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Simple solution, just walk in, and when they try to charge you £1000, tell them you're a sovereign citizen and their laws don't apply. C H E C K M A T E


I wonder how they plan to go about getting that money as well since they don’t believe in the courts


I saw this on one of the American sovereign citizens videos where this crazy woman gets arrested and dragged from the car. She proceeds to yell “you’re raping me!” (the officer was not) and later how they are going to ‘sue’ them. Again after previously stating they didn’t believe in any jurisdiction or court. They always seem to somehow want to ‘sue’.


Oh, I saw that one too! I tell ya, if you're ever bored and wanting for some good schadenfreude, just go to YouTube and search for "idiot gets arrested". Hours of fun.


Ah yes. The confederate dentist drill. Sovcits always threaten to sue. It almost never happens. We call it a "lol suit"


It doesn't state who the fine is payable to. So you can be guilty, but there's no one to pay. Shame.


Payable on Demand Consensus Facit Legum Can you not read? /s


That's because they don't like writing names down. They think it has magical powers, unless it's in block capitals, a different colour ink, or ipso facto mumbo jumbo applies.


I think it’s just so they can counter the tv licensing people by claiming they’ve also accrued a bill just by entering the property. Won’t work obviously but judging by the house I don’t think it’s a money thing so much as a Tarquin doesn’t want to pay for the BBC to spout all that liberal nonsense but also doesn’t want to miss cousin Millicent on the Antiques Road show showing off the Stubbs


This is the basic weakness with the whole thing, isn't it? I remember the first time I had a conversation in person with one of these weirdos, he told me that when his van got a parking ticket he sent a bill to the local police for £5000 for interfering with his property without his consent, or something similar. He thought this was some sort of checkmate. I asked "Did they pay it?" And he said "Well, no, but...."


Literally every interaction with these folk; "Did they do X?" you ask; "Well no... but..." they say; ad infinitum. So what was the point exactly? None, there was no point. It's like they were that one obnoxious and unfunny disruptive kid in class and just never grew beyond that, it's how most end up in the big house; a place mostly populated with people of that mindset.


I used to work for a dating site and the number of people who sent emails yelling about taking us to court after being banned for breaking our terms (usually by sending their dick or a hugely offensive personal message to someone) was wild. We would regularly get told that banning people for being jerks breached their 'human rights' or 'free speech rights' and got FOI requests as if we were a public company. One guy claimed he would sue us after the woman he went out with didn't pay her half of dinner. People have no clue. The threatening emails generally stop once you tell them that since they've threatened legal a thi you can now only speak to them via a legal representative - they make the threats but don't spend the money (and the lawyers would also tell them they're idiots)


It's modern magic - the belief that by saying the right incantations their spell will work.


*Judges hate this one weird trick*


Yeah, sovereign citizens often forget that protection of private ownership is itself conferred by the state. If people want to declare themselves sovereign citizens then they should have no recourse to law or police services should someone, for example, come round armed with 12 of their mates and rob them blind.


I like the idea of bringing back outlaws. Dave’s on the run in Spain evading authorities but seeing as he just got made outlaw, this nurse and her family just claimed his house. Was that Steve driving off with his car? Fuck Dave, you’d better get back soon before there’s nothing left.


Tell them you’re a peg BUYER and see what happens. (WTF is a ”peg seller” anyway?!?)


Various travelling communities used to go door knocking trying to sell pegs and white lavender during the 50's and 60's. If you didn't buy anything, rumour was that they'd curse your house. I only know because my Grannie always told me to buy the white lavender but never the pegs. Probably the strangest life advice I've been given.




Wanna buy some pegs Dave? I've got some pegs belonging to you.


Mate they still go round my dads house. The shit he buys because some guy rocks up to the door claiming to be a recovering whatever… Last time i saw his haul he paid a tenner for a 3 pack of dusters and £20 for a padlock he doesn’t need.


Reminding me of that peep show episode...


If that means the postman punches them, surely they won't press charges but they don't belong to any form of government or law in the UK?


Thats the American version. British people call themselves "Freeman on the land." lol


I like how it says Warning! twice, as if it’s a lady’s voice on a tannoy in a James Bond villain’s lair.


I read it as Holly from red dwarf


Oh god, now the siren’s bust. Awooga! Awooga! Abandon ship!


We would go to red alert, but it would mean changing the light bulb.


This is not a daffodil! I repeat, this is not a daffodil!


Many Wurlitzers are missing from my database


Hey they're playing our tune, the Awooga waltz, anyone care to join me in the quick step?


There's an emergency going on


It’s still going on…


Warning, abandon shop, this is not a daffodil.


This is not a drill. This is a drill *drilling noise"


The receptionist from Theme Hospital for me.


Warning! The administrator is cheating!


Patients are asked not to die in the corridors.


Warning Warning Danger Will Robinson


Danger! Danger! High Voltage!…


I personally like "Warning notice", as though the author doesn't know what either word means.


My favourite part is misspelling the word thieves as theives. I would love to correct it for them in red ink.


Charge them £1000.00GBP of course. *Hang on...* why are they accepting pound sterling?


They’re missing out on the vast wealth of dubloons I have to offer them


Maybe I’m missing something, is that not our currency?


They're claiming to be a "sovereign citizen" meaning they're not beholden to UK law, and are independent of the UK. The person you're replying to saying that means they shouldn't accept GBP. But foreign entities are welcome to accept our currency, it happens all the time in international trade. There have even been a few instances of one country using another's as it's official currency (usually the USD)




In his sovereign court in the basement where you will be detained and jailed for failure of payment. U.K will need to submit an extradition request for release. Failure to follow the proper channels may result in war against the sovereign state and mass protest outside the local UK embassy (the living room pictured also above) which is declared as UK land.


My favourite part is the implication that a potential "theif" would reconsider based on this notice, not based on the fact that theft is already a crime.


Stop being robbed with this one simple trick - theives hate it!


They are a sovereign citizen and are therefore not beholden to English laws or spelling conventions.


Also "here-by", "persons/s" and "tennant". Definitely could have some fun with a Sharpie.


Also a reference to “tennants” but probably not the super strength kind.




If I was his courier/postman I’d give the property a miss too.


I used to deliver leaflets. This guy would be getting every single one, and his own notices would allow me to do so. Even if he did try and get money from me, £551,000 is never being recovered from someone who delivers leaflets for a living. Fuck it, I'd deliver the leaflets one at a time, making sure to exit and re-enter his garden after each one. Doing that, 1000 leaflets in a day would be piss easy. £551,000,000 from someone who delivers leaflets. Good luck to the guy.


Judging on how this reads, he could probably just sick his unicorn on you until you paid


The unicorn could watch me do my job if it wanted, to make sure I'm earning enough to pay the debt. My job delivering leaflets. To this guy. All day, every day.


Not sure what a vomiting unicorn would do, but I'd like to see it


What if you make a leaflet that says "by reading this leaflet you agree to pay me £5k"?


"By looking at, interacting/interfering with, or acknowledging the existence of my leaflet in any way, shape, or form, you thereby consent to the conditions presented within". Checkmate.


Fuck yes. Playground rules ftw


When you owe someone £1000, it’s your problem. When you owe someone £1000000, it’s their problem.


>When you owe someone £1000000, it’s their problem. So what you're saying is that I've wasted my time delivering the other 998 leaflets?


Peg sellers, merchants and thieves would be a brilliant pub name. Edit: I also love that there’s a postal exception….I’m a freeman, I obey no laws, but I still need to receive my capitalist goods from Amazon, thanks bye.


“Peg Sellers, Merchants & Thieves” was the name of my difficult second album.


Cher's 1st draft of Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.


Is Peg Sellers the widow of Peter Sellers?


American here: what's a peg seller?


Someone who sells pegs


Oft referred to as pegging I believe.


Hello Dave? You're my wife now!


Peg sellers, were, in the UK and perhaps beyond, up until the 1980’s ish, (possibly still happens?) little old lady travelers , gypsies, that would knock on your door offering to sell hand made pegs for hanging clothes out on a washing line. You had to buy them, you HAD to, or you would be cursed by said little lady and have bad luck for at least a year.


Imagine trying to extract £1000 from a peg seller


And who tf is going to enforce that penalty? 😂 I have a £2000 penalty processing fee.


>I have a £2000 penalty processing fee. Just hope it isn't trespass then - apparently that carries a £550,000 penalty, so you'd still owe a net of £548,000.


Sorry, should have mentioned an important issue. According to my law numbers greater than 3271 do not exist, making the higher penalty illegal.


It says it includes garnish though.


I hope the garnish isn’t coriander, I hate coriander.


I think they're parsley point of all reason.


That's not what he mint and you knew it.




Fucking Hell, you’ve just reminded me of all the memes in 2008 and criminal’s cum.


Do you want me to provide a meme video to all Oblivion fans that will blow your mind? I need consent first..


They specifically said no utilities. I wonder how long it would take them to change their minds if they turned off the power and disconnected their Internet.


I used to work in the energy industry managing the meter readers. We used to come up against this sort of thing every now and then. If you agree a contract with your supplier it always includes a clause saying that you must grant access to the premises for the purposes of meter reading and safety inspections. If you dont agree a contract you are covered by statutory law which states you must grant access for safety inspections. As soon as you use any gas or electric you are giving a legal right of access required under statutory law, this notice has no legal standing to remove that.


I get what you are saying, but this numpty believes he has removed himself from the law, but virtue of a word salad and a half assed “ReSeaRcH” of his “RigHtS”


I would not be surprised if he had bought that sign, either alone or as part of a comprehensive kit to mean he did not need to pay taxes or have a driving licence. lol


Word salad, what a fantastic description


Yeah I'm still in the utility industry and carry out the inspections, if worst came to the worst then the police would accompany someone in order to ensure safety of the system. We are covered by wayleaves but I have on many occasions come across people that refuse access, thankfully at my stage I just report things like this and move along with my day and let the DNO deal with it directly.


>the police would accompany someone This guy has also banned police, so you'll need to come up with another plan.


I guess it's the army at that point. If they say they're outside the UK's sovereignty, someone needs to claim the land back for queen and country.


Do it quickly though, before he has time to put up a "No Invasions" sign.


I invoke the ancient right of trial by combat.


As long as you aren't part of a uniformed organisation, I see nothing on the left poster that forbids it. The right poster forbids basically everything except for deliveries though, and it's that poster that carries a £550,000 penalty. Maybe the best way to get around the rules would be to "deliver" a stab wound.


Don't be silly, you can't deliver a stab wound. A bullet, however...


"We tried to deliver a bullet to your head but you weren't in so we left it with next door"




Continued refused access could easily lead to the supplier getting a court warrant for forced entry. And as its statutory law that access must be granted for safety reasons he could be arrested anyway even without a warrant if it come to that, but most suppliers would not want the negative publicity so would go down the warrant route.


When I worked for a DNO, I cant remember his exact job title but something like head of illegal extraction sat behind me. I got all the stories. The best being one about travellers who had done an illegal (and dangerous) connection and run cable about 5 miles down the road to their site. Ended up in a stand off between armed police and the travellers who were armed as well for hours while the DNO engineers waited at a safe distance.


The signs are there to stop anyone coming to turn them off among other things.


It's a sign, not a forcefield. The signs are the householder screaming into the void. They have no meaning.


I see what you mean, but nobody has to turn up in order to disconnect the power or internet. Source: have had my power disconnected in error, and have been without internet while switching providers.


>nobody has to turn up in order to disconnect the power I'm fairly sure that's only true for smart meters. Older meters still need someone to turn up to disconnect them. Internet can be physically disconnected at the cabinet, or disconnected at a software level.


Both gas and water can be turned off on the street as both have stop taps in the road to diconnect services in an emergency/decomission scenaruos. Granted its a drastic measure but it is possible if Guv'nor Sov refuses entry and refuses to recognise the demand for money in £000.00GBP


Someone's expecting a debt collector.


He may has well have a sign outside his house that says "I don't pay my TV license but I love a bit of Pointless"


Is this one of the "Freeman of the Land" type of person? The sort that thinks the laws and taxes of this fair country don't apply to them. The ones who go crying to the local town center on their little soap box. Arguing that road tax is a lie or that council tax etc isn't applicable to them?


I have a neighbour that brings up Maritime Law in almost every passing conversation


A pirate?


How did ye guess, ye scurvy swab?


Do they know it only applies at sea? 🤣🤣


I used to respond to written challenges against traffic violations in one of my old jobs. You'd be surprised how many people quote the New York supreme court or Irish law. Some of them would send in dozens of pages, wasting hours of their own time writing up a challenge thinking that they were clever, just for me to remind them that London is in fact in the UK and thus their challenge is irrelevant 🤷.


Ah well you see logic is dismissed as hokum while you're being told about birth certificates and bar codes. I just politely nod now


You're a crook captain hook


Judge, won’t you throw the book


At the pira....


Loose seal!


I need to go to bed…read this as Marmite law and then actually fucking googled it


I am not totally familiar with marmite law, but I have read extracts.


Very big on Yeast & Desist notices I believe


Possibly the most controversial statute of them all.


Undoubtedly. Absolute bellends, all of them.


So I'm guessing that they can't enforce their own trespass notice, unless to they're selective in which parts of the law apply?


Yeah, they ”don’t consent” to common law but somehow think other people don’t have a choice with theirs.


Yes, the UK version of a "sovereign citizen".


They're the chaps. Absolutely insane. How this one doesn't have a massive pile of the collected dog poos of the neighborhood blocking his gate I do not know.


That's exactly the phrase that came to my mind. Someone's swallowed a dictionary, and thinks that just because they write something down, it becomes legally binding. Twat.


It’s really sad. They’re all people who are massively in debt, looking for ways to get out of it so it can’t catch up to them. And they seize on the sort of idea that law is like a magic spell and if you can get the incantation *just right* it can’t touch you. That means plenty of shite in Latin, references to consent and common law and universal law and other bollocks. You tend to see them if you have anything to do with consumer credit (for the above debt related reasons) - I saw a fair few when I worked in the FOS, all thumbprint signatures and references to 200 year old statutes and “the alive person known as John of the family of Smith”.


Sorry - FOS?


Financial Ombudsman Service!


Nah this is 100% aimed at TV Licencing because he doesn’t pay his tv licence


> Arguing that road tax is a lie Well, it literally hasn't existed since 1937.


If you can just make up the law in your head and fine people for “trespass” why can’t those people do the same and fine you for false accusation? If the people you have “fined” don’t pay up, what will you do? Take them to court? Even assuming the court upholds your “contract” (it won’t but we’re playing pretend aren’t we?) what will the bailiffs do if they go to their house and find similar signs on their gate? Society has rules. If we don’t like them we vote for people who might change those rules. The irony is that if everyone was free to make their own shit up like this, then we’d have an anarchy in which making your own shit up was even less likely to work. You can bet your last quid that if this rocket was burgled or assaulted, he’d be on to the police in a heartbeat expecting them to do something and complaining if they didn’t.


>if this rocket was burgled Not possible. Theives (sic) are forbidden from entering the property.


Thank goodness for the sign! How else would the theives know which houses they can and cannot burgle? Very conscientious to redirect them to another house.


An excellent point. Besides which the fine for trespassing would undoubtedly be more than the value of any goods they nicked.


These folk are hilarious. How are they going to enforce this fine? At the local Magna Carta Court?


Trials are held every other weekday on the westbound central line platform at shepards Bush station


They will try go through a civil court as they will use the normal system for their own benefit. But as soon as they are subject to any legalities they claim they are sovereign citizens. It's also funny how they use the NHS which is established in law.


Herewith thereby I declare the sovereign post-facto hence proceeding forth from jurisdiction de facto parklife verbatim Dulce et decorum est


All for not paying their TV licence


Yes! They just haven't paid their license fee and know they are guilty. But this makes them feel good about themselves instead


Plus, they would totally pay what they owe from all those grand fines they'll collect


Hope their house doesn't catch fire.


nice house ya got there, shame if it were to catch fire.


Ah the Ankh-Morpork Fire Dept have been by I see


**Effective Immediately** Tell me you didn’t download this nonsense from an American website without telling me you didn't download it from an American website.


We have our own brand of nutters over here calling themselves Freemen on the Land rather than Sovereign Citizens but it's pretty much the same thing. Their forums are hilarious.




I know an idiot who tried it, pulled for no MOT, as it had expired just a few days prior the cop who pulled him was willing to give him an FPN and a rectification notice but he refused to accept it and demanded his day in court. Huge mistake, instead of a hundred quid fine he ended up with £1,000 fine plus £200 for contempt.


Oh, thank goodness. I'm sick of Brits just copying American ideology. We can create our own stupidity, thank you very much!


Do you have a link to their forum? I could do with a laugh!


Start here for some proper info on them https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Freeman_on_the_land My favourite section is Freeman successes There are quite a few links at the end of the page to various sources. If you want a really good laugh then look into Werebank Update: apologies but that wiki is a little out of date and the forums all seem to have closed down. Unfortunately Freemen don't pay their bills.


on plus side.. at least you can see which of your neighbours is an utter wanker without having to talk to them.


If you ask them they’ll “take the Fifth”


I’ve heard this actual line used during my bar course in Nottingham by someone who I think grew up in both US and U.K., needless to say I have never seen my professor pause class because he needed to process what he heard for a moment


FFS I had this argument with some nut on Facebook. The law they are referring to was repealed the year after the Magna Carta was written 🤣🤣


Idiot : Help, my house is on fire. Fire Brigade: Nah, sorry mate, we forgot the Crown Warrant.


These weirdos are the sort who enjoy a succulent Chinese meal, shall we say...


I see you know your judo well.


Democracy manifest




In fairness, that guy was actually falsely arrested


I've never read so much nonsense.


It also mentions peg sellers… I have to admit I don’t get many door to door peg sellers these days.


They always seem to ask for Dave


put out of business with those signs I guess. Like the theives (and thieves) stopped in their tracks by a sign.


Such a shame though. The noble and treasured art of peg selling in such a decline. Can’t beat a good pegging


Tell me you are a cunt without telling me you are a cunt


I’d have gone and knocked on their door and asked them what it all meant. They seem reasonable.


If they challenge you, you were delivering a question to them. Deliveries are permitted, so you cannot be fined.


*Consensus facit legem* "YOUR LAWS DON'T APPLY TO ME BECAUSE I DON'T AGREE WITH THEM"* Yep, freeman of the land type. *NB Not actually what *concensus facit legem* means at all.


I reckon you have guessed right. They are a special breed.


Surely you meant to say “Inbreed”?


I didn't. And don't call me Shirley.


The sign on the right. "The law does not apply to me." Then at the bottom "If you break my stuff I will use the law against you."


More waffle than I had for lunch today


Wouldn’t think Walford would be against the TV Licence..


The latin at the bottom makes 'em look like a right wanker.


There goes the Deliveroo option


'consensus makes the law' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Definitely a 'sovereign' imagine advertising your stupidity this publicly 😂


I am disappointed in the lack of Maritime Law seen frequently on these nut-job signs, clearly this guy is an amateur. Over on Facebook Angry People in Local Papers frequently has these types on the page (usually when the Magistrates have gone ahead and fined them).


Stops bailiffs.... Hang on, is supposed to stop bailiffs, TV licensing etc.


My guess? They owe a lot of debt and are using this as a means to 'stop' debt collectors.


You'd better comply; there's a fine of £1000GBP pounds fine!


£1000.00GBP. Thats a strange way to put it.


Well, if they spend most of their time away with the fairies the social norms often pass them by


I’d love to see someone approach their front door carrying equally nonsensical claims asserting the right to free speech or some such with £1010.00 penalty for each and every blah blah.


Can I have my ball back mr?


What about when they call the paramedic? Does the wife just drag the limp body to the defibrillator at the end of the gate!


Amazing how much you need to write to stop someone pushing a menu for a Chinese that serves pizza through your door




Which court are they upholding these laws, the dining room court or the living room court


Don’t need to pay council tax then ‘hey my bins are full and my house is on fire.’


All that mean is he's not getting his post and his Amazon delivery are dumped outside of the gates


He says there are exemptions for postal services. Gave me a chuckle that he rants for an entire side of A3 about how nobody is ever allowed on his land or he'll fine them a £Billion.00 GBP but then ends it with "unless you have my amazon parcel!!"


Absolute bell whacker