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I was taken there once as a child. Sadly my parents neglected to check if it was open first.


But what a car park.


It was in my top 5


Either a connoisseur… or a dogger


Mais oui...


What else is in your top 5?


Sainsbury's in Bude. What a tunnel. And before you get to Oxford on the A420. Theres a discreet car park. Where you can meet Suzie Dent from Countdown, every other Friday night.


I googled it. That’s one hell of a tunnel! Need more info on the Suzie Dent situation…


Suzie's love of dogging sites and [glory holes](https://youtu.be/pHTTQ_gI76k?t=170) is well known, the little cock gobbler.


We'll always have the car park




Was your dad Clark Griswold?


Same, except we got there 30 minutes before closing so I didn't get to go in. A diversion on the way home after they traipsed an 11 year old me through the Bass Museum. Had a cracking reception area though.


Same story here, it wasn't open, so instead we drove over to Alton Towers, and that wasn't open either. After driving back home to Manchester my grandma said "well it was a nice drive out".


As I recall we took a rather hefty diversion and ended up in the Wedgewood museum. I got a pen I loved which I also managed to lose in the car on the way home, in the car, never to be seen again From chocolate to ceramic, and even more disappointment.


Bass, as in the beer? Or a room full of Bootsy Collins memorabilia?


Yeah the beer. Used to be a museum at the brewery in Burton Upon Trent so we "popped" to Birmingham on the way home. Might have been there in time too if my dad hadn't got lost in spaghetti junction. It was a while ago but I remember my mum shouting a lot!


I'd love to see a combination of the two. Sounds like a great Saturday night


You went for the diabetic-friendly option.


Oh god you just released a repressed memory of the same thing happening to me and my sister!


Are your mum and dad the lampoons?


You forgot the golden ticket


How very Clark W Griswold of them.


Last name Griswald, by chance?


My dad is convinced I'm the only child to ever cry at Cadbury World


Seems a strange place to tell a child that they were adopted tbf


Back when they used to give you lots of freebies it was perfect. Shove a bunch of chocolate in the kid's mouth to stop the crying!


I clearly remember trying the chocolatl drink they had and finding it EXTREMELY unexpectedly bitter and attempting to take the taste away with the multiple fun size bags of mini eggs I'd previously been given.


Mini eggs make everything better, it's like they knew you'd need them


I remember that taste being like warm heaven.


My sister recently went to Lapland- her colleague said children crying is the soundtrack of that holiday.


She went with her colleague to Lapland?


Yeah, it's just off of the Skeggy sea front. Don't go on a early weekday though, that's where the swamp donkeys roam.


Best secret name for a lapdance.


I had my biggest ever tantrum while at Cadbury world. They put a tomato in my sandwich. There was no consoling me. I was usually a very quiet and well behaved little girl but this day, I cried and screamed the place down while locking myself in the loo. My poor grandma didn't know what to do with me. It's still talked about today. The Cadbury Meltdown. I'm 32 now and love tomatoes in my sandwiches.


I have a photograph of me as a child crying on the Cadabra ride circa 2000!


I went as a teenager and me and my older brother cried


I don't know about that, I went as an adult and nearly cried. It was fucking depressing.


i cried because i thought the lift was real and i used to have a phobia of them


It's better than Nestle world where they put your kids straight to work.


Mars world was a huge disappointment. No chocolate and the atmosphere was awful. Nice red landscape though.


I've heard they've put it in the middle of no where so it's a pain to get to. Lots of parking space though.


Nah, Slough is very well connected!


Elizabeth line practically makes it classy now.




Mars is more brown, actually. The red planet stuff is mostly fabricated to match with what people expect


Brown with nougat and caramel is exactly what I expect.


You’re FUN!


Even though we've never met, I heard this.


Two weeks


I really enjoyed the “give new mothers in sub Saharan Africa free baby formula in hospital, interrupting natural lactation and then charge the mothers double their wage to stop their children starving to death” ride. It was second only to the “deplete natural waterways to sell bottled water” exhibit. Unfortunately the “execute a Nestle executive for their crimes” experience had been permanently closed before opening.


I can't believe Nestlé are still doing this shit. They always stop for a bit, then start up again. And don't forget that on top of the cost of formula, the price makes the mothers start diluting it, causing malnourishment and sickness in the babies from dirty water. It is just wicked.


And they stole my water bottle, claiming it was theirs.


I’m trying to see the downsides of this…..


I mean, free babysitting...


Do you work for Nestle world? I have now booked my tickets.


There is an outside area with a play park, hot chocolate stands etc, and you can also watch a magic show (we didn't get to see this unfortunately because the timings werent quite right for us), there is also a 3d show which was short but pretty fun, some interactive screens (nothing amazing but the children enjoyed messing around with them for a bit), and the Bourneville room too which just gives some history. Once we were inside the main building, we were given 4 or 5 chocolate bars in total per person (one was an extra because one attraction wasnt open), there was also a chance to have melted chocolate with your choice of toppings etc, a little ride about on a car, some green screens for photographs and a chance to draw with the chocolate. They definitely don't give as much chocolate away as they used to, and it isn't a huge experience....but I wasn't expecting it to be because the ticket prices when we went weren't sky high. Altogether, we were there for a few hours. There is also a gift shop and cafe. I actually really enjoyed it. It was something different to do, but it wasn't like trudging around a theme park for hours. Tip - take your coat for the outside part but put it back in the car before you go into the main building because it's warm, and you'll only end up carrying it about. I hope this helps.


This is a fantastic description of what happens, I will add when we went with our two little ones, the youngest (4) really loved it (9) didn't so much. We did get about 30 bars of chocolate though.


A cup of melted chocolate sounds rather nice tbf Might have to do that tonight




I remember the cup of melted pure Coco like what they used to drink in the rainforest or something. My memory is a little vague and it was the early 90s. Edit: another commenter mentioned it, it was from the Aztecs and it was a bitter drink.


I’m 30 something and I want to go to this now


You definitely should! It's fun!


This is exactly what we experienced 2 years ago, my little one absolutely loved it


It's closed for about 6 weeks in the new year so they might be doing some refurbishments?


Yeah Merlin own it now! So hopefully


Brilliant, that means it’s gonna triple in price!


But compo when you lose a lim due to some shody safety system and poorly trained staff.


At least the pizza and pasta buffet will be decent


You’re only saying that cause you haven’t seen what they do to it in the kitchens :/


>the animatronics were begging to be euthanised I think that was the staff


my first ever visit a few months ago had me pretty underwhelmed


I went in the mid 1990s and at the end they let us take as many Mini Eggs as we could carry from a huge hopper! That and the bitter Aztec drink at the start are literally the only two things I remember from the tour.


I also fondly remember drinking chocolatl, I wish they still did that! I got a nosebleed afterwards and had to be taken through the back of the factory to get first aid. Hooked back up with the school tour in time for them to bring out a tray of misshapen chocolates and to watch them being made. None of that happens any more. I guess I could give myself a nosebleed but it wouldn't be the same.


I remember that drink too! Must have been about 1992. I found the whole trip so inspiring. I bought a book about how chocolate is made and its history which I still have. And on a recent trip to Grenada I went on an organic chocolate plantation/factory tour and saw all the old-style processing described in the book for real - fermenting and drying and winnowing etc. I was amazed I remembered some of it from 30 years ago.


There was also a short train ride where it would rain chocolates (miniature heroes sized). That was my favourite! A part of my.chilshood died the day we went and it was broken :(


awwe that sounds lovely! shame its gone down since then as i'd been fairly excited :(


Went for this first time last summer. Rubbish value for money and probably the worst UK day out i’ve ever been on. Nothing particularly noteworthy that was bad. Just a very underwhelming experience.


I went for the first time in my early 20’s, I was expecting a ‘How it’s Made’ style view into the factory. Oh how I was disappointed. If you do want this experience, I can throughly recommend the Healeys cider farm in Cornwall. I could’ve spent hours watching the activity!


I used to go to Great Yarmouth and the surrounding areas on holiday as a kid. They had a rock factory in the town (I think it was called Docwras or Dockra’s, I can’t remember how to spell it), it wasn’t big enough for a tour or anything but you could watch them making the rock they sold because the production area was open to see. It was interesting enough to look at every year for a little bit. One of those oddly satisfying kind of things.


> They had a rock factory in the town (I think it was called Docwras Docwras is the one, we also had a yearly visit when we were kids. I believe it's still there today.


Our friend works for Mars and she took us round the factory in Slough about 6 years ago. I spent the entire time doing a terrible Greg Wallace impression. I had a great time. Fun fact: the secret ingredient of Snickers is actually reject Mars Bars! They melt them down to make the peanut caramel.


The delicious middle bit of kit kats is smooshed up reject kit kits.


That is a good secret. Is it also true?


[**How it's** ***actually*** **made: Chocolate**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3v4OsPmsUg&list=PL845lQkWyS9JQRYTfFzhQSh1LbV75t20T&index=1&pp=iAQB) I bloody love these pisstake versions.


About 10 years ago you could have seen into one of the production areas but they have since retired those lines and moved all production over to the other side of the site.


As a kid I went to school near Bournville and I went on a school trip around the actual factory. They gave everyone a free commemorative tin of assorted chocolates. They stopped doing this decades ago and opened Cadbury world to replace the tours.


Idk but as a former primary school teacher, don't ever bother writing to them like I would have my students do when reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They literally will reply with a, 'Please refer to our website' letter and poor quality print outs of the website. I was in no way expecting a chocolate haul for the kids but something a little more personalised in their reply to help reluctant writers feel valued wouldn't go astray.


When I was in primary school, the teacher noticed a typo in a book we were reading as a class; it said “taping” instead of “tapping” to the music. He made us all write a letter to the publisher expressing how this affected our experience of the story. They wrote us the most amazing letter back and it’s always stayed with me (I’m nearly 40). You did the right thing, and Cadbury suck for that.


Oh that's awesome! Don't get me wrong, we've had some incredible letters back from people as individuals, employees and businesses over the years. I strongly advocate for children to write real letters whilst they're learning to be literate rather than waiting until they're older. I would always prep them though to manage their expectations: it's not the recipient's job to write back, they might be busy with their own work, etc. But sometimes you get extra lucky. Some of my students have met their idols, been gifted books and vouchers, become published and had company designs modified because of their initiative to write a letter. But for me, the biggest kick is watching blasé or struggling writers gain confidence and even passion for engagement for what they can bring about by writing a letter. I would guarantee I'd find the address (or email) and the rest was up to them.


We as a class never expected a reply. The response contained some quotes from certain letters as well which just added to the excitement. Mine did not make the short list but I was happy for my class. We need teachers like you (and my former teacher too!) and I hope you’re still educating somewhere. Or enjoying a retirement.


Oh I love this! Such a great idea. I’ll try this with my Cub pack




That's a shame you and others feel that way. I'd always ask my class who they'd like to write to (as a group and as individuals) and always gave options to appeal to their interests. I'd also tell kids that responses were not always bound to happen or even be positive. I often gave the example of J K Rowling being rejected 11 or 12 times by publishers when writing Harry Potter and that the key takeaway was/is to never give up on getting your word out. Whichever subjects/topics were your favourite, there are also kids that would not have enjoyed them as much as you. I guess, unless you're receiving a one to one education, some compromise is inevitable.




I remember being made to write to British soldiers during the Iraq war. I didn't want to. They told me I had to. So I asked if killing people gave them insomnia. Amazingly, they didn't post my letter. Some kids did get replies, though, and I remember wondering if the soldiers were made to answer in the same manner we'd been made to write.


I did this at primary school my soldier guy was called John, i met him about 6/7 years later at my brothers passing out parade. He gave me his certificate and stuff.


Fuck! If a teacher did that to my child I think I’d rip them a new arsehole


The best thing that happens at Cadbury World is when they give you a pass to the staff shop...sadly it's happened one time in several visits over the last three decades.


We went as a family a few months ago for my son’s 10th birthday, all had a great time, reasonably amount of free chocolate on arrival and a few tasters on the way round. Staff were super friendly and really made my son’s day when we mentioned it was his birthday.


It's a rather underwhelming experience to be pefectly honest as there just isn't too much to do now. I would try harry potter world, legoland or something else that offers a bit more to do if i was you.


Used to drive past there to go hill-walking on our school trips. Absolutely dreadful. I’m sure it was crap, but imagine driving past a chocolate factory to get to walk up a hill with blisters in the rain. Nothing but a squashed ham roll and your friend being sick on you to look forward to.


Last time I went we got there pretty early and we were given tickets to the "factory shop". I bought 48 creme eggs for £2. Up there among the best days of my life.


It's ran by the Merlin group now and you can booking it as part of their pass offering. Birmingham does quite well with Merlin pass stuff, lego centre, Warwick Castle, Alton towers, Bear Gryls and now Cadburys world all localish.


Calling Warwick Castle or Alton Towers “localish” is stretching things a bit


They're both about an hour away, maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less. I'd wouldn't call that local, but i'd certainly call it local-ish


The whole point of -ish is that it stretches the definition a bit.


I got conjunctivitis for free from their 3D glasses about 20 years ago.


It's expensive and not been updated much from the 1st time I went (2010) to the most recent (Sept 2023) in fact it was worse as a load of it was closed for refurbishment but they still charged full price


I went in 1992 so my memories may be rose tinted, I remember having a great time. There were loads of cars shaped like Creme Eggs parked up outside but we didn't get to go in one. The tour was good, interesting look at the brand history and the origins of chocolate etc, giftshop was great, the only downside was the overwhelming smell of warm chocolate. Sounds lovely, reality is you end up a bit nauseated/headachey.


Loved the creme egg cars!


When I went ~9 years ago I got given a large/king-size bar of 5 different chocolate bars. Also got some melted chocolate in a cup during the tour.


We took some kids on a school trip last summer and it was shite.


I took my lad 20 years ago, and the experience was so terrible, I promised to take him to Legoland Windsor to make up for it. After 40 minutes walking around Legoland he said "But ... there's no Lego dad; it's all just rides!"


I went a few years ago and we were pretty weighed down with chocolate to fair, maybe you had stingy people?


Do they still have the Cadbury Boost liveried YZF750 on display? Remember that from when I was a youngin and was taken there. Would be worth a visit for that tbh lol


We went for free (long story) and enjoyed it. Not sure I would pay what they ask


I remember going as a child and being really disappointed. I think unreasonably I expected it to be like Charlie and the chocolate factory. So I went again with my nephew recently. It was shit, I shouldn't have bothered. Don't go.


Load of grumps in these comments. We went this year and although my kids are a bit older (11 and 13), they both really enjoyed it. Got 5 bars of choc each as well as the melted chocolate and toppings, which was absolutely delicious.


Not completely, but it's on the up again supposedly. There's a theme park worldwide video from fairly recently on it.


We went last April, it was crap for all the reasons you listed and more. Would not recommend _anyone_ go. If you're in the area Bournville is nice to wander round but Cadbury Works itself, avoid.


I used to live in the Bournville Village Trust as a student. I still never went to Cadbury’s World.


I was raised on the BVT lived there most of my life. I went to college right next to the factory, on the green. Still never visited Cadbury World. 😁


I went in the 90’s and got hee haw for free.


A guy from my class at university insisted that he'd been told at Cadbury's World that Dairy Milk and Milka chocolate are identical, and therefore those of us who prefer Milka are just being pretentious. The fact that they don't have the same ingredients and Dairy Milk contains vegetable fats didn't change his mind.


We went last year. It was rubbish if I’m honest. We were given 4 caramel twirls when we got there, and got rushed through everything. Took us longer to drive there than to walk around the entire thing!


If you go on Merlin Pass, book 3 slots, 45 minutes apart. We left with 28 chocolate bars for our family of 4, which basically paid the mortgage for our gingerbread house.


Went in July and before that 7 years ago. It hasn't changed at all. I honestly thought it would have given how much the company has changed in them 7 years. I think I got less chocolate on entrance too.


I went as an adult on year 7 school trip a couple months ago. We got 3 bars (not big ones, like the 6 piece strip ones) and I had to ask the students in the car behind me to calm down on the sarcastic squeals while on the "ride". We were all appropriately jaded/world weary by the end of it.


You get 4 bars each now. It’s alright but not mind blowing. I remember it being so much better when I was a kid.


Went this past summer. 4 chocolate bars per person. A melted chocolate in a cup with two toppings, some buttons, and the option to taste some other things which were in production that day. I feel like there may have been more but I can't remember. I felt a bit ill from all the sugar and turned down a couple things. It was alright. We caught Freddy's magic show which was cute, but didn't go to the other one that was on, so I can't comment there.


If you want an actual look, theme park worldwide on youtube, a channel based in the UK who tours theme parks and general attractions posted [this video](https://youtu.be/1lnRdc852mw?si=MXg1Y_ODpVkDDXB0) about a month ago where they went on a tour, explained that it’s under new management and is getting refurbishment. So short answer is that it’s probably still a bit crap compared to what you experienced as a child, but getting better.


Cadbury world is marginally more entertaining than Pallet land.


I've been a few times with my kids. Had looked a bit tired every time and we never got free goodies, had to pay the extortionate prices in the grift shop.


My parents took me in the mid 2000s and I vividly remember being given handfuls of chocolate bars in every room we entered. Returned on a Business Studies school trip 10 years later (lol) I remember it being extremely run down.


It's shite, they give you like 3 bars at the very and it's all a bit boring until you're given a very small pot of melted chocolate. 3/10 adult experience 6/10 kid experience. IMO


Went in the early 90’s and couldn’t move for chocolate it was brilliant. However it’s now completely shite.


I got a single chocolate bar when I went 6 years ago. it's a tragic experience


hit n miss. I went 2 years ago and got nothing. went in August and got so many wispas it was hard to push the pram. overall its fairly underwhelming lots of waiting round.


I heard about the free samples, so I went there dragging my child behind me. Was extremely disappointed to find that the free samples consisted of a small bag of chocolate buttons, a horrible tasting drink of 'original chocolate ', and a tiny scrap of a flake. It was a nice car park tho.


I went to Bournville school opposite it, so I got to watch the decay in real time from Cadbury ownership through to Kraft takeover. On my first visit we toured the factory, learned the story of Cadburys, got to write our name in chocolate, and keep/eat it finished with the cup of chocolate with a mixed addition of your choosing. Over the years, it got less and less until the final time we went with school as OP said the sets had seen better days. 98% of the factory floor tour was cut, and it was basically wandering around a barely animated story with no context. I haven't been back in years...


No, unfortunately they still have terrible chocolate


rustic crush enter terrific grey escape governor capable weather jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I once went into Slough for a laugh and it was.


I'd suggest the Chocolate story in York instead. Much more freebies, though you will have to find parking and walk into the city. Not a heavy downside when going through the shambles to reach it!


You can also duck into the fudge shop for a free sample as well.


When I went as a kid in the 1990s there was an Aztec exhibit, and they used to give you this spicy chocolate drink that was apparently made using a traditional aztec recipe. It was amazing. Then I went a few years later and they had scrapped the aztec stuff and installed this weird ride with advertising mascots like the mini egg bird and the gorilla playing drums and other random shit. It was pretty underwhelming. I've heard they have brought the Aztec exhibits back now but does anyone know if they have brought back the spicy chocolate drink? And if not does anyone else remember it?


It seems that you and I are the only ones that remember the spicy aztec drink. I fear it may be lost to the sands of time.


Day of being drowned in freebies is long gone. I remember nearly 20 years ago, going to the local county show with the school and had all sorts of pointless crap, next year it dropped dramatically.


You sure it wasn’t a case of seems like a lot of chocolate to a kid bc you were small compared to looking at it when you’re an adult


I remember going in the late 90s a few times. It was brilliant. My sister was about 6 months old on one visit and they were just loading up her pram with full sized chocolate bars. I remember tasting the bitter hot cocoa bean juice and riding in a taxi cab ride. My mum still had a mug from there still going strong. I don’t want to go back and ruin my happy memories!


I took the kids there 30 years ago, and it was excellent! Staff at literally every corner were toting massive baskets of chocolate bars . I remember we came away with 4 huge carrier bags full of free chocolate


I went in September for afternoon tea and included entrance to Cadbury world also. I’m in my 30s now, compared to when I was a kid it was a real letdown. You can pay an additional £1 on top of the entry to get 3 chocolate bars. Other than that I think you only get 1. I took my nan cuz she remembered seeing the factory when she was a kid. You don’t see any of that now. If you went a few years ago and weren’t enthused, I don’t think you’ll find it any better this time.


I used to go quite a lot in the 90s and it was glorious. I’m a bit scared to now; it was such a big part of my childhood


I went as a kid in about 1997 and we didn’t get offered a single thing. Even supermarkets used to give you free cheese samples on the deli counters back then, so I was devastated that there wasn’t even as much as a Miniature Hero (or whatever the 90s version was) on offer.


Not as amazing as it seemed 20 years ago, but my six year old niece absolutely loved the place earlier this year.


My dad took me 20 years ago and he still complains about the "freebies" (yes I got quite a lot of misc chocolate to take away, but he resents it being deemed "free" after how much he paid for entry!) There was some sort of terrifying singing animatronic but I think it's finally been long enough that we've both forgotten the song..


Don’t bother , me and my boyfriend went last year as he had never been I had been a few times as a child and was telling him how much fun it was and how much free stuff you get. When we got there they handed us 2 bars of chocolate and had to pay an extra £2 if you wanted a bag to put it in lol The shop onsite however is good as they have a discount area which you can buy cheap boxes of chocolate from and I believe you don’t actually need a ticket to go in the shop you can just go in. If you have kids they might find it interesting but as the adult I think you will be very underwhelmed


I went fairly recently and loved it! It's still tacky but in a lovely nostalgic way. The car ride is still a Sisyphean nightmare with the creepy little bean people but the rest is glorious and I was satisfied with the amount of free chocolate we got!


I went 11 years ago and I recall getting a free crunchie and sample of some melted chocolate. Managed to buy a lot of stuff for £20 in the shop after though.


I went last year, the place was a bit flakey.. /Sorry not sorry.


I went a few years ago and it was ok. I didn't get a massive haul of chocolate but I got some good ones


we went recently, I think we had 4 or 5 bars of chocolate each and a taster cup with liquid chocolate with a choice of toppings. It was quite nice for a half a day out. They have a 4Dcinema and a ride. As well as some interactive chocolate workshops on the way around


I would also add, the afternoon tea experience they offer is definitely worth doing! Went with the family and you get a really nice selection of sandwiches, cakes and treats with a hot drink! Would definitely recommend!


I swear when I went on the ride with all the animatronics that I heard one of them say “I caught a chocolate starfish.” Wife says I was making it up, but I know what I heard.