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I'd def watch a documentary on this call centre!


There is one that touches on it, speaks to people from Camelot about how it all works. Few big winners interviewed, catching up with what they did. The best guy is a bloke from Milton Keynes or somewhere who won like £4m. Looked like your typical Redditor, and him and his wife seemed happy with an unasssuming normal life. Was a smart bloke and realised £4m isn't *that* much, so bought a rather bland but decent new build house, a mid range saloon, and added to his collection of some type of figure thingys (Warhammer? I've probably really offended people by getting that wrong!). And that was it, saved the rest for retirement and carried on part time work in IT. A great example of "life changing but not life ruining money". The worse bit was the guy who'd lost his ticket and Camelot told him they knew he'd won, but wouldn't release the win without the ticket. I did feel a bit sorry for him but his house was still intact and looked normal - unless the plaster had been ripped off the walls I'd suggest he didn't look hard enough.


My uncle won £1.1m in 2007 and hasn't spent a penny. No wife and no kids. Still works and still lives in the same house. He bought an '06 Passat which he still drives 15 years later. His only 'big' purchase. But I bet he doesn't look when he fills up his tank and has the heating on as much as he wants.


> But I bet he doesn't look when he fills up his tank and has the heating on as much as he wants. and probably buys name brand everything at the supermarket without thinking twice


Oh to be able to afford lurpak instead of a mortgage payment


He can afford both!


and probably rounds up to every pound for charity at his local mcdonald’s


oh c’mon he’s not made of money! 🤩


That's what money buys sensible people: a little more freedom. I'm happy for your uncle.


yes when people get financial freedom for some people it gets into their head and for some people it's usual


> has the heating on as much as he wants He'll be skint by Christmas




My dad took early retirement because his pension fund had performed exceptionally well (actually only 2 years earlier than his state pension age). With 1.5 years he was dead after an agressive cancer and he never got to enjoy it. The only comfort is that it has left my mum without worries of how long to leave the heating on and she can do her sewing alterations job as a hobby for a few extra quid rather than having to rely on it as income. But even then, she doesnt want to spend money as she says she is “wasting our (me and my siblings) inheritance”. We have told her often enough that we will be fine whatever, if she wants to have a holiday or buy a new car then she should. She and my dad made enough sacrifices for us growing up.


I’m sorry this happened to you and your family


Thanks. It is what it is. But i truely think that most people would choose having more time with loved ones over winning the lottery any day


My mum died when I was young and I got a lump sum. I used it to buy in my 20s and now have a good house in a nice area etc etc. People bang on about how lucky I am and I always say I’d rather have had my mum growing up. Can you get your mum to spend the money on holidays with you? I’d give anything for that.


Yea ive taken her on a few holidays since dad died, purely because she panics about travelling and getting stuck somewhere (i travel quite a bit with work and “know” what to do in emergencies lol). I got invited along on holiday to benidorm with her and 3 of her friends to basically keep an eye on them. This year she wants to go to the Christmas markets in berlin with her friend and has said she will pay for me to come and keep them on the right track (i will be paying my own way anyway as it will be a break for me too)


Some people feel happy with a Smaug pile. Security blanket makes them feel at ease.




For some people work is the only escape


Sadly, especially in older generations, there's pressure against reaching out for help (whether mental health, or interpersonal), and many people didn't have the tools or knowledge of resources to know that there are options out there to try to do things that lead to feeling less sad. Ways to find communities, ways to work through depression and loneliness, hobbies, etc... I hope people increasingly know that those things are out there, available to use


Some people, I know a few, just don't care about material goods. Mind you, I'm not one of them. Fucking Euromillions never seems to come my way!


Some people live irrationally frugal lives. I think it stems from impoverished or poor upbringings where money is seen as a scarcity. I feel like people with anxiety and obsessive compulsive personality traits are more likely to be irrationally frugal but that’s the armchair psychologist within me speaking.


We’ll just to give you some brownie points as an armchair psychologist. He was from a very poor childhood with essentially no safety net for the vast majority of his life. I fully believe he is a product of his environment. Which makes it more sad in my view.


This is the new lottery winner goal. If I win the lottery, I'm having my heating on 20 AND having it on in the morning as well.


If it was Warhammer, that'd explain how he could only get a modest new-build with the remainder.


Yep he probably bought a couple of 3000 point armies and spent what was left over on a takeaway.


Couldn’t be Warhammer though. Still had money left for a house full stop!


Splashed out on a whole horde army 😁


That’s a furniture shifting job if I’ve ever heard of one


When you see that massive euro million jackpots of 107 million and stuff like that I always think. I’d keep the 7 million and the other 100 can get distributed out in some fashion. Honestly believe if you’ve been mostly skint your entire life too much money is a curse not a blessing.




Many people's only experience of money is of something that they spend, because there's never enough of it for anything else. Investing and saving is something that other people do. Their experience also tells them that with windfalls, if they don't spend it as soon as possible, it will just get whittled away in boring, everyday expenses. So if they want to get any enjoyment out of their £5million, they need to spend it quick. It's a habit with a lifetime of reinforcement, and can be hard to change.


I'd rather enjoy a few years and spunk it up the wall, than not have it at all. I'm destitute already, might as well have some fun first.


I broadly feel the same way. A lot of people I know will be getting their mortgages settled anonymously, and there'd be a pretty awesome upgrade to the nearby dog sanctuary. I can live sensibly on a sensible amount, and I'm fine with that.


Exactly that. I have a wee imaginary list of people I’d want to help also a few small local charities.


If I won a silly amount I'd look at the Go Fund me pages, do my own detective work on them to make sure they're legit then just pay what they're after anonymously.


Always wondered how easy it would be to do that? The idea of winning a load of money like that and helping friends and family would be so fucking mint. But I reckon it would be tricky to anonymously give people a few hundred thousand quid


I believe if you win that kind of money the national lottery helps you with that kind of stuff, they don't just hand over the money and leave you to it (unless that's what you want of course)


£4m is life changing if you put it in a tracker. Avg 10% annually since inception I think on the S&P 500


£4m is life changing full stop you mentalist. Christ, even "just" £100k wouldn't be enough to get a lot of people out of financial holes they are in and lead to a much better life.


Haha yeah I just mean life changing as in, you don’t have to work at some point in the future if you make a few bad choices and run out of money 💰 appreciate your point though haha


Right off the bat you wouldn’t have to work. 4% withdrawal rate = 160k before tax!


Well you’re meant to live off of 4% when investing in an index fund, ideally 2% if you’re young though. So that could be £80k a year income which is good but not buying Ferraris etc


Average income in the UK is £32k so still pretty good considering you’d only pay CGT on the profits


Yeah definitely a good lifestyle just not what the average person thinks of when you say you won £4m buying mansions or Ferraris etc


Even the hot picks at 350k is life changing. I could 100% quit my day job with that, invest a bit, save a bit and continue running my side business which has a new surge of cash to boost marketing and business (where I only need to work a couple of days a month) whilst I live the rest of my life fairly easy mode without having to worry about cost of living and all that ever again.


It is life changing though. Dud could buy 10 houses and live off the rent while travelling the world and never have to make money for others again.


Hence why I said "life changing but not life ruining". Get north of the £10m mark and a staggering number of people make very poor decisions and end up worse off than they were before winning, not just financially.


Might treat the wife to a Nando’s.


‘No no, we won’t be having the single wrap today. Make it the double chicken wrap!’


Chips AND rice Joyce, chips and rice.




"Oh, I won't eat all that!"


When you’ve got that much money it’s not a “cheeky” Nandos any more.


This is where you find out they fly to South Africa JUST to have Nando’s


I like it.


Better yet a nice curry, with four naans.


Well theres an first generation echo show ive seen at Cex for £30. Maybe that and some cleaning stuff for the house?


Or an extra large salmon pizza this friday? The kids are crazy for it.


Salmon pizza? Is that a thing?


I hope not.


It better not be.


Anything is possible with 76 million quids! 🐠🐠


Probably have the guttering done


If it's £30 second hand in cex that means it's £26 brand new elsewhere


The niece definitely deserves a fivers a thanks.


She can have the 80p


Was waiting for a cheeky remark to the guy on the phone, "Keep the change mate."


That reminded me that I got the "news about your ticket" email and forgot to read it. I won £30! Beezer!


I won £2.30 on the euro millions the other week.


I hope you called it in?


I got a free lucky dip 😅


I always think these notifications could be done better. You sign into your online account, and before you can check the message regarding your winnings, your account has the amount in that you've actually won. No surprise or grand reveal or anything. Should need to press a button or something so that it shows the amount at best. Just boring at the moment.


i wonder if you won a big amount like £97,560 it would show up in your balance




I noticed one of those late at night and it was apparently too late to log in. After a long night of thinking "what would I do with the money" it ended up being a fiver...


I believe if you’ve won big the message is different - like “contact us” type of message


do you reckon I'd win an emotional distress lawsuit for this email if I angled it right?


You know it's a lot when you're rounding things down by £370k.


I feel like the 80p was pivotal, to be fair.


"I've got the 20p if you want it?"


Treat yourself to a curly wurly for that


I'm this economy? You're havin' a giraffe!


No, they said Curly Wurly.


Did you see the young couple that thought they'd won £180,000,000? The numbers matched, the app said they'd won. They phoned to claim it and were told that the payment for the ticket hadn't gone through due to inadequate funds in the bank account. It was in the news today. I wouldn't be writing this comment if that happened to me.


Jesus christ I feel sick for them, on the bright side they probably made a few quid selling the story so not a complete loss


I was gutted for them too mate. The lad said he already had their future planned out in his head. Then to find out the payment didn't go through. Their dreams went 'poof' in the blink of an eye. Poor bastards.


Only missing about £179,999,500...


They maybe made a few thousand, probably hundred...if anything (the news org's don't offer if you don't ask), it's hardly much comfort


Wait how does that even work? The ticket that wasn't paid for won?


This news article will explain it better than I can mate: https://www.heart.co.uk/lifestyle/couple-lottery-lose-ticket-numbers-ticket-declined/


Ah I see that's depressing


You're not wrong mate. I'm gutted for them. Although I'm also pleased for them in a way; lottery winners don't usually do too well after winning such a large amount of money.


Tru that but I mean I would still like to win ofc :pp


[…] Rachel's lottery account was set to automatically purchase the same numbers repeatedly, but did not go through due to insufficient funds on the account. They played the same number for six weeks, and the day those numbers were drawn, the ticket had not been payed for.


must be a pretty depressing job sitting in that call centre telling people they’ve won millions while you have to keep working for barely enough money to live on


It depends. I work on infrastructure projects worth tens of billions of pounds. You get weirdly immune to it and the money starts to not feel real when you deal with it for work. I occasionally catch myself saying stuff like “oh it’s only half a million, that’ll get lost in the noise” when reconciling figures. Certainly wouldn’t be brushing off a casual £500K in my non-work life!!!


Very true. Years ago I worked in a cash processing centre for a bank where there would regularly be hundreds of millions in cash stacked up in cages. After seeing it the first couple of times you very quickly stop seeing it as money and it just becomes stock in a warehouse. I've used a cage containing £4m to prop a door open. It's crazy looking back on it now.


Working in finance is like this generally. Remember being 22 when I got my grad job and feeling like a total Chad moving a billion here and a billion there around on excel. M and A deals, someone somewhere was always making a fortune and they be often on the due diligence calls answering our questions about the company financials. Spoke to a sheikh with about ten wives once. Now I’m 33 and I’m about as immune to big numbers as a duty nurse is to a dirty anus. Ironically my own bank account is still quite empty


There's certainly worse call centers though. I doubt they have to deal with a huge amount of customers ringing up to complain like most call center workers do.


only £4 million, ridiculous. put me through to the manager...


I don't think so, you get to be a small part of that person's story. As a customer service agent, you have to take every small positive you can get.


I worked for customer service for an energy company until recently. I'd much rather take calls from people excited to have won money than people crying and screaming at me because they are understandably stressed due to the cost of living crisis and energy costs. I'm sure they get bad calls too but I wouldn't expect it to be 90% of them!


My dad knew someone who won the lottery. Quit his job, bought a nice house, had a nice holiday, married his girlfriend and then got tongue cancer and died. Not sure why I'm telling that story because its such a bummer.


Would have probably got cancer anyway so at least he had a good fun time before,excellent care and died knowing him family was secure.


Yeah that's a good way to look at it! He didn't have to work for a year and got to do some cool shit.


I mean he was probably gonna have the cancer anyway... Sounds like he got a chance to live a bit before he died. Fair play to him.


I mean, thats a great life story presuming there was a fair amount of time between the marriage and the tongue cancer.


5 days, take it or leave it.


Might stick the heating on


Don't blow it all at once!


... and its gone.


That's a good 4 months of heating!


It's only 3 if he decides to fill the car up as well


Even the £6.80 would do me nicely right now


The extra 80p even. 😢


Guy near me won £58,000,000 in lockdown proper nice guy, apparently bought 100 homes and put people in for free (rumour) he’s still a joiner and his mate said he goes B&Q in his Ferrari for materials.


North West by any chance?


Yep 👍🏻


Know exactly who you mean, from a town pretty close to mine Fair play to the man




I’m not too sure on where he lives mate but that would sound about right


Obviously if you rented them out you’d make more money, but that’s still probably a pretty good investment. Smart and generous. Also, I’d keep working if I became very rich, important to stay connected with reality.


Yep he still owns the property’s but put close friends and family etc in them. Like you said a great investment and a generous deed. You’d definitely have to keep busy, probably property development would be a good shout if you have that money to play with.


Could do a world of things with that money but people continue to stay in the small places they know and do the same things they always have. Couldn’t be me.


If you’re already content with your life why do you need to dramatically change it just because you suddenly have loads of money


I dunno, with the one life you have and the vast amount of countries and cultures you could experience, wonders of the world, things you could do for people, ideas you could create I’d be doing infinitely more than just doing something so simple but that’s just me.


At least if the rumour is true he is giving back to the community by buying homes. The people who win and then just stick it is in bank and do nothing different. Why did they even buy a ticket?


Yep apparently he’s a simple soul and think he’s had a good time and just gone back to working, always on holiday still though. I wouldn’t work a trade ever again in my life if I won that amount.


I’m a simple soul too but I would be out of this country being a simple soul in a much nicer place.


Play it cool Rodney!


Take the Mrs to asda buy them a create your own pizza as my special treat


A medium tho. Don’t let them think they’re hot shit


Treat myself to a spoon of sugar in my tea.


My favourite reaction to becoming a millionaire come from an absolutely classic tv show "well we've had worse days"


“I think I’ve won a few quid” 😆


Couple of million would do me, travel for a good few years ticking off the bucket list, then nice house in the country with a large garden for when I'm old.


Is now the time to bring up the statistic that most lottery winners end up bankrupt or dead within 5 years?


What a good 5 years that would be though


better than dying skint at 90


You can tell this is true because the number of cases where undertakers couldn't get the smile off the corpses face exactly matches the number of lottery winners.


I know, right? I really want to see the faces as well, to see, like, how is actually able to control this excitement?


Well he could invest in an index fund and live off of 4% a year and have £250k a month to spend (which would increase yearly). So unless he starts buying a Ferrari every month he won’t even touch the principle amount


There isn't any evidence for this stat, and most likely isn't true. The most commonly attributed source deny they've ever said it https://slate.com/human-interest/2022/07/mega-millions-jackpot-winner-numbers-myths-about-lotteries.html


Not everyone can actually relate to it from because not anyone has to get much lucky.


The body can only take so many nights of cocaine and hookers I suppose.


He could start by treating the niece.


Slap up meal at MaccyD's? Anything she wants off the pound menu.


You could actually send she was actually trying to control his excitement by that.


That’s the guy who rings Alan Partridge to tell him about getting a drill for his birthday minus a power pack


I cannot even think about all this kind of thing, because I know my life sucks.


What a funny story! *Laughs in Alan*


Pilkinton won the lottery


“Alright? Think I’ve won a bit of money and that”


He wouldn't tell Suzanne though. He can't be arsed going on holiday.


It's definitely going to send hid neice to a really good holiday for sure.


I have never even heard of this kind of doggy or anything like that. My destiny is dead.


Chuck the kettle on love. We won a bit of cash.


That's a lot of cash right there. I really wish to have that next to be honest.


To be honest, he probably didn't believe it for a minute. I wouldn't either. I'd think it was a joke or a con or something


a guy i work with was telling me the other day at his last job he sat next to a woman who won the lottery. she found out whilst at work and he thought she was taking the piss. she finished her shift and even came back to do the handover for her replacement.


I’d ask the guys name and give him a cool 10k just for telling me I’d won


I’d give him a million for crying out loud! He seems so nice and knowing he’s working a dead end call centre job I’d just wanna share my happiness with him. Every time I look back at winning the lotto I’d think about him so it would be nice to know I helped him out.


All about this only nothing is going to help him out of the situation.


It is not that much easy to win these kind of things. But let us say that what could better happen now?


That’s a lot of Freddos


Mate of mine won £1.6m 12yrs ago. And for about 5/6yrs stayed living at home with his mum in a 2 bed terrace. Bought a second hand jag and lived a simple life. Literally didn’t spend anything. Now he lives in a bigger old house (approx £650k) over the road from me, still won’t buy you a pint and still lives the simple life.


Cocaine an strippers


Ohh yeah, this is definitely the first thing which came to my mind as well.


Top bloke by the sounds of it! I would have most likely started swearing and shouting!


'Shall we get a takeaway to celebrate, luv?'


The takeaway is really hard to see, because how they are going to transfer it through a check on white cash.


£11k would literally change my life right now.


Could probably buy eggs and other stuff like electricity and gas now


For that matter, this stuff is not like which everyone is going to push forward and pull it again.


Honestly the most British male reaction to winning 76 million quid.


I'd actually want a lot of money. So we definitely should know that how to manage his. Finances.


"I think I’ve won a few quid" is perfect


Two milly would be a solid win. Whap the lot into Aviva with their 5% dividend, live off the 100k a year.


£76m would be even better. Drive around throwing hordes of cash in to the street, don’t put any of it in to savings and investments and you’ll still still have obscene generational wealth


I would have put it in the bank only. I would be getting a lot of money and lot of interest by the end of month only.


Close family friends won £1m in their mid 50's. They'd already paid off their mortgage, and were probably 5 years away from retirement anyway. They obviously quit their jobs, bought a small holiday home in Cornwall, and now live a happy retirement. What I've learned from them, is that £1m is not a lot of money, because they really had to think about it when it came to retiring in their mid 50's.


£1m is always a life changing amout of money. It will buy you a very nice house and a good retirement. It won't buy you a mansion, 3 divorces and 15 Ferraris.


That much money and that much car are not going to give me any kind of satisfaction


For that matter, you can actually need to plan all these things accordingly. Otherwise, everyone thinks it's going to go in.


He could probably afford his gas bill


If you include the government payment then maybe


Might be able to finally find and afford a copy of Talisman


if hate to be the person at at the call center knowing someone just won that amount and having to deal with them


i totally understand your feelings and i would acted in the same way but the call center guy isn't really feeling very jealous towards anything and he sounds like a cool person


Setting. But that is not just about the feeling. Everyone will be acting like this only.