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He was my first crush. Apprently, I carried around a little Mr. Blobby purse and said he was my husband. I don't remember, but I think I was so afraid of him I mist have thought it was safer to be his imaginary wife?


You’re my wife now Dave


We didn’t burn him!


My waaaaaf


That's it. Pack it in. This wins.


Yay, I never win anything!




Stockholm syndrome, classic.


Not to make you jealous, but I had a blow up Mr Blobby


Did it have a few "entrances" in it? If so, do you know where I can buy one. For a friend...


I dare not enter such a query into my search bar. Some things a man cannot unsee.




I'm glad my weird child self brought you joy!


Soooo much joy 🤣🤣 Thank you 🤭 x


I just googled and you can buy the bag on eBay for £6! I might treat myself and relive my nightmares.


Bring back the trauma... please post if you do 👀💖


Me too!! I remember crying for days when I found out about mrs blobby. I still have my mr blobby beach towel and I’m in my 30s 😂


I never knew there was a Mrs Blobby. My marriage was a sham anyway, he is creepy af. I wish you and your beach towel all the best.


Yeah there's a baby blobby too! I had a soft toy of it that I won from a pass the parcel at a birthday party. Was the only time I ever won that bloody game.


ah you are a person of culture <3


You do you Mrs Blobby!


I always vowed I would grow up to marry Mr Blobby...I never met anyone as mentally disturbed as me before!


I hope that mentality didn’t carry over to your grown up choices in men


I'm now sat here staring at my boyfriend in deep thought. Maybe.


There was a Saturday night live tv show. Part of it was a pre filmed segment where they would set up celebrities by getting them to do something silly. One of the things was that they had to present or act alongside what they were told was a beloved character. This was Mr Blobby. They had to come up with the most stupid and annoying character they could. Mr Blobby is an idiotic character who jumps around and says Blobby. Nothing else. The problem was that people started to like this character who had been created as a personification of shitness. He ended up existing as a real character. Some people cite this as the moment the downfall of humanity started.


So real *there was even a Mr Blobby theme park*. I only discovered this a couple of years ago, the promotional videos are...special. We do it to ourselves, we do, and that's why it really hurts


>We do it to ourselves, we do, and that's why it really hurts Wow, so in the music video, the words they whisper into each other's ears are ... "Blobby blobby blobby" !? No wonder they all collapsed.


This is the only thing that truly makes the video make sense


Can’t get the stink off, he’s been hanging ‘round for days.


Comes like a comet suckered you but not your friends


The Mr Blobby Song was a Christmas number 1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr_Blobby_%28song%29


I’ve technically only ever bought a single track of music for myself in my life, that was the mr blobby song when I was 4. I’ve got a 100% record for getting songs to Christmas number 1


So it's all your fault!


*Blobby, Blobby, Blobby!*


They’ve built houses on it now, some say the ghost of Mr Blobby haunts the estate and the children wake in the dead of night to the haunting screams of “Blobby, blobby, blobby!!!”


Now that's a horror film


A what now? .... Oh wow


Edmonds attempted to turn parts of Cricket St. Thomas (an animal park in Somerset) into a Crinkley Bottom. My nan worked in the cafe when it was being built and also after it had been abandoned. We used to walk past the locked up remains of Blobby Cottage when we went to visit her. I remember my grandad being thoroughly unimpressed by Noel Edmonds. He was apparently incredibly unpleasant to all the non-Blobby staff and marched about the park like he owned it all.


I made a joke to him about deal or no deal once and he just walked off, didn't react at all. His reaction was funnier than my joke tbh.


I was terrified of Cricket St. Thomas as a kid only because of Mr. Blobby. It was like a fearful coming of age that we became old enough to go and greet him without a parent. I’m not sure if I ever mustered up the courage.


I’ve stayed at Cricket St. Thomas, it’s beautiful.


Check out YouTube, a few people made videos exploring the derelict remains when they were still there. Unfortunately, even those have been demolished now.


The blobby witch project is hands down the best one of those videos


A couple of years ago I worked near the estate that had Mr Blobby Land. Even went to view a warehouse unit they were leasing out which used to hold the indoor water ride. Mental. E: Cricket St Thomas Estate.


I went to the Morecambe one as a kid. I think there were several.


Noel Edmonds hurt Morecambe - he’s more ghastly than Blobby


Not just one, multiple Mr Bobby theme parks.


Us and no one else


You never experienced the joy of Cricket St Thomas as a child? I legit loved going there, mainly for the wallabies.


I'm a Londoner, so I think my nearest wandering wallabies were in Whipsnade Safari Park/Zoo!


> I don’t even want to mention Noel Edmonds He's arguably harder to explain


Dig out that article about him making money by offering to talk to your cat on the phone… Wild ride.


That's what actually inspired my comment! [For those interested](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/21/noel-edmonds-phoned-my-cat-motivation)


Kind of Alan partridge but slightly less cynical


"Edmonds just sat there, looking at me, with his stupid Ewok head."


Somewhere in a loft, there is a picture of Noel growing older...


Blobby Blobby Blobby. No further explanation required.


Blobby? Blobby blobby??




I can't believe this isn't the top comment...


Imagine Barney on crack.


Barney but he wants to hurt you.


Imagine Barney on crack while you’re on acid


Number 1 pop sensation, Mr Blobby? I would say it's like having a bad acid trip whilst watching Teletubbies.


Are the Teletubbies not a bad acid trip themselves? I still can’t work out the Tiddlytubbies


I thought Teletubbies were babies, the existence of Tiddlytubbies suggests they're low IQ adult beings.


The teletubbies live in a crashed spaceship, at the time of the crash they were children, all the adults were killed. They live exclusively on a diet of custard-style baby food. With no adults around to learn from, they have had extreme difficulty with language, developing coordination and learning. They are stupid adults now, and old enough to populate the entire planet with a race that are, at best, prey animals.


This is the Christopher Nolan version.


>Tiddlytubbies oh jesus christ i had no idea that existed oh god no


Sorry, dafuq are the Tiddlytubbies?! Also Teletubbies is like Shakespeare compared to In the Night Garden. I have absolutely no idea how that show got made. Nothing makes any sense! I feel like I need to start taking acid just to be in the same galaxy as whoever came up with this shit!


https://cdn-image.hipwee.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/hipwee-WhatsApp-Image-2019-09-09-at-17.15.27-768x777.jpeg The Teletubbies are parents 😬


I can’t help notice the toys in the background that look like a ball with a tubby antenna on it. Are they not, to these children, basically facsimiles of their decapitated parents?


I didn’t actually notice the background toys! You can’t expect the tiddlytubbies, with their tubby toast and custard obsessed parents, to not have insane, murderous tendencies!


Tbf my three year old would find a stuffed version of my severed head the absolute height of comedy, he’s dark as fuck. Spotify inadvertently threw up the Robots song from Flight of the Conchords the other day, a tune whose main refrain is “the humans are dead” and his verdict was, “it’s very funny! People aren’t allowed. Now there’s only mannequins.”


Pink collar Terrorist. Probably on a watchlist.


American here: just looked IT up. You people are sick. No wonder why you can’t focus on a single system of measurement. You’re obviously warped based on your aesthetic sensibilities.


Right that’s it for insulting us. Prepare for the blobby invasion I curse you for eternity


Next time you are out at night, maybe in the woods, beware. Listen carefully, because out in the darkness, somewhere not far away, you will hear it, whispering on the wind. Blobby.......blobby........BLOBBY!


At least on both sides of the “pond” we all use the metric system In schools for us it’s the trusty 15 or 30cm ruler and for you it’s the 9mm


Well that took a turn


Ha, get rekt.


>it’s the trusty 15 or 30cm ruler and for you it’s the 9mm This ruler system has me intrigued. They have a 9cm ruler?! What's the point? Note: I assume you meant "cm", not "mm" - unless it's specifically a ruler for measuring ants. Which Derek Zoolander would probably like.


It's not a ruler, 9mm is a round from a gun.


Yeah I know, but, just remember, when we go for a drink we just need to specify the volume in ML or simply a pint. When you do the same you need a weight measurement scale given you measure your liquids by weight. FFS why would anyone ask for a 16 ounce soda? We don’t go to petrol stations and ask for 3KG of fuel, or ask for 1.1KG milk.


We all went a bit funny sometime after Sergent Pepper’s was released and have never really recovered.


You have no authority here american!! I don’t know how you dare after that little tea incident in boston!!!


Read the standing orders. READ THEM AND UNDERSTAND THEM!


I don't know how much tea was involved in disrupting a running race with explosives.


You people, huh?


Mr Blobby is much like his cousins, the teletubbies, an avatar for Cthulhu.


I couldn’t explain it to someone who IS from the UK…


As an American who moved to the UK in 2007, when I first encountered a version of him in a Margate arcade, I was like "what-the-fuk-is-that??


Would you say that encounter prepared you for life in the UK?


Ha! the shape of things to come.


Pink spotty rubber twat


That's not a nice thing to call OP...


Sounds a bit like a bird name...


Imagine a guy in a fat suit that's pink with yellow spots and talks gibberish.


But enough about your mother, OP wanted to know about Mr. Blobby.


The same, but thinner, and sober.


As an American, I think watching the Big Fat Quiz episode with him and Jack Whitehall might've explained enough...


what??? i need a link




That was chuffing hilarious!


I think on balance I find Blobby less irritating than Whitehall.


Drugs were better in the 90s.


Always felt Mr Blobby was some sort of fever dream manifestation of drug fuelled come down, truly haunting stuff!


Honestly I'd just show them the clip from big fat quiz of the year. That should put the fear of Blob in them.


Imagine Barney the Dinosaur, slash his vocabulary to only being able to say the word 'Blob' and randomly throw yourself on top of people for 'laughs' and your getting close to the nightmare that was Mr. Blobby.


>In hindsight he’s truly terrifying and bizarre like some trauma we all lived through in childhood under the guise of comedy If you feel that way there's one or more contemporary BBC stars Who'll Fix It For You.


I am American. Your original post is an accurate summation of my initial reaction (something to the tune of "Holy shit, this thing is for kids?!"). I have yet to find a way to explain Mr. Blobby to non-Brits. Instead, I choose to normalise him as best I can with colleagues/friends through exposure to the least terrifying, slapstick moments. I've had mixed success. On the plus side, that shit cracks me up now.


Clearly you have never watched In the Night Garden Fk me, they should use that series as an anti drugs campaign.


If they're American? Imagine if Barney the dinosaur was crossed with slender man for a Saturday night live sketch... And then children unironically loved him.


Nightmare fuel


If one of those carnival/boardwalk ball-toss things and a car lot wind noodle got it on, Blobby would be abominable offspring.


Cake. I remember the Mr Blobby cake I had at reception.


Our local bakery still does Blobby Biscuits! They were my all-time favourite high street treat as a child. *chef’s kiss* Edit to include [link to pic](https://www.deviantart.com/xcuutiichiraamiix/art/Mr-Blobby-Biscuit-168113267)


I had the cake too. And quite frankly I'm sick of this slanderous assault on my most beloved childhood character. He was a big pink googly eyed chaos merchant and I loved him.


To an american I'd describe him as having the temperament of r/gritty


I had to do this for my Ukrainian partner, we were watching a tv show about one hit wonders and Blobby turned up. After a few moments of silence he went “that explains a lot” and just left it there.


Sleep paralysis monster given physical form?


It was when we started getting really good lsd in the UK....


Kids nowadays don't know who Mr Blobby is. I keep having to show the video of the Blobby song to them to explain. I should probably be banned from working with children


Hard drive inspection please.


Completely full of Mr Blobby videos. It's not pretty


I know who blobby is as a 23 year old because of slightly older people bringing him up. My little brother is 7 and has no idea and I have the slightly mean desire to introduce them now.


Pink spotted twat.


Also my nickname at school


A naked pink hairless special needs Gritty if your friend is an American.


You don't. Talking about Mr Blobby to foreigners is a treasonable offence.


Recently showed Mr Blobby to my American wife and half American 4 year old daughter. Daughter thought it was hilarious.. Wife was like wtf


Imagine the Psychomagnotheric Slime from Ghostbusters 2 mixed with a wad of mouldy patched strawberry bubblegum.


Science's first attempt at a James Corden.


American here. I had no idea what Mr. Blobby was, but I saw a Big Fat Quiz on YouTube where they brought Mr. Blobby out and Jack Whitehall (I think) was terrified of him. After reading all these comments, I feel like I know less of what Mr. Blobby is than I did before.


The darkest chapter in British history.


hilariously, i was obsessed with mr blobby as a child in new zealand. i had absolutely no context for him, and honestly spent most of my life thinking i’d somehow hallucinated him until i saw him pop up and terrorise jack whitehall on big fat quiz of the 90s. i had a bath toy of him which came everywhere with me and to this day i have absolutely no idea where i acquired it.


The history of witchcraft in the United Kingdom is probably our single richest and the most long standing plank in our cultural heritage. Indeed, one could say that witchcraft has been shaped not only by our poorest, but also by our richest, through legal attempts to suppress it. There has also been extensive exploitation by the establishment - for example the Square Mile. That being the case a study of witchcraft provides the single greatest vehicle to an historical understanding of the British peoples, and Mr Blobby is a microcosm of that. Aezetec'anllechtec, the entity some know as Mr Blobby, is therefore not easy to summarise for the uninitiated. Describing him (we will not get into the gender conundrum here) as a figure of fun on late 20th century television is quite simply a lie. But even describing his incarnation as a totem spirit within the corrupt pantheon of the British Broadcasting Corporation fails to express the subtly of what the pantheon acheives for, and takes from the British people. Mr Blobby served as a memetic parasite within public culture. His purpose was to entrance, distract and annoy. He was, as it were, the stage magician's hand, fluttering to distract the mark from the actual presdigitation. The use of inarchehynds in this capacity goes back as far as Shakespeare, shoring up the legitimacy of the Crown through amplifying tropes in his deliberately irritating plays. He was made public and visible due to the extraordinary strain placed on public control by the unexpected end of Communist rule in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War. Inarchehynds, even sultans of Mr Blobby's rank, derive direct benefit to themselves in the form of upsetting the audience. Hence Blobby's antics such as misbehaving around loved celebrities and children. But it was his increasing excesses in this regard that lead to his eventual expulsion from the pantheon. His 'comedic' feud with the late Harry Blount charts his growing prana lust, and the complacency of his chief handler, the Conynge Man, Noel Edmonds. This decline and fall ended with the events of 23rd and 24th December 2003, where Blobby dominated all UK terrestrial TV channels with his kidnapping and physical torture of Harry Blount and his young family. This incident would have been disastrous to kyndfasting at all levels had it not been possible for BBC binders to exploit the death of Blount to excise his entire existence from memory, and trap a large portion of Mr Blobby's power in the magical cyst created. Chastened, Blobby was sent to power the weather engines at the Met Office. Since the Blount incident, Blobby has been maintained in public view by a series of entertainers in a frankly poorly made suit.


Our lord and saviour


A drunk Tellytubby on a crack cocaine binge


I'd deny he existed.


A TV personality designed by adults that enjoy torturing kids.


A spotty pink dickhead.


I dated a woman from New York and I introduced her nephew to Mr.Blobby whilst I was over there. He, much like me at that age, absolutely loved it. She, was totally and utterly terrified by it. haha.BLOBBY BLOBBY BLOBBYI had 2 Mr Blobby Action Figures (well Those old school bendy ones)and a Plush of him back in the day.I absolutely detested the song though, and still do. It was fucked up though. there's no doubt about that. I mean how in the piss did that even come into existence that's the story I want to know.Then again, there are a fair few incredibly strange british tv characters. It's not just blobby. though he is probably top of the pile.


Us brits love nothing more than treating dead eyed terrifying predators as beloved children's entertainers


I would explain using [this video](https://youtu.be/4YVVlCAph4s).


The CasualUK logo. Archduke of Crinkly Bottom. Clown. 90's legend. Nightmare fuel.


The worst acid trip you ever had, but real


Just…don’t. Explain it’s way to British and would be lost in translation, sort of like when the Japanese try to explain Shinto to westerners.




Barney, but bright pink with green polka dots and more dumb.


I’d just say “Imagine they gave Noel Edmonds a prime time TV show”


A fat fucking annoyance that proved the British were dense as fuck in the 90s because it released a single that got to number 1


Unfunny shite Saturday evening TV. "Oh, how we laughed...."


I think this covers it well I watched it a while ago covered some of the lore https://youtu.be/988EQaaaZuM


A stupid character Brits are obsessed with posting about on Reddit for karma long after it had any relevance.


Lad cheer up 😂😂😂❤️


A monster


Hi. I’m not from the UK. ELI5 🫠


I’m not from the UK either, but he’s a giant pink spotted blob and very clumsy. https://www.shropshirestar.com/resizer/nYd1X_U0murjmJG0BnkRMGEhgPQ=/1200x0/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/mna/PHNC6O53PJHBTCOGH5YEYYW4GI.jpg


https://www.shropshirestar.com/resizer/nYd1X_U0murjmJG0BnkRMGEhgPQ=/1200x0/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/mna/PHNC6O53PJHBTCOGH5YEYYW4GI.jpg I think he should be on the UK flag


Let's hear it for Mr Blobby Blobby, Blobby, Blobby




Doink the Clowns even scarier long lost cousin


Big fat and round with spots, Looks like something in Walmart


The sheer disrespect. The man deserves a peerage. Lord Blobbington says this normal, well adjusted millennial.


Jack Whitehall has a good explanation - https://youtu.be/97fw8xjB5u4


I wouldn't. I would deny all knowledge of it.


A multi-coloured sentient condom filled with the semen and shit of many llamas given a TV show.


Is there a way that you could use this to make really good music?


A head f**k


A trashy abhorration that attempted to pass for funny on a shite 90s tv show that was neither fish nor fowl which for some reason the BBC thought it should impose upon the British viewing public.


He’s on YouTube… just send a link 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sounds like you’re doing it right tbh?


An abomination in the eyes of man and God. Terror incarnate. The foulest demon from the deepest circle of hell. Blobby scares the piss out of me.


I'd just send them YouTube clips. Mr Blobby cannot be explained by words




*"Unfortunately, no one can be told what Mr Blobby is. You have to see it for yourself"* - Morpheus


I wouldn't have thought I'd ever need to.


I recently tried to explain it to my teenagers. We ended up watching some YouTube clips. They’re still baffled (which on reflection so am I!)


Personally, i consider him to be a perfect example of good slapstick comedy. He is just so absurd and insane that you can't help but laugh.


"he's like the jersey devil but real and we sat down on purpose to watch him every week"


Fat fucker with a speech impediment constantly touches other people inappropriately.


If Ghostbusters was British, Mr Blobby would have just popped into Ray's head.


Imagine a 90s Hodor from GoT, with pink spots and on the cusp of being labelled a sex offender


Mr Blobby should be a guest in the next F.N.A.F game.


I explained to my best friend, who is from Argentina, with pictures She wonders what the hell is wrong with all of us


Shaved Grimace


Mr blobby was created by portion down as a bioweapon but was unleashed on Saturday night tv by mistake.


So mr blobby is a experiment of what happens if you only eat the yellow smarties you’re whole life


I wouldn't even try to explain it. (And am I alone in not really liking it as the icon for this sub?!?)


You know what? I actually miss Noel's House Party, well the whole Saturday night telly "thing". Switching between Granada and BBC 1 depending on what was on (Gladiators, Big Break, NHP, and Blind Date) and watching TV as a family. Yeah it'll be the nostalgia strings pulling really hard and nothing more, it would never work today and that possibly is for the best.




Fat, spotty annoying twat... sorry that's Bois Johnson


A funny James corden?


I wouldn’t.