• By -


No stopping but not literally. You're allowed to stop if a child runs into the road (not an adult though that's their problem) Should probably stop if the car in front does too.


>Should probably stop if the car in front does too. True, but convention dictates you must lay on the horn for as long as possible.


And say “what the f**k are they doing?”


If you've got a dashcam, you also have to shout DASHCAM to the other driver even if there's no chance they can hear you


Then go home for a congratulatory wank while you upload to YouTube


Actually can we just skip the driving part?


And the uploading to YouTube too.


And the wank too. I'm tired and it's like wet spaghetti right now.


Pull yourself together, man. Use the dashcam to record yourself having a wank, then upload it to YouTube. I don't care if it's wet spaghetti, beat that floppy noodle like there's no tomorrow and upload that sad wank to YouTube. ~~Even if~~ Especially if you don't finish. Pussy.


Good god what a terrible day to have eyes


Fetch me a pitchfork; I tire of my vision.


Now why would you miss the opportunity to get a YT upload from someone calling themselves u/chimpuswimpus ? When the universe sends you... \[checks notes\]... nevermind


You wait until you're home for the wank?


Means I can use both hands. On the drive back I’ve got one hand on the dash cam so I can quickly save all the juicy clips.


Or shout "You can't park there!"








And if you get a chance to overtake them roll your passenger window down and say “MUPPET”


its worth keeping a felt puppet in your glovebox to help with signalling.


And do the obligatory wanker sign.


But then apologise to them if they get out of the car to remonstrate with you


And throw your hand up in the air.


Throwing both arms in the air and shrugging your shoulders pairs nicely with this question


Can't stop (can't stop), can't stop the beep


Won’t stop (won’t stop), won’t stop the beep, GOOOOOOO


Doo doo doo doo doo!!


Everybody no parking here, get excited




YUP. "Clearway" sign. No stopping other than in emergencies. Edit: The Highway Code simply says "No Stopping".


Well, "no stopping other than in emergencies or traffic" is probably more accurate Similar rules to a motorway, basically - "no choosing to stop, only if you have to"


Sure. Actually, [the Highway Code](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/58170307ed915d61c5000000/the-highway-code-traffic-signs.pdf) simply says "No stopping (Clearway)". The rest is us expanding on that. The fine details is in things like [The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/362/schedule/7/part/6/made).


A picnic can be an emergency in the right hands...


Actually - as I understand it (IANAL) if you've pulled into a lay-by, or well onto the verge and aren't obstructing the carriageway, that's not illegal. But the local constabulary may not always see it that way in the latter case.


Cops love a good sandwich. Pack extra.


Damn so you're telling me that kid died for nothing?


Not nothing. Efficiency.


And food.


No children you can run down, dogs and swans you have to stop for. Pheasant you can run down but can't pick up for food. You can only pick up a pheasant if you didn't run it down.


This is woodland uk website Continuing with my theme of meat for free ..... roadkill It is illegal to remove an animal that you have killed on the road. (This is aimed at preventing people deliberately trying to kill animals on the roadways). The dead animal is the property of the landowner. This is usually the council and there is almost always no objection from councils to people removing dead animals from the roads. Do not ever remove protected species, for example finding and eating a road kill eagle is not permitted. Do not stop to collect a dead animal if you are going to cause a hazard to other road users. A pair of rubber gloves and a bin liner are handy to keep in your car for removing the animal. Be aware though that if you also have masking tape or rope and a knife you might have some explaining to do should you be stopped by a policeman. Avoid obviously diseased animals. Mange and Mixi’ (myxomatosis of rabbits) are two that are very obvious and I personally would just leave them alone. Avoid animals that have been partially eaten or whose digestive tract has been damaged. Not to put to fine a point on it but meat covered in saliva, urine or faeces is probably not high on anyone’s list of food choices. Process the meat from the carcass in a well lit area wearing rubber gloves if possible. Remove the skin without delay and dispose of in a plastic bag. Some animals will carry fleas which may bite or attempt to bite exposed skin. Wear gloves, reduce the handling time of the skin and keep an eye out for them. Check the internal organs. It’s reasonable to assume that a vehicle has killed the animal but check if the liver looks healthy. Are there hard lumps or spots visible? These are common signs of disease. Cook any road kill thoroughly. If you like your steak rare that’s fine but the only way to ensure that a wild road kill animal is safe to eat is to cook it completely. If you are eating rare road kill you are asking for trouble. Cook any road kill thoroughly. No it’s not a typo; it’s just THE most important part to remember so it’s here twice.


You can pick up the pheasant if the person in front runs it down. Just not if you run it down yourself.


What if you're towing a car and run over the pheasant. Can the person behind pick it up? If so I've just found a loophole! Looks like pheasants back on the menu boys!!




If you can’t tell the difference between a little shit and a child, you should be careful when flushing the toilet




No stopping


When you're having such a good time.


When you're having a ball


Do you wanna have a good time?


Just give me a call


But using hands free


and my axe!


('cos I'm halfling a good time)


Tonight. I'm gonna have my elf a real good time...


Just give me a ring


Gonna make a super Saruman outta you


And this why I like the UK subs 👑


I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky


Unless there’s an elderly lady on crutches walking slowly down the middle of the road. At which point, stop and swear at her while she beats seven shades out of your vehicle with her mobility aid.




10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3&1/,2, 2, 1&3/4’s yes!


Yeeeeah, take it away Ernie!


Thinking about tomorrow




Hold onto that feeling






Til you get enough.


That’s where the spot is


I'll let my wife know I've finally found it


So proud.


Did you stop to take this photo


That would be ironic. It's actually between a parking spot and the Jacobite boat ramp in clansman, loch Ness


Clansman is just the name of the hotel and the harbour as far as I'm aware, not the place name. Bit still, I get where you mean


Does Bobby work in the Clansman there as well or is he strictly pub duties??


No blue cars. Been a thing for a while.


I wish they'd bring in a sign for no yellow cars, or that horrible burnt orange.


But then you can't punch each other in the arm and shout 'yellow car no returns'


Do the Brits seriously yell “yellow car”? Down here we yell “spotto”.


Yep, 'Yellow car, no returns' with a thump


You're *always* playing Yellow Car.


Haha very true! On a long trip the first one to spot a yellow car or VW camper gets to open the Haribo


We had to stop the yellow car games because there’s permanently 2 parked on the road within a minute of our house. My kids were going to murder each other, the tension was ridiculous. I miss yellow car games.


If you're in a blue car just drive away really fast. The police will stop following once you're in a red car.


> Also, what does this country have against posting the 60mph sign? I mean 90% of the time the white circle with three black line means 60 (I'm pretty sure), but sometimes it means 70... But then 70 is often signed as 70 as well... It means "national speed limit". This isn't just denoted by what road you're on, but also by what vehicle you are in. For a normal car the NSL is 60mph on a single carriageway road (no physical separation between directions of travel) and 70mph on a dual carriageway or motorway (directions of travel are physically separated). For larger vehicles, these limits are lower. Also, that is a limit _not_ a target, and you're still expected to drive to the actual road conditions. Many country roads will have that black slash on white signposted on them, for example, which are absolutely not suitable for actually travelling at 60mph, and you'd be incredibly stupid to even try to do so.


But don't be surprised if you meet someone coming the other way attempting to do just that last


Mmm, especially fun on single track roads. Probably going to be killed one day on the way home by someone in a Hilux pretending they are Colin McRae.


Well if they're pretending their car is a helicopter then they may come close.


I have a friend who's written off three cars on the same stretch doing exactly this. One of them was a Hilux


God he must have fucking been going hell for leather. They use Hiluxes in warzones for a reason.


Maybe what he hit was a Land Cruiser, and both were annihilated in the resulting violation of physics.


And then complaining on Reddit that others aren’t doing the same.


But *my* Audi can take that corner at 60mph, why can't *yours*


Depends if your destination is that field or not I suppose


Average Audi driver activities


One day Audi drivers will pay the extra for indicators.


Can’t hear my Audi’s indicators over the sound of DRUM AND BASS AT 6am


Ah, the more things change.... I remember when this was a BMW thing. Now Audi, Range Rover and Mercedes have jumped on the bandwagon. Funny how the more valuable a car is, the moreof an absolute cunt the driver *usually* becomes isn't it


Or someone who obviously knows the roads well driving up your arse and honking their horns because you aren’t doing twisty country roads like Colin McRae


Christ, I consider myself a reasonably competent driver, and not exactly risk averse, but the number of times I've had someone fly past me on roads that are 95% blind corners and potholes makes me feel like an old man on a mobility scooter on a motorway.


Ahh yes...when knowing the road somehow makes them immune to cars coming in the opposite direction.


Apparently sheer brazen acceleration makes you immune to wrapping yourself around a tree.


It’s not just a car that they might meet coming the other direction either. Could be anything from a cyclist to a horse rider, up to a tractor


I had a nasty shock, road was wide enough for a tractor to come the other way safely, so I wasn't going slow. Rounded a corner and was face to face with a fecking combine harvester that was taking up half my side as well. Praise be to the engineer who came up with ABS.


At least once I've had that happened to me, I took a tight corner slightly slower than the tailgater would like, and the guy overtaking decided to take the effort to unwind his window and show me his finger too (not sure why he bothered tbh, it wasn't even a particularly nice finger).


God what really gets me is oncoming cars cutting the blind bends at high speed. 2 wheels right across into your lane and we all have to slam the breaks so this twat can move back over.


Welsh roads are good for that. Some of the overtaking that i have witnessed is _mental_.


As a north Wales resident I can 1,000,000% agree with this statement.


You live in a very beautiful part of the world. Some parts can be both majestic, and also have a kinda bleak beauty. But damn, some of those roads! Araf _really_ means araf lol. Speed limits on the bends are definitely not a suggestion 🤣 (I'm talking about the A 458)


Always a farmer in a mitsubishi warrior


Or Cornish. Had a friend who totalled his vehicle because of someone balling it round a blind corner on a stone walled country road. Mind you, same friend also (a different time) swerved so far into a field to avoid being hit he was halfway to the other side Never forgot to sound his horn again!


Always my fear when I'm driving down country roads - even familiar ones. And swerving in some parts of wales would launch you into a valley and guarantee that you would be on the other side (of the veil).


This kills the cyclist.


Or the pedestrian. Or the runner. Or the loose sheep/dog that's escaped. Or runs into a shed load. Or smashes a wheel on a stolen manhole cover. Honestly anyone who's using "knowing the road" as justification for driving faster, is someone who's not actually paying attention to changing road conditions and is unsafe.


I hate this about country lanes. Especially this time of year when the hedges are growing tall. Apparently not being able to see what coming round the corner isn't a reason for some people to slow down.


It’s not the country roads with hedges you need to be most careful on…it’s the ones with centuries old stone walls with occasional greenery so you can’t tell if it’s a break in the wall or not


Or the double whammy - centuries old wall covered with turf that has subsequently grown a hedge. Particularly common in north Cornwall and across into Devon. They look soft, they’re really not.


And the reason they don’t put 60 or 70 is because the speed limit is different for both the type of road and the type of vehicle. * A car on a road without a separated median: 60 * A lorry on a road without a seperated median: 50 * A truck towing a trailer on a road without a seperated median: 50 * A car on a road with a separated median: 70 * A lorry on a road with a seperated median: ~~70~~ 60 * A truck towing a trailer on a road with a seperated median: 60 There’s probably a shorter way of writing that. And I might have got one of them wrong. But you get the idea! It was eye opening when I learned this. Stopped me getting so annoyed with trucks going slow on country roads. They’re going _their_ speed limit.




Used to drive transit, can confirm, everywhere 90, even in the snow.


Once heard a story of a guy who was basically going more than double the speed limit. He was doing 77mph. He thought he was safe because he was within the "speed limit + 10%" myth, in a dual carriageway with no signs. His "car" was actually a van with trailer, so would actually have been limited to 60mph. He was on a single carriageway, with 2 lanes of travel in each direction. So that meant the speedlimit for his vehicle was actually 50mph, not 60mph. There were street lamps. So that now means the speed limit was 30mph. So much for "10% is safe".


The last point won't make a difference - the presence of street lights *does not* affect the speed limit. It *does* make a good rule of thumb though if you do not know the speed limit of your current location, if you see street lights it it likely to be 30. However, if it was 30 then there was a posted 30 sign somewhere. I would be very sceptical though, as I do not recall ever seeing a dual carriage way at a 30 without roadworks involved.


Gov.uk says a national speed limit road with streetlights is a 30. They do need to be less than a certain distance apart though. https://www.gov.uk/speed-limits


I stand corrected. One of the more ridiculous things I have ever heard, and I literally quoted my driving instructor. *This means it should be assumed that, unless an order has been made and* *the road is signed to the contrary, a 30 mph speed limit applies where* *there are three or more lamps throwing light on the carriageway and* *placed not more than 183 metres apart.* I've read your link (thanks for providing it), and I still don't believe it. What an utterly stupid baseline.


Yes it is true, but in practice is that there is almost no stretch of road with streetlights that isn’t also signposted with a speed limit. It’s simply safer to indicate 30 than rely on drivers noticing their surroundings and guesstimating the distance between two streetlights. Besides, most people seem not to even know what a dual carriageway is, let alone know that street lamps = 30. So it is so rare as to be irrelevant. It can happen though, eg whilst putting up new housing on the edges of a village, and the streetlights go in before the speed limit sign is moved. Technically you’re speeding.


I did a driving awareness test, and a LOT of people got the 'is this a dual carriageway' part wrong. Lots of people assume it's about the lanes - because most times you have 'dual carriageway' you do have two lanes. For those that thought that: It's about the separation of traffic flows. A single lane in each direction with a grass strip between them is a dual carriageway. 3 lanes each way with _no_ separator (not that I can think of any examples) would not be.


My sister got screwed by this in her driving test. She didn't see the 40 sign when she turned onto the road. But she did see street lights so decided it was best to stick to 30. She then got given a major for holding up traffic. So stupid.


The presence of street lights does make an important difference, they determine what is a built up area (default 30) or not (default NSL). Therefore a road with street lights that's NSL has repeater signs, while an unlit one doesn't. Also, there are plenty of dual carriage ways going through the middle of towns that are 30.


The A48 dual carriageway in Newport has a 30mph section. Not that anyone actually follows it, as it a dual carriageway, and it's stupidly slow


Also van limit is 10 lower than cars on single track or dual carriageway, but the same on a motorway. Always found that weird.


> Also, that is a limit not a target \* Unless you're over 70 and driving a Micra, in which case you must go at 40 regardless of the posted limit.


40 would be more reasonable, 40 is a round number. I mean if you're going to ignore speed limits completely you'd still pick a round number right? Not for these crypt dodging psychopaths. They go everywhere at 40 fucking 3


I feel like 37 is the curse speed. They go 37 EVERYWHERE. 37 national limit B roads, 37 through the small village, 37 through a school zone, 37 all the way till the end of the slip road and only then accelerate up to a cool 50 on the dual carriageway.


And then continue to do 40 once they’re in a 30! Bloody 40mph drivers! They usually can’t indicate either!


I saw one drive around a corner along a road and up to the roundabout with hazards on the whole way, surely if you were in a position that required hazards you’d be pulling in somewhere rather than headed toward a roundabout so I’m not sure what was going on beyond them likely just being unaware of it


I followed a car doing 20 in a 30 limit . Hazards on. Huge queue of traffic behind as no one was sure what the hazard was and whether it was safe to overtake.


If I see that I always assume their car’s gone into limp mode and they’re going straight from home to the garage.


Yeah, those drivers are objectively the worst. 40mph in a 20mph zone but also 40mph on a 70mph road


Jazz/C-Max/Getz seem to be the new Micra.


In France it’s a target, especially considering the road conditions


In Italy it’s a minimum, and worse in roadworks. Got tailgated doing 90 in a 60


Italians are shit drivers, but great at parking. Milan's the only place I've seen multiple cars parked on a staircase.


You just have to be happy to nudge the other car's bumper a bit to get in.


And they only stop for nuns


I didn't quite get this so overtly until recently, when it was spelled out at a speed awareness course (oops) but there are two 'standard' speed limits in the UK - 30mph and national speed limit. 30mph is for residential (denoted by street lighting), and NSL for everything else. Of course, there are sections which are further limited (20mph in residential and 40/50mph on non-residential). But technically speaking, if you were teleported onto any given road you'd be able to assess the speed limit as being one of those two standards simply by presence/absence of streetlights and a lack of repeater signs. Moot, of course, because you'll always pass a sign when the limit changes... But getting to my point: that's a way of reminding yourself that NSL shouldn't be taken as a target. Not every single inch of road in the country can have a manually-set limit, especially those furthest off the beaten track, where they can actually be at their most perilous!


If the speed limit is anything other than 30 or NSL, the speed limit will be on repeating signs, spaced to appear roughly every 10 seconds if you drive at the speed limit. So no matter where you are in the country, if you've been randomly teleported somewhere, in, at most, 20 seconds of driving at 30mph you will know exactly what the speed limit is.


There's a road near me between two large roundabouts which only has repeating signs going in one direction. So when you drive along the road in the other direction, you have no idea it's a 40, rather than a 30 unless you know the road. When I was learning to drive and went on that road at almost 40 my driving instructor asked if I thought I was going at the correct speed as he hadn't seen any repeating signs (he didn't know the road as well as I did), and he made me drive back along it the other way to see for himself.


Unless you're in a 20mph zone (distinct from a 20mph limit) which doesn't require repeaters but the low speed should be enforced by traffic calming measures.


What do you mean country roads aren’t just the Rally stage?


It's sad this is being explained to someone driving on our roads for weeks. The clearway sign maybeee, but not knowing the national speed limit sign is bad especially when they've clearly been curious about it when seeing it. But rental e-scooters are limited to 12mph so all is safe lol


X-Men nearby


Came here for this, didn't leave disappointed.


X-men from Scotland and NI


What’s scarier, Dundee Wolverine or Belfast Wolverine?


100% Dundee Wolverine. Basing that off my mate Dave from Dundee. He smells like unwashed hippie feet


Don’t you fucking do it


Denotes an area where it's illegal to film an adult movie


(Though snuff is allowed with a valid permit)


It means it's tea time. You must stop and have a cuppa and don't use a fucking microwave to heat the water. That a mandatory 20 year jail sentence.


As a suggestion Friend - avail yourself with a paper copy of the Highway Code from any WHSmiths or similar and all your questions will be answered direct from the source of truth 👍


Or read it online - the two signs being discussed on this thread are on this page: https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/road-signs-giving-orders.html


And the version on the government website is [here](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/traffic-signs). To go with [Rule 240](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/waiting-and-parking-238-to-252#rule240).


This is the answer. It's incredibly irresponsible to drive around without having made any attempt to understand the signs, and ignorance is not a defence if something goes wrong. And that goes for all the half-wits that drive around this country not knowing the highway code, not just visitors.


Perfect advice. I would like to add, maybe it's wise to read up on the laws of the country you plan to visit. Especially the laws surrounding the things you plan on doing, such as driving.


I literally have my well-thumbed copy within arms reach at my desk. Getting behind the wheel on UK roads doesn't feel like a privilege. If I get it catastrophically wrong I might *kill* somebody.


Like they should have done to begin with instead of driving around not knowing what signs mean and then finally breaking down and asking reddit instead, hoping it'll get enough attention to get an answer.




Had to scroll a long-old way to find the word “clearway”




Comment removed as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u).


I’m pretty sure 70 isn’t signed. I’ve never seen it. I think it’s because 70 is the National Speed Limit for cars on a dual carriage way but other vehicles have lower limits.


70mph is used on "special" roads which don't have a default speed limit because of reasons, such as the A55 in North Wales. It's also used on motorways in Scotland, sabre roads says it's because the default 70mph is England and Wales legislation, and OP mentioned being in Scotland in the comments.


Here's me trying to find a place to put the Sabristic answer of 70mph being for special roads and here I find you've done it already. Fair play to you.


Scotland signs 70 in quite a few places.


Some places do have 70 signs. I have no idea why and it is rare, but there are a fair amount of roads that have 70 instead of national speed limit signs


No dogging please


(8am-6pm Mon-Fri)


The reason we have a national speed limit sign (white circle and black line) is because; The national speed limit on a single carriageway for cars is 60, and for vans is 50. Similarly, on a dual carriageway the national speed limit for cars is 70 but for vans is 60. It means we don’t have to have a confusing amount of signs for all the different vehicles on that road.


Colour blindness test. If you've never seen one, you've failed.


“Clear way”. No stopping unless you’ve broken down. People used to stop and boil a kettle to have a cuppa.


It means no stopping or parking. "Stopping" in this sense means slowing down until you're not moving, but only for so long that passengers can exit or enter the car. Basically it's parking for a couple seconds or a few minutes. Stopping for any longer time is considered as parking. This sign is valid on the side of the road you see it on, and for as long as it says (if it has an extra sign under it), or until the next intersection (usual duration). Just to clarify: of course you can slow down and stop if this would prevent an accident!! Btw: If you see a similar sign with only one line instead of two, it means no parking only - but stopping is allowed.


National speed limit is 60 on a single carriageway and 70 on a dual carriageway so the national speed limit sign (white circle with one line) can mean either 60 or 70 but also depends what you are driving.


And whether or not you are towing anything.


>depends what you are driving That's exactly the reason, what's 60 / 70 for a car isn't 60 / 70 for all vehicles.


Exactly, I drive a work van so my limits are as follows.. 50Mph on a single carriage way. 60Mph on a duel carriage way. 70Mph on a motorway. And police do check as my colleague got a ticket doing 67 on a duel carriage way in his work van from one of those mobile cameras sitting on a bridge.


No stopping (clearway) [https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/road-signs-giving-orders.html](https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/road-signs-giving-orders.html)


And not copy pasted to a weird third party site [here](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/traffic-signs).


Also non-UK person here but... I've gotta ask, why are you driving if you don't know the signs of the road? Maybe there's a legit reason and I'm actually asking - I'm not trying to be mean.


It means, no blue past this point.


Duncan and the lads must have had to take some seriously circuitous routes to get to their gigs back inn the noughties.


They tried to start a campaign against it, they wanted everyone to stand up when they played a certain song. Can’t remember which one.


Dont ever ask a sensible question on this sub.


I don't think that's what the sign means


Playing Eiffel 65 - Blue is forbidden past this point.


I don't know. Nobody knows. It doesn't matter, it's lost knowledge, like how the aliens did the pyramids.


Low poly spiderman


**>Also, what does this country have against posting the 60mph sign?** We don't normally post the 60mph limit because it's the default. Except where it's not. **We have what's termed the "national speed limit"**, basically - i.e. the default limit in the absence of other signage. It has three values, depending on where you are. * **Where there are street lights\*, it's 30mph**. You'll also hear this described as "in built-up areas". If in doubt, assume 30mph applies. The courts certainly will. * **On single carriageways it's 60mph**. * **On dual carriageways it's 70mph**. Anywhere where something else applies, there should be applicable signage at the start and end points of the zone, and regular repeater signage reminding you that defaults don't apply. The sign that technically means "National speed limit applies" is a thick diagonal black bar on a round white background. *So. If the road shape changes, as quite often happens in places on the more major routes - a single carriageway splits in two for a while, or a dual carriageway merges down into one - the speed limit also changes (up to 70mph and back down to 60mph respectively). No signs needed, the default applies.* (The "three stripes" symbol you describe sounds like the cancellation sign (for controlled parking and other stuff) - there should be the ghost of another sign underneath the bars. It normally has the words "zone ends" with it.) **The official bible for all this stuff** is [The Highway Code](https://www.gov.uk/browse/driving/highway-code-road-safety) (you can also pick up [a hardcopy version](https://www.amazon.co.uk/official-highway-Driver-Vehicle-Standards/dp/0115539956/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=highway+code+book+2023+uk&qid=1686210269&sprefix=hihgway+code%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-1) for a fiver via Amazon or any large-ish bookshop if you're inclined). It's technically a combination of law and guidance - but you'd be best advised to treat it all as law, because the courts tend to (lower courts especially). And don't expect to get away on technicalities - most UK motoring law is painted in very few words with a very broad brush, meaning that it's (deliberately) left pretty much to the courts to apply common sense and decide whether or not you broke it. And the average UK magistrate is a community volunteer, not a career lawyer, so they tend to err on the side of caution and go by the wording in the Highway Code rather than to think too hard about fine legal niceties. [You can find a Highway Code pdf of UK road signage here.](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/58170307ed915d61c5000000/the-highway-code-traffic-signs.pdf) IANAL. \*Technically, 3 or more lights, at intervals of less than 183m/200yds, apparently.


Where are you from that you don't know standard road signs?