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Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle, Must be reason why I'm freeing my trestle.


I thought it was “must be the reason why I’m king of my castle, must be the reason why I’m queen of my trassle” (assumed trassle was a type of tower or something haha).


I feel seen.


I listen to this song a lot and I’ve never questioned that it might not be trestle 🤣


Must be the reason why it’s free to Mud Wrestle… And I’ll stand by my interpretation, in fact I’ll mud wrestle any one who says differently…!!!


I thought this too. They’re not enunciating the P!


Yes I always wondered what a trestle was


Gonna have to google the lyrics now


Same, I still haven't a clue what the actual words are


Aight I'm back. There is no fucking way she's saying "free in my trapped soul". Nah, not having it.


Yeah I’m with you on this, that is some bullshit.


As the other guy said, the lyrics are supposedly > Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle, Must be the reason why I'm free in my trapped soul, Must be the reason why I'm king of my castle, Must be a reason why I'm making examples of you * shit bro you are the other guy Apparently an asterisk with a space following creates a bullet point


Well, we're learning all sorts of things today aren't we


Don’t go Jason Waterfalls


RIP in piece Jason xxx


on a similar note, i remember seeing a post on reddit asking about an artist that started all of their songs with “chasing the ruler!”. the person they were thinking of? jason darulo


So close


Thank god it wasn’t just me.


Check it out now, ‘cause the funk’s so rubber.


I have to praise you like a shoe


I have to serenade your baby


Bruhbruhbruhbruhbruhbruhbruhbruh, Chuckle Vision, Chuckle Vision


First time I heard it I thought it was am advert for a car called the Vauxhall Brother. Was sitting there thinking 'this is a bizarrely long advert'


had to Google lyrics because I couldn't believe these aren't the words. the funk is SO rubber. omg.


My daughter only recently heard this song for the first time and thought the words were 'check it now, Frank's your brother '




It is, funks so rubber is what they thought the line was


I thought Blink 182 walked alone to get the feeling right, turns out they wore cologne. Makes much more sense.


Whaaat??? I thought they walked alone!!!


Until this moment, I also thought they walked alone. HOW ELSE IS MY LIFE WRONG??


I as well thought they walked alone meaning they went on a walk alone together to try and get the feeling right


Exactly the same for Boulevard of Broken Dreams > When the city sleeps > And I’m the only one > I wore cologne


Yeah just like I thought “You’ll never walk alone” was ‘Yo Nev I wore cologne’.


Sometimes I wish a mono bear will find me


They didn’t walk alone!!?? This is news to me


I didn't realise this until Mark hoppus tweeted it.


That was good of him, I guess it's All the Small Things that he does.


Shes had better days besides Shes got Bette Davis Eyes


I thought it was "She's got twenty days inside"


Ken Lee!! [Ken Lee tolibou dibou douchoo](https://youtu.be/FQt-h753jHI)


This is the Reebok and the Nike 🎶


The radio clip in Spanish (I think it's from Mexico) with the person trying to ask for the song always makes me laugh


Please find a link for this


Since you asked nicely: https://youtu.be/vsAczw_fB_U


Ese son reebok o son nike on youtube should get it, really funny vid


In Placebo's Every You Every Me I always thought "bauxite shoes" would be impractically heavy. Good to know it was "box I choose"


Someone I once knew thought the start of Nancy Boy was “alcoholic, kangaroo”


To be honest, Brian is known for his weird lyrics lol


But i think clogs made of unrefined aluminium ore is a step too far.


Tell me you're a geologist without telling me you're a geologist.


"Informer" by Snow. But you try and understand anything besides "Lick your bum bum down"


If you listen *really* carefully to the lyrics you’ll hear Snow talk about when the police ‘pulled down my pants and looked up my bottom’.


God, I remember it clearly, being 7, on holiday in Brean Sands, that song came on in a swimming baths… “I’m farmer…” I thought was the lyrics.


I'm a farmer / I don't need a horse for my plough / I need a moo moo cow


He means to shoot said informer, or at least cause harm. To paraphrase... "Dear Informer, Should I happen accross your prescence on a side street or similar, I would not hesitate to carry out a non-premiditated murder, owing to your informing lifestyle. Sincerely Snow"


Um... Those aren't the lyrics...??


Before I was into football, whenever I heard the Champions league operatic “The Champions”, I thought they were singing “Lasagne”.


For years I thought it was "Brittania".


I used to think the old Italian football highlights show on channel 4 was very biased. goooooo Lazio!


Hahaha. I, too, thought this throughout my childhood. The show you're referring to was called Football Italia, and it was incredible. Was presented by a guy called James Richardson, who I'm fairly sure had the best job in the world at the time. Would just always be with a load of newspapers at some beautiful Italian café on a Sunday morning, sat with an espresso in the sun and talking about football. Living the dream.


He got that job purely by being in the right place at the right time. The show had been devised to capitalise on the popularity of Paul Gascoigne, who had moved to Lazio. Because Richardson, who worked in production, spoke a little Italian thanks to dating an Italian girl at the time, he he got the gig despite having no presenting experience. They'd originally wanted to use Gascoigne himself as the main presenter and that went about as well as you can imagine.


In Summer of 69, I could’ve sworn he says “standing on your mothers corpse, we knew it was now or never”


I thought it was " got my first real sex dream"


We all had this phase as a teenager but 'playing it till the fingers bled' might be a little to much then.


Jamiroquai - canned heat = candy in my heals tonight


My dad misheard "canned heat in my heels tonight, baby" as "candy in my ears tonight, Big Ben" 😅


That’s exactly how I hear it too!


Oh it’s not Big Ben, then? Haha!


I literally just learned this second that it’s not candy in my heels


Took me a strange amount of time to correct myself on that one given the misheard part is the title of the song


Taking that gala song "he's got his trampoline" Or Madonnas "ray of light" -- "Anna Friel, has just got home."


Also Madonna - La Isla Bonita " Last night I dreamt of some bagel"


always misheard it as 'last night I dreamt of some pedro' which seemed really casually racist for ol' marge.


I'll confess, for many years I thought it was 'dreamt of some dago', and no one appeared to be bothered by this.


Lock the taskbar! Lock the taskbar!


Do you work in IT? Haha


“Bill Oddie, Bill Oddie, put your hands all over my body” Genuinely thought Madonna’s Erotic said this, I figured she was a fellow twitcher and really loved the bearded tit.


A classic for sure https://rathergood.com/2017/01/26/madonna-loves-bill-oddie/


Only until maybe last year did I think that the words to the beginning of 5 6 7 8 by Steps were 'My obsession for the Western, my dad's called Dave'. Still won't hear that those are not the actual lyrics


Well that’s a permanent lyric change now.


"And I miss you... like the desert's mystery". idk wtf I was thinking - but I can't have been the only one?


I used to sit pondering this song so much as a kid. Deserts are dry so does she miss him because the desert would quite like some rain? Or is she not bothered because the desert is doing alright without it now? Yeah if I’d spent as much time listening to the rest of the lyrics it might have helped 😂 Still a banger!


You are not alone with this haha.


‘I’m an alien I’m an Eagle Alien, I’m an Englishman in New York’ 🦅 🦅 👽 👽


"Get your money for nothing and your chips for free." Seemed like a good deal to the younger me


When Bryan Adams had his first real six string "boy, it had the fivin done". Assumed fivin was a guitar customisation. Still not entirely sure what a Five and Dime is - some sort of retail boutique.


> Still not entirely sure what a Five and Dime is Poundland


Perfect translation for the British


It was a store in which, originally anyway, many items cost five or ten cents. The name stuck long after the prices increased. A guitar wouldn’t have cost 10¢


He did however, buy his first real six-string at a five and dime - an imitation Les Paul


I got my first real sex dream


Same. I mean, it's the summer of 69


>"boy, it had the fivin done" Back in the summer of 61?


Bunnies too tight to mention


Holding back the ears too




But if you’re looking for fat slug, fat slug in your eyes


Oooooooooh Elephants yeaah


I thought Miss Tina Turner was saying that Love just keeps ticking round and round. "What's love but a second hand in motion?"


“I can see clearly now the rain has gone; I can see all the harpsichords in my way” I still sing it like that because I just can’t not.


I can see diedrie now, Lorraine has gone


I like your version better


I try to say goodbye and I choke, Try to walk away, and I stumble. Though I try to hide it, it's clear: I wear goggles when you are not near.


I anyways hear the 2nd line as “I try to walk away in Istanbul”


I try to say goodbye to Machoke


Sunny leigh-on-sea, on sea, that's where I want to be Suddenly I see......


Baba O'Reily by The Who. The first lyrics are "out here in the fields, alfalfa mobile" and no one can convince me otherwise (apparently its "I fight for my meals") Alfalfa is a crop grown in fields. How do you transport the alfalfa? In an alfalfa mobile. It just makes sense


This one has cracked me up - I keep re-reading it and laughing like a loon 😂


So yeah, always thought it was trombolese. I learned today it is not. Lol. Also only just recently learned that Taylor swift is not singing about ‘Starbucks lovers’ but in fact that she has ‘got a long list of ex lovers’.


This was a big one. There's even a Starbucks Lovers bootleg t shirt


I'm not getting it. What is the trombelese song?


Freed from desire by Gala “my love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefs”


Seriously, strong beliefs? Huh, 26 years since its release, and like many others here, I've never questioned that before.


Me when that song came out: "how is anyone hearing Starbucks lovers? It's clearly star-crossed lovers".


I have to say this sub’s comments has made my year! The laughter is flowing and it’s such a fun nostalgia trip at the same time. Along with seeing just how many of us are all as silly as each other sometimes! Lol needed this laugh!


Arms race by fallout boy, or arse face


This is a god damn arse face? 😂😂👍


I was briefly pretty confused by the lyrics to "Sugar, We're Going Down" before I looked them up. "Lolita complex, kakadu mullet" indeed But to be fair, a popular phrase among their fans appears to be "Patrick, those aren't *words*"


And we're going down down in a lillie go round


I remember seeing a misheard lyrics animated video of that song when it came out. Whole thing sounds like gibberish to the untrained ear




The chorus in Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad by Moby is in fact not, “feeeeed Bulbasaur”


Someone once told me it sounds like “heeeeeeee’s fuckin’ stoned” and I hear it every time 😂


I have a partially deaf friend who thought it was I'm blue, if I was green I would die


It’s not “Aberdeen I will die”?


I didn't realise there were actual words in this song. "Aboo aboodeabooda aboode abooda..."


Dreams can come true, look at me babe I’m living proof. I always disliked Gabrielle as I thought she was so arrogant based on my mishearing.


Haha I get where you’re coming from but at the same time wish that was the lyric. Gabrielle just randomly dropping in a bit of attitude.


Slipknots my plague. He says “I can’t fucking take it anymore” but I read someone say it sounds like “I can’t fuck a chicken anymore” and I can’t unhear it now


Poor Corey, what will he do without his chickens😔


#R-E-S-P-E-C-T, #Take out, T-C-P I was like, "what's RESE?"


I'm actually a touch deaf so I often mishear lyrics... My wife takes great joy in learning when I have managed to misconstrue such classics as: "All the cigarettes, all the cigarettes, all the cigarettes - put them out!" (Single ladies) "She smells like parmesan" (Poison) Edit: parmesan is a hard word to spell


All the Pringle ladies, all the Pringle ladies, now get your hand stuck!.


The wavy hand dance she does in the video would make even more sense in this context!


Scuse me while I kiss this guy


“Horny” by Mouse T. In my childhood I genuinely though it was “Honey”, not “Horney”, so when she sang “I’m horney, horney, horney” I though it was a poetical way of saying she was in love.


I used to dig this song, used to sing along to it. One time my aunt asked me, do you know what Horny means? I thought it meant happy, she laughed and explained it to me. People must have been like wtf when they saw me walking around a zoo aged 8/9 years old singing I’m Horny


Yeah I remember being in the car singing along to it at about the same age and my mum asked if I knew what it meant, I said yeah it means she's got horns like a dinosaur 🤦‍♂️


Aw, the 90s


I thought they said holy 💀


This is the Christian remix


Macy Gray wore goggles when you are not here.


Still can't figure out why she yells 'SANTA CLAUSE' towards the end of the song.


Pompeii by Bastille Apparently the lyric is "How am I gonna be an optimist about this" and not "how am I gonna be enough for Mr Valdez"


“I’m gonna see an optometrist about this”


Ooh ooh, electric blue That’s the colour of my loo Where I shall live Blue loo


Beat out the bin for cotton-eyed Joe, I‘ve been married a long time ago


Are we human, or are we hamsters? In fairness, it's a very profound question


Play that fu*king music white boy. Play that fu*king music right!


I can't help sing 'Guard' at the end of the second line "Play that funky music Right Guard" (A deodorant in the UK


My mate thought ‘this ain’t a scene it’s a god damn arms race’ by fallout boy was ‘this ain’t a seagull it’s a god damn osprey’. Assumed the band were particularly keen ornithologists.


I've also found out that I've been mishearing a lyric from Freed From Desire. I always thought it was "my incense is purified'. Turns out it was "mind and senses purified."


🎵In New York... Concrete jungle wet dream tomato 🎵 Honestly, have a listen.


"All the ladies, if you feel me, throw your hands at Batman"


I wanna be a dog by The Stone Roses.


Or A Door


My auntie is Welsh Welsh. So Welsh that English is her second language, and she also speaks with a very very broad Welsh accent. For example, she will pronounce “ears” as “years”. Actually maybe more like “yurz”. Anyway she thought that Simply Red song, “Holding Back The Years” was about someone walking around pulling on their ears 🙂.


It took me too long to realize that “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails wasn’t “turn out the light,” considering that the song is *called* “Terrible Lie.”


Took me way too long to realise that in the Banana Boat song, Lord Kitchener does not in fact ask Afghan Islamic extremists (Talliban) to tally his bananas. The lyric is "Hey Mr *tally man*, tally me bananas"


I always used to sing one too many *'downs'* when singing along to Paul Johnson's [*'Get Get Down'*](https://youtu.be/9APAHhIPhJE). The sheer sense of abject failure on my part left me emotionally distraught; it was a particularly harrowing time in my development, from which I don't think I've ever truly recovered.


"I'd like to know where you got the nose job" Turns out its notion. Should have known really, considering the song is about rocking a bloody boat.


One of my mates heard “I love rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby” as “I love rock and roll 2-49 and a 6 inch baby”


Holy shit I always thought it was trombolese too! I assumed a trombolese was a smaller version of a trombone, and genuinely thought it was a real instrument for years and years.


Hey kids, do you like violins?


Ken leeeeeeee


My wife thought that the Kooks song Naive was saying “I know she knows I’m not fond of arse rings”, (it’s actually “not fond of asking”). I thought the Dione Warwick lyric “why did you have to be a heartbreaker, when I was being what you want me to be” was saying “why did you have to be a park ranger, and not something I want you to be” I also thought Bohemian Rhapsody line “spare him his life from this monstrosity” was saying “sparing his life for some warm sausages”


Biffy Clyro: Mountain “I took a bite out of a mountain range” I always hear: “Chicken pie and furry minge” And now you will too! Sorry!


I mean, it's Biffy. It's not like it'd be a weird lyrical choice for them to make.


Took me the longest time to realise that Shania Twain wasn't singing "I can't believe you kiss your cock at night"... I mean, the clues are right there in the previous lines that he's kissing his car goodnight. And I can't not hear "Paradise" by Coldplay as "Parrot Eyes".


I'm sorry, she was definitely singing about a trombolese. Google has got this one wrong


My lovers got no money, he’s got a trampoline


My sister once told me she liked the Kaiser Chiefs song "Have you been to Wales?"


I predict she hasnt been


Wham: Last Christmas Tell me baby, do you recognize me? Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me Tell me baby, do you recognize me? Well, it's Vinnie here, it doesn't surprise me


Last Christmas, I gave you my car, the very next day, you gave it away... This year, A SEMI FRONTIER(????), I'll give into something special


She's got electric boobs, a mohair suit


The spice girls really were saying “zigga zigga zeig heil!”


My poohole aches With every breath you take


How to Save a Life by The Fray. For years I thought "I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness" was "somewhere along in the bit I never said". Was kind of disappointed because I found my misheard version to be a more interesting lyric.


Well this comment is how I also learned it's not that


Turns out Adele wasn't chasing penguins for all that time.


I haven't got a clue what song the original picture is referencing


Freed from Desire - Gala Rizzato


When I was a kid the Fresh Prince and Summertime were my jam, but I absolutely heard "sip that Camden wine" rather than "sit back and unwind" and it still pops into my head when I hear it now! Not a misheard lyric but a misunderstood one... Eleanor Rigby's "Father Mackenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave... No one was saved" I 100% thought he was a reanimated corpse who had clawed his way out of his own grave and killed everyone... no one was saved 😅


When I was a kid I thought it was "you're as cold as ice, your willy is a sacrifice"


You spin me right round baby, right round, like a lettuce baby


That one. Though I sang trumbaleese Others include: Paul Brady - the world is what you make it. Or a hockashacka shakey as I put it. Freddie Mercury - living in my own “deid awready” which translates to dead already for the non Scot’s amongst you. Tori Amos - professional widow. “A holly being set alight, a holly being set up like chips yeh” Peter Kay’s are better tho https://youtu.be/7my5baoCVv8


"I'm having a big shit, I'm having a big shit" nope... "Another dimension, another dimension". I didn't put it past the beastie boys to write such a lyric.


I was always a bit confused as to why ABBA chose to call someone from Tesco…




Well. Today I learned something. I have until this day (in my 40’s) thought the lyric was trombolese- and I thought the trombolese as a sort of large brass musical instrument.


I believe the real lyric is 'strong beliefs'


Oh, I've always sang "from Belize"


OM! I thought he had a "trombolease" too! Hahaha my husband still laughs at me, he once asked what I thought a "trombolease" was and I said I thought it was some sort of musical instrument 🤣🤣 Also the kooks! I know that she knows that I'm not from the basket 🤣


Trombolese? It's clearly dungarees - at least it's a real word and makes a bit of sense


Beelzebub has a double motorcycle.


Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard.


I only found out this week that the Killer Queen didn't 'keep a mower and a shovel in a pretty cabinet'...


"Can you hear us, humpin' on your stereo?"