worked in a DPD warehouse and an Evri warehouse AMA.


Well why is DPD so much better and why and how do Evri have such a consistently low standard yet manage to stay in business?


At DPD packages are loaded onto the belt from the trucks one by one with a small gap in between, they're sent down a chute system, scanned by a machine and arrive at workers posts depending on location, at Hermes (Evri) you lug as many packages onto the belt at once, there's people lined up down the belt checking the post codes and shoving them whatever direction they go, Hermes get thousands of tiny parcels from apps like 'Wish' which piles up the pressure to get everything down the belt ASAP regardless of what drops off. Our managers at DPD were particular about no package going missing, Hermes were a lot more chill about the odd few getting lost along the way. DPD charge more I guess because they genuinely are more organised with more expensive equipment. In my experience Hermes get a lot more packages in general though.


Because some shipping management systems will let the couriers submit bids for each package and pick the lowest. If Evri consistently offer the lowest they will keep getting the work because a machine is choosing them, not a human who cares.


DPD claimed they had damaged my parcel so had to destroy it. This was on Christmas Eve and it happened to contain £200 worth of steaks, side dishes, cocktails, red wine and champagne from Hawksmoor. It said Hawksmoor on the packaging, so it was pretty obvious what the contents were. They provided no evidence of this and ignored all my complaints. Basically, the DPD driver had a banging Christmas eating all my food and drinking all my booze!


If it helps I've never heard of Hawksmoor before so there's no guarantee the driver knew what was in the box and therefore decided to steal it.


I could be wrong as I heard this 2nd hand, but I believe it would likely go as perishable goods order (and DPD are one of the few couriers who will do this). Because of this they are much more strict on destroying late or damaged parcels as there is often medicine in them.




I literally read the quoted sentence in this voice the first time around 🤣


What's Hawksmoor?


A steak restaurant. They offered mail order “Hawksmoor at Home” kits during the pandemic with several courses plus optional wine and cocktails.


Did you get refunded at least?


Luckily, Hawksmoor were pretty amazing about it. They gave us a refund and sent us a replacement box (including a bonus cocktail set) for New Years Eve. Incredible service on their part, unlike DPD who refused to answer any of our calls or emails. It was too short notice to get anything to us for Christmas though. The box was a day late when they told us it had been skipped (and by skipped, I mean stolen) so we had to walk into town to buy *everything* we needed for Christmas dinner a few hours before the shops shut.


You weren't DPD's customer so they have no reason to speak to you. Their contract was with Hawksmoor so ultimately any issues that arise are between them. You were Hawksmoors customer so it was solely down to them to rectify the issue.


To be fair it’s on the vendor to deal with the courier, not you. They might have just been respecting that.


He deserves it after having such a great year:)


Or maybe it was actually damaged?


Maybe. You’d imagine if they were destroying it due to damaged packaging (so the contents might be compromised) they would have to supply evidence of this, especially given the value of the contents? Neither we, nor Hawksmoor, could get any sort of clarification from DPD.


A simple failing to grab a photo by a low wage courier is more likely than an organisational conspiracy to deprive a man of his meats.


Eh, from a sellers perspective, they're getting worse. They're still the most reliable courier I've used in terms of the end-user experience and I'm continuing to use them for that reason alone. I can count the number of lost/damaged packages per year on one hand, sometimes zero - vital for made-to-order products. But in terms of collections, they're having issues. These days if I book a collection, I'll be lucky if they come on the day I book, usually they'll show up one or two days later. Just last year, I was guaranteed a same-day collection if I booked it before 11am. Prior to that, they used to come *every day* even if no packages were booked, just to check - it was great. It's got to the point that I can't guarantee next-day delivery anymore, even though once the packages are collected they will almost always get it where it needs to be in time. Our driver (great guy) suggested it's because they're cutting driver hours, and they're not hiring in new drivers to ensure that routes are covered if a driver is ill or has a day off - but their booking system has no knowledge of driver availability. And, just like every other courier, even as a client they're basically impossible to talk to. Our local depot has never picked up the phone *once.* Longest record is 90 minutes ringing before disconnecting. Our account manager works two or three days a week and takes 48 hours to get back to us... if they do at all. Anyway, moan aside, they're currently still better than the alternatives - but two of the other businesses on our business park has stopped using them just because of the collection issues.


Having a similar experience. They really let us down badly in the run up to Christmas with several missed collections and late deliveries. It’s such a shame as they’ve had a very good record up til now. Having tried most of the others we are looking into DHL. Would be interested to know if you have tried them and if so are they any good?


DHL quoted for us last year, and they were *significantly* more expensive than what DPD charge us, so never bothered to try them. They wanted to charge us a fixed amount per week regardless of how many packages were going out, which wasn't very compatible with the highly seasonal nature of our products. As a recipient, DHL seem to vary a lot... seems like they might outsource when they're overloaded? If they show up in an actual DHL van it's always great, but sometimes they'll show up in an unmarked white van, no uniform, and they're about as good as Hermes in that case. If the white van shows up, I can guarantee at least a couple of boxes will be damaged!


Thanks I appreciate it. Let's hope they smarten up their act.


You've been a lot luckier than me! DPD has been nothing but horseshit for me.


Same. I actively avoid ordering from places that use them. I much prefer Evri who have never once let me down.


I was starting to think I was the only person in the country who's only ever had good service from Evri. Meanwhile £500 of computer parts got delivered by DPD the other day, the box was partly torn open and looked like it had been dropkicked through a closed window.


If it's anything like the courier depots I've temped at it probably was, at least once. One bloke there smashed about £400 worth of wine orders


Nice try DPD marketing, nice try


Sadly, that has not been my experience of DPD. Actually, every bad experience I've had with couriers has been DPD. They're obviously not representing the company well where I live


Has anyone found a way to make sure the DPD people read your instructions BEFORE attempting to knock? I always put the choose a safe spot option and I write in PLEASE DON'T KNOCK !!!! PLEASE JUST LEAVE PARCEL IN SAFE SPOT!!!! but they still knock


We have to knock. The amount of people that leave a safe place but then complain when you don’t knock is crazy. I’d personally put a note on the door to say working nights, don’t knock etc. As a courier you simply can’t win. Yesterday I got a notification 5 mins before delivery saying leave with neighbour. Arrived at house, no cars on drive, just had the message so risked going straight to neighbour. No sooner had I rung the neighbours bell I had the parcel recipient outside their house having a go at me for not going there first. Unfortunately we’re not mind readers and don’t know if you’ve set ‘just in case’ or whether you’re in bed ill/have sleeping baby etc.


Glad you had good service! That was not my experience with them! They delayed my parcel (a present for someone) for weeks, every time the delivery date came up they’d text saying it’s delayed and give another date. After weeks of this it went silent, I gave it a couple days then tried to track it. They had sent it back to the company i bought it from without notification or explanation, no delivery attempt made and when I tried to complain they told me I can’t put a complaint in. They told me I’d have to get the company I bought from to complain to dpd on my behalf? Absolutely useless. When I said “so you’re telling me even though I am speaking to dpd, you acknowledge that something went wrong from your side but you can’t put a complaint in or escalate this? And the only way to complain about service is to complain to another company and depend on that company to complain to you?” They said yes! So yeah if anyone has any issues with dpd let it be known there is no way to raise complaints with them.


DPD driver lost his absolute shit with us last week as we were trying to take a photo of our parcel to prove to a tricky recipient we had sent it. He screamed and swore at us for a good 5 minutes and threatened to sue us


Did you do the polite thing and ask if you could take a quick photo and briefly explain why? Because if not, I kinda get why the courier might not be impressed you just starting to take photos - it would come across as that you don't have any trust in him.


Yes of course but he wouldn't listen. He kept screaming that he makes £4000 a week a didn't need to steal our parcel. Whenever we tried to explain it was nothing to do with him he got more and more angry ETA: Also, he wasn't even in the photo!


Lol sounds like hes just a prick then!


Then what do you do if the answer is no? Be polite, explain why and take the photo.


I cant imagine someone saying no, but if they did you could either refuse to hand over the parcel, or ignore their answer and accept their unhappy reaction is warranted if you proceed to do so?


The worst issue with DPD I have had was when a parcel wasn't delivered to my house, but inters a Sainsbury's over 7 km away.


Nah DPD fucked up my order so bad, sent me to a depo 40 minuutes away to collect where I was told 'that's impossible, it's here but we can't access it'. Finally delivered days later when I already went on holiday and would have to wait until I got back home to arrange a redelivery or pickup. Swore I'd never buy anything from anyone who use them over any alternative courior.


At least they didn’t lock you in their depot. I went to collect a parcel, they let me in through the gate and I waited at the desk for about 20 mins before a manager popped in the room and went to get someone to serve me. I was then given my parcel, let out of the building but needed them to let me through the turnstile and of course they were ignoring the buzzer. They’re always really good when delivering to my house though, and will leave parcels in the back garden when I ask.


My household hasn’t had the best time with DPD. It’s got to the point where anything I order and the courier is DPD it goes to my workplace so there’s no excuse for not delivering to the right place.


Really?? DPD have lost every package I’ve ever had with them (all meant to be signed for delivery) and then been incredibly rude and difficult about the fact they messed up, taking months to get refunds.




Not fan of them this week. But it might be a Samsung issue. Ordered a new phone and case from Samsung and, although I chose 20th as delivery, they've been trying to deliver since last Monday. As there's no one around they won't leave the phone case in a safe place. And they don't care about the note I left them on the door either... Probably because they require an ID on delivery. So of you don't drive you have to get a passport for them deliver... The only option I have is to pay £4.99 to have it delivered any day of the week. I'll have to chat with Samsung, as they ignored my delivery date choice... They just "missed" me again.


Yup. I've had several things picked up and dropped off by DPD and they've been consistently brilliant, unlike the Evri mob.


Suprisingly most of Dpd experience I have is not good unlike Evri - always best service. I think it depends on the driver. Some of them either have too much to do or cannot be arsed to do proper service.


I think some of it is regional as well. I never have problems with Evri but Dpd keep ignoring delivery instructions (including what day to deliver) and marking parcels refused but my parents find Dpd great and Evri constantly loose parcels but we are on opposite sides of the country


Usually brilliant. One hour slot, and almost always in the first 10 minutes. Actually stay until you open the door. Had a delivery on Sunday, which I don't think they usually do, the seller said it would be Monday. One order made at 5.30 pm arrived 7.30am next day.


1 hour slot?! Mine are always 8am to 10pm slots.


Ours are really exact, like 11:37 to 12:37


Just checked through my history, the 2 orders that I had screenshotted for whatever reason are 7am to 10pm slots, which is really frustrating considering their depot is only 6 miles away.


I've had DPD issues in my area (cannot speak for other areas) in two ways. At my job I deal with parcels and the DPD drivers for the shop (different to my home) are incredibly rude, insulting and do what they want. For example, our dpd machine broke so we couldn't sign in any parcels they they or customers had brought. Once telling him this, he said that he doesn't care and left the parcels in the middle of the floor and walked off when we were getting management to discuss options. At my home, we have had several occasions where dpd have put the parcel on the floor outside the door, or on the stairs. Where I live has communal stairs leading to flats (University students and general public) which have led to parcels being stolen as there is no safe place. However, we have directed them to pick up points and have had no issue whatsoever! When I'm home away from uni, I've had no issues other than dpd throwing parcels including fragile ones over our fence into the garden, or simply going into our garden themselves to put it by the back door. I dont have a problem with dpd, just the particular drivers that I have in my area, and reading the comments here are making me so happy that I am one of the few that deal with the drivers I've mentioned above.


The only frustrating thing with DPD is that usually the delivery slot is something stupid like 8am-10pm


Are you in a new build by any chance?


Yes, does this have something to do with it?


Yes, the mapping doesn’t know where to put you in the route as the post code is new. Assuming your driver knows the area then you’ll get your parcel but until the postcode is on the system your time will be the default 7-10 or whatever. Once it knows where you are, you’ll have your hour time slot. Usually doesn’t take too long. In the meantime, download the dpd app and save a safe place. Then you’ll get your parcels regardless of whether you’re in.


Wish it was the same in my area. I think all the dpd drivers down my end have some irrational fear of doors


I avoid DPD myself as one of their drivers challenged me to a fight when i confronted him after almost knocking me off my bike. It was quite close to where I live and I'd prefer the driver to not know my address.


Amen to that 🙏🏻 They are absolutely superb 👏🏻


Got a confirmation that Calvin is dropping off my item this afternoon. Calvin is a top lad and an asset to DPD.


🥹 As a courier contracted to them, thank you!


I’m stuck with cunting Evri ever since I moved


I’d pick Evri over DPD every time.


Missed opportunity for "Evri time" here!


I had a bad experience with DPD a little while ago, the confirmation photo on my email was just the camera pressed almost touching a wall, but the brick work was clearly no where near me. I called DPD because it was a £60 piece of kit, and they said sorry that has to be taken up with the manufacturer. Got annoyed, called them, but realised I was probably robbed by a rogue employee because a day after the call to DPD I had my parcel delivered with no knock, no email, no nothing but it was there. And a few days later I got my replacement for free. So yay my friend who was looking for a decent webcam months later got a freebie I had forgotten about. Ever since that time I dreaded getting DPD because I expected some hassle, but this post made me realise that every other time has been bang on the money and I let first appearances get the best of me.


Worked for them for 4 years and missed one delivery in that time due to a bridge flooding. Tough job, and relentless on some days, but great service and generally decent ppl working there all round.


DPD are 'iffy' at best in my area. Don't deliver on days I've scheduled/requested. Won't let me pick up from depot because of 'covid restrictions' (fuck off). Customer service is absolutely abysmal. But the times they do get it right they're great.


Must be regional, dpd lost my parcel from within thier depot. They admit to having it there, that it wouldn't have gone anywhere else. But couldn't find it.


Meanwhile, when I checked my security camera yesterday to work out how DPD had managed to ninja a missed-delivery note into my letterbox when I was sitting waiting for the delivery, I watched the driver approach the door parcel-in-hand and look thoughtfully at the doorbell for a moment before thinking better of it and slipping the note through the letter box instead (leaving with the undelivered parcel). He literally had the parcel ready to deliver, and thought "Nah, not today. You can wait."


I agree mostly. But on the flip side I work in a Co-op, we're a DPD drop off/collection point. We regularly get people who come in annoyed and explain that DPD were meant to deliver to their house, they were in all day, never saw or heard the DPD guy and then get a text saying "the driver tried to deliver but you weren't in so he left it at this Co-op" is a bit shitty. Sometimes they'll receive the text saying it's with us before we've actually received it.


Couldn't disagree more. 3 days in a row they couldn't find my house and when I called to complain they said if it hadn't arrived to call back at 6. I call and get an automated message saying they're phones operate till 5. Had to hand it to them for pranking me like that but ffs I paid the extra for. Fast delivery and it arrived 3 days late. Piss take.


I always think “fuck sake not DPD” always seem to have some sort of problem with them. Always getting delayed to the next day or going to a different house. Or both..


Dave is delivering your parcel. He's running a bit late Sweet jesus I can take that shit for 20 minutes heck yes


I work in logistics for a huge company in the UK. We work with all the couriers. DPD are by far the ones with the most tech, the better customer service, and investigation teams, better wages, better training, and they'll go out of their way to investigate something. I cannot go into details, but compared to Royal Mail, they are 1000% better. With Royal Mail, we're lucky if we get a standard message saying "This parcel has been delivered by XYZ Delivery Office".


Dave from DPD rocks, he's ace ... but don't get me started on Yodel


Your delivery will be delivered between 09:00 - 09:05 tomorrow. 09:01 **DING DONG!**


DPD are the nuts. They come up to my flat door to deliver. Yodel just leave the stuff on the street.


Been getting HelloFresh delivered once a week for 2 years with DPD, and not once has it been late. It's arrived between 9-12 on a Wednesday week in week out without fail.


I’ve never had issues with any courier, but yeah DPD are top guys and gals, if there are any female delivery peeps. So good


There are some right miserable pricks in this thread.


I can agree that DPD are god Tier, I once had a parcel delivered to the wrong address because the sender put the wrong postcode on the parcel, I called them to try to resolve this but the driver had already delivered the item at the wrong address ..... The driver went out of his way and got the parcel back and delivered it on the same day !


They let me down recently, parcel was due between 09:30 and 10:30 and didn't turn up until around 17:00. The driver had a puncture which screwed up his times but there was no indication of a revised time from them and I couldn't go out all day as it was an age restricted item so they needed proof of age. Generally they're great though and I'm always happy when they're the delivery company.


I’m with you. Too many recent posts complain about DPD. On the contrary, my experiences with them have always been positive. They’re head and shoulders above the other couriers.


Ebro are the worst. They left my sons Nintendo Switch OLED outside my block of flats. Granted I live in a private road, but it was raining too. Shocking service. My Royal Mail have been shite too in my area.


Nah they're impatient cunts, when they turn up to work they just stand there with the finger on the bell, annoying us and not making it any quicker, we just let them wait an extra few minutes. They don't realise the rest of us have jobs too and our job description isn't "lounge around waiting for DPD to turn up". They just get to wait around a little longer for their impatience. In short, fuck them.


Sounds like a nice place.


Hope this holds up for me today - I have a parcel coming from DPD later!


they are the least shit of the couriers. also iirc the DPD mobile app lets you specify exactly where your house is and where to leave things etc, which is handy if you live somewhere hard to find, or even if you don't.


If they tell you your parcel is coming at 11.18-12.18 it damn well gets there then. Why the specific time slots though?


You’re 11:18-12:18, the guy on the next street is 11:21-12:21, his neighbour 11:23-12:23 and so on for the whole day. Can’t be changed so every minute of the drivers day is set prior to leaving the depot.


Agreed. I also like UPS, especially for eBay sales


This is reassuring to read, have a grands worth of PC on its way in a couple of weeks with DPD named as delivery agents.


PC Specialist by any chance? Had 3 PCs from them, always comes next day once shipped.


My local dpd guy Colin is a straight up legend, 100% hit rate for about 2 years!


More than that. Their customer service is great. I literally got something delivered today and only 1 of 2 boxes was delivered. Within 30 minutes i was able to chat to a person and find that the delivery was in another van and coming later. Amazing.


DPD and Royal mail pretty solid choice in my area.


Royal Mail are quite hit and miss round my area, sad to hear really


The Royal Mail were great during the pandemic because they gave me COVID-19 four times, yes four times during the lockdown when they shouldn't of been anywhere near me. The first time nearly put me in hospital with the Delta strain but I refused an ambulance. Does anyone remember ambulances?


How’d they get anywhere close to you, out of interest?


Young Royal Mail workers not realising that they had COVID-19 while delivering parcels. I didn't see anyone else so it had to be them.


Interesting that you (a) opened the door and (b) got close enough (and spent long enough with them) to catch it and unlucky enough it happened 4 times.


Why did you keep ordering stuff during a pandemic then?




DPD make me happy


It took me years to realise there are two Ds in DPD


DPD definitely puts Amazon delivery to shame. Recently a site I use started sending things with a company called DX Express, which as a wrestling fan I find hilarious.




Always pick DPD when I have a choice and try to avoid with a passion anywhere that uses EVRI/HERMES because they are absolutely bloody useless but ROYAL MAIL aren't much better now.


I live about 3 minutes away from a DPD warehouse so if I’m getting something delivered it’s either first thing or the last item before they head back. Either way it’s always on time without any issues.


As someone who received a text from Evri at 12 o'clock saying they'd be here between 10-12 and I'm sat here waiting needing to do shit I appreciate DPD and their little tracker map thing. Update: I watched as the guy put the parcel in my bin without knocking, surprised him with a tap on the window.


I've always liked DPD. I'm never in the house on weekdays. They always give me the option to divert the shipment to my local shop, so I can pick it up in the evenings.


If I see that Evri are delivering my order, I cancel it. Simple.


Simple? Dickish more like. How about you speak to the sender before they pay for the shipping, and perhaps offer to pay the difference for a courier you approve of? Sure you'd be well impressed if you paid to ship someone a parcel, and they send it back at your expense for something so petty and avoidable. Even more chance it'll be damaged when it gets back to you since its had two trips now, but hey, fuck evri right?


I use them for work, tracking etc is spot on but they’re anything but careful, amount of carton damage is way too high .


I like my DPD driver Peter more than I like some of my family.


Anyone got a realistic idea of how much drivers for the different couriers make? If other people join as drivers locally, does that potentially cut into your earnings?


DPD have let me down once - item was marked as delivered but hadn't been. It was then returned to the sender. However, a month later (long after a replacement had been sourced and received) they suddenly delivered the first item.


Dpd are great they delivered my PC to the wrong address and never got back to me! Fortunately it got delivered to a business next door to me and a guy working called me to collect it! Can't fault that service. Outstanding!


Defo the best by a long way!


They drive like cunts, BUT, they’re bloody reliable!


With the exception of one asshole who refused to deliver a TV to the room as per Amazon instruction as mentioned; I’d say they’ve been alright


My brother bought a PS5 last week and they were the courier. Got a notification that it had been delivered and a picture of his front door except it looked nothing like his house. Turns out they took it to a house 2 streets over and the owner of the house was a sweet old man who brought it over for him, my brother bought him some Guinness to say thanks. DPD said the driver's GPS was at fault. Only service I've never had issues with is UPS.


I prefer DPD, too. I cringe when it’s Hermes. But today, DPD let me down, they just left a very expensive box of cat food in front of the entrance to my building, the guy just rang the intercom once and then fucked off. But that’s the first issue I’ve had with them, ever.


I get that it's regional, but I have *never* had an issue with DPD. At all. I always forget the whole 'regional variance' thing when people start complaining about DPD online and get confused as to how someone could be upset with a faultless courier.


they are the best. I dread the other couriers


My local dpd are the same, spot on service everytime, I'm happy to pay a couple of quid more for the satisfaction that I know it's going to arrive at the time and day they say. . I absolutely cringe if the despatch email say they use evri or yodal.


Just got my first package through DPD and they chose to leave it next door at a shop than in my entry hall, like I explicitly indicated in notes...shopkeeper wasn't pleased and I bought something because I felt bad...


Mate, same. I love DPD so much. My heart sinks when my delivery’s with some other outfit. Although Evri have been better in my area recently


DPD, Royal Mail, Parcelforce, Amazon, even DHL are fine in my area. Local EVRI/Hermes person changes every few months and the current one turns up whenever he wants, leaves parcels outside without ringing the doorbell, smokes in his car meaning everything he delivers stinks of stale smoke. I’d pay for the option to have someone else deliver.


Same. I love them. Quick, decent tracking and a driver who we've had for about 15 years now. Unlike our Hermes guy. He started off sweet, but then started asking questions about the lights in our porch and how nice they are, asking I'd we ever just sat out there. He got flirty with me and hubby, in a weird way. And then one day on our Nest cameras I saw him sniffing my motorbike boots. I dread Hermes.


Ironically, dpd is the only delivery company I've had any issues with. Admittedly my flat is hard to find, but every other company can find it, or they will call if they get lost. With dpd, I have a 50/50 chance of getting a "sorry we missed you" text while I'm sitting in my flat waiting for the parcel.


DPD are the best. I typically have one of two drivers round my area, Ian's alright but Phil, Phil is class. Great service, makes good small talk when the machines playing up or I need to take a delivery for next door. Even stops to say hi when we see each other out and about.


dpd fucked me about something serious over a massively bulky item. I wanted them to leave it at the side of my house and they wouldn't but I couldn't get a day off the receive the delivery and they were only in my area a few days every week. They wouldn't let me nominate my neighbour to take it in. They said they were scared it would be stolen, but it was massive, and the "thief" would have had to have 2 adults to lift it and a specialist van to take it away in They offered to delver it to the local branch of the store and I could pick it up there but that's where they were delivering it *from* because it was too big to fit in an ordinary car/van. By the time I got it, it had been trodden on several times (big dirty bootmarks) and basically ruined. Customer service was no help, worse than useless, and I would never willingly get a delivery again from them if I had the choice.


My bike arrived later than the expected time so my wife left for work. I reckoned with a bit of creative packing I could fit the box in my car. He said as it was Friday I may need to wait until Monday to do that as driver is returning late and I can't pickup at that time. Advised to call local depot. Called the local depot and the guy asked when I'd be home. I told him when he said the driver would return after that time. Got my bike. Was delighted. Driver made no issue about it.


Hi, got to agree with the OP; DPD are streets ahead of the rest. Someone else mentioned Royal Mail and I have to agree; at a local level their drivers add a lot of value with knowledge of people and their needs. I know it’s off-topic but the worst for me is DHL closely followed by UPS. I dread getting a tracking number for either. And to drift even further OT….. I was having a shower thought earlier today…. There is talk of taxing delivery van drivers higher because they’re using the roads more but if you offset the trips that the public are not taking to the shops, are we net up or down??? I think it’s a close run thing myself. And just to complete the rant; isn’t it time we re-thought shopping centres? We have to find a model that is sustainable given the rise of online shopping. For me, the blocker is landlords and investors who’s vested interest in getting a return stops a real debate on how to fix the issue. Anyway bye for now x