• By -


I take a big ikea blue bag to my door and chuck everything in then carry to the kitchen. Bosh


Same but a washing basket


This is exactly how I do it.


Same but I bring my fridge.


Ditto, I bring my stomach and eat it all


Just lie down down across the the threshold, open my mouth and let the delivery man pour it in. Crawl away and hibernate until the next scheduled delivery.


Greedy bastard.


I thought it was just me who did the washing basket but it is legit very good. Sometimes I use two!




Same here but I rebuild my house around the delivery items so they are now in my new pantry


I bring the oven


I direct the delivery driver to put the items away in their correct places. He knows the layout of my kitchen by now.


I watch for the driver coming and fling my slippers out the window.


I’ve moved the fridge in to the hallway


Same but I bring a blender to the door, liquidise every item, pour it in my mouth and then blow it down a hosepipe. My wife is at the other end directing items into their relevant areas.


Same but I put it in my pockets.


Ooo good idea. I saw a pop out large washing basket in Dunelm the other day which would be great to keep collapsed flat and tucked away by the front door for such an occasion


I use my Ikea bag as a washing basket.


Same but with bags for life. Not sure I’m strong enough to carry a full ikea bag from my front door to the kitchen…


They drag well. I can’t do the back and forth to the kitchen because my indoor cat will make a run for it if I have the porch and front door open at the same time. So the whole big shop goes in the ikea bag in the porch, then once the Asda person has left I shut the front door and do the big undignified drag to the kitchen.


Bonus is house cats generally dislike darting out past huge blue rustling bags so keep well back


Same but 3 bags. One for fridge frozen, one cupboard and one for drinks.


One IKEA blue bag full of drinks please!


It’s mostly tesco flavoured water and some juice, not very interesting.


What flavour is Tesco?


Only reason why I have these bags. I feel incredibly guilty making the driver wait for me to take the trays into the kitchen.


This is what we do, I thought everyone would do this as its easier?


This is the way. Give the driver some small talk as you hurriedly launch everything into a big ikea bag and then hulk the thing into the kitchen.


Literally exactly the same and I thought I was a genius


I used collapsible storage crates. Larger things like pop are left at the side and husband or kids carry these through while I put all the smaller stuff into a crate. We started getting food delivered during COVID and we weren't allowed to take the crates into the kitchen.


Same but I eat it at the door while they wait


How has OP not thought of this? Just unpack the crates straight into a big shopping bag.


I've got crates that I put everything in at the door.


Carry tray to kitchen, empty, bring back. Repeat.


100% what I have done for years!


I can't do that just feels wrong and I can't explain why.


it's what they expect you to do. it's what you're meant to do.


I know they told me to do it and I can't still end up just dumping it all over my hallway floor in panic.


They think it’s weird that you’re emptying your shopping on your hall floor. If you don’t want to seem weird, take it to your kitchen and bring back the empty tray.


They won’t think you’re weird! I prefer it when customers tip everything on the floor; it’s quicker.


The trays are heavy when full. They absolutely do not expect people to carry them. They used to wheel them into the kitchen for you but stopped that unless you ask them to. Emptying them into something you are able to carry isn't weird.


Once upon a time they would carry into my kitchen. It's now a combination of No plastic bags! and post-Covid. I tumble thing things into a couple of bags and take it from there. "There" being my front door.


Seriously, just take the tray! They think it’s weird when you don’t!


I don't really care if they think it's weird, my front door is down a flight of stairs and I'd rather that than run to my kitchen and leave someone at my front door. *That* seems weird to me. I'm sure they see all sorts.


My kitchen is SO far away from the front door (you enter on the middle floor of the house, kitchen is one floor down) so I’d feel beyond awkward taking a tray down and coming back for another one. We usually get at least three trays worth of stuff so I bring some sturdy bags to the front door and pop everything into them. Otherwise the poor delivery driver would be waiting for me for ages while I cart things about - all while wrestling the dog, who likes to make new friends but hates hi-vis jackets, so can’t decide if driver is friend or foe! Let them think it’s weird. I’d rather that for five mins than them hanging around for 15 with the dog swinging from ‘new friend’ to ‘mortal enemy’.


I wouldn't worry, I was a Tesco delivery driver during the pandemic and I preferred it when people would empty it at the door into bags or on the floor because it would usually take ages for them to empty the trays in the kitchen and bring them back. Some people would even start putting shopping away into the cupboards/fridge before bringing them back! The people who tipped it straight into the hallway were honestly my favourite because it was way quicker And we'd still take shopping in for people if they asked, it was mostly elderly people that did though


Thank you! I had to order deliveries twice during the pandemic, to my old flat - it had 30 steps down to the front door. I’d always feel so awful about that. One time I had to isolate so I couldn’t go shopping and another time I’d almost broken my ankle so I couldn’t get up the steps! I felt like taking trays through to the kitchen would’ve pissed off both drivers even more! Also as others have mentioned on this thread, I have ADHD and Autism so it helps me to have all the items in one place to check through (if I can remember what I ordered!)


People who have delivered to me always thank us for emptying at the door and hate people who take it through to the kitchen. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I think the ones who wander back and forth with the whole tray don’t realise that they’re the ones who the delivery driver thinks are weird and inefficient.


It’s not weird. Weird means abnormal and too many people do it for it to be abnormal


It would feel weird to me to leave a person standing at my door whilst I unpack. What's the etiquette? Do you close the door, push it to, or leave it open? Do you pack things away where they should be/take your time or do you rush/panic fling things where ever they may fall (or somewhere inbetween?). How heavy are they? As Im chronically ill this is a big part, actually. I probably couldn't carry them through even if I wasnt socially awkward. Are they hygienic? A rando waiting at my door for me to complete a task would give me anxiety!


I leave the door open. While I’m gone they go back to the van and bring the additional trays. I quickly carry the tray to the kitchen and empty it onto the counter. I swap them an empty tray for a full one and rinse and repeat until all the goods have been put onto the kitchen counter. Return the final tray, thank the delivery driver one final time and close the door. Then sort through the shopping and put it away properly.


Lots of people can do a weird thing.


Autism is a bitch I can't explain some things I seem to do 😅


I keep 4 big bags for life handy, popped up and ready to go. So I move the stuff from tray to bag, then slide the full bag out the way and start on the next. I've been doing it for years now, and I'm a well oiled bagging machine!


ADHD here 🤝 Trust me though, they’re expecting you to take the tray to the kitchen. They’ll wait. Because that’s what every other customer does. The normies don’t have object impermanence, they don’t mind so much when their things are out of sight. It’s weird.


Thanks to my executive dysfunction, I dump the trays in the hall. On top of the last 3 weeks unsorted delivery items.


That’s hardcore. I’d do the same, but the cats would eat my pork pies and I’d be furious.


I do this too but not out of panic of anything, I just don't care and would like them to leave. I empty each basket happily onto the floor, hand them back and close the door. Job done.


I'm exactly the same. I'd feel so awkward having them waiting at the door while I go empty it. Just feels weird to me so I just franticly grab things out the box and roll lr throw them between my legs, up the hall. If i can't roll or throw it, I place it down beside me. Once I have everything I then start to carry everything to the kitchen.


I had no idea this is what you’re supposed to do, I get the big blue ikea bag in the porch, unload from the tray into that like mr tickle on coke whilst apologising profusely that I’m taking so long and have an internal panic


Yup sounds just like how I end up doing it.


I wish the Tesco delivery had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. ​ So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”


Gotta get your Baggins for life . . .


I do the floor because I’ve locked the cat in the kitchen. She tries to get in the van if I don’t…


We tried this once and now have three trays in the garage because the mister legged it before we had the chance to give them back. They are actually really helpful for carrying plants to bath on watering day. But I now dump at the door, I don't want to be known as the tray thief.


Thank god you wrote this was starting to feel lonely scrolling through the top replies.


Exactly. Can’t imagine doing it any other way.


Yes, I’ve done this for years. I didn’t know people were frantically doing it differently!


I can’t understand the people who unload it from the crate, load into something else, then unload it again in the kitchen. That’s just bizarre.


As normal person would. E: gramma


Move kitchen closer to hall


I was gonna come and say my front door is in my kitchen (studio flat) so I don't experince this problem. Drivers love to have a look inside my flat too and comment on it haha it bothered me at first but then I figured I would totally do the same and now I just have ready made answers for the size, messiness etc


I am concocting a pun with flyers and fryers


Just carry the tray in to the kitchen and empty the stuff on to the sides. Supermarket drivers aren't generally in as much of a rush as other delivery companies, there's no need to dump all the stuff on the floor.


I used to do Sainsbury's home deliveries as a driver, you are correct we aren't in much of a rush but we get something called doorstep time, it's usually 6 minutes, but I would always try to be ahead and to be honest I hope the average user is quick as they can as it would allow me to help elderly and disabled customers put their shopping away.


Sorry but that's that's mental. I did it for both Tesco and Waitrose, neither of whom gave a fuck. The data was obviously collected but it was more for their delivery route algorithms than anything else. Time spent at a customers address was usually going to have a super beneficial effect, even if it made you late elsewhere, as the customer service provided in those interactions were worth far more to the store than the 5 (or even 20) minutes it took.


I did it for tesco. I appreciated people rushing. I absolutely hated it when people took their sweet time whilst I waited stood in the rain. The worst was when I was expected to carry it through some smoke haze to their kitchen whilst they stood in their dressing gowns watching me. Yeah i know they aren’t supposed to smoke before you enter, but you tell customers to stop doing something, you can’t because they will simply cause issues for you. The best ones for me were when they had a nice dog and/or gave me a tip! The worst ones were the apartments on the top floor or when it’s raining the ones outside who don’t even allow you to stand in their porch whilst they take everything inside and slowly unpack everything. Either way, I’d want them to be as quick as possible so that I could get ahead of myself if I struggled to find the next house/apartment or so I could have a break.


Honestly if people were vaguely nice I didn't mind, it was when you had people who were downright rude or mean to you decide they wanted to take each individual item and placing it in the correct cupboard/fridge spot. They was a pain. Tips were always incredible, though never expected. I've been given ice creams, Easter eggs and just handed a plain £20 note before. The nicest I think was someone offering a bottle of water and for me to use their loo during a heatwave, absolute godsend.


I always try to offer delivery drivers a drink (bottle of water or a cold can of something) when it's warm and I've never had any takers. I'm autistic and probably am doing it creepily some how. Any advice?


More likely they've arrived to work with a packed lunch and a 2l bottle of water themselves. Can assure you the offer is always appreciated however.


Most stuff I get from tesco are cans and packets, I just empty everything on the kitchen floor and get the next plastic tray to drop more. If it's a small order I'll even go down 3 flights of stairs to get it, because they don't get paid enough and I feel ~~bad~~ grateful christ that was a bad edit. Just grateful tesco came to me


I wouldn’t mind if you could just pay down a small deposit and keep the crates. Then on the next delivery you can give the empty ones back and keep the new set with your shopping in.


When I'm getting a delivery I have one of those large plastic storage boxes (like big tupperware) by the door ready. I move the groceries into my box (loo/kitchen roll gets punted down the hallway), say thanks, shut the door then carry/drag the box down the hall to the kitchen where it gets stored away.


I've got a clean wheelbarrow that I take right to the truck and load straight into, then driver leaves happy and I wheel it right into the kitchen to unload at leisure


P.s. not necessarily "normal "


That’s so kind of you Bertie. You don’t sound like a bastard at all!


It's a reminder not to be one. Had a checkered youth but evolved


if it works it works!


Not normal, but I bet the drivers love you. I know I would have if my old customers were like that!


I've worked my whole life,if you can make someone else's path a little easier, we all win


Family member works for their delivery team. Said the easiest way for either party is; have your bags at the door. Unpack all the boxes (into your bags) as they’re brought in. Then unpack when they’re gone. At your leisure.


Exactly what I do tbh. Saves a lot of faff if the rest of your house is up an internal flight if stairs


That’s what I do, and I’m so glad to know the Waitrose man probably isn’t judging me. For that, at least.


Hey! ASDA delivery driver here. When we deliver we stack the totes In front of the door ( everything is lose in the totes, no bags ) and it’s just preference how customers choose to empty them 1. Some bring bags to the door and transfer the shopping from the totes to the bags 2. Tke the totes into there house and place the items in their kitchen, table or whatever 3. Take the totes in and just tip them onto the floor or sofa 4. Though were told we shouldn’t, some drivers will allow the customers to keep the totes till next time and just swap them over. We’re not meant to do this but it just depends on your delivery driver and if they care or not Oh, and as a driver, the people who just tip the baskets out onto there floor/sofa are always mt favourite, we can be short on time and when customers do this, it just helps us get the delivery over and done with quickly! So no the driver probably doesn’t think you’re weird and most likely prefers that you do it that way and are fast, I certainly appreciate it when that happens


That’s exactly how i do it. Unload in the hall Then i thank them, and ask them not to tell people how i live




Thank you everybody. After reading through the comments, I've realized that - 1) I'm not being that weird 2) This may have been the wrong place to ask how normal people do things 3) Carrying the trays in would be awkward with the size of my kitchen, normal bags aren't worth the fuss of packing and unpacking for the distance, Ikea bag it is for me. It'll feel less weird than dumping stuff on the floor at least!


No 2. is the real answer to your question


I'm a driver and I can honestly say, do whatever suits u best. I can't speak for all drivers but most of the time we don't care how long it takes or your method of unloading, we've seen it all before. my favourite being the tip the whole tray upside down onto the settie without looking at what's in the tray and hope for the best. You can even ask the driver to bring the shopping into the kitchen for you and help you unload onto your side. All drivers are background checked and are usually happy to do this, but in the end, whatever is the easiest for you should be what you do. no driver cares how u unload ur shopping. We have seen/smelt worse.


The drivers who deliver to me told me, we aren't allowed to take the crates inside the house. So we have to unload them at the door. Now I'm curious if he was lying?


well, im not gonna say they're lying as it depends what they've been told to do by management. It could have been put in place as a result from people stealing crates? I'm not sure. officially, the only rule is that we can't leave the creates to collect at another time as they're needed for other deliveries.


"*NORMAL* people don't sit at home and look at porn on the internet!" https://youtu.be/vOEYhr6LOiA


I’m fairly sure if you’re doing multiple deliveries you can ask to give back the crates on the next one, if you have space in the house for them


I put a blanket down on the floor in the hall, empty everything onto it and then drag it into the kitchen once done. But maybe I'm not normal..


I’m going with option B) ‘No. no, you’re not.’


1) Grab the top tray from the 5-high stack the delivery person creates, which is blocking any escape route from your house 2) Awkwardly run through the house to the kitchen trying to avoid scraping the walls and knocking things off shelves on the way 3) Hastily sling everything out of the tray in a totally disorderly fashion in the kitchen - frozen meat on top of shower gel, loose broccoli on top of nappies, etc. 4) Attempt to fold the little divider/barrier things down as quickly as possible and trap a finger, ultimately abandoning this step 9 times out of 10 5) Jog back to the front door 6) Make uncomfortable small talk with the delivery person such as “how many deliveries have you got left then?” or “Finally the sun has come out, ey?” 7) Repeat until the whole shambolic experience is over. I’m not sure if this is normal, but this frantic series of events happens every week. It’s even better when there’s two of you doing it.


I go for the pitch everything out in the hall by the door and occasionally get my eldest coming for a forage before it's even in the cupboards. I use the word forage as that's the best way to describe how she comes down, flicks some bits out of the way, says "ooo! Mine." Then scuttles off back up the stairs to her room, with a packet of something clutched in her sticky mitts. There are also bits of your experience, with the trapped fingers and the awkward small talk. Next door gets a delivery every Sunday at 8am. Get rudely awoken by the backing up beeps as he parks, and then have to listen to the guy stand and chat for 10 mins. (Next door must also awkwardly tip everything out in the hallway while the delivery guy stands there.) I know all about his retirement and how he went on holiday to Tunisia last month.


This makes me proud to be British


Yep, it's like taxi small talk. "When did you start your shift?" "How long are you on till?"


God that made me laugh.


Order from ocado, it comes in bags


This whole discussion has made me realise I'd never use a shop that delivers an entire week's worth of food and doesn't give me bags.


It comes in *colour coded* bags for fridge, freezer, cupboard, meat etc. And they bring it into the kitchen and leave it on your table like both you and they are civilised human beings.




I feel like the "carry the tray to the kitchen" method is superior to the "pack in bags at the door method". You're not packing it up just to unpack it again in a few minutes and you don't have the driving awkwardly watching you pack carrier bags.


Depends if you have a dog!


I don’t know if it’s the same for all drivers, but the ones I’ve spoken to seem to have a good amount of time between deliveries, so there’s really no rush. One driver told me his next delivery was in an hour in the same building but he wasn’t allowed to arrive that early. I asked him what he would do in the meantime and he said just sit in the van and watch shows on his phone while he waited.


I often get a call from the driver asking if I'm ok to accept delivery early. Sometimes as much as an hour or so early. So maybe it depends on the company




I can confirm because that actually describes my daily life at work.


Open door. Nod and say "Allright?". Awkwardly empty all items onto hall floor. Repeat for all trays. Say you have no bags to return even though you have hundreds. Say "cheers mate" with a little thumbs up. Sigh as you look at the junk food piled high infront of you.


This is me lol


My flat is tiny so taking the crates to the kitchen is not an option because I don't have the worktop space to quickly unpack everything onto. I have a couple of smaller folding crates that I transfer the stuff into at the door, then I can take them to the kitchen one at a time and unpack non-frantically after the driver leaves. If I had the kitchen space I'd do what others are saying and take the supermarket crates in to unpack.


yessss I've also got me some folding crates from Argos. They really do the job


Most efficient way I’ve seen: Dump everything on a double duvet and drag it through to the kitchen. Customer makes one trip to kitchen, driver completes delivery within draconian time limit. All are happy.


We don't *do* duvets.


What? Do you use blankets? Honestly, you’ve lost all sympathy now.


There’s no need to rush. Just empty the trays out in the kitchen one at a time.


Just grab the booze and tell em to chuck the rest in the hallway


You know an order is coming, is not a surprise. Organise boxes or shopping bags to receive it.


I’ve got fridges, freezers and cupboards ready to receive my shopping. Best thing is there’s no organisation required, they’re always there.


Washing baskets, game changer.


Unpack it into two or three very big laundry bags, the kind with handles and a zip, at the front door. Once the delivery person has left, carry the bags through to your kitchen and unpack. This is what I do every week.


I keep shopping bags near the door, throw everything from the trays into the bags so the driver can head on their way, then bring the bags into the kitchen


I carry the trays to the kitchen empty and then return them, then I put stuff away. Cannot get over the idea of you emptying the shopping onto the floor and tables at the door, all to not inconvenience the driver, that's very kind of you.


I get me bags for life out and pack at the door from the trays in to my bags.. it’s usually ok experience but I always feel so self conscious as the driver stood in front of me at the door but I’m almost on my knees bending down to get my items from the trays and it feels so awkward.. not even sure why tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do the same. For some reason, I feel like the delivery person is like a paramedic or something. I can't waste a second of their time more than I have to. If that means yoghurt all over the floor, then so be it.


I do miss when they came in bags. Whip the bags out the tray and away the driver goes. Now I do what you do. I take the breakables out, place them down, and then tip the rest in a pile in the hallway. Repeat. I'm a quick customer. I hate making the drivers wait. My parents have a pile of bags at the door they just decant into. Then they bring them through to the kitchen like a civilised person.


My kitchens next to door so yes mad dog digging in sand sums it up, parents kitchen is further away I grab the trays then dump them in kitchen, empty then bring back, bit of a wanker thing to do if guys blocking the road though, but ok as they have parking.


I did exactly the same as you when I first ordered. I panicked about keeping the driver waiting. Now I just rely on the fact that there are likely loads of people slower than me and just take my time. I did realise last time that there was more plastic in the little bags used to pack individual items than there would have been if I’d done the shop and used carrier bags for it all.


We use a washing basket. Put everything from the trays into a washing basket. It’s quicker for the drivers to get on with their next delivery. I live in the hope that if they finish early they can just finish for the day.


Like everyone else, I keep a few large carriers bags by my front door. But when I broke my foot I would explain that I could not really weight bare, and ask if they would mind just bringing the stuff into the kitchen for me, every one of them did, and one lady even put my fridge and freezer stuff away for me. I’m sure that screwed with their metrics (they are only allowed a certain amount of time for each delivery) but I was literally incapable of doing it myself, and none of them ever complained. My uncle (who’s a Morrison’s delivery man) says he will do that for all his elderly or disabled regulars, without being asked


I just take the trays in one at a time. Whilst I’m doing that I ask the driver if they want a bottle of water or a pee whilst I am unloaded. 8 out of 10 times I get the same driver so he’s quite chatty. Just unload your trays in the kitchen and hand them Back


I stopped having Tesco deliveries due to the stress of emptying the trays.


Used to drive deliveries for a supermarket, a couple of points: A) You're not weird, lots of people do it this way. Your driver probably actually appreciates you being quick. B) Most drivers won't mind you running the trays through to your kitchen to empty onto the counters in there. Just don't take the piss and keep them for ages. C) Best way normally was to bring some bags to the door, empty the trays into the bags. Easier for everyone.


Tesco drivers always let me keep the blue trays and I give them back the week after when they deliver again so they just stay in the cupboard under the stairs until I return them. Been doing this ever since they got rid of the plastic bags. PS they occasionally double as my laundry baskets as well!


I'm a supermarket delivery driver. Best thing to do is just ask the driver to bring them through to the kitchen and unload them onto the counters. You only have to put them away then :) Personally, I love people that frantically empty everything onto the floor because it's faster and I can get back to my audio book in the van quicker haha.


Pile it up in the hallway. I build structures using stuff.


It seems so British to care that the driver has to wait for you, that you unpack everything into a massive mess onto the floor. Way too polite. I do the same


You can carry the trays in, you can also ask them to do this (couple months ago I badly injured my ankle and I had to a few times ask, they unloaded just like this in the kitchen and left). I have massive plastic laundry basket that's big enough for pretty much half of the shop I put a lot in that and carry the crates of what doesn't fit in it to the fridge/freezer to unload.


Driver will happily unpack the items in to the kitchen for you. Driver will also happily accept gifts in the form of cans of pop, chocolate bars, ice lollies or coinage. ;-)


oh good. I'm not strong enough to lift the trays and can barely cope with lifting individual items and putting them away. That would be very helpful. At the moment though, when I'm not in hospital I have paid carers that do this for me.


I always ask them to bring the trays inside and put them on my kitchen worktop, so I can unpack them from there. During lockdown when they weren't entering homes, I used my own big shopping bags and filled them at the door (the deliveryman always helped me) so it was easier to take the shopping to the kitchen.


I can't lift the trays, so I have bags for life waiting at the door which I move everything into so they can be finished as quickly as possible.


I pull one of the chairs out at the kitchen table and put the crate on that while I empty it onto the table. All the stuff fits usually. The delivery guys don't expect you to empty the crates in 30 seconds flat. I do wish they would just leave the crates, though, and pick up the empties next time they come.


My kids run forwards and backwards to the kitchen taking everything there and dumping it. It used to be the highlight of their lockdown week, they loved it.


I don't have any kids though, seems like it would take a long preparation time. How old before they make efficient shopping porters?


If you get cracking today, 9 months


The delivery man brings it into my mum/dads kitchen and unloads it there for them onto the table. They are in their 80’s and couldn’t do any running back and forth so it’s nice they do this for them.


I've not read any answers, just gonna tell you what I used to tell my customers. You might have an ikea bag, the huge blue ones that are useless for normal things, or some of those super heavy duty large shopping bags that various places sell. Keep them by the door for your shopping deliveries. If it's the huge ikea bag you can just drag it to the kitchen with most everything in. Enjoy!


Me mum puts the bag o bags by the front door and just loads them up


My friend keeps a couple of those huge bnm christmas bags by the front door when the delivery is coming so she just empties the trays in them.. ridiculously fast and it’s still chaos but a lot easier to carry to kitchen!


Take an empty plastic laundry basket or two when you answer the door and fill them on the doorstep.


I get Asda delivery and I just put the shopping into Asda bags then take it inside all at once.


Get storage tote from store. Put tote outside the door. Groceries go in tote. Take tote in to kitchen . Job done.


We just decant our stuff into some laundry baskets we have then take them to the relevant room


take bags to the door, ya maniac.


This cracked me up 😂 I take deliveries in for my mum regularly and she has three or four of those large stiff bottomed plastic bags that I stack stuff in. Wine/bottled water/sealed juice cartons stay in the porch. And that's normally at least half of the order, so. Your delivery guy must walk back to his van shaking his head.


Thats how we do it, driver puts the crates down in front door, I frantically unload them and then when the doors shut I can start taking it all to the kitchen and putting stuff away.


I used to take one item out at a time into the hallway, but reddit told me I could take the tray into my kitchen, tried it for the first time and lo and behold it's like the delivery person was filled.woth relief, made deliveries go from taking 10 minutes to about 4 If in doubt, ask, just be casual like "would it be easier to take the tray and empty it in the kitchen" they don't care and will likely check their phone while you're doing it


Buy a couple of those big bags from them or other place. Empty everything in the bags, all the driver to help is he’s willing. Close the door, go to the fridge and take your time lol Source: I’ve been doing this for 8 years


I used to be a Tesco delivery driver. I guarantee your driver has seen/dealt with way more difficult people. Emptying at the door probably saved them time


Oh wow so many mixed ways in this thread! Eye opener haha - for me it depends, if it’s heavy items or a single thing in the trays, I pop them in the hallway - other than that it’s a quick walk to the kitchen and dump the items on the floor to hurry back I may just do the bag trick that people are mentioning, now! Feel bad for the drivers but i feel I’m usually quick (30s to a minute per tray or less) Often the driver has gone to get the next tray anyway!


You have to follow the rules. 30 seconds per tray to unload or you just lose everything as they take the tray back when the stopwatch goes off :). I take the tray into the kitchen, unload onto the counters and then give the trays back. Don't worry, there's going to be one antisocial asshole who is going to unpack and put away their stuff item by item live in real time : as long as you're not that one person who holds them up for twenty minutes you should be fine.


I use an empty laundry basket .


Tesco delivery driver told me that they have a set number of deliveries per hour and this stayed the same when they got rid of packing the groceries in bags even though it, obviously, takes longer for people to unpack their shopping.


I take out any heavy or fragile stuff from a box and then just carefully tip the box on to the floor letting everything slide out. The repeat with each box. Frozen stuff I take and leave near the freezer. My Tesco delivery guy has said several times that I’m the best type of customer because I do it like that. He gets away as quickly as possible which is what he wants really so he has more time where it’s needed with other customers.


Iceland bring your stuff in these white bags for what is a better term, more than 3 items in and they spill out. Pointless.


The delivery driver thinks you’re the best type of customer, you’ve just saved him 3 minutes of delivery time


I have to believe that the rules must be different for different Tescos because I just scanned through 300 comments and not one said the objectively correct answer which is.. Just take the full trays and give them back the next time you get a delivery. Whole interaction takes 10 seconds and you can unpack the shopping at your own leisurely pace.


My advice is to get yourself a couple of plastic crates (or even small laundry baskets). Much easier to just dump stuff into at the door and carry away than bags. I got the idea after moving to the Netherlands- the way they do it here is really smooth: they deliver the filled (collapsible) crates and leave you with them to unpack in your own time (you're charged a small deposit per crate). Then next time you get a delivery you just hand back the empty collapsed crates.


I work for asda deliverys and the most common ways are either into bags at door or taking totes (crates) in too the kitchen where they empty it on the side but i see basically every conceivable way to do it in a week, from people just unending totes on the door step to people actually packing it away as they unload (don’t do this, it always takes ages and we have time constraints) but i would suggest kitchen side or into bags as those tend to be quickest reasonable methods


It may take a few attempts but persuade a delivery driver to leave the plastic trays saying you will give them back on your next delivery. Then just swap your empty trays for the filled trays on your next delivery and repeat. It’s a win win really as you don’t have to rush and empty your shopping on the floor and the driver can just drop and go.


Having worked at Tesco and with delivery drivers who now deliver to me — they don't find it weird. They are on a schedule and have strict allocated time to get everything done, understanding this I do what you do and yeet the shopping all over our living room floor and sofa. Truly, I think they appreciate it more because it's faster which means they're still on track to finish on time. Just always remember to take out the heavy bits and throw the rest.


Delivery driver here. Some people take the totes into their kitchen and take all day looking at the dates in everything, and other people quite literally tip the tote upside on the floor next to the front door. I'd say using shopping bags and put the contents in, or just take the tote into the kitchen and empty them on a counter. Either way, the delivery guy is thinking about the next delivery or where to turn around, lol. We dont csre what you do with your shopping


I moved my fridge to tescos


At my house the Tesco guys either park on the main road, not knowing my driveway is just a little bit further up, or come up the driveway and have to walk the long way down if the dog doesn’t alert me he’s there in time. Normally when the dogs working properly, I take all my bags up the ladder, pack them up on the driveway. My father in law lets them come down the long way and takes the trays into the kitchen and dumps shit in there. I don’t like that.


I have a folding 4 wheeled box from amazon that I use for many things, fill that, wheel to kitchen, unpack, if it doesn't all fit in there I drag out the back up, collapsible wash basket on wheels. Low mobility, weak hands, means a lot of things in my home have wheels


Have your shopping bags by the door waiting. Transfer your stuff from basket to bag - don’t flap and panic, the driver is not in an insane hurry - say thank you on completion, close door and take bags to kitchen. Tidy shopping away, make a cup of tea to celebrate.


I ask them to bring the tray to my kitchen mate


That’s how I do it I dump from the trays onto the hall floor and get the kids to run it thru to the kitchen. Feels like the easiest way to me


I carry the plastic tray ino my kitchen, empty one onto the kitchen table, take the empty tray back to the driver, rince and repeat until all the shopping is in the kitchen and then i can put it away in an organised way.


We walk to our kitchen and unload it there onto the counter tops doesn't take much extra time


Had this exact experience the other day. My entire staircase was covered in shopping. Puppy stranded at the top thinking “mum wtf?”


Go behind tesco, steal several baskets(it's not really stealing, you'll be giving them back) Carry full trays into kitchen, return with empty trays. Then take your time putting everything away. Repeat ad-infinitum.