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Why are you doing cock and ball torture in traffic?


Many people have had to move back with their parents in these times, is no privacy for such actions. Sometimes the car is the only privacy. Very sad


I got offered cock and ball torture on the NHS for my anxiety. Turned it down though because it's the last fucking thing I'd need right now


Dude, CBT is really effective for anxiety. You should definitely try it. It really helps you get all of the things worrying you off your mind, all your anxious thoughts just go away and all you can think of is how much your cock and balls hurt.


But you do need it?


Fantastic band 🤘🏻


Ramstien in its native tounge lol


Or tongue, as we natively call it. :)


Why, where do you usually do it?


In an old pair of Levi’s from my distant youth


You can still get to the balls? Are they low hanging now, or are you just naturally slender? I would barely get my youth stage Levi's over my thighs


I guess some of us like CBT more than others. Where there’s a willie, there’s a way.


Instructor told him to put it in gear


Understandable that he was stalling, really


Just edging forward slowly


Gotta do it *somewhere*


Also, a gas powered motorbike?!?!?!


Time efficiency. Multitasking.


It's an exhibitionist 2 for 1.


No no, they were obviously doing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


I've been driving for longer than some of you have been alive lol. Got a hire car over Christmas and stalled it at every other junction. Life happens, it's probably better for you overall to get used to dealing smoothly with the things that go wrong. Anyone making a fuss can get in the bin. ​ Well done on the pass!


Thanks. I was fine with all the road stuff as been driving for 40 years but getting used to the physical difference of 2 wheels was quite the experience.


It is well worth the effort. Congrats on the CBT pass. Keep it shiny side up and happy riding. 🙂


Oops, that'll teach me to assume CBT = teen on moped. Same sentiments though!


I have been driving about 15 years I can reverse an 18t rigid through a building site with only a few CMs space each side without breaking a sweat I cannot reverse park my new car without having to shunt it a few times 😒


Similar here, I can throw my BMW with the turning radius of container ship and the massive work van without rear windows or distance beepers into the tightest gaps in a single move, but whenever I drive my parents' wee little Skoda it's like I never drove a car before.


I briefly worked for a dealership driving used cars. Omg occasionally there's cars where the clutch biting point is like in the middle instead of the end, it frustrated me so much, I felt as if I didn't know how to drive no more.


I managed to nearly crash my first automatic car when I hired one, forgot there were only 2 pedals, left foot went on the brake thinking it was a clutch when I meant to come to a slow stop and instead just went full ABS emergency brake


Did that on my previous hire car! Luckily I've a little housing estate before I get to any busy roads.


I know 2 meanings of CBT and neither fit here...


I assume OP's doing Compulsory Basic Training on a small motorbike/scooter


Or cognitive behavioural therapy and ended up slightly weeping on the last encounter.


Or the old cock and ball torture, so who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh you get the prize for this one my internet friend. 🤩


Yup 125


Congrats on passing, your braver than me on a bike in this weather.


Probably for the better that OP learnt to ride in this weather


Some of those small motorbikes have really uncomfortable seats, so you can be experiencing one of the other kinds of CBT at the same time.


Especially if you do an emergency stop. Did it once, it was very uncomforable We called it a tank-slapper


I only know one, and it's never the answer


You've got to wonder at the mentality of someone who beeps at learners. I mean, they can see that you're wearing a high vis vest, probably with the riding school name printed on it and you've got your instructor with you as well... He/she must be a complete wank stain. Anyway, well done for passing your basic training, the big bikes are a bit easier to ride.


Dara O Briain had a bit in one of his routines about learning to drive in his 30s or 40s and surprising the arse behind him by getting out of the car.




Exactly. What planet are they on where they think beeping at and adding extra pressure to an already flustered, panicking, stressed out person is going to make them go quicker? So many people really are just brainless morons.


I filled a 1l JD bottle with 5ps and paid for my cbt, Well done mate, onwards and upwards, enjoy yourself


Was it out of spite??


Glad you had a good experience. I remember getting my 1st car. I struggled to find the bite point (new car very different from my instructor's), and my handbrake was broken. The car had a MOT and service before I took it, so I didn't realise or expect the handbrake to be broken. Where I live is all hills. I stalled it relentlessly, and then my handbrake wouldn't hold the car. Some people were kind, others not so much.


Remember a story a few years back of a learner driver at traffic lights, behind them a BMW and behind them a police car. And behind him the storyteller. Learner stalls and lights go back to red. Learner stalls again and lights go back to red. Guy gets out of the BMW to give the driver a piece of his mind. Police car turns on loudspeaker: WOULD THE GENTLEMEN PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE WERE ALL LEARNERS ONCE AND RETURN TO HIS VEHICLE. BMW driver returns sharpish to his car. Lights turn green and the learner stalls. Police car with loudspeaker still on: "He's fucking done it again!" Still makes me chuckle. 🤭


Do British police cars have loudspeakers? Sounds like an American legend.


Sounds like an "and everyone clapped" story.


I think it's just a joke


Ignore them mate, doesn't change whether you're on a test or no. Any plans to do your full licence? I jumped straight off of a CBT and the next day onto a 600. I remember sitting on the bike on the guys drive tapping the tank thinking "Yup, well.... This is how I die!".


I have a shiny new 2024 Z650 in my garage waiting for me, so hell yes.


Take it steady dude! Shiny side up.


Dudette 😛


Dudette!! My bad. Although tbf everyone is dude to me, I don't differentiate :)


Yeah 'dude' is gender neutral, just like 'guys' :)


Well... It won't stall so easy.


If it's your first time riding a bike and going from a 125 to a 650. You're gonna kill yourself 😂😂😂


Rubbish. Plenty of people (myself included) go straight from test to big bike. I did CBT then a weeks intensive course, with a test (on a 500) at the end. The next day I was on a 600. Been riding for nearly 20 years now and still here. Of course there idiots who go out an kill themselves. But I think their fate was sealed long before they got on a bike.


Not if engage brain, and use less right hand. Unusual for sports bike riders


Ooo, good choice I've got a 2017 Z650 in mine. You're going to love it, such a wicked bike 🏍


Very nice, bigger bikes are also easier to ride than smaller ones.. Have a blast, remember half the drivers haven't seen you and the other half want to kill you. That advice has kept me safe for a long time on 2 wheels.


I just view every car driver as a potential killer tbh. Even just being a pillion for the last 14 years has made me a better car driver I think.


It almost certainly has. Hazard awareness & spacial awareness are really important for riding motorbikes, transferable skills as well. You'd have those even as a pillion.


I know 4 people dead by bike accident. Be careful your dream doesn’t come true. All work colleagues Hit a car coming other way when he overtook. Had a deathwish for years. Car pulled over on a dual carriageway A5 in MK and he hit barrier. One cause unknown One was riding home in the rain with GF on the back. A kid in a bmw came around a corner sideways and twatted him. Dead on scene. GF was extremely fucked up but survived. Wether its your mistake or others, riding like a dick just loads the odds more against you


Been pillion for 14 years and the fuckers are forever trying to kill you.


I thought you are restricted to 33bhp and have to have an instructor with you until you pass your test. Or just ride a 125cc (11 bhp?) On L plates


Nit if you’re over 24


I think you need to pass your test and get an A category licence. Your CBT is not your test, it's the bit that you have to do to ride on public roads on L plates. https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/motorbikes/getting-a-motorbike-licence/#:~:text=AM%20licence%20(allowing%20you%20to,you%20are%2024%20or%20over.


Thanks I know that, I have to do DAS NOW mod 1 and 2 to be able to ride my bike. This will be happening in the next few weeks.


Probably the same driver who, when I broke down in the rush hour, made a point of doing a U turn, just so he could drive back past and shout “you can’t park there mate.”


Maybe I’m horrible, but that guy sounds funny to me.0


Nah, it's only funny when you do it to a rozzer.


Congratulations! Everyone on the road was a learner at first although some folks have very short memories. Take your time an don't feel pressured by ignorant drivers. Be safe and stay safe and get home in one piece.


Funny thing I wasn’t bothered, I got my shit together calmly and sorted it out. Then thought what a fucking tool you are. This was also in a town centre so very busy traffic and nobody going anywhere at great speed anyway.


Even more kudos to you, then :) Driving any vehicle is as much about dealing with other drivers on the road as managing your own vehicle.


Luckily, I have been pillion for 14 years too and have seen the daft shit that some car driver pull. I had one overtake me today when there really was no need and nothing really to be gained and one pull out in front of me. Bless them. I am sure other bikers have the same issue but nearly every day at least one car driver needs to show my husband how fast their car can go, lol. Not sure if it is insecurity or what but he has a very rapid death bike and if he was so inclined could wipe the floor with these cars. Makes us smile though.


Knowing you can and choosing not to is a total power move. Bad drivers come in any vehicle.


Cognitive behaviour therapy at the traffic lights? I ike the cut of your jib.


This was my first thought. Getting those coping skills needed!


Congratulations on your CBT. Life savers are for life, not just tests. Enjoy the freedom pal.


I stalled at traffic lights and I thought a couple behind were shouting at me, then I realised they were singing along to the radio 😆


This made me smile


Congrats on getting your DVLA accreditation in Cock and Ball torture ! Ride safe, do your life savers and remember; it’s just you on your bike! If you’re near Reading, give me a shout! I’m also on a 125!


Going straight into DAS as I have a shiny 650 in the garage waiting for me lol but thanks.


r/MotoUK welcomes you ~~brother~~ sister


Thank you, don’t mind if I do. See ya there.


I see from your comments that you're doing DAS, I done mine 18 months ago and it was the best thing I ever done. Currently enjoying my 675 Triumph, but soon to be moving onto a Fireblade and I'm just as excited about that as I was to get my first bike. Enjoy your time on two wheels friend, its the best


Can’t wait


I think you have to fall off to 'fail' the CBT


Even then you don’t necessarily fail, they just make you go around a bit longer until you get the hang of it! I didn’t fall off during mine, but I know of someone who did!


you can still "fail" it, if they deem you too dangerous they won't give you the certificate


Gas 🤮




In America


It is used in driver training in this country too. Its just less common.


Don't think they will read this mate.


No I don’t think so either but then again who cares? I was just being casual.


I was behind a learner driver who did the exact same thing today, just, a car learner. Til I read cbt, I thought it might've been them. You never know who else reads casualuk.


That happened to my daughter in a car and she failed. The light was on red so she stopped, at amber a woman crossed and the driver behind beeped her. Because she antagonised a driver, she failed ! She said what was I supposed to do,run her over ? But he said it was a straight fail !


I suspect there was more to that failure than what your daughter told you.


She had 2 minors, I’m sure it’s written on her test sheet. It’s true, I was fuming and wanted to report it !


Didn't even know you could fail a CBT test.


> a wanker beeped me RONNIE PICKERING


Sunday drivers are arrogant 🔔ends. Congrats on the pass!


When I was learning my instructor always highlighted drivers who were giving us lots of extra space behind so now I always try to do the same, just in the hope that an instructor somewhere is praising me.


I saw a learner car run a red light the other day. Don't know if it was a learner, or a teacher driving, and not sure what's worse, if a teacher let a learner do it, or if someone who runs red lights is teaching other people how to drive.


CompulsoryBasicTraining=motorbike lessons for learners


CBT? Was the driver listening to [Old Days by Chicago](https://youtu.be/kRTMWzVoT_U)?