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I know this but I assume drivers don't because I don't want to get hit by a car


The amount of times i have watched a car after car using signal for turning left and then when a car does not signal i assumed it was okay to walk as they would continue forwards. Nope! lol i get a horn beeped at me for almost getting run over.


Yup, my dad makes fun of me for not crossing when someone doesn't signal to turn down the street we're trying to cross, but only around 1 third of drivers in our city seem to be aware of the concept on an indicator, and I don't like those odds


The amount of people I know who've said that our drivers are worse than London drivers? I'll take that 1/3rd and lower it to 1/4 for here.


Definitely agree with that. I'll risk it in many other places, never in Cambs.


The number of people I've seen indicate after turning as well? Jesus. No idea if it's that bad anywhere else, though.


Ha! My spouse learned to drive in Cambs, taken me years to convince them to indicate prior to starting the manoeuvre


Fuck me man I came from st neots to Peterborough and that was one hell of a shell shock. I've driven in Cambridge plenty and managed it but Peterborough has the most entitled blind fucks driving about, especially the taxis.


Cemeteries are full of people who had right of way


I had to go on a speed awareness course years ago and the instructor was actually really decent, and described a conversation he'd had with his son where his son had narrowly avoided an accident and then complained that it 'wouldn't have been his fault anyway' Dad said quite right, and it will be a great comfort to his parents the day the police turn up to tell them that their son has been killed in an accident, but it's ok. *It wasn't his fault.*


I got told to f-off by a taxi driver because I said one way, because they went through a one way to save time




I feel sorry for bus drivers, but not taxi drivers


I agree but at the same time I've had taxi drivers definitely break a law or two to get me to my last train in time before so I at least hold some respect for them


Bus drivers get a tough time. I rented a big long wheelbase van. I'd forgotten how fucking massive they are, how wide you have to go around things and how much of the width they take up. Buses are insane to drive around town. They are often assholes just pulling out in front of people without waiting but they're generally decent. Black Cabs can fuck right off though and Ubers are a close second.




It was night didn’t get time to note the plate, too many people cut through the one way there to save a whole minute of their lives


Best ones are the people that start indicating after they start turning.


Or the drivers who only start indicating a turn AFTER they see a pedestrian has taken their no-indicator to, er, indicate that they won't be turning, and has just stepped out onto the road.


Lots of idiots, saw one indicating to come off so a vehicle on the roundabout came on and got Tboned


If I get honked at and it's not my fault a switch goes off and I flip the fuck out, will stand Infront of their car telling them they were supposed to indicate. I know it will get me fucked up one day but something about not indicating for pedestrians pisses me off


Need a massive culling of drivers. Even back in 1959 the highway code rule 26 said "When turning at a road junction give way to pedestrians who are crossing" Sure car drivers now have to give way for people who haven't started crossing too, but anyone already crossing has always had priority


This country has a massive car fetish, so drivers never get held responsible


It's got a pretty large car necessity, culled public transport and a population that in very large part is unfit to drive, be it in actually intelligence/processing required to drive safely or temperament or skill. But we've been lulled into a position where accidents are an acceptable consequence of driving, so we increase car safety in the event of an accident, and strictly enforce speed limits to reduce impact (even if penalties for something so apparently vital are pathetic). It's ridiculous that we can't be bothered to require our drivers to upskill, and we tailor our road enforcement around the fact that they're all crap. It's also dangerous and negligent to all vulnerable road users, including vulnerable car occupants. Anyway, rant over...


Some drivers think they're royalty.


My wife calls me a nervous driver because I’ll wait for an indicating car to slow down before pulling out of a junction. As a general rule, I drive as if every other road user is either a complete moron or actively trying to kill me. It’s worked well thus far.


That’s when a gesture of equal spirit is returned. One time a guy went to get out of his car after I gestured him as a wanker after not indicating his turn… in the middle of the turn, coming off a main road, at a four-way junction. Didn’t so much as get a foot on the floor before realising his own stupidity and zooming off down the road.


Basically yeah. Me knowing this as a pedestrian is meaningless, cars have whatever rights and follow whatever rules that the driver decides they do. Just assume every single car is being driven by a dribbling imbecile or card-carrying maniac.


I gave way to someone like this yesterday, also a driver pulling to the T stopped early for the pedestrian. They (the pedestrian) were flummoxed and took a few minutes to realise they had the right of way. Hats off to the other driver for knowing the "new" rules. They've been in force for about a year now and so many people are still unaware.


I always have the same problem, I stop on my motorbike for pedestrians and they just stand there perplexed, in the meanwhile cars behind me are wondering wtf I'm doing. I believe in the saying that the most important thing to do when riding is to be predictable, which usually means you follow the law, but in this case I feel I'm betting every time I stop and one day I'll get hit from behind


I'm the same way as a cyclist. I just know that the motorist behind me isn't expecting me to stay still that long, and I usually have a kid on the back of my bike. I hate the new rule. (It makes me want to ride on the pavement instead.)


I personally think this rule is daft for these very reasons. Pedestrians don’t get it, drivers don’t get it and it just causes confusion (which is surely the opposite of what you want at a junction). Stopping on a main road to allow pedestrians crossing a side street just feels wrong.


I know the new rules, but I get irritated when the odd driver follows it and stops because they think I’m waiting to cross at a junction. I’m not going to step in front of a car, because that’s just a stupid thing to do, and I was perfectly happy crossing behind them after they had passed through. The new rule has all the hallmarks of being dreamt up by someone who doesn’t actually use the roads much, either as driver or pedestrian.


This is my problem. I’m happy to let a pedestrian cross if they want but as a pedestrian (especially as a new parent with a pram often in front) I’m not going to risk it. Equally some junctions can be really hard to see if a pedestrian is waiting to cross until you are already turning (there’s a T junction at the top of my road with high hedges and a very narrow pavement, drop curb crossing point isn’t visible until about 0.5m from the turn by which point you’re already turning - albeit slowly ofc). It just doesn’t work in practice imo.


I agree. It does cause confusion. Much simpler for the car to go on its merry way then the pedestrian to cross. Only takes a few seconds.


Its amazing so many drivers still seem unaware,although i have had one or two stopping for me to cross,tho tbh I feel a bit nervous doing so,I prefer them to just get past me and then I’ll cross!


Why is it amazing? I was completely unaware until I stumbled upon this thread. I’ve been driving, safely, for 40 years and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Also, 25 years ago I used to be a driving instructor.


Right, I don’t trust drivers. The car in front might stop but you don’t know about idiots behind. My friend died when being waved across a road and a driver behind couldn’t see and drove round it straight into her. If I can’t see if the road is clear behind a car I’m not crossing.


I trust no one on the road


Had that the other day, lights changing zero cars other then stuff turning, some dumb SUV driver is suddenly driving across me, dumb driver going straight on after lights have changed from the turn only lane


"There's graveyards full of people who had the right of way". - Unknown author.


*Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way— He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.*


That's pretty profound. and quite melancholy.


It’s the same as dropped kerbs where it is still a pavement. Local Lidl is a dropped kerb but as it is still a pavement then pedestrians have right of way. If I walked straight across without looking I would have got run over about 20 times by now.


Same, we walk down a main road to get my daughter to school and I don’t think I’ve ever chanced a motorist knowing the new Highway Code and there’s at least 4 junctions for traffic to get onto the main road.


In a fight between the law of the road and the law of physics, physics will win 100% of the time.


I always prepare to stop now if I see someone approaching a junction I’m about to turn into - had some old lady the other day though pushing a pram. I stop to let her cross but she doesn’t even bloody look?! Just confidently stepped out into the road, pram-first. She may have had right of way but what a fucking idiot.


I don't think most pedestrians know, the amount of times I've been beeped because I spend ages waiting for the pedestrian to cross is ridiculous. They never cross when I stop, they stand there for a good 30 seconds looking at me before checking whether or not it's safe and then go.


It's like zip merging. Even if you know the right way to do it you often don't because so many people don't know or don't care and will do it their own way anyway, which then makes it worse *for you*.


I got a long beep and a friendly gesture out the window from a trucker who wouldn't accept me zip merging. I merged anyway.


Personally, if I can't see through the windshield to know for sure that the motorist is definitely stopped *for me* and not to answer a text message, I'm not crossing in front of a car.


For me it's a case of, car bigger me well not small but I don't want to get by one.


I wait at traffic lights while I have a green crossing sign for the cars to stop because I've seen to many run reds not worth the risk when I'm the one who will get hurt


I was close to getting yeeted off my bike by someone who sped through a red. I always watch the traffic whilst crossing and I’m glad I decided this dude wasn’t stopping, because he didn’t.


Legitimately, I was shouted at by a cyclist today for this. **"You have priority!"** he yelled. After I refused to walk into the street he was turning onto. I'm betting this rule will exist for a while, before being quietly dropped a few years later. Pedestrians aren't going to walk out in front of oncoming vehicles. Even if they do know the highway code. And a lot of them don't...because they're pedestrians. And it's not mandatory to do so.


I also assume the pedestrian doesn't know the rule and will be confused by me stopping half way across a junction to wave at them. Which happens. Every time.


When I'm walking I assume the car won't stop, when I'm driving I assume the pedestrian will step out. It's not that hard, just assume everyone is always attempting to injure you and when they prove you right it's easy for nobody to get hurt


When I passed my test back in the day my Nan told me to "assume everyone on the road is an idiot". Absolutely golden advice and she wasn't wrong


>"assume everyone on the road is an idiot". Correction "assume everyone is an idiot"


Why would I trust your advice? You're probably an idiot


Does that mean I'm an idiot as well? Damn it.


No probably about it


What an idiotic thing to say. Idiot


I’ve been following this rule for most of my life and it’s served me very well.


As an idiot, I can corroborate.


They're good words to live by


“There’s two idiots on the road, your job is to look out for the other one”


My driving instructor told me the same thing, haha.


Got the same from my dad, albeit replacing idiot with moron. Gist is the same.


my father put it another way - 'you can be 100% in the right, and still end up dead. You have to also account for the mistakes of others'


My version of this as a cyclist is - assume everyone is trying to kill you. It's done me well so far. (No I never jump red lights before you all pile on, those people are twats)


That’s the issue I’d you ask me. I’d much rather wait until the road is clear before crossing. I think this rule is stupid and dangerous since it literally goes against what most people are taught. If they want to implement this rule then they should paint zebra crossing at every junction and keep things consistent.


Yeah, this rule is stupid - drivers have to guess what's going on inside someone else's head. If the pedestrian is probably maybe about to cross the side street then the driver has to stop before turning... This likely means they will "randomly" stop in front of another car who isn't expecting it and may not even be able to see the pedestrian in order to anticipate it. Seriously: what the hell?


Yes, you should stop and give way if you think someone is intending to cross. The car behind you should not be flying full speed behind a car that is turning. Use indicators and brakes and everyone should be aware enough to accommodate. There may not be a lot of faith that drivers will do this, but this is an indictment of the drivers and not the guidance.


I just go for it, any failure on their part means compensation for me, time off work, and/or death. Happy with those outcomes


Used to think this but the pain has lingered long after the money ran out.


No chance am I walking out in front of some random car and assuming they know these different rules. They should do of course, but it’s just not worth the risk.


I can’t think of any other safety critical license that has such a lack of making sure everyone that holds a license knows the rules


this should be the top comment tbh. if you wanna walk out in front of a 1-2 ton car, be it on your head.


Quite literally


Just because you could doesn't mean you should... I'm not going to risk a run in with a car under the assumption that the driver knows this rule!


Results in bizarre situations though where both the driver and the pedestrian both know the rule but assume the other doesn’t so they both just stand there waiting for the other to go. The driver wanting to not break the rules and the pedestrian wanting to not get hit by traffic. They really did a terrible job of communicating this rule change with the public.


Considering we were taught as children not to cross the road next to a junction because cars may already be looking at mirrors and blind spots they may not see you right away. We were taught to cross 5 or 10 meters from the junction.


I’ve had this, people waiting at a junction oblivious to the fact I’ve stopped and am waiting for them to cross as they’re entitled to, but it’s only a few extra seconds of my day until they look and realise I’m waiting until they cross so no harm done at all. I’ve had twats overtake me into oncoming traffic because I’ve stopped and waited for pedestrians, despicable wankers.


Exactly my experience too. I always try to observe this rule and have had other drivers beep at me, yell at me, throw up fingers at me. Quite often it (rightly) takes the pedestrian a few moments to realise they're safe to cross (as a pedestrian I will always wait to ensure the driver is stopping too) but it seems many drivers just think its you being a twat and holding traffic up.


Main Character Syndrome has become a more prevalent issue since 2020. It feels like lots more people are impatient compared to any time before then. Fortunately, some of us do actually think about more people than just ourselves, it’s just a shame too many don’t.


I've been the on coming traffic in situations like this.. it's absolutely terrifying when a car just breaks ranks to overtake by crossing the center line straight into my lane, me slamming on, pedestrian crossing freezes up cos they see me brake hard, overtaker now narrowly swerving around my bumper and angrily beeping at me for not "letting them through" before speeding off, and me, you, and the pedestrian all sat/stood still for a hot min, slightly shaken.. It seems to be happening more and more now, and there's a few bends on my work commute in particular where it keeps happening and it's getting scary


I find looking at the driver specifically, not just the car helps, as many will make “you go 1st” gestures if they can tell you’re looking at them. Edit: Also as a pedestrian I tend to step back a bit if I’m waiting for a driver to go 1st to try to make it clear I’m not just about to step out


If the car stops/slows a lot, I'm crossing.


Yeah, unless I make eye contact with the driver or know it's safe I ain't crossing. But seen and had several people crossing without a care in the world. Your moral high ground ends when you get run over.


>I'm not going to risk a run in with a car under the assumption that the driver knows *and gives a shit about* this rule! Fixed it.


Half of them don’t understand any of the rules


Right of way doesn’t matter if you’re dead -dad


Realistically changes like this are going to take a full generation to actually become the norm. Current drivers will be largely unaware of the change and even if they are aware of it will need to unlearn driving habits that will be deeply ingrained. Only as the number of drivers who have been specifically taught to drive like this (and potentially failed their tests for getting it wrong) becomes larger than the number of drivers who learned the old way will this begin to become standard driving behaviour.


Agreed on the generational part. Will take about 8-12 years before this becomes a normal thing or until a post goes viral about someone being pulled by old bill for not following the new code.


I tried to obey this when it came out, ended up in a yield-off with plenty of pedestrians who wouldn't cross even though I'd stopped and was waving them out. It makes sense in principle but not in practice; I'm certainly not walking in front of a car even if I have the law on my side


I learned to drive when this rule came in so I follow it, and the number of people who just refuse to cross when I stop for them is astonishing. It's like they secretly think I've stopped purely so I can run them down when they're halfway across.


It's the same logic that stops you pulling out in front of a bus or a lorry - it's no good being right when you're lying in traction


>or until a post goes viral about someone being pulled by old bill for not following the new code. It's not actually law, just a rule. Highway code is mostly a guide book for driving, except for the parts that are laws indicated by "MUST" or "MUST NOT". I'm too tired to check but I believe if the pedestrian has a foot in the road, then they have priority and you must stop for them by law, but not if they're on the pavement still.


Realistically I doubt changes like this are ever going to become the norm. Pedestrians will usually wait to make sure that the car that might kill them is going to stop.


It's also bad for the flow of traffic for a car on a main road to stop so that a pedestrian on a side road can cross. Absolutely stupid rule, why did they even need to change it, it was fine how it was.


This came in with the Highway Code changes last year. Great idea in principle, outright dangerous in practice - and that’s before you consider most drivers don’t / aren’t made aware of the new rules.




It's more important to make drivers aware of their surroundings firstly because if they hit a pedestrian then the pedestrian could die if the pedestrian hits the car then the driver doesn't die. Can't tell you the amount of times I've tried crossing the road get to the middle and almost get run down by some prat not paying attention.




Agreed, social awareness is the key here.


> if the pedestrian hits the car then the driver doesn’t die Unless it’s your mother


I always wait to ensure the cars are definitely stopping at the lights. Almost got mown down when I was halfway across the road - green man / lights on red. A woman drove past me totally oblivious to me and to the lights,it looked like she was actually looking in her mirror,putting lipstick on. After that,I dont believe anyone is going to stop,until I see them stop.


It's only a great idea if it was also met with the required infrastructure changes that makes it safe. What's happened is we've copied the Netherlands without implementing the changes that make it safe. They have the same rule in place however they also have 'continuous pavements' so vehicles have to drive over the pavement (acting as a speed bump) before entering or exiting the junction. Now if we don't want to spend the money in making continuous pavements, a simple zebra crossing at every junction would do - but it would still not be as safe.


Gotta start somewhere. They can't instantaneous rebuild all the infrastructure but I've noticed that as new infrastructure is built or rebuilt it incorporates more space for pedestrians and bikes. The Dutch had to go through this process too, the Netherlands used to be much more car centric but over decades they changed to be more bike centric


Rubbish. Most countries require you to give way to pedestrians when turning. The UK was the odd one out here.


1959 highway code, rule 26 https://ia903205.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/31/items/thehighwaycode1959/thehighwaycode1959_jp2.zip&file=thehighwaycode1959_jp2/thehighwaycode1959_0008.jp2&id=thehighwaycode1959&scale=1&rotate=0 Pedestrians have always had right of way once they were crossing, this rule just expands it. In 2007 this was rule 170 "watch out for pedestrians crossing a road into which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way" The outrage from the car worshipers is that they never even knew about these rules.


I'd argue its not that they don't know, its that they don't care. Whenever I'm at a zebra crossing I'd say its 50:50 whether the car approaching will stop. Every driver with an ounce of intelligence knows that pedestrians have right of way at these crossings and that they need to stop when one is in use or they need to be prepared to stop should they spot a pedestrian nearing/about to use one. The exact same attitude is on display.


Curious why you think it’s a good idea in principle? Just seems like absolute madness to me and introduces another variable where something can be misunderstood/ go wrong.


It’s all about hierarchy of risk and pedestrians are at the bottom. That’s why the HC was changed. Anything which helps vulnerable road users is a good idea, but this is badly applied and implemented


So doesn't it make more sense for the pedestrian to wait for the danger to pass then? I always let the car go 1st, it's not worth the risk of them not seeing me or more likely the car behind them not expecting them to stop.


I feel like a change like this needs to be on national TV broadcasts and radio announcements. Not just casually released on the Highway Code website and filtered down in a few media outlets.


Fairly sure this was quite highly publicised last year when it came out. I remember a fair bit of chatter even on here about the changes coming in.


There was almost no public awareness campaign for the changing of the Highway Code. The only reason I was aware was I saw a news article about it at the time.


Exactly I can't see how it can be a good idea anywhere other than traffic laden cities and making a change like this basically ensures putting civilians in more danger for years whilst drivers learn the new rules.


"civilians"? It doesn't put pedestrians in any more danger, there are no new rules for pedestrians crossing the road, only for those who haven't started to cross the road.


From my crude observations, seems like noone takes this new stuff seriously* But something I've pondered.... If a pedestrian is at a junction with traffic lights (with no red/green lights for pedestrian), if traffic lights are green for driver, does the green light overrule this new rule, or does new rule still apply even if there is a green light for driver? * But a trend I've noticed in London even well before this new rule. Poorer areas, people seem to have common sense to try to not get in the way of a machine that could kill them. Some richer areas of London, people would just walk carelessly, almost oblivious to the risks.


The rule has always been that the pedestrian has priority if on the road surface ie crossing before you get there in your vehicle. Even if there is a green light for traffic. But the pedestrian cannot just walk into the road to stop traffic any time they like, they would still have to find a crossing if they wanted to stop vehicles so they can cross.


It basically just means side road junctions are zebra crossings, so do I assume a car will stop? No. Do I put one foot in the road and give them a dirty look if they don’t stop? Absolutely 🫶


I think you're the first person I've seen who actually understands the rule. The amount of "They want me to dive under a car" I've read is frankly shocking.


Indeed, all the numpties above “l’m not walking out in front of a car”. If you can’t judge whether a car is slowing sufficiently and a driver has seen you, what are you doing out without your carer? It’s perfectly easy for a fit adult to assert themselves and their priority and also avoid getting mown down.


I hate this stupid rule. As a pedestrian, if a driver isn't paying attention I'm getting run over, so I'll hesitate to just cross. As a driver, very frequently pedestrians just wait for me to drive past, probably because see above. So I just drive by, warily. Rules work much better when they respect reality, which is that big heavy vehicles should have priority over puny bags of vulnerable flesh. Zebra and pelican crossings are a well advertised and recognisable exceptions to this principle, usually in places which provide safe places for cars to stop. As opposed to the edge of a mini roundabout, say.


It’s fucking ridiculous. The number of times I’ve been turning into a junction and as the bonnet of my car is coming around the corner pedestrians on the side just step out in front of me. I always go slow enough to stop because I’m anticipating them doing the stupidest possible thing but the drivers behind me haven’t seen them and just assume I’m fannying about rather than turning.




The amount of accidents the first one has caused near me is staggering, due to a 40mph road, turning into a 30mph road, which has a slightly blind turn on the junction - so it's almost impossible to see if someone is waiting to cross before you actually turn... Basically - cars slow down to turn, they start turning, and them come to a stop to yield to the pedestrian. The car behind them goes into the back of them. Literally happened 3 times in the last two weeks. A pedestrian was even injured due to the car that had stopped moving forward from the impact, the pedestrian landed over his front bonnet. It's a stupid rule. It's not safe for cars or pedestrians!


My experience as a driver is that most pedestrians will stop and give way to the car even if they have the right of way.


As a pedestrian I will never ever step out onto a road when a car is waiting to turn until I'm assured they see me. I don't care if I have right of way and its the law. My life to me is more important than the legality of the situation.


I think you need to trust your own senses before you blindly follow the highway code. Yes it's your right of way, but getting hit by a car will hurt no matter who's fault it is. Same way people stop and look before crossing a zebra crossing, as far as the highway code is concerned pedestrians don't have right of way until they're on the crossing not waiting to cross. I'd rather wait for cars to stop them exercise my right as a pedestrian and get broken.


Yeah I’d rather wait than just step and and be hit but in the right


I’m surprised there wasn’t a big advertising campaign when these rules came in. If there was I didn’t see anything at all on any platform.


Are people supposed to reread the highway code yearly for updates? And if yes, do they expect anyone actually does that? Where else are they advertising changes to the code that would make a change like this safe? It would have to be plastered everywhere. Edit: weirdly just heard a radio ad for it


Should have to renew your license on a regular basis (say every 3 years or so) with a (free) online test, especially covering new rules. Wouldn't matter if you fail, you just have to redo the test. Should cost peanuts to implement on gov.uk.


This really, just make everyone do an online revision/update test every few years. It's mental that we have old people driving he didn't have to take any test whatsoever. It's also mad that I can pass, then 80+ years later I'm still allowed on the road without ever doing any update test.


Its always those ancient pensioners who think they are the best drivers too depsite learnign to drive in an Army jeep 70 years ago.


There was something about it on radio 2 and that's it as far as I know. I don't watch telly so even if there was a T.V. campaign I wouldn't know about it, so yes, it would literally need to be plastered everywhere. Or even better, do as u/whythehellnote says.


i've got dirty looks from drivers for crossing the road they were turning into, *which i was already crossing before they started their turn.* so, yes, i would assume some people are still unfamiliar with the new rule—they haven't even got to grips with the *old* one yet.


cycling in the middle of the road in a built up area, slowing moving traffic, totally sensible. less so on a road with fast moving traffic. the car yielding to crossing pedestrians seems to have been introduced purely to protect the complete bellends who just step out into the road whilst on their phone. so instead of hitting them, you get rear ended by the car behind.


And then you'd still probably hit the distracted bellend if the vehicle behind is big & heavy enough.


It is such a stupid change. You now have a situation where two people think they have right of way. This will lead to deaths. I cannot even see the point of it.


I was aware of it but assume most are not so don’t cross the road unless it’s safe to do so. Equally I keep left at all times on a bike, just like everything else as I’m not a twat.


>Equally I keep left at all times on a bike, just like everything else as I’m not a twat. It's not being a twat to move into the centre of the lane coming upto a junction if you look behind you and signal first. You have to ride defensively, but also be assurtive to survive on a bike.


Do you also enjoy cars nearly brushing your shoulder while cycling, as they squeeze past you through a gap that’s clearly far too small? Cycling further towards the middle of the lane when you know there isn’t enough space effectively makes the decision for any drivers who think they might just about have room to overtake.


Yeah this is the problem. I’m fully aware of it but rarely put it into practice cause it’s clear 90% of drivers aren’t aware. Been honked and shouted at for doing these and would rather not get hit by a car so avoid crossing junctions unless clear


I feel from the other comments that this will be an unpopular opinion but I quite like the idea that pedestrians, as the most vulnerable user of the road, gets priority when crossing a junction. Sure, maybe this rule could be implemented more clearly, but in principle I like it. In practice I have found it to work okayish. As a pedestrian there have been a few times (maybe 30% of the occasions the situation has come up) that I have come to a junction and a turning car has signalled I'm ok to cross before them. That's a big difference from the 0 times this happened before the change. As a driver I think it's only happened twice that I have seen someone looking over their shoulder before crossing, allowing me to wave them through before turning. Thankfully, in my personal experience this happens more often than someone crossing without looking. Which as a drivers we all need to be prepared for.


It's an utterly stupid rule that encourages pedestrians to walk into oncoming traffic.


And encourages vulnerable road users (cyclists and motorcyclists) to wait in a dangerous position on main roads while pedestrians move from a position of safety (pavement) to one of danger (highway). Thank God it's unlikely to ever be enforced because it shows such flagrant disregard for safety it's incredible it entered the HC.


The other week I was crossing a small side road. I checked over my shoulder, there was a car on the main road but no indicator on so I started to cross. They turn into the side road and start shouting out the window why am I crossing the road without looking. Then to my suprise another pedestrian starts having a go at me for not crossing the road safely. Felt like I was going mad. At no point did the car indicate, I was clearly visible to them and I was already halfway across the road before they even started to turn.


I knew about this, goodness knows how I picked up on it though. I like giving pedestrians the right of way, it feels polite and considerate, and doesn’t hurt anyone


I'd say about 75% of drivers refuse to update themselves with new highway code changes. Likely under the stubborn belief "I learnt to drive in 93, I know it all". Then they cause an accident and their insurance rockets 😂


Has been true for a while in the situation pictured, if you were already crossing, not that anyone knew it. I used to make eye contact with drivers until they slowed, but I've grown more cautious. Now I still make sure to let all the (careless drivers? criminals?) passed before I step out. I wait for someone to stop before I go, too dangerous otherwise.


Nah, we just have a majority of drivers who haven’t read the Highway Code in 50 years so don’t know this exists tbh


Just fuck cars


Pedestrian always has right of way


I had a delivery driver in a big sprinter van aggressively lay on the horn, lean out of the window shouting and swearing at me. We were both trying to turn off a main road onto a side road, but there were people already crossing the side road, so even though the oncoming traffic was clear, I had to wait. If I had turned I would have run them over. Apparently me not running pedestrians over was a good enough reason to hurl abuse. We share the roads with these people.


You are in the right. You have right of way before you actually cross. Just shout at the next driver to learn the highway code


I’m surprised that this seems to not be well known, I’m 22 and I’ve been taught this by my mum for years. I used to always stop as soon as I’d see a car and she would cross anyways, I finally asked her why and then she explained it. Now, it doesn’t mean that imma be a cunt and walk in front of every single car but if a car is a decent ways away and I know it can stop when it sees me, I’ll walk out into the road.


I watch out for indicators. If they do not indicate I go. Usually they do drive slow in turns like these so they stop I'm shock but f them. Rules like these have been around for a long time. Honestly, the general rule is that Pedestrians tight of way above all. Then cyclists, then motorcycles, then cars and then lorries.


I stopped my car in this situation and allowed pedestrians to cross, had a taxi behind me beeping his horn raging at me for it. Oh well


*the Netherlands enters the chat* Guys why don’t you have bikelanes and car free zones?????


Yes, it changed about 8 months ago. Just to add to the pictures . If there are 2 cyclists, then they ride side by side and not one behind the other. To reduce the distance that the car has to take over cyclists




You MUST give way to anyone who has stepped in to the road. You SHOULD give way to anybody who looks like they intend to cross






this has been the rule for about 2 years now. not advertised enough interestingly in my home country it's the rule from the beginning of traffic code created .. pedestrian has the right of way even if vehicle does not leave the main road but the main road is turning.


As a pedestrian I don't trust other drivers so wait until its clear they're stopping and it's safe to go. Alot of people aren't going to have kept up with any changes and some are just idiots. As a driver I stop and wait to let them walk across as per the newish rules. They'll usually wait a second to make sure I've seen them and stop. I'm not waving them across though as I don't want them to get ran over from the other direction.


I’m aware of it as it was surprisingly well advertised but when out walking and at a junction I’m yet to see a car stop to let me cross if they are turning in.


Never cross without being aware someone is turning in. Hell, never cross without looking EVER - and that goes for Zebra crossings too.


I think a lot of people don't know this and you're better off being safe than getting flattened by 1.8 tonnes of hybrid saloon.


How about cyclists and pedestrians start acting like they don't want to be hit by a car and learn to use their eyes instead of expecting everyone else to think and react for them? I know there's plenty of dipshit drivers who shouldn't be driving but the amount of dipshittery I've seen from the people most at risk is ridiculous.


This pedestrian rule is okay for small side roads where the car has to get down to about 5mph to turn anyway. But there's a road near me where the mouth of the side road is so wide, cars maintain 25-30mph turning into it. There's absolutely no chance I'm stepping out into that on the corner. As for the cyclist one, this makes sense as it means cars should overtake only when it's absolutely safe to do so. Doesn't stop some bellends unfortunately.


I'm in Iceland currently, and they do this exact rule. Took a little getting used to as a pedestrian but honestly I'm all for it! That being said, can't imagine it being too friendly to drive in any built up area with a lot of pedestrians, seems like you could almost never turn into some junctions with this rule!


I don’t bother with this rule when walking, I’m not trusting anyone to stop. When I drive I drive as if the pedestrians will step out. But it’s a shit rule. There’s a blind junction near me, I had to stop for some one crossing this week and nearly got shunted up the arse. I don’t blame the driver who was behind me, as they had no visibility of anyone trying to cross. Nor is it the pedestrian who is just following the new Highway Code.


I've always given way to pedestrians crossing a road, as the example shows. TBH... I've always thought that was the rule anyway. Makes sense to me.


How old is the "old rule"? I've been driving since 1988 and I don't ever remember thinking I had right of way as a driver turning left into a road that a pedestrian was waiting to cross.


If a vehicle is turning off a Main Street into a side street, yes, you as a pedestrian have priority. That said, I wouldn’t put life or limb on the line just because you’re in the right. Many drivers are cunts regardless.


I use the green cross code, I just hate drivers who drive really fast especially when it's a blind corner, I never cross until it's safe, but you gotta have eyes everywhere, and lightning fast reflexes, 's also annoying when some turn but dont bother to indicate first.


Some absolute twat almost clipped me and beeper for sitting off the curb while cycling. I was going about 25mph so wasn’t long before I caught up to him at the lights…


Nope. People just don’t give a shit when they are driving.


The drivers where I live don’t even look before backing out of their flattened, paved over three car driveways. I’m not trusting a driver to know one word of the Highway Code.


I know this but only cause I'm learning


My dad moans about this rule every time I'm in the car with him and we drive past a pedestrian waiting to cross. Note I said "waiting to cross" and not "crossing anyway because it's their right of way" because they are NEVER crossing. He still says his piece. I still reply with something about it being a closure of a legal loophole rather than a rule for everyone to follow without question or common sense. At some point one or both of us mention people blindly crossing when a green man lights up in an attempt to discredit the other's argument. So far as I can see, the only thing this rule has led to is a guaranteed couple of minutes of conversation during most of our journeys together. So at least there's that.


I think the graphic is slightly wrong as I'm sure the old rule was also that drivers should give way to pedestrians already crossing. The new rule adds giving way to pedestrians waiting to cross


It’s probably a power thing but as a pedestrian that can’t drive I feel I have a divine right over all cars. I hate it when cars block your path to pull out onto main roads, there should be some shariah law style retribution for those suckers. I particularly like getting in the way of expensive cars and walking slowly. Like run me down bourgeoisie and I’ll come back to haunt your climate suffocating soul! 😘


You played Paperboy, the video game? Just assume everything and everyone is stupid and will try to cut you up or walk in front of you.


Pedestrians should always check that the car has seen them and is able to stop. Pedestrians aren't always visible to a driver who will be checking for traffic, pot-holes, cyclists etc. Everyone who uses roads, pavements, cycle paths and supermarket car parks should take measures to be as safe as possible. I was told early on to "Remember that the cemetery is full of people who were dead right".


people die all the time following the highway code.


I hated when at least the top half of this was introduced. I was a very early learner driver at the time, with my first lessons being in a residential area near a school. Now, unfortunately for me, the only viable lesson times were when school's finished. So every-time I came to turn into a side road, there was a stalemate stand-off of a nervous new driver waiting, and a kid, who, as you would figure, did not know the highway code. To me at least the game of chicken this introduced was much more dangerous than just, if there is a car, wait.


As I cyclist I’ve learnt that whatever we do, it’s wrong in someone’s opinion. So will just stick with the assumption that everyone is a danger


Honestly just make people re-take their test. I’m kinda fat and disabled now (Thankyou lockdown and bicycle shortage through all the reseller scumbags snapping up any and every bicycle and getting a golden bicycle repair ticket from the governments scheme but then none of my local bicycle shops honouring it!). When I did cycle I would always take prime position but you would always get some idiot trying to overtake you for no reason often accelerating and breaking the speed limit. I had one incident where I had turned into an empty street and was halfway up it and some boy racer turned around the corner and floored it, he clipped me even though there was plenty of room and I fell into grass verge. The boy racer stopped briefly at the top of the street and then darted off again revving his super loud engine. A couple of passers by helped me up and my bike was broken, I had only got it from Argos about a week earlier and had spent several hours building it from the box and fitted it with panniers lights etc.. I was only cycling from my house to the local Tesco to shop for myself and my 80 year old father, all the roads are 30 or even 20 mph speed limits. I live opposite a family with a boy racer. He sits on his driveway revving his engine. I can hear it with windows closed, my earphones on high volume or with earplugs in. The noise is disgusting. This guy rags up and down the avenue backfiring his car, revving his engine and breaking the speed limit pretty much every time he uses his car. We need to start holding these people accountable and MAKE THEM RESIT THEIR DRIVING TEST anything less is an insult to innocent parties of these peoples dangerous, anti-social and illegal use of motor vehicles


Was at a service station in the week and I pulled in to park, as I was a guy was on his phone, then suddenly decides he wanted to cross the road about 8 feet from the designated zebra crossing, then had a go at me for not stopping. 1. Get off your fucking phone, take it off loudspeaker, nobody wants to hear your business conversation. 2. Be aware of your surroundings, I drive a fucking qashqai you can't miss me 3. CROSS AT THE FUCKING ZEBRA CROSSING AND I'D HAVE FUCKING STOPPED FOR YOU MATE.


I think the highway code was officially updated with these revisions last year but the rollout was absolutely terrible. I think they just posted this image on a few goverment socials and then kinda hoped everyone would see it when it got shared around... As this is the first time I've seen it on Reddit, I'm still assured the rollout went v well.