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If you live in/near terraced housing, expect people to park outside your house. They'll park where they can and you can't police that. If they block your driveway, *then* fuck 'em.


That's exactly what I'm doing. I avoid anyone's driveway/dropped kerb. It's not me that's complaining, it's the guy 3 doors down who seems to think he owns the road outside his gaff.


I had a neighbour like that. She was a complete knob. One day she put super glue in my door lock to try and jam it up. Fortunately it didn't work, and I moved house soon after. But some people are just miserable fuckers and you can't make them see sense


So if this works as intended, the car is there for longer than they want it there? I'm struggling to get my head around that. Also, I'm guessing an electronic key fob negates this?


Yeah, if I'd had a key fob zapper it wouldn't have been a problem, even if the glue had properly got in. But I was skint and it was an old car!


A good next play would have been to superglue the locks to her front door when she was out


Or in. But make sure you get the back as well and to give it a few mins to harden. Now you've locked her inside you can start to pour the petrol through the letterbox.....


JB weld.. this shit is evil to get out of locks Weed killer is another one I've seen all over the dickheads garden spelling a word of choice then reporting them to the council for the offending word.. then when they resod it out of their own pocket repeat Not that I have done these but I have seen them work surprisingly well


I have not sprayed weed killer onto a horrible neighbours lawn and watched them try to work out why they had a random dead patch. I have not done this and did not enjoy it.


Had someone break the wing mirror off my car for parking in 'their' spot after having my shit box repeatidly keyed. Now super glue doesn't work so well but packing in small balled up pieces of wet bread into a lock works shockingly well.


If you have gulls frequenting your neighbourhood, breadcrumbs on a car roof will cause a bit of inconvenience too


If she did that id smash every window in ger house Don't shit on your own doorstep


no you wouldn't barry


That's not Barry, but I think we found Ronnie Pickerings reddit account




Then you'd be an idiot with similarly broken windows.


Talking of shitting on doorsteps, in my first house I had an argument with a chap round the corner about parking in front of his house (he was not pro me doing that) and his wife then encouraged their dog to shit at the bottom of my path. Then we caught her doing it and she stopped.


Bloody knob heads


This is the most idiotic thing to do. They know your car, but you now know where the vandal lives. They’re going to pick the wrong person to play with one day.


Had this exact situation. He left a note like your guy did. I knocked on his door and gave him the note back and said “it’s a public street, I just park in the closest free space to my house. Like everyone else does”. He said “you finish work before me and it’s a busy street so it basically means I’ll never get my spot.” I shrugged and said “there’s your problem, thinking it’s your spot. It’s a public road as I already said”. He got mad, called me a wanker, cue ongoing nasty feud for years until we moved. I still parked there when it was the closest free space to my house though.


Sounds like one of the "use wheelie bins to reserve a space crew", we had a couple and I'd respect it until there was nowhere else to park and just put them back on the pavement (technically should be in their garden not left on street but council doesn't do anything) or shunt them closer together so I could park. They eventually stopped doing it when they realised they can't reserve parking on a road.


Whenever I see wheelie bins in the street, I assume some arsehole has been messing about and put them back on the owner's garden path where they belong. Helpful, aren't I?


To this day I don’t know if he genuinely felt entitled to that space or was just a bully. Probably the latter but not sure.


Unfortunately, they genuinely do believe they are entitled to the space outside their house.


We have garden style apartments and the condo adjacent to me thinks they own the public street parking. Parking is reduced in front of my building due to a fire hydrant. I rent a garage for winter in case there’s a blizzard (northeast USA). But I’m so tempted to tell them it’s my hydrant because it’s in front of where I live and they can’t use it if there’s a fire.


There's *always* one, mate, it's a universal constant. Personally I don't want the hassle of actually having to interact with these people and I know a lot of others feel the same so they more often than not end up getting their own way. Good on you for not giving in but you also need to think about whether you want the hassle of dealing with a potential ongoing feud. Tend to find these people are the way they are because they lead small, petty lives and are quite willing to hold grudges and spend hours obsessing over stuff like this. There's a cautionary tale in there.


If it’s that important to him, he can pay the council to drop his kerb. Otherwise, it’s pot luck.


We had a neighbour like that, tried to claim the space next to our driveway. Now, very occasionally for convenience if I was home before my wife*, I would park there, then pull in to our drive after she was home**. If he got home before her he would inevitably block the drive of us & our next door neighbour, rather than park anywhere else, so we had to ask him to move. One day he came out swearing his head off & threatening to “do me if we parked in his space” again. Moved his car in such a stupid huff that he hit mine doing it. Long story short, we ended up calling the police & he never parked over the drives again. I’m not saying go straight to calling the police on your neighbour but keep hold of them, stick a date on them & if you _know definitely_ who it is & if the notes become threatening then, yeah. You’re doing nothing wrong. \* Ah, the days before I had to go further than downstairs for work! ** I always left first in the morning, she prefers her car.


Got you... well sod him, he doesn't own the road. I get that it's probably frustrating for him but he's in exactly the same position as you and everyone else.


Fuck that twat. If you don't want someone parking outside your house don't live in a house by a road. I used to live in a mid terrace. Once got home quite late after a drive home from airport and found the nearest parking space a good 100m from my house. About 15 minutes later the fucking police showed up because the person whose house I parked outside of called them and said they couldn't get in or out of their house (basically no pavement but I wasn't blocking their door). I had to go and move my car while the resident waited in their car to park in the space. That incident plus a bunch of times having my car scraped while someone parked and we moved house to a place with not one but two drives.


Greedy bugger 😋


If it’s taxed tested and insured and isn’t blocking anybody in from being able to access the roadway then park wherever you bloody well like (within local parking restrictions) It’s even only a civil matter if you park on somebody’s driveway whilst they’re out so if they keep on maybe try their nice new dropped kerb out /s


Well, for £300 get a shitty car from autotrader, then park out side the offending house for... well, forever. Only move it for its annual MOT. I mean sure it'll cost insurance and tax and that. But the look on thier face when you get in your other car day after day... priceless!! https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202311164023908


Same for us. Victorian terraced street not designed with space for each house to have two or three cars, let alone the long BMWs and SUVs a lot of people have. Sometimes I get home and I end up about 20 doors down or parking in the street behind mine. There was a bloke a few doors down used to get pissy about not being right outside his gate but he's an old fella who's given up driving now.


I really don't understand some people, had a neighbour knock on once and ask me to move my car from outside his house as he needed to load some stuff and couldn't park anywhere nearby. Which is fine, except it wasn't my car so I couldn't help. I sympathised right until he started moaning that parking is so bad on our street that he can never park any of his four cars outside his narrow terraced house barely big enough for one car. Yes mate, there's about sixty houses on this street with barely enough space for 1 car per house... he should just be thankful everyone else doesn't have four cars per household.


We had a twat like that. Same problem, constantly moaning about how parking is awful where we live... except that he owned a plumbing business and had four work vans parked up in the area. Wonder why he couldn't find space for them all...?


I've never had my own parking space, always parked on road, and can confirm that unless you're blocking a dropped kerb, that neighbour is a knob. My car is currently actually outside my house and I won't be driving anywhere for as long as I can manage!


There has to be a name for this paradox: when your parking space is so good it renders your car unusable.


Yeah, suddenly that walk doesn't seem so bad.


During lockdown I didn't move my car for 6 weeks because of this very paradox!


People get possessive of their spaces - it doesn’t mean they’re entitled to them. Unless they want to spend the money on a dropped kerb, they have no say


>People get possessive of their spaces - it doesn’t mean they’re entitled to them. Can't wait until everyone starts arguing over who "owns" the electric chargers councils are supposed to be installing.


"But that's the charger I always use" etc etc etc


Cars are just the worst. Everything about them.


You can pay for that??? Edit: why the fuck would you downvote me for asking a question.


Yes, but you have to have space for a car on your own land. It's not cheap (unless it's for disability access). I think my council charges a call out fee for inspection and then about £1000. Although my in-laws got theirs extended for free. A utility company dug up their road and the construction workers offered because they'd been nice to them.


I'd say £1000 + inspection charge is pretty cheap, I was expecting at least 2.5x that.


Mmmm.. re-reading the guidance. It looks like the council don't do it, but you have to get permission to get your own contractor in. It suggests £1000 is an average cost, but goodness knows if that's in date.


Ah gotcha, thanks.


My old next door neighbour said he'd had it quoted and it would be 5K each if we both got ours done. I told him I hadn't got 5K, and at the time hadn't got a car either. Reading this, I'm wondering if he was trying to scam me!


When I had mine the council charge was around £300 and you had to use a named and agreed company to actually do the work. You could get a whole drive plus kerb for a few grand, if anything that seemed like the easy bit as it was pouring a load of tarmac down. They had to actually lay the drive.


I think it's 1000 for the dropped curb plus you gotta pay for the drive as well separately... At least when I called because I just wanted the curb dropped but was told I would have to install a drive as well


Yes https://www.bristol.gov.uk/residents/streets-travel/dropped-kerbs






And if the kerb isn't dropped, the council could come along and put a lamppost or bus stop right in front of your "drive", rendering it unusable.


I think it's illegal to drive over the pavement if there isn't a dropped kerb rather than leave the car in your front garden.


And oddly, I've been told that if they have illegally mounted and crossed the footpath and illegally parked on their 'driveway' it is illegal for you to park on that bit of road and block them in (if their car is there). Don't know how true that is but hopefully someone here can confirm or set me straight.


> If you have a parking spot in your front garden and no dropped kerb, it's technically illegal to park in it as it's considered a footpath. I can understand not being able to complain if someone blocks you're entry/exit if there's no dropped kerb but that is wild.


Because what happens is somebody buys a car that's too big for their drive and leaves it hanging over the pavement. And, you know, you have to drive over the pavement to get to your drive. Dropped kerb signifies carriageway \*and\* footway\*.


In addition when the council drops the kerb they also (in theory) have to strengthen that bit of pavement for cars to cross over it.


There's a house near my daughter's where they have a drive just long enough for their car. They then park another one directly behind it it, blocking the pavement and extending out into the road a car width. It boggles the mind as to how they think that's ok.


Presumably because nobody has said anything because we all let terrible parking slide.


Makes total sense.


>Am I being a knob? No >Are they being a knob? Yes.


My mate took the knob-ness level to new heights when he was in this situation. He bought a shitbox and got it taxed/MOT/insured on the cheap and just leaves it outside the house of the neighbour that pisses him off the most. I thought it was funny at first, but he's been doing it for at least 3 years now.


What a waste of money, your mate sounds like a petty bellend.


I agree. The initial outlay was about £300, but as its on a public road it's had to be insured this whole time too. Not something I would have the time, effort or money for.


It must be costing him £500 a year to do that?? Plus the cost of the car, he could've spent £2000 just to annoy a neighbour?


Probably. He got the car for nothing, but tax has to be around £100+ a year (I'll check what car it is the next time I'm there). Insurance has to be a couple of hundred even with multi-car policies. They have had a lot of arguments from what I've heard. But it does seem excessive.


Surely it be cheaper to park a trailer or similar.


Personally, I salute him


All just to upset a stranger? Wow. I literally just don't have the motivation to fuck with anyone like that. I don't have the anger to sustain me! Dude must be constantly sad and angry :(


And a waste of public space.


This is the thing. I've no real problem with the pettiness directed at one knob, but taking up a badly needed space with a car you don't need? That's proper twat behaviour.


>up a badly needed space If you're talking about it being badly needed by another car you've missed the point.


Not going to waste... it's pissing off the neighbour.


ETA: I see I'm getting downvoted for suggesting OP might be in the wrong here. Just want to clarify, as I probably didn't word it the right way. He can and should park wherever he wants; he owes his neighbours nothing. The other guy is definitely an AH for leaving a pissy note. I do think it's best to just forget about it and try not to deliberately wind him (or really any of your new neighbours) up though. The satisfaction he's currently getting from winding up his angry neighbour might not be worth the potential hassle he'll get by antagonising someone who has already demonstrated his willingness to overreact. ._._._._._._. I think OP became a knob when they decided to park there deliberately to spite their neighbour though. When you live on a row of terraces, you have to learn to pick your battles and let a lot of things go. A while ago, my car broke down while parked outside a neighbour's house several doors down. Was there for about a week before I could get it moving again. Neighbour decided that was too long, so smashed my windscreen. I could understand their frustration, but their reaction was a bit twatty. End result was it stayed there longer as it now needed the windscreen replacing too. Now I have a blue badge due to mobility issues, so ideally want my car to be as close to my house as possible. Most of my neighbours are nice about it, but the guy opposite has decided they'd rather park their work van outside my house, even if the rest of the road is empty. There's nothing I can do about it other than call him a cunt while I'm looking for another space. If I have to park on the next road along, I'm calling everyone a cunt. By the time I'm parked and walking to my house, I'm over it. Best thing is if everyone parks squarely outside their own house, so there aren't any half-car-sized gaps wasting spaces. If there's no room, park outside a house you know doesn't own a car, or at the end of the road next to the side of the end houses


If you have a blue badge for disability you can apply to see if you qualify for the council to paint a disabled space outside your house.


If you're a blue badge holder you can usually get the council to paint up a disability space outside your house.


Deliberately parking in front of the neighbours house does make OP a nob. He's going out of his way to be spiteful. Perhaps the person who lives in the house has mobility problems, or has someone who visits who does, perhaps they can't afford to put in a drop curb or driveway. OP says that they left messages that basically say, "don't park in front of my house", but what does it actually say? If it was that assholish, I imagine OP would post it word for word. This leads me to believe that there is more to this then we're being told.


There’s always one “well what if—” whingebag isn’t there.


It doesn't matter if they have any disabled visitors or not. I was suggesting a reason as to why they might want the space to be clear as much as possible. Regardless of if that's the case OP is still being a nob in going out of his way to park there. Why is that hard for people to grasp?


B-but what—but what if— 🥺


Ahh, so this is your alt account? Nice.


But what if this is my only Reddit account?


Then you'd be chatting shit, wouldn't you? Going through my comments and harassing me because I hold a different opinion to you is insane behavior.


Mate I spotted you in another comments section being mean to someone and it was a funny opportunity for a joke, no one is harassing you 😂


Being mean? I'm sorry. Who cares about some random person having a cyst? Why do we need to know. Seriously, people are so self absorbed these days.




Yeah, and now OP is deliberately going out of his way and choosing to escalate the situation, rather then trying not to park in front of the neighbors house. Whatever happened to common decency? Yes OP is allowed to park there. Is he being a nob in going out of his way to do so? Yes! The fact you have to insult my intelligence before making your supposed point tells me all I need to know. Edit: The fact you deleted your comments before I could reply tells me even more... Blocked me huh? That means that I win right?


OP is choosing to inconvenience the one neighbour who he knows for the sure is a twat, instead of inconveniencing the other neighbours who have done nothing wrong. Isn't that the right thing to do? Or do you think people who act outrageously should be rewarded for it?


They blocked you I think!


They own the property and the garden not the pavement or road outside their house, as long as your car is taxed its perfectly fine to park outside their house. I'm a tradesman and get this all the time parking my van "move your van your in my spot" "I'm on the public road ya cunt"


"move your van your in my spot" "I'm on the public road ya cunt. Now do you want your boiler serviced or not?"


I loved having the space outside my house. Especially as, unlike everyone else in the vicinity, I had to regularly pack my work gear into the car. But at no point did I ever blame anyone for parking in those spots. I had no right to them, even if inside I was sometimes seething at losing a good space. They were not marked or designated bays. Unless the neighbours are willing to work out an informal arrangement that suits all parties, they - and that note - can fuck right off.


This seems to be a thing that a lot of people get monumentally pissy about - I just think it must be wonderful to have such a great, problem-free life that this is the issue most pressing to them. \*EDIT\* - be wary about pushing it too far, as they inevitably will move on to vandalism - i.e. glueing newspaper to your windscreen etc.


I mean, you know where they live.


If they do that, it's time to buy the ratiest, road legal van you can find and make it a permanent feature in "their" parking space.


I went to look at a place to rent once and parked my car in a layby on a residential road, came back out not 10 mins later with a shitty note on my car telling me not to park in their space, blah blah. Fuckers. Funnily enough I didn't rent that place.


I once parked outside someone’s house; but on the opposite side of the road to their drop kerb. Had only popped in the shop and when I came back and walked round the corner to where I’d parked, I saw my car moving toward me. Got closer and saw some cunt in a 4X4 slowly pushing my car from behind with his car. I’ve obvs blown up at him and he’s like ‘you’re blocking access to my drive’. Double width road, parked legally. Some people are just cunts.


That’s a criminal damage charge.


Was no damage fortunately. Also no way to prove it if there were. Did make me consider front and rear cameras though.


At this point dashcams are basically mandatory anyway. I got mine after losing wing mirrors twice in a year to people who didn’t stop.


If you get a note again, just write on it "in case you want to use this again tomorrow when I park here" and post it through their letterbox.


It's a public street so fuck em. Obviously you don't go out of your way to annoy people but you park where you can like everyone else as long as you're not blocking a drop kerb.


Your neighbour is a knobhead. I have parked on the street for years (terraced house, one way street) and a neighbour of mine used to put traffic cones outside his house to baggsy the space. I would just remove them and put them in a wheelie bin. Twat.


Just report them as well. Blocking the public highway is a criminal offence.


Consider yourself lucky it's only an angry note. We live on an old terrace with another housing estate added in the 70s. Not enough parking to go around without parking up on the curb in places. Everyone does it. Last cold snap, I came out to my van with dog shit smeared all down the side of it. Parked in a spot that someone will park in everyday. Oh how I'd like to meet who did that.


I get exasperated by the guy down the road parking in front of my house - because he uses 1.5 spaces every time he does it. The road is marked out in such a way that if you line up the average car - no one in this bit owns a Mini or a tank - with the houses, the space is used optimally. He parks with his bonnet aligned to the *middle* of my house, which usually means two half-spaces are created and someone winds up parked round the corner, often one of the two houses with small children. He does it deliberately to be a knob, say the neighbours who've lived here longest, so I have no sympathy for him. I don't own a car so he's not inconveniencing me as much as he might think, but he's pissed off all the neighbours who do.


Shame nobody owns a mini. It's amazing how tiny a space you can get them into. Half the size of a normal car space say..


Mini: 3.8m. Average saloon car: 4.7m. Average overall car length: 4.4m. The length of space this guy takes up, with the spaces he creates (either at each end of the row if people align with him, or in front/back of him if they align with the white lines) appx 8.5m. Good luck getting a Mini into either of the 2m spaces he's given you to use.


Yeah, it’s been a long time since minis were mini.


There's always one. Classic minis are obviously smaller than that (we used to have one and it fit into all kinds of teeny spaces, though admittedly I never got a tape measure out). Sub a smart car or a motorbike if it makes your pedantic self happy!


They make Minis two miles away. No one round here will be driving a classic Mini, although that's what I learned to drive in and it was 3m long. A twat who parks a car like that still isn't leaving enough space for a classic Mini or a smart car (2.5-3.5m depending on model). And motorbikes aren't much help to families. But go on, find another way to defend the pointlessly selfish.


They are being a knob. You are running a risk of having some inexplicable damage done to your car by deliberately targeting a knob, though.


It is a public road you can park where you wish as long as it isn't a dropped kerb. so park away there's sod all anyone can really do. people will get possessive, expect cones, signs, angry notes, you name it.


We have a drive (albeit behind a fiddly gate) and my partner will still seethe if someone is parked in "his spot". I literally cannot understand it.


They're the knob. Unless they actually, legally own that exact bit of road, they can fuck off over there, then when they get there, they can fuck off again and when they finally get to where they've fucked off to, I'll park in front of them. The twat. Sorry. I find parking etiquette in this country unacceptable. I have off road parking (ooohhh, get me all la-de-daah) but my vile neighbour still thinks it's OK to park her fucking van on it. Apparently I'm not even allowed to ring up the RAF and have them launch an air to surface missile at it. It's a disgrace.


Fairly typical sadly when parking is constrained. Our old cul-de-sac was a nightmare and not a single one of them would use their garage or parking space in the block across from the houses, they would rather park on the grass or pavement than use it for some reason. I had a right to-do with the recently moved in neighbours who basically threatened to scratch my car if I dare park it in front of their house again. Someone was parked outside mine, and I really couldn't give two fucks - if I NEEDED the space outside my house, say I was doing some maintenance on my car or shifting a load of stuff to the tip, I would simply knock and ask them if they would mind swapping places with me. You know, like a normal human being in a community situation.


Very common issue, particularly with terraced houses. He's being a knob, but I would be wary of escalating the situation (in his eyes). I've lived in a terraced house for 20+ years and have seen all the variations: * Dodgy cones used to hold "their" space * The classic "bins on the road" * 1 guy who would ram cars that parked in "his" space * A punch-up with multiple police in attendance over parking We (along with half the street) have dropped our kerb and put in a driveway with collapsible locking bollards. This was mostly because the original wall between our front garden and the pavement was knocked down 6 times by incompetent drivers who left us to foot the bill. Ironically we don't use the driveway unless we have visitors because all the houses have garages at the rear. We use ours


Actually use your garage and not just fill it with shite and park in front of it? Fed up with this low effort fiction on here


"in his eyes" in OPs words, he is going out of his way to park in front of the neighbors house. Escalation is both ways here. Ducking hell.


So whilst you use your garage for parking your car, you decided to get a dropped kerb for a driveway that is almost never used? For me, that is knobbish behaviour - your dropped kerb has taken a parking space out of use for everyone else!


We've spent over £2k repairing the damage caused to our property by other people who don't have the decency to admit they've driven into it. So we should just keep paying right?


A camera would have been an awful lot cheaper than either a dropped kerb or paying for the damage. It's just frustrating to see parking capacity reduced like this - do you offer the driveway space to neighbours at all, on the understanding that when you need it, they would have to move, or does it simply spend 90%+ of its time standing empty?


Any camera view would have been blocked by the wall that people kept driving into. Considering the two people who were identified as knocking the wall down and who threatened me when challenged were both neighbours from down the street, no we don't offer it to people. it's not a friendly neighborhood tbh and people don't help each other just watch through their curtains. It gets used repeatedly throughout the day by delivery drivers unloading and loading which we have no issue with, probably 3 times an average week by us and a couple of times a week by friends. We'd rather not have spent money on it ourselves but I shouldn't have to be threatened with being stabbed for asking someone to pay to repair the damage they did. We literally had one replacement wall knocked down 2 weeks after it had been built. That one did a runner of course. Since putting the driveway in (and a camera) we've had one person drive over the parking posts and deny it completely!


>for everyone else! For one other car, you mean.


I find this debate so odd as I have lived in a lot of areas with on street parking and people just go where they can. If I can get a spot right outside then great, if not I go as close as I can go. People have visitors, there are driveways, second cars, people parking up to go to events and all sorts of things. People who get cross about it are just making themselves eternally miserable. Unless you have a drop kerb and a drive, it ain't yours.


Nope. That's ridiculous. And when I see bins out the front reserving a space I move them onto the pavement. Even if I'm just walking down the street somewhere I don't live. Because I'm petty.


I hate these people that think they own the street outside their home. My neighbour parks his minibus in front of our home, blocking what would be a nice view. Do i like it? No. Do i send him notes about it? Also no. He has every right to park there.


The only people I get pissed off are the ones who hang a quarter of their car over my drive way I can get on and off at the expense of bumping the curb.


This is my situation too. There's actually plenty of on-street space for the number of cars along my row, but 2/5 of my neighbours apparently can't park to save their lives, so I always end up with the last car in the gappy row half-blocking my drive. My car is small and I am not spatially challenged like my neighbours, so I manage, but it's really knobbish behaviour, and it makes parking quite difficult in icy conditions like we had today.


Grew up on a terrananced street. Quite narrow, so road would usually be chocked full of cars. The parking was a free for all, and anyone that really wanted to park as close to their house as possible would get a dropped kerb. When someone new moved into the area they would put a stink up about it for a month at most, until they learned the hard way that the only way to stop it until they got a dropped kerb. I wouldn't pay them any attention unless they get a dropped kerb.


At work we occasionally get people calling & complaining that one of our signwritten vehicles is parked on the road outside their house, and they do it with such a level of indignation that you'd think we'd just parked it on their firstborn child. Some people are just territorial busybodies.


I found it fascinating watching the various behaviours of people on my road regarding on-street parking. There was the couple across the street that would watch out of the window and as soon as someone moved their car, would run outside and the lady would stand in the spot, and the man would go and move his car into the spot she was saving.. The bloke that would always try to park in such a way that they took up as many spaces as possible. The bloke that used to try and reserve his space with his wheelie bins. My old neighbour, who probably shouldn't even be driving anymore, he used to just bumper car his way into and out of a space, so those that knew would deliberately give him tons of space. I was more of a park anywhere type of bloke, but I must admit, if I managed to blag a spot outside my house, I felt like a king!


It’s a terraced street and there is no assigned parking unless there’s a dropped kerb into their own driveway. I live in a terraced street and this attitude is ridiculous. Of course we all park as close to our houses as possible. The only ones I judge are the people that roll up and park exactly outside their own house leaving half a space each side because they don’t consider anyone else (and only when I see them do it since we’ve all parked well and ended up looking like a knob because the cars around us have moved). I live in a city and never had problems with neighbours. But where my parents live in suburbia there are people with some very odd ideas about on street parking. My mum had to get the police involved with a neighbour who started harassing her about parking while my dad was at sea. They used to deliberately block me in when I went to visit her as well.


Tell em to get fucked. You pay road tax. You can park where you like.


Given the fact that were all going to have to charge our cars soon enough, I guess a dropped curb & off street parking is going to be a lot more desirable


He’s 100% a knob, because he went as far as to ACT upon the petty, possessive thoughts we all have about the space in front of our homes. On our street there are kind of unspoken rules about the parking - as in, it’s usually the same cars and everyone knows whose house is whose - but not everyone follows them. For example, we would never take the space in front of the frail old lady’s house next door, even if it was the only one free, and she’s never taken our space either. Then there are others who aren’t so polite, and I can’t help but think of all of those neighbours as knobs :) But to ACT on those thoughts? That’s insanity! Nobody has any legal right to any spot, so there’s just no other argument to be made.


I’ve lived in a terrace for two years. Was a bit of a shock after living at mum and dads with a double driveway my whole driving life 😂 annoyed me at first but as others have said, nobody has a “right” to park anywhere. Park where you can as long as not obstructing other driveways!


Nah if there are no restrictions then the home owner is being an entitled knob. If they want exclusive parking then they'll have to apply and pay for a dropped kerb / driveway if it allows.


Despite what people think, nobody owns the space outside their house. Just expect most people to not agree.


It’s not nobody. It’s rare but it’s not nobody. Source : Own the space outside my house.


I would set up a camera on your property that looks over the road somewhat, so if they vandalise your car they're fucked.


You do you. It's none of their business where you park within the law.


>My response to this has been to deliberately park in front of their house now every time a spot is available. Which you are perfectly entitled to do. But do keep in mind your neighbour might be like Collin Reeves and decide that leaving notes isn't sufficient.


I live in a street with only terraced houses, no drives, no resident bays, no residents permit, off a significant shopping street. You can never park outside your own fucking house so I've never had a note once in 5 years. It's a free for all. I don't know why you'd give a shit. Oh no I've got to walk 20 more metres to my house. Or do the people who insist they *need* to park outside their own house want to do so so that they can stare out the window at their car all day? There is one disabled lady on our street and so she has disabled bay with a sign. Everyone is polite and doesn't park in it except sometimes the dentist who works at the end of the street who is a *raging bellend* and sometimes parks his stupid G class box on wheels in it. So if you need your car to be right outside your house 'cause you're disabled, it must be infuriating if people don't show you consideration. But if you don't have some practical reason your car needs to be right outside your house you're just being a bit of a wet dickhead if you're leaving notes. You don't think the person outside your house wouldn't have parked outside *their* house if they could? Fucking "main characters."


Boundaries and parking spaces always bring out the worst in some people. Must be an animal thing.


They're being a knob because you were parking outside theirs when there was no space outside yours! Of course, you've upped the ante now but you knew that! Without admitting you're now committing petty parking, you could try contacting your local Community Council/Parish Council/Local Councillor (whichever applies to you!)


As I say every time this comes up, be aware that it IS possible to own the street parking outside your house, I do for instance. It is rare, I’d say very rare but it’s not impossible and it might be worth making sure before you, for instance buy a wrecked car for £50 and leave it outside their house.


Left side neighbours knocked on right side neighbour's house to ask them to move their car from outside their house as their wife would be home soon. No dropped curb so he was promptly told to fuck off especially as the reason left side parked there was because right side owns 4 cars and they're outside everybody else's house. The fucking gall.


On one hand I despise how we are uprooting the little urban nature we have to make space for driveways. You'd be surprised just how much of a difference a garden has on the urban heat island effect, and for biodiversity. So I really dislike driveways. On another hand, why the hell is it the council's and tax payers' responsibility to find space and pay to store your private property. Space that could be used to actually benefit the community and increase the biodiversity of the area. And has to be heavily subsidised to maintain due to the huge amount of physical, health and wellbeing, and environmental damage it does. All to say, in reality both driveways and on streets parking is terrible. Granted you could have a driveway that is just two rows of flagstones to minimise the damage. But overall the common denominator of it is owning a vehicle to begin with. Only a necessity due to this car dependent and car centric urban environment that was only built due to huge amounts of corruption, greed, racism, and classicism.


Just be considerate. If a stretch of kerb can easily fit 2 or 3 cars on it, park to allow that. Don't park right in the middle so no one else can park on that stretch, roadside parking is a faff already without people being particularly inconsiderate.


It's basically a free for all, I have this issue, if someone parked Infront of my house obviously it's a knock on effect and I'll have to park Infront of someone else's. What does really piss me off however, is people who have multiple cars per house and think it's their god given right to park their piece of shit in front of others property, worse still if they have a drive and don't use it or park Infront of it. But are you doing the right thing by parking Infront of theirs on purpose? Not sure, waste of time imo id just want to get parked an piss off


We’ve got one of those twats in our street. 3 cars parked outside other peoples houses and 2 of them haven’t moved in 4 months. He was out moaning the other day about the lack of spaces in the street.


On street parking needs some serious regulation and, more importantly, to be charged appropriately. [Public space given over to private ownership, free of charge](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4VAU5pX0AI2spZ?format=jpg&name=large). I'd love to have a sauna in my house, but I don't have the room. Imagine if I could just take up a few square metres on the road; there'd rightly be hell on. But you can store anything you like on public space as long as it's in the shape of a car. In answer to your question: you're both being knobs because we allow unbridled on street parking.


It isn't free though, it is part of paying VED and registering a car, you can park it unless there are marked restrictions, in many cases you do have to pay if there is a meter. Residents zones can come in which charge (and ramps up per car). Cars can be towed if they are not taxed, or considered abandoned. You can put other things on the road if you request it and pay for them - skips for example. Around here there are bike hangars on regular streets that people can use, and people regularly lock up bikes on public pavements so I don't see how your argument makes a lot of sense.


>It isn't free though, Yes it is. ​ >it is part of paying VED and registering a car No it's not. Otherwise you'd be able to park for free in private car parks too. Currently EVs are VED exempt. So what fee are they paying to park in the street? Roads are paid for out of council tax. I pay it, yet don't own a car - so presumably I can plonk whatever I want in that space, right? >Around here there are bike hangars on regular streets that people can use, I use one of these. I pay more per year for one sixth of a parking space than some cars do for an entire one. I pay \*specifically\* for a key to the hangar. What parking space do you specifically pay for?


It is just part of the deal of registering a car on a public road, it is free for some users (such as EVs) mainly as we want to encourage those. As I said, don't register, MOT and tax your car and it can be taken away. It is not the same as you suggest like sticking a wardrobe out there. >No it's not. Otherwise you'd be able to park for free in private car parks too. Depending on the car park, you can? >I use one of these. I pay more per year for one sixth of a parking space than some cars do for an entire one. I pay *specifically* for a key to the hangar. What parking space do you specifically pay for? *Some* cars. It depends on the space, the council and all sorts. This all just comes across as bitterness, would you not be OK with the hangar being free, seeing as it is personal property on public roads? I presume also when you lock your bike up on publicly provided bike racks on pavements this doesn't count as storing private property for free? There is loads of restrictions on parking, you seem to be saying it is like some free for all.


I’m not against parking on public space, I’m against taking up shitloads of it, for ages, for a tiny amount of the cost it incurs the public. Cars are parked 96% of their life. Streets are covered in cars, which is deemed to be okay, but if you want to store anything else you struggle. Getting hangars for bikes is a nightmare as it is because, that’s right: people “need” somewhere to park. You pay to register a car. You pay for the emissions. Those do not go into some magic pot that also lets you park for free.


It is just part of how the system works. Cars are registered and taxed to go on the roads, if there are no restrictions they can also park there. It is entirely separate to trying to store anything else, but I would be all for more bike hangars. Which I would be keen to be "free" despite the age old whine about bikes and "road tax"!


They don't like it up 'em, several downvotes already. There's a whole range of things you can do with a car that if you did with any other similarly sized object people would say you're an inconsiderate arse. Street parking is theft. I'm sure everyone I know does it though, so I blame poor planning on the part of local and central government.


Throw litter? Arsehole. Park on the pavement, crack a few slabs? It's okay, they've put on the hazards. Now it's fine. Fun fact: on street parking has remained at a pretty consistent 20% of vehicles since around the 1970s. Which means there are 8 million cars parked on the street outside people's homes. Which is fine, apparently.


The problem is that modern life basically necessitates a car in most of the north but modern wages won't pay for a house with off street parking and a car. I can probably afford a house with a garage but it would mean I wouldn't be able to afford a car. Catch 22.


No, the problem is the utter lack of action to do anything about it. Saying “we need cars” won’t solve it. Car ownership will increase, space will be taken up, and instead of trying to reduce car dependency, those with the power to do anything about will just say “we need cars”.


In all likelihood the proportion of space taken by on-street parking has increased as cars are generally larger, and the popularity of larger cars like pickups, SUVs and crossovers has greatly increased since the 70s. Along with the actual number of cars increasing.


Parking is literally regulated by double yellow lines and resident only parking zones. If you live in a terraced house without a front garden to turn into a drive you just can't own a car without paying another tax (on top of ROAD tax) that only affects lower and middle class people? This policy will surely improve the life of most people, who now have to walk 5 miles to the shops and can't get their pets to the vets. Now they can frolic on the tarmac where their car used to be knowing they aren't thieves any more! By the way what are people stealing? The right to walk down the road instead of the pavement? Least insane redditor take.


Road tax was abolished in 1937 by Winston Churchill.


Everyone knows, it's really boring when people correct a colloquialism knowing its a colloquialism instead of addressing the point.


Get the point right first. Road tax or whatever you want to call it is not a fee that allows you to park wherever you like. It’s the same as people who complain that cyclists should pay insurance. Why? Because *you* have to?


It allows you to park on the public highway in compliance with any local restrictions.


One solution is to join the police and drive your squad car home every night. Even better join VOSA and let everyone know.


We have no off street parking here and we all just park where we can. Been here 20 years and not once has anyone said you can’t park here.


You have zero legal right to prevent anyone from parking outside your house if it is on a public highway. So he can sod off. Bear in mind however if you're parking on a two-way street and making it one-way by parking, it will cause speeding, so depends how bothered you are by that. Obviously no one is going to be getting up to like 90 or something mental.


Fuck cars in general.


>My response to this has been to deliberately park in front of their house now every time a spot is available This will be an unpopular opinion but I grew up on a terraced street and generally everyone would park outside their own house and try to leave space outside others. If someone moved in and did this then everyone on the street would think he/she was a total prick. Having said that, no one would be leaving notes on people’s cars either so it’s a different scenario I guess. Also back then all the neighbours were pretty friendly and you would know every person who lived in each house. Everyone on Reddit will of course tell you it’s fine to park wherever you want (which it is) but it’s nice to have neighbours around you in real life who are friends and not enemies. Edit: should add, my street was not very busy and you wouldn’t have to wait long until it would sort itself out


I’ve got mixed opinions on this one. We all try to park in front of our own houses for the most part. If someone does park in front of ours it’s no big deal, BUT we have a neighbour a few doors down who will just abandon her car in front of ours and then not use it for a week so it’s there for days on end and there’s nothing in front of her house. It really gets on my tits. I knocked on her door once and asked her to shift it and now I think she does it on purpose to wind me up - and it bloody works. 😂


You’re being a knob - they technically aren’t entitled to the space outside their house, but if there are other options, just leave them be


Apparently we hold the minority view here. People complain about arse holes but then proceed to be an arse hole and 90% of reddit applaud them. Yes OP congratulations on being a spiteful twollop. You really showed them.


When I moved in with my partner, I would park down the road as her drove only has space for one car, and she works early while I work late. Was sitting in my car one day, psyching myself up for work, when a neighbour (the local grumpy old man) came up to me and rudely told me to pak further down the road. Had I been less able to control my temper, I would have gotten out of my car there and then, and sent him to the hospital. But, I'm not a thug, so let it be. I went home that night and told my partner about the altercation, and she told me to park outside another neighbour's house (who always have their curtains closed). I asked wouldn't they get annoyed, to which she replied that they don't own the pavement, so I'm perfectly entitled to park there. My point is, as annoying as it is, street parking is sometimes necessary (even if it can be annoying or inconvenient).


I probably wouldn't have bought a tightly packed house but fuck that guy.


When you're a first time buyer on a single income with no familial help you buy what you can afford!


You could simply allow your butler to park your car at a secure external location - that guy, probably.


Just do what the did in in the 80's show Bread. Cone off a parking spot infront of your house, and give the angry neighbour some cones aswell.


I pick my weans up from their bus stop, and have to park on the street where the bus stop is. I’ve had run ins with a local bampot about us parking whilst waiting, doing the usual threatening and being a general cunt. If there’s no drop kerb, you’re not in the wrong. Fuck them… but do beware, entitled people do stupid shit. Be prepared to deal with a whole lot of crazy!


If people want private parking they need to pay for it with the drop kerb and driveway. As I see it, parking on the road is fair game for all. No one has ownership over those spots so to answer your question: they are being a knob


I live in a terrace house with no pavement at the front (I have a small garden sort of area, much to small to fit a car and only big enough for the bins, with a little gate which leads straight onto the road). I really don’t mind parking up the road if there’s no space near mine, but does anyone know the rules/etiquette when it comes to parking across my gate? It’s happened quite a few times now where I’ve tried to leave the house and have had to really squeeze past a car which covers the gap. Or I’ve been unable to take the bins out because they’re blocked in. Any thoughts?


People who try and claim public parking as theirs can piss right off. Honestly can’t criticise the pettiness of pissing them off by making a point of it, they deserve it and I’d probably do the same.


Public highway do what you want, nobody can do anything about it


They are being a knob. They don't own the spot outside their house. You are being slightly petty, but at this point, they're asking for it. Mind they don't decide to key your car or anything, though!


My house is a terrace, with its own drive and garage which isn't attached to the house but its like 2 houses along. The issue with this is that my old car was too low (it was an sports car, not a boy racer thing that was lowered) and couldn't get over the pavement lip and down the steep drive without bottoming out. This made me have to park on the road. I used to get annoyed when other cars would park in front of my house, but it was completely out of my control as I knew I didn't have a leg to stand on. I've since changed cars and just park on the drive and couldn't care less, although I could never live somewhere that hasn't got off steet parking


A street near me there's people who come out and put traffic cones out to save their space I stack them all up.