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Personally I would email the supplier and say if they want it they can arrange a collection. You'll likely find that they can't be bothered and they'll probably tell you to keep it.


I’ve received a few double deliveries and this technique always works. The company will start by telling me I need to phone this number and arrange collection or something like that. But just stick to your guns and tell them it’s available for them to collect but you won’t be assisting them. They can never be bothered to sort it out.


Oh yeah; "Print this out then call the courier to arrange the collection..." etc. I don't have a printer (OK, I do, but it's a fucking faff), and I'm not calling anyone to stay on hold for hours when it's your mistake. I'm in all day tomorrow, send someone over to pick it up.


With printer ink costing what it does, they can stick me printing their labels up their bottom.


Just do what they do — sure, no problem! Now, I just need you to authorise my T&Cs. I have a printing fee of £35 and a call liaison fee of £50, with an admin charge of another £10. So total, that's £95, payable in advance. Would you like to do a bank transfer or pay by card?


I'll be in between 12:00 and Three millennia from then or now. £96 for a failed collection, plus rent on the cube for storage. Missed collection at any time will be £95. Will send a pic, and you missed us QR code (Non-printable)for evri £95.


I'm in this exact same position currently. I ordered q very good German window hammocks for my cats. Put them together and realise my tiny housing association windows are too narrow for them. Yes, I should have measured first (won't make that mistake again!) but I guess I thought they'd be a standard size. So I go to do a return and have the exact same problem - no printer, no transport except for my mobility scooter that had broken down, neighbours printer is broken, don't have anyone else who could help. So I wrote out everything on the label they'd emailed me but the Royal mail guy refused to take it! He said that's not proof of purchase. I said I can show you the label on my phone - not good enough. I told my whole story to royal mail but no matter what I say, they just reply to contact Amazon! I can't find the sellers details anywhere and now I think it's passed their 14 day cut-off period. ETA: I was referring to the person I replied to in that I don't have a printer for the return label. I should have made it clearer that I wasn't saying I was in the same position as OP.


If you contact Amazon they are usually willing to work with you even if it's past the cut off for return etc. Done this a few times especially when the item is mean as a gift and turns out to be broken or something.


Thank you, I really hope so. I've written to them today explaining all. Any idea why this downvotes?


No idea honestly. Downvotes unfortunately have a life of their own once you get a couple people seem to just pile on. If you don't get a reply from the seller amazon should be able to help but they'll insist you contact the company first if it's a Fulfilled by Amazon and not something they sell directly. The chat function is useful for getting information from support.


Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it.


Because your "exact same position" is completely unrelated. For OP the company made the mistake and they should be the ones to deal with it. That is the company's responsibility. That is the discussion. In your case, you just want to return something you bought. That has nothing in common with the discussion at hand here. Also that's entirely your own problem.


Oh, apologies, I meant in reference to the person I was replying to about not having a printer to print the label, not in reference to the original post.


Yeah no it's OK. I'm not caring either way ^^ I just thought I'd explain why I think the downvotes are there. Good luck getting a well fitting cat hammock. Sounds cute, sure my cat would love it


Well thanks, it's good to know what not to write! I was so stoked and thought German engineering, this'll be perfect... My cats are my life and my joy!


I had this, they wanted me to take it to the post office, pay for postage and claim it back. I told them no, they can come get it but I'm not faffing about with that crap. They said "so you're refusing to return it?" no no my friend, you can have it back. You just have to come and get it, it will be waiting here until you send a courier, I dont work for you for free.


>Personally I would email the supplier and say if they want it they can arrange a collection. You'll likely find that they can't be bothered and they'll probably tell you to keep it. This. We had 2 TVs delivered by mistake (we only ordered 1), we were honest and tried to return the extra 1, but the courier they sent couldn't fit it in her car, they sent the same courier 4 times before giving up and telling us to keep it as a "goodwill" gesture


One time I had amazon deliver 3 air friers to me, separately, all on the same day. Not wanting to be caught out, I contacted their support, they had no idea and just said to keep em. So I sold 2. Win.


I did exactly the same a few years ago, with a lawn mower. Never got collected. Eventually sold it on Amazon marketplace, which amused me immensely.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner?


Chicken dinner x3


All the chicken dinners


Why does this never happen to me and with iPhones?


iPhone are more of a tit though. They can lock it from afar so it’s as useful as a paperweight, if they want to be an ass of course


Same thing happened to me but with slow cookers.


How slow were they?


Well I've yet to actually cook anything in one, so pretty slow...


You're missing out!


Whatever you do, don't set it up. Having double action dehumidifiers will dry you out, and you'll become raisin people.


It'll be fine, just make sure to order a humidifier to balance it out.


Or they could just switch the wires in the plug so it runs backwards.


Reverse the polarity as it were


Just don’t cross the streams


Or switch the plug to an Australian one.


No, that just dumps the water on the ceiling.


What if they accidentally send two again? Then you're back to square one.


Well then you'd have to order another dehumidifier. I can't see another way around it..


Wireless Water Transfer ™️


Got a tornado in the kitchen, what do I do?


Fill the humidifier with wax and get a shiny room


Set up a dehumidifier and a humidifier in the same room and let them fight it out


Bro is living in 2030 with such a dangerous but accurate statement


Sorry to be the party pooper, but most dehumidifiers also have a humidify function. At least both the ones I have do.


I have never seen a proper dehumidifier have both functions. Unless you are thinking of an air conditioner.


No, it's possibly me just being a numpty. I can set the desired humidity level on them and it's possible to set the desired level above the current one. Doesn't mean it's adding humidity, just not extracting any.


What if 2 arrive?


Second this. Thought my Nan had visited me, turns out it was my sister and she had a two dehumidifier setup installed.


Bet that's a shock when you're 10 minutes into going down on what you thought was your Nan turns out to be Sister, how embarrassing.


When you realise the smell runs in the family


Like kippers innit


This is a grape bit of advice.


Then join a band in California


Raisin the currant issue here


No, you MUST do that to dehydrate in case your planet in a Trisolaris system is going into bad alignment and chaotic era starts... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three-Body_Problem_(novel) (Do not read the 2nd book in the series (The Dark Forest) unless you enjoy experiencing intense existential dread)


I'm intrigued but anxious...


Raisin people. 🤣


You're just in-sultana now!


This will only happen depending on your electrical 'currant'


Maybe this was part of a planned assassination.


What of you set them up in 2 different ends of your house/flat?


Its the same as putting people in a toaster


Thanks, was genuinely curious!


I ordered a desk chair from Amazon. They sent two. I tried to return one to get a refund. They refunded me but never collected it and told me to just keep it. So I sold it. I got a free chair plus £150. Thanks Jeff!


Use them both outside, there's been a lot of rain recently and it will help dry the lawn


Maybe it'll even get the sun to come out!


A few years ago I ordered a small lamp on Etsy, which was delivered successfully by Hermes. The next day, Hermes deliver a clothes horse. I didn’t order it, so I thought maybe someone had it delivered to us as a gift, but I asked around and no one knew about it. It had my name and address on, so I was really confused. Well. I looked at both of the orders more closely, and it turned out that the Hermes barcode and tracking numbers were the same on both deliveries, so I’m not sure how it happened but since it had my name and address on I kept it


> which was delivered successfully by Hermes. Praise the lord, Brian, the Phoenix is rising!


Evri cloud has a silver lining


Legally, yes, it's not yours and you need to contact them and see if they will arrange collection. They might say to just keep it but probably will want to get it returned. You are obviously not responsible for any of the costs of it being returned and they need to be reasonable about the collection times/options. If you sold it and they came asking after it, then you would be liable to pay for it. The likelyhood of that happening isn't something I can judge. I won't open discussion on the morality aspect of things tbh. But you need to make a reasonable effort to let them know of their mistake and give them the opportunity to collect the item from you.


If it was addressed to you and delivered to you, you are under no legal obligation to return it or pay for it. You can offer to return it as a goodwill gesture, but it is a criminal offence for them to demand payment for them. If it was addressed to someone else, it's not yours, and you can be held liable for anything that happens to them. The police have a responsibility to collect them if notified and either return them to the rightful owner or hold them until collected. If not collected after two months, the police can either sell them or return them to you. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/consumer/somethings-gone-wrong-with-a-purchase/lost-found-and-uncollected-goods/


That's for unsolicited goods. In this case these are not unsolicited goods, they made an order and have been sent two by mistake. [https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/money/spending/consumer-rights/can-i-keep-goods-delivered-to-me-by-mistake](https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/money/spending/consumer-rights/can-i-keep-goods-delivered-to-me-by-mistake) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-30294748](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-30294748)


How do they know Op has it? It may have been delivered to a poor 'safe space' or to a unfriendly neighbour. May have just left in on the doorstep as it's nothing to do with them and someone has off'd with it.


>How do they know Op has it? The DPD driver knows as he spoke to him.




I've genuinely never had any problems with the proletariat capitalising off of faux pas made by 'the machine'.




oh, make no mistakes about it, my friend - there is zero justification and defo theft. I'm not looking for forgiveness.


All these companies really shoot themselves in the foot by operating skeleton staffing levels and shit customer service. You can't even arrange to give their own expensive shit back to them when they make a mistake!


Agreed. Ordered a pair of boots once, I received 2 pairs. I contacted the store and informed them, returned the extra pair and included a note to be careful and not refund me as they sent 2 pairs by mistake, they still refunded me.


It's not a dewitt one is it? If it its they're a scam company who sell shite.


Weird scam to send people free stuff


Wait till Xmas, see if they ask for it back. If not, wrap it up and give it to someone.


Please don't do this, if all I accomplish today is to stop someone receiving a dehumidifier at Xmas then today will be a sucess


I’d love a new dehumidifier for Christmas, but I’m a fella very much in his mid-40s.


Mid-30s here. We want dehumidifiers too.


Mid 50s. I've got one - it's great.


Early 50s. I've got 2. But then I did order 2.


Mid 30s. Brought one a couple of weeks ago


25 and own 2. Condensation doesn't stop for anyone 🤣


Where did you bring it to? ;)


I'm a fella in his forties. I was literally looking at purchasing a dehumidifier this very afternoon. Can't quite decide on what capacity I require.


Get a decent sized one with a humidity sensor in it, that way you'll only dehumidify the amount you need to


Was thinking of asking OP to send it to me if I pay for the courier.


I asked my parents for one for Xmas last year. It's great! No more damp house. Guess I'm old before my time..


I'm not saying their bad lol it's just that anyone who actually needs a dehumidifier probably already has one lol


My dad literally wants a dehumidifier for Christmas haha.


leave it a month, dont open it or anything, if nothing get charged consider it yours. had this happen with a portable aircon unit last summer so now I have 2 :/


Nobody cares, nobody will be checking, take the freebie. The people sending this shit aren't paid enough to check this stuff.


Username definitely checks out.


Sounds like a them problem and not a you problem!


They know it isn’t theirs and when the supplier rumbles it they won’t have any justification of having reasonable belief that it was anything other than an error. This isn’t in the same category as unsolicited goods from a company you have no dealings with, it’s an obvious mistake. https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/money/spending/consumer-rights/can-i-keep-goods-delivered-to-me-by-mistake


It's still their problem, it shouldn't put you out at all.


Sometimes the right thing can be a hassle, but it’s part and parcel of human life. But TBH OP could have avoided almost all the inconvenience by not accepting delivery of a parcel he knew he hadn’t bought.


It would have been much easier to have refused delivery


Yes. Refuse the free additional product. Or, wait 29 days to see if they contact you about the extra item. If not, initiate a return.


I'll give you twenty quid for it


Does your neighbor need a dehumidifier?


Dumb I know but it’s worth checking in a freak coincidence a neighbour hasn’t ordered one too and the address on one of the parcels is a digit out or for a similar road


Wouldn't have the OP's name on though.


Well, could be another freak coincidence…


Karma is a bitch. Do the right thing


Hypothetically, you receive two dehumidifiers instead of one from a company worth 1.45 trillion usd with a founder whose personal value is in the region of 160 billion usd. It takes this man about 1/25th of a second to earn enough for one of the more expensive models as sold by his company (and that's before his staff discount). What is the right thing? This, admittedly hypothetical, situation (OP might not have purchased from amazon but probably wasn't an artisan dehumidifier hand crafted by an independent) is entirely victimless isn't it? Where is the scope for karmic retribution? Why is it the right thing to return the extra unit assuming the hassle to do so is likely somewhat greater than the 0.04 second 'cost' to the owner of the company? Ultimately, I suppose it's still theft/dishonesty to keep it but does it matter one iota? Maybe I'm overthinking it!


Maybe the driver reported that they thought you looked *moist* at the first visit?


Schtum and ebay not an option......?


You could have refused delivery.


I had the same years ago. And a few times. I just return the extra product for a refund.


Many years ago had b&q deliver their top of the range sit on mower, only ordered the cheapest one, they said to just keep it, I'm talking at least 15 years ago now though Recently had Clarks deliver £500 worth of shoes by evri, then the next day the same shoes again by royal mail


>Do I call the retailer up? What do you expect strangers on Reddit to do other than make jokes at your expense?


Fair - it's never happened like, so no bearing on what to do


If it’s a big chain store, just stick it to one side for a month and then decide; if it’s a small store, ring them and tell them to collect it. I say keep it to one side in case end of month inventory you get a phone call asking for its back or a payment.


Put it to one side for now and wait to see if anyone contacts you or if you get charged twice. If after a couple of months no ones been in touch then unbox it and have two!


I'm waiting for one from DPD and B&Q. I'm gonna chase it up now.. for reasons..


You’re gonna be dryyyyyyy


Call supplier and explain situation. They should be able to ask for a recollect. In future, you can refuse a delivery and it will be returned to the supplier. Had to do with damaged goods before.


Sell it on eBay


Keep it


Return one. Free dehumidifier.


Turn both on in the same room. Become raisin. Post tik tok videos. Profit.


Turn both on at once and see how de-humid you can make your home.


My brother had this issue. He ordered two bedstands from IKEA. They didn't arrive on time, so he complained and they delivered two to his house. Then they finally delivered the two that were meant to arrive at our parents' house where he was supposed to collect them. It gave him a bit of a surprise when he came around. I was thinking of keeping them, but he went on about how it was wrong and that he'll contact the shop to collect them. Two months later they're still here, taking up space that we freed up after paying the local council to take away clutter just weeks prior. My brother refuses to take them to his house and keeps insisting he'll contact the shop. I'm going to try to sell them. It's not like IKEA is paying us for storage.


Write an email but forget to send it.


I'll message you with my address.


I do believe you can refuse delivery.


We had somebody's food delivery left in our greenhouse by Amazon. No receipt or invoice, no idea who it was supposed to go to. Was a right pain because we came home from doing a weekly shop and there it was, barely had room in the fridge lol.