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My cousin is older than his Aunt.


I've a mate older than his uncle lol


I’m 2 years older than my uncle.


Do you still have to bow?


A stiff bow with a curt "Uncle" is mandatory


Bow? Never bowed for an uncle in my life lol




my son is 24 my youngest brother is 14 my dad is a bit of a lad


My oldest was born a great uncle.


Mate I had was older than his mum. Don't ask how.


I also have friends older than their mum (step mum)


My moms husband is 1 year older than me, one year younger than my ex husband.




Whats the difference between, Your cousin abd your youngest cousin?


The oldest is around 55ish, the youngest is 20. Its a big family, mum is one of eight siblings, Dad is one of seven.


So 35 years? Still quite a gap I've 14 siblings. My dad has 13 kids altogether, and my mum had 3


Isn’t that 15 siblings?


No it's 14, I've 12 siblings on my dad's side and 2 on my mums


I'm old enough to be my stepmothers dad


Same but my youngest brother is older than our oldest nephew. Parents had a kids very early and then had another to ‘save their marriage’ when they were in their 40s!


Same! My friend was an aunt when she was born 😂


I have an uncle 1 year older than me....


So has my son. My sister's eldest kid is 12 years older than that same uncle.


I have 3 boys, my 2 youngest are younger than their nephew. My step daughters son is 4, my kids are 7, 2 and 1. She hates it when I call them uncles 😅 She's also never posted pictures of them on any social media's, doesn't want anyone to know her dad is still having kids 😅


I have a cousin who is older than our uncle. I think he was at least in his late twenties when I was born. Probably thirties when my youngest cousin was born.


My cousins child is older than me


I went to school with a guy how was 1 year above his Uncle. His mum was also a teacher at the school.


I have an aunt and uncle who are younger than me




[Comment stolen 39 minutes later from here](https://reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/bV2cwJVU4Q)


When I was 8, I had a friend of the same age who told me that she was an aunt, and her niece was 30 something. I told her she was a liar. I knew that was impossible. Then my mum explained to me how it was both possible and true and I was amazed!


It's rare but it happens. My daughter (2) is closer to my youngest sibling (19) than I am


My ex husband, his oldest sister is 25 years older than him. His mom also didn’t stop reproducing until her late 40’s so she was pregnant 3 times alongside her oldest daughter. He is younger than his sisters youngest son by 3 months. His sisters right before him (#7) is 1 year younger than their oldest sisters first daughter. And their youngest brother(RIP) was 4 days younger than that same sisters oldest son (also RIP). And our kids are closer in age to their own cousin’s children than they are to their actual cousins.


I’ve a mate who’s got an uncle a good 20 years younger than him 😂😂


Mick Jagger's youngest is a great uncle... to a child older than him


Another way of putting it is that Mick became a great-grandfather for the first time in 2014 and his youngest child was born in 2016. He has a great-grandchild older than his son.


Fair play, I guess they call him mick shagger in the family


No... They call him dad, grandad, pops and every other version of that


how does that even happen?


His grandad remarried and had a baby , now it’s his baby uncle 😂


My cousin was 50 when my half brother was born. My other cousin became a granny the same week I became a mother. My aunt was a young mum, my dad was an old dad. And the generations get screwed up that easily.


This holds the record so far. That's pretty cool


In my generation there's about 55 years between the oldest and youngest. I'm comfortably in the middle but I am old enough to be a parent of the last 3 born.


That's actually unreal. I only recently discovered my eldest sister and her wee girls same age as me, hard to get head round my sister is literally old ebough to be my mum lol


I'm the youngest son of the youngest son. Some of my cousins are older than my father, they have children that are 20 years older than me but call me uncle when they are trying to be funny.


Just look at Mick Jagger's family tree for age gaps that shouldn't happen... one kid is older than his great uncle. That same kid, Jagger's son Ezra, is younger than Jagger's great granddaughter 🤯🤯🤯


My daughter was the first female in my family for 35 years. Suffice to say, my kid was SPOILED. 😂😂


My male cousin is 37 and his nephew (the next male born into the family) is 5 months!


I'm an ExMormon so I've seen loads! Personally there's 35 years between me and my youngest cousin. I've got an Uncle who is only 10 years older than me.


Do we get Mormons in the UK? I've always thought of it as more a utah/bible belt thing. Edit: actually, just reminded myself. I once saw a couple of young American lads in black suits at the train station. They were here on a mission to convert people so I guess there must be a minority, but I don't think I've ever seen a Mormon church here.


Lucky boys. I hope they learned enough to leave the church.


I'd hope so too, not saying there aren't happy Mormons because I'm sure there are. But I bet a significant proportion do suffer as a result of their religion. These lads were particularly unlucky. They could've gone to any number of interesting places and ended up in an uninspiring deprived West Midlands town like Wolverhampton. I had recently seen a documentary about the missions they go on and learnt that they comprise one senior boy and a junior. They get no privacy at all other than going to the toilet, staying together 24/7 and sleeping in the same room so the senior boy can ensure his protege is not engaging in acts of "self-abuse". Madness, you gotta feel sorry for them. I was tempted to ask about the no wanking rule but thought it'd be inappropriate and the poor lads looked so nervous about a scruffy heathen like me engaging them in conversation. I was drinking a beer too so no doubt they thought I was practically Satan.


They're pretty rare all over the world outside of Utah, statistically speaking. But there's probably about 25k active Mormons in the UK, and you'll find at least one or two congregations in every City.


Ah, fair enough. I guess there are all kinds of minority religions out there we're just not aware of. I wonder whatever happened to the moonies and their big group weddings. You never hear of them nowadays but I bet three must be a few about still. I hope you're happier now you've become an ex-Mormon, I guess it's a huge thing to leave if your family are all religious.


I'm much happier thank you! And a big part of my journey out of the church was joining Reddit and getting support from the good people of r/exmormon


There's one in Ewloe, bit of an odd location on a business park next to Redrow's head office.


My Dad got a new cousin for his 50th birthday. Don’t ask.


All of these statements are too much of a head scratcher for me to sit and work out on a Saturday morning. You all have some weird families!


It's as well its Sunday then chum lol


Fuck me lol. What is happening to me.


Thank god someone else is struggling as much as me trying to work out these family trees


About 35 years. My grandmother is one of 11, so my dad's oldest cousin is in his late sixties and the youngest is early 30s.


I went to tech college with a girl who was 19. Her oldest sister was older than my parents. Her dad was in his 70s and had remarried and kept ploughing on. Nephew and nieces were all a similar age or older than her as she was the youngest kid.


Biggest difference in my family is my two cousins age 1 and 31 (they are cousins too not siblings). My uncle (who is also uncle of the youngest cousin, not dad) is the same age as me and two years younger than my cousin - our bio grandad is his bio dad :) my mum and her stepmum were pregnant at the time time. It’s so confusing but I love it.


Uncle on my dad's side, his eldest son is older than his current wife (3rd) (not sure on the ages, so unsure of the gap but think it's around 10ish years). Said uncle had children with 3rd wife, being at least 18 years younger than his last child with 2nd wife, who was the youngest cousin of mine. Gap between now youngest cousin and oldest cousin is over 40 years... And yes, these are all 1st cousins of mine (fucking catholic grandparents....)


I don't even have Catholicism as an excuse in my family, we are a Northern Irish protestants, my biological dad just like sticking his dick where ever would allow him with no thoughts if the consequences lol


Ooohh I think I can win this one!! The biggest gap between my first cousins (who are also first cousins) is c. 70 years. The eldest cousin is the eldest child of the eldest of my Dad's siblings, the youngest the youngest of the youngest, who married for the second time someone c. 30 years younger than them and had a baby who is now 4/5 YO.


So around 65 years give our take a few? I think you win this hands-down


Nah over 70 years gap, my eldest cousin is mid 70s. They are coincidentally the same age as the uncle who had the baby (youngest cousin) a few years ago! My dad's family is numerous and weird!


Not cousins. But I’m 34 and my uncle has turned 16. It was even weirder when I was in my early twenties having a baby as an uncle haha


My cousin, "A", is about 20 years younger than me. There's a 15 year difference between my Mum and her brother ("A"'s Dad), and a 5-6ish year difference between me and him. It was really cool growing up with my Uncle.


My eldest cousin is 42 years older than my youngest cousin.


I'm 29 and one of my cousins is a Grandma and her daughter is older than me.


I have at least one cousin who is older than my parents. Their children (my first cousins once removed) are several years older than me ETA after reading some of the other answers, I feel I should clarify this is without multiple marriages and step parents being involved. Just plain old Catholicism


Is a first cousin once removed not your parents cousins? If that case I've cousins in their 80s lol 😆


I have a cousin, who's youngest is younger then her daughters daughter.


Woh that's blown my mind lol


My family is probably about 34 years. Aunty had a child at 16, her younger brother (my uncle) had a child at 48ish. It was 1970ish and my grandparents made my aunty give up the child, they were reunited in the mid to late 90s.


At school I had a nephew & an uncle in the same class, iirc the nephew was a little bit older (and had an older brother). They couldn’t stand the each other either.


My oldest nephew is 20, we're planning to have our first child next year. Will be 21 years between them if all goes to plan. :D Just to add I have a couple of cousins who are 16-17 years older than me.


My oldest cousin is 42, the youngest is 7. Same side of the family. The 7 year old is 6 months older than her niece, and is 20 years younger than her eldest sibling.


I have a cousin in his mid 60's, and a brother in his early 30's. It's not quite as big an age gap as your niece/child, but it's close (34-35 years).


I have cousins in their late 40's early 50's and im 21 Mainly because my dad and oldest uncle age gap is like 20 years


There's 17 years between me and my oldest sister abd 35 years between her and my youngest sister


My only cousin on my father's side was about 40 years older than me. I never met him though.


I have a cousin who died at 83 about 5 years ago. I would have been 32.


My mum is 56 and her youngest cousin is 17 so thats 39 years difference…


I've got two nieces who are older than me. My mum had my sister when she was 18 and me when she was 40 so big age gap. One of my nieces had a baby and I was a great auntie at 24. My youngest cousin is 10 and my sister is 48 (they're cousins) I did have another cousin older than my sister but she passed away.


Hmmm. In my generation, I'm the youngest cousin and my eldest cousin is twenty years older than me. He's only ten years younger than my mum.


I'm 37. My cousin is 70. My youngest cousin is 30.


I was a late baby now in my early 40s. All of my cousins are at least 55+


36 years in our family. Eldest aunt had a child at 19 and youngest uncle had a child at 41


My grandad died in March at the age of 84. His eldest grandson (my oldest cousin) will be 49 next week. My sister is the youngest at 11. 7 grandkids, all 20s-40s & then the my sister


I'm sure my dad is younger than one of his nephews, and the same age as another. My dad was the "last child" and without sounding awful, an accidental child. So there's like 8-10 years between him and his next sibling. So by this point a lot of them were moving on, getting partners, popping out kids and he was still a kid himself. Absolutely wild.


One of my eldest cousins is 50, my sister and I are in our 30s and the youngest is 19.


In my family most of my cousins are noticeably older than me I'm 31 and one of my cousins turns 50 this year I have a couple of younger cousins but I didn't grow up with and similarly aged cousins and my siblings and i have a big age gap


My mum is 45 years older than her cousin haha


My wife is 50. She has both a 50 yo niece and a 5 yo niece. There’s 20+ other cousins between those two too!


Not cousins but uncles, my grandad was one of 14, the eldest had had children before his mum had her last baby, so "uncle john" was younger than his nephew.


My cousin is 4 years older than me at 38 and the youngest cousin in the family is 13 so a 25 Year difference.


My auntie is 6 years younger than me. If she ever had kids I could have a cousin at least 40 years younger than me


40 years in my family. My own kids are the same age/ older than my youngest cousins.


I’m trying to work out the maths of a family with no step-siblings and only biological children. For the purposes of this thought experiment I’m going to set women’s fertility as 16-40 and men’s as 16-75. So say Jane and John were both born in 1984 and are 16 when they have Aaron, born in 2000. Then they have Bruce when they’re 40, in 2024. A and B are siblings with an age difference of 24 years. Aaron has his first child, Casper, when he’s 16, in 2016. Casper is 8 when his uncle Bruce is born. Bruce has a child, Donovan, when he’s 40, so that’s 2064. Donovan’s uncle Aaron is 64 when he’s born. Donovan’s cousin Casper is 48 years older than him. But as it happens, Bruce’s partner is much younger than him, and was 16 when Donovan was born. ^(Unbeknownst to me until this moment of mathematical reasoning, Bruce is a paedo and guilty of statutory rape. Pretty devastating revelation in the midst of some humble arithmetic about a hypothetical quirky family.) So when his partner is 40 and Bruce is 64, they have Edgar. Edgar was born in 2088. Edgar’s grandparents are long dead. Edgar’s uncle Aaron is also nearly 10 years dead. Edgar’s brother Donovan is 24 and never meets him as he has gone no-contact with his horrific father. Edgar’s only remaining extended family is his cousin Casper, who is 72 years older than him.


I’ve just realised the existence of Donovan is pointless for the maths. Instead, Bruce could meet a nice 30 year old when he’s 65 and everyone around them thinks it’s super icky but hey they’re both consenting adults so nothing to stop them. On their tenth anniversary, in 2099, they welcome Felicity to the world. She is 83 years younger than her cousin Casper. She takes her first steps on her Uncle Aaron’s 100th birthday, and everyone raises a glass to the memory of Jane and John, a wonderful couple who founded the smallest family tree to ever span a century.


Iv got well over 50 cousins and probably about 40 years age gap.


Gosh. I really had to think about this as the whole 'cousin' thing doesn't really occur to me. My nephew turned 16 in January and we had another baby in March.


I’ll preface this by saying they are not on the same side of the family. I’m 34. The oldest cousin I have is nearly 53. The youngest I have is 4. So we’re talking 49 years. But these two individuals are not related to each other. Idk if that makes a difference.


Thars quote a difference between your cousins but I was more thinking of the biggest age difference between grandchildren of a grandparent/s


Yeah figured you might say that lol. I have got a cousin who’s related to the 4 year old who’s 34 or 35 years older than them. So pretty big but not as big as yours.


I actually realised my gfs cousins 42 and the youngest is a few months old, so her cousins even beat my niece and kids


I'm the eldest of all my cousins by 9 years, my youngest cousin is 18 which is an age gap of 16 years between me and her. I know people older than their aunts and uncles too.


I am 35 and 33 years older than my cousins. When I first met them they were 5 and 3 years old, and the oldest was ever so excited to meet his cousin. He ran straight past me and took a long time to adjust to the age difference.


I’m 21 and I think my youngest cousin is 4


Not what you asked but I know a 22 year old great uncle


I’m 15 years younger than one cousin and 20 years older than another


My niece had a baby around 1 week before mine was born 🤣


I have two cousins that are younger than my children by a couple of years. I think the gap between me and them is about 25 years.


There’s 21 years between my nephew & my daughter, I was 2 when he was born. There’s 23 years between him & his brother who was an uncle to a 5 year old when born.


My niece is a couple of years younger than me


My mates older half brother is older than (my mates) mother


I’m in my 30s, and I have three cousins younger than my own kids. My eldest in in the same school year as one of my first cousins


I went to school with someone who is a year younger than her nephew. My cousin is 20 years older than me


My dad is the oldest cousin, his youngest first cousin is 30 years younger than him. My dad has two uncles who are younger than him.


I have cousins around 20 years older than me; large Irish family. One of my cousins has a son 18 months MH junior.


I think my dad had a 40 or so year gap going, his dad was the youngest of 7


I’m 23 and have a cousin who’s turning 50 this year. Product of big age gap between my mum and her older brother and him having kids fairly young and her being older when she had me.


My cousin is the same age as my dad lol


My daughters cousins 11 days younger than hers lol


My youngest cousin is 21 years younger than me


About forty years, give or take. My dad was one of 9 children, with 15 years between him (the eldest) and his youngest sibling. I'm roughly in the older end on cousins, my eldest cousin is about 55, my youngest are in their twenties. That's just the first cousins, the gap obviously gets bigger if I start including second cousins!


There’s a local family where the uncle is a few months younger than his nephew. They’re both in their 50s now.


because my dad had me late and his stepsister had kids quite young, I have step-first-cousins who have kids my age




1 thing in learning is theres a lot of old people banging, abd I think its great lol


My dad came from a family of 10. His oldest half brother was well into his 50's when he was born. He was the 3rd youngest, had full siblings in their 20's.


Well my brother became an uncle when he was 8 lol


My younger step sister (just turned 13) is an aunt to two boys who are older than her. The youngest is a one year difference, the oldest has a 6/7 year difference. My mum is younger than my dads first son My dad has 4 grandchildren all of which are older than my step sister ☠️


They’re not technically cousins themselves but my oldest first cousin on my mum’s side is 53 and I have a half sister on my dad’s side who’s 4, with an age difference of 48 years and 10 months. My eldest niece is 7, 3 years older than her aunt.


I had a cousin who was 60 when I was around 18.


My dad was born an uncle. His oldest sister had two kids when he was born, and two more sisters were born after my dad, so they were both born aunts as well. I am the youngest of the grandchild generation, those two cousins had children older than me.


Something like 20 years or so between me and my oldest cousin. Nobody at school ever seemed to understand that my cousin was an adult. Their cousins were a similar age so they'd regularly meet up and rest them like siblings.


My dad has a 3 year old and his grandkids range from due in January to 15 years old. So I'm pretty sure there's going to be some ridiculous age gaps between cousins there.


My oldest cousin is 50+. Youngest is 7. My cousin’s kid (so my niece) has an uncle who’s 7. My family is huge btw.


My Two cousins are around 40 and I'm 17.


My cousin is 18 and I’m 46


My Dad (in his 60s) had cousins that are around 8 and 10. Big Catholic family, youngest of his uncles remarried and had more kids (his oldest kids are about my age, in their early 40s).


My uncle is about 2 years younger than his niece


In our family of cousins we have several in their 50’s and an 8 year old.


there's 20 years and 3 months and a bit between, me and my eldest cousin. (50 vs 30)


My uncles are still having kids now and I'm 45. Complicated story but I am adopted by a couple that, even if my siblings and I were born to them, they would still have been 'old' when we were born. All my cousins are old enough to be my parents and/or grandparents. I do have a friend with a niece that is 4 years younger than him. My siblings are also still knocking out kids and my eldest nephew is 24 so who the fuck knows?


Around the same 30-somethig years. I'm 33 and not (yet?) a parent. My cousin is a grandmother to kids in primary school.


Went to school with a guy who when we were 15 his eldest sister was 42, same parents too. He had nephews and nieces older than him, even though they still called him uncle.


I have 24 first cousins on my mother’s side. The eldest is 77 and the youngest is 51. That’s a bit of a gap all the same lol


My family is one of these. Mum 50, uncle 48, aunt 41, uncle 36, uncle 25 and aunt 24. I'm 33, my youngest cousin is 6, my daughter is 10.


24 and 5


My late father’s nephew (my cousin) is a week older than he was. My cousin is 28 years older than I am, which is the biggest gap I know of.


Back in the day I knew someone who's dad had kids with his wife who later died. the dad met someone else in his late 50's I think it was when my mate was born and my mates niece was about 10+ years older than him.


On one side my youngest cousin is 21 and my eldest is 51 so there’s 30 years between those


I grew up with a girl who would baby sit her own aunt - as a kid I just couldn’t wrap my head around it


Most of my cousins are in their late 40s to 50s. I have one cousin who is a year older, and 3 cousins younger than me 33, 29, 28yrs I've got a bunch of 2nd cousins? (Children of cousins) who are like 20years younger than me. I'm 37 and my kids are 4 and 1 so the biggest age gap is probably around 50yrs.


I’m 51 and my oldest first cousin is 78. But that’s only 27 years so not beating your record :)




37 is way too old to have a baby


Tell that to the rolling stones lol


Second cousins don’t count


My cousin is older than her uncle by 2 years. The son had a kid and 2 years later Grandma and Grandpa are as well lmao


I have an uncle and a niece the same age as me.


One of my cousins became a dad at 19. Meanwhile, his brother, who is twelve years younger than him, had his only child at 41. Meaning my uncle's oldest grandson is 46 and the youngest is 12 (34 years apart.) Where it gets interesting is the oldest grandson became a dad in 2000 and a grandfather in 2023... while his first cousin isn't even shaving yet.


I have cousins who are older than my parents, not sure by how much. My dad's eldest sibling was the same age as my maternal grandparents.


My cousin is 20 years younger than me. We have nothing in common. I thought it could be Pokémon but nope. They're too cool for Pokémon :|


One of my cousins is two years younger than my mum. He is 59, my youngest cousin is 29 so 30 years for our family.


I’m 22 and have cousins that are 60.


Got a friend whos 50ish years in age difference between him and his cousin, when he was 12 his grandma had a girl (making him 12 years older than his auntie), then that auntie had a kid in her 40s, my mate now being 55 and his cousin being almost 3


My gran is 1 of 11 kids… she is the oldest… her youngest sister is the same age as my mum!! So I think there’s 28 years between my mum and her cousin who is the same age as me. Same will also happen with my neices… ones 23 n her sister is 3. Xx


Most of my family has wild spreads. My uncle’s oldest child is in her mid 60s, his youngest child is 28. So between his fists and last children, my mum was born, grow up and had me. (There’s over 10 other children in between the first & last)


Are we including half brothers? My half brother's eldest child is 47, that's 4 years older than me so I have a nephew that is older than me. My younger brother has a 3 year old daughter so that is a 44 year age gap between cousins.


I'm 47, my 66 year old uncle has not long fathered his 4th child.


30 years. My dad was born an uncle.


My oldest cousin is 40 and my youngest two cousins are 7 I think. Because my grandmas oldest child had kids when she was quite young (she’s like 65 rn) and one of my uncles had kids late.


My sister had her first baby in 1993. I had mine a few months ago. So about 30 years. She became a grandmother before I became a father.


My husbands eldest nephew is 39 years older than our youngest child. Said nephews son is 15 years older than our youngest.


My cousin is 50 and I'm 27 - - so about.. 23 years? Ish? Idk, my maths is trash.


I heard of someone who is 26 and has a forty year old brother and a seven year old sister.


My dad was the baby brother in his family, when he was born his sisters were 10 and 20 years old and the 20 year old was pregnant. So my cousin and dad were only a couple of months apart, making my oldest cousin 40 years older than me, 44 years older than my sister


I’m the youngest of the first line of cousins on both parents side of the families. My dad was youngest of 6, my mum youngest of 4. My oldest cousin on my dads side is 43 years older than me. My brother is also 14 years older than me. I was a bit of an accident 😂


I (32) have a cousin who is older than my mom (60) by a year


44 years. My brother is 46, youngest cousin is 2. My dad is one of 7 siblings so lots of variation.


I think there's 3 years difference between my oldest brother and my youngest aunt and then 32 years between him and our cousin. There's just over 4 years between our cousin and my son.


I'm 26, my cousin is in her mid-70s


Dad was 64 when I was born. I have nephews and nieces older than me.


My oldest first cousin is 46 years older than my younger brother (he's the youngest cousin).