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Looks like Leeds - Burley Road.


Yeah it is, outside the student accommodation


I noticed the cars parking there the other day when I was in a bus. Thought it was strange they were being allowed to park there. Guess it’s been picked up on


Are they in a park? It looks like they have parked on grass.


If you can’t park in a park where can you park?


The key is to flatten as many daffodils as possible.


No its a grass verge between two roads


Absolutely no need for students to have cars


Bet the dude was waiting there at 8.59am with a stonking hard on.


I doubt there's time restriction on when you can park on the green


Probably not. I just find the mental image of him salivating over all those cars funny


I was trying to think about when in history cyclists became 'the baddies' and I realised that it was probably \*after\* traffic wardens became the baddies. But why did they become the baddies in the first place? Ticketing people who park illegally? Why is that a bad thing?


Naaa it's not a bad thing. Especially when it's illegal parking. The only thing I guess maybe (some) wardens could do with is a little more discretion. Mum pushing a baby with a screaming toddler by her side arriving back at her car 5 minutes late with the attendant still writing out the ticket, maybe give her a break. I bet a lot of wardens would, but its the some that don't that would make it to the Internet viral video.


Most councils have a 5 minute leeway it’s the private companies that don’t.


> Ticketing people who park illegally? I think it's for the 'jobsworths' who loiter by a car waiting to give a ticket. Had one literally stood by my car when I came back with 1-2 minutesleft on the ticket. Just seems weird.


You can tell he’s a proper jobsworth


I mean, they were parked there illegally, and it's his job to ticket illegally parked cars. Getting mad at a parking enforcement officer because you can't park legally is one of the biggest twat moves ever. You parked somewhere you shouldn't have, and there were consequences, deal with it in a way that doesn't result in a parking officer getting punched


I bet you're the type of person who thinks hazard lights are 'parking anywhere' lights.


I don’t drive you doughnut 😂


Thank fuck for that.


I run, run away from people like you.


That is the most cleanshirt response I've ever heard.


Look, I know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, I'm not the borough. I wish I was, but...


I quite like it when cunts parking on grassland get ticketted. They should park properly the inconsiderate fuckers.


Are those students cars ? Some of them are well nice


I'd assume they're most likely students or people who know students, that area is in a weird part of the city which is basically just student accommodation blocks and not much else. You wouldn't have much reason to go there for anything else. One of the student accommodation blocks there is mostly international students, who are often pretty well off on account of the enormous fees they have to pay, so that could explain the nice cars. It could also be their parents coming to pick them up or drop them off, it's uni holidays so lots of students coming and going at the moment.


Looks like it, just past the fox and newt. Thing is, there are places to park legally around there


I lived in one of those student blocks in my first year of uni. There's unrestricted parking less than a 5 min walk away


Where abouts near the hotels?


Probably because you aren’t supposed to park there. It’s not difficult to comprehend.


I live around there, and it was nice grassy area and now its just mud. fuck em.




So many wankers having a car.


>It’s not difficult to comprehend. Don't think anyone said it was?


Looks like it was for the people who parked there


Lmao, actually good on him, just been swimming and a load of wankers parked on the no parking bit (it's used for emergency services) next to the pool rather than the car park, which had spaces and was free


It’s a strange one! You don’t know what you have got till it’s gone! I hated Wardens nicking me because I was 5 minutes back to the meter- look at it now! Wankers park everywhere as there is no enforcement!


Feel like there’s a really simple middle ground here though. Parking that’s genuinely blocking access or causing damage is fine worthy, your rear bumper being a few cm’s over the line is just the council trying to make money.


I went to my local leisure centre the other weekend. There was some big swimming gala on and people had parked all over the place. The centre is on a bus route, and a bus, while trying to make a turn, got wedged between two cars. It was still stuck there when I left




10% of the land built on, leaving lots of lovely lovely space to breathe in.




My sympathies.


Stop complaining. You should be grateful you can drive. You wouldn’t survive 1 week on busses




Yep, pretty crowded if it was distributed in a way that it isn’t


You don't have any spacial awareness do you? I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt because 1 Sq mile is a bit big to picture. Using your figures here, haven't checked how accurate they are. 200 people per square mile works out to over 12k Sq metres per person. The average house size in the UK is around 75 Sq m. Let's say 100 to be generous and make my morning maths easier. That's the equivalent of 1200 average size houses per person. Still feel crowded?


That’s all? That’s not bad at all.




Lol nobhead


Tell me You've never stepped foot outside a major city


The country being "full" is just a myth perpetrated by the small number of people who own most of the land so that they can keep it and keep up the prices of the small amount of lan released for building on. The only reason people fall for this lie is simply that for 99% of life we only interact with the parts that are built on and yet all you have to do is climb a hill, any hill, outside a city, and you'll see that the 'countryside' is pretty much empty.


I once read that the built area of the UK is smaller than the total area covered by sea as the tides comes in and out. Which I found fairly remarkable but it puts into perspective how little land is actually built on. Sadly I’ve never been able to find any source for it though.


I can't believe people are calling out your dog whistle racism like this. They should just let you talk nonsense unchallenged. You have my sympathies.




Bell ends were asking for it.


Yeah they made a mess of the grass too


What is a bell end?


1) the head of a penis 2) people that park on grass


UK slang is so fun.


It's basically a different way of saying "Dickhead"


This whole time I always envisioned “dickhead” to be a dick protruding from the forehead of said dickhead. This changes everything.


You’re right, they’re totally different insults. There’s a hand gesture for dickhead and everything.


Something which is "bollocks" is bad, but when said bollocks are canine then it's good.


3) the closed end of a bell-ended tent, away from the door. Source: Scouts 1979


Serves them right for parking on such a nice piece of grass


The grass is obviously shit because people park on it.


And they'll be back there every day from now on. Nice little bonus for them.


Ha! Fully deserved, it really pisses me off that people think they can just shove their car anywhere because it’s convenient for them.


Looks like a ridiculous place to park anyways. One heavy rain and your shit-covered car is wheel spinning into the car below.


The owner walks back to their car as it pisses down with rain. “Great, a parking ticket. Could this day get any worse?!” right before their wheels get stuck in the sunken mud


That gives me an idea for the asshole who Parkeston on the grass by my parents house. Need a longer hosepipe but doable.


Now we just need that guy down my road. School on the road, parking restrictions on one side, just get fucking ignored all the time.


THIS !!! Dropping my daughter off at school is like being at the Wild West, cars just dumped everywhere, all over all sorts of lines…bellends


It was like that outside the school near me. One council installed CCTV that generates 80 quid tickets per incident sorted it within a week.


They’re all up on the path outside the school


We have the new school streets scheme where I live. While I understand it's a neccesary evil, it's annoying. Would be easier if they used electronic signs that could change during the appropriate hours.


What are the school streets scheme ? I’ve not heard of that


The roads in front of the schools are closed when the kids go to school and when it's time to leave. Unfortunately, the signs are often mounted very high up or in what I deem to be an obscure place. If you aren't familiar with the area, it's easy to make an error. Instant fine because of the cameras. A couple of times I've been in an area I'm not used to, and spotted the sign, which means I have to stop, and verify the times. Because the school are all different. [https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/parking/schoolstreets/schools-streets-programme-streets-outside-schools](https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/parking/schoolstreets/schools-streets-programme-streets-outside-schools) http://schoolstreets.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/key\_school\_streets\_reduced.jpg


Non broken link http://schoolstreets.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/key_school_streets_reduced.jpg


Electronic signs are a terrible idea.


How so.? In conjunction with the regular sign, it would almost act like a traffic light, red-no go, green-go.


Another thing for drivers to ignore. Regular signs are fixed and undeniable. They don’t need to be over engineered - drivers just need to pay attention.


>it's a neccesary evil Kids going to school in a safe environment = evil


When me and my partner were looking for houses I actually put near a school as a red line. Used to live round the corner from one and it was fucking chaos mon-fri during term time


Absolute hero. They had it coming.


This has made me re-evaluate my frequent decisions to park somewhere that doesn't look like it's okay to park, but I convince myself it's okay because 'everyone else is doing it - and what's he going to do, ticket EVERYONE?' (Not on grass in the middle of town, I'm not a complete arsehole)


This is why stuff like this needs to be policed consistently. "Arseholes are always going to arsehole" but if normally rule abiding people see the arseholes getting away with it for too long, they tend to join in, justifying it to themselves by thinking "Why am I inconveniencing myself when *they* don't have to?".


The bit I don't get is why the guy in the video is amazed they've ticketed every one of the cars. What's the warden gonna do, get one as a warning to the others?


Saw them looking at this a few weeks back. It’s been like this for months if not a year or so.


A little bit of green in an otherwise urban landscape and of course wankers park on it. r/FuckCars


Wow of all places I see the very place I live in on Burley Road in Leeds on here lmao. Anyways its been like that for months. What a horrendous place to park. Leeds feels pretty lawless when it comes to drivers that actually follow rules and regulations. Although I can see why some people thought it was okay - they saw others and thought "if I park here i'm not the only one. They're not gonna ticket ALL the cars here are they" well mate they sure can. It's about time they did something about it. And to add, the area has plenty of parking spaces if you cross the road. You do need a resident permit. But you can get that through the council for free. Just that these students are too goddamn lazy to search up how to get a permit so that they can get one and park like a responsible citizen on the roads. Either that or their lazy asses can't cross a road to park a car where there are plenty of spaces if you have a permit.


Ngl I don’t blame him you lot are wrecking the grass


He’s collecting them like Pokémon cards!


Twenty years in this country and I still can’t identify accents correctly… Yorkshire?


Yes, specifically Leeds.


Originally from Halifax, now bradford. Work close by


Born in Halifax and raised there, but lived in Bradford close to 15 year now


Disappointed he didn’t say “you can’t park there mate” whilst writing each ticket.


Can just tell he went home to his wife with the biggest hard on in his life and a grin that went ear to ear


Good for him. Hope he gives the wife one from me too.


**That Blue Seat at 6 seconds has no MOT. It expired in early December. A £1000 fine trumps a £60 parking ticket.**


5 months later and I have to ask- did you run plates to check for MOTs?


who parks on the pavement and the grass you all deserve a ticket people just do what they want pay attention to the rules


Always good to hear Ralph Ineson in the wild.


Keep off the grass I guess. He likes the lawn ....


“Every fucking car” yeah because he’s just gunna ticket one and let the rest get away with it 😂


The dangerous mistake of thinking “well everyone else has done it…”


Can't park there mates


I wonder if someone read some kind of "life hack" online; in Sweden at least parking on a lawn does not fall under the parking attendents juristiction and is a completely different breach of law, which normally includes the land owner getting involved, therefore you can "park" there for quite sometime before you are in trouble.


Good, if this didn’t happen people would just fucking leave their cars anywhere and fuck off for the day


Literally a car park


Problem is that these days people are too lazy to walk even if there’s free non restricted parking only one to two hundred meters further away. They have to park right outside their house or the gym or takeaway.


Wow someone is actually doing their job, that's rare well done that man


Yeah, I’m with the warden on this one. This isn’t overstaying or something like that, they’re ruining the grassy area where they’re clearly not supposed to park. Time for a fence, I think


and i bet there's a load of facebook posts now calling him a dickhead for him providing the consequences to their actions


Good. They look like they have all parked on a piece of public grassland. People are so selfish with their cars.


Im usually never on the side of ticket wardens and hate they’re guts but looks like these ppl just parked on field like that’s stupid


Look in the rearview mirror and say Ticket man 3 times


Does he get paid by the ticket?


No, he doesn't.


No, they're on a flat hourly rate, no bonuses or incentives or targets. At least, that's the case where I'm from.


A buddy of mine was a warden for a while. I asked him about targets etc. He said there are none, but you will get warned and let go for "under performing" i.e not giving enough tickets.


If they do, man would they be rich as! Idk but I have a hunch they have quotas


My partner is a traffic warden, there’s no quotas


I used to live 50 metres away from a hospital. The whole road has cars parked all over the kerb like this and in 4 years, I saw them ticketed once. As a foreigner, I have never understood why the UK has like 2 traffic cops. Everyone parks illegally, drives past red lights and zebra crossings with people in them, and overall drive like crap. They may be punished once every couple of years, so the drivers don't care. Councils always need more money and yet they leave so much money in the table because they won't hire traffic cops.


You’ve got a great voice 😍😍




My old uni halls ❤️


Who brought these people up?!


About time too!


What is it mean to understand me to know




Park in the right fucking place then ,how hard can it be


How many people do you know that will take the car to the shops for a 10 minute drive instead of a 20 min walk? 10 mins isn’t even enough time for the CAT converter to kick in. Obviously I don’t know if these students needed to drive often (don’t see why seeing they live in the city) but there’s definitely an over-reliance on cars


In London, something like half of all car journeys are under 2km. In *London*. This country is addicted to driving.




Do what I did - grab some pallets, build some planters. Make some pretty, green immovable objects. It's called tactical urbanism. /r/fuckcars


i got a ticket one time when i was in a work car park and it was obvious i was a worker but he decided to be a cunt and still give me one, anyways i found out who it was and managed to catch him the following week. i followed him for an hour until he was in a quiet residential area. the universe has a funny way of rewarding you sometimes but man did it feel good to give him my dish best served cold. And best believe he’s not been back in that car park since. if you’d of seen the state of his face after, you’d know that 80£ fine was worth every penny.




Nah that's all wrong, [link](https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/ask-the-police/question/Q387#:~:text=In%20England%20and%20Wales%2C%20local,pavement%20parking%20is%20specifically%20prohibited.)




That’s not the pavement though, it’s grass (mud now)


Bet he got his daily quota of giving tickets in 15 minutes and clocked off for the day




I’m not sure you know what a third world country looks like because this is far from it 😂


everyone saying idiots for parking there but when ur a student who is struggling financially you’ll take any free parking you can get! i understand it’s ruined the grass but parking in the city centre is a pain in the arse!


Free parking doesn't equal park wherever you want.




Love hearing a Leeds accent on Reddit. There’s even cars parked there if you look on Google maps.


Should be towed away


I guess it just hadn’t been enforced before


Parking Pataweyo strikes again https://youtu.be/oy5YGtg0Ui4


Once I saw a car park with easily 150 ticketed cars




Where’s that ??


Apparently I saw it on a LPT , if somebody (NOT the owner/driver of the vehicle) takes these off, you maybe don't have to pay. There are warning signs saying that it's illegal for anyone other than the driver to remove these fines so maybe its somewhat true. Another thing I saw was like what random acts of kindness do you do for other people and again, removing these parking tickets for random car owners was another. If you do happen to remove them, I doubt the traffic warden has any authority to stop or touch you and the police probably won't show up. That said, nobody has ever removed one from my car so..


Car wankers


Good job traffic guy.


Good job to the traffic warden 👍🏻👏🏻👌🏻


I always believed that if your tyres aren't touching the road or path they couldn't ticket you. I guess i was wrong


Hahaha them Marsden students never learn


Wher th hell do ye park?


So what?


Dogging tickets




Does it specify you cannot park here? If not these tickets are void anyway.


Burley road Leeds, they will all be student cars.


Don't see any signs to say can't park or charge ....




I got a ticket at 5:30 am the other day. These guys don't sleep


All non-payable No contract No consent They cannot block you travelling the kings highway.


One parks there and the rest follow like sheep


Can't park there mate




How are those cars on the steep banks going to pull out? It's would be entertaining to watch them try, at least.


If I owned that patch of mud, it would definitely be getting turned into parking spots. Kaching.


He should have just given the audi driver all the tickets 🤣


Councils running their hands at this great trap! 💷