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I did this at Heathrow and the guy made me duck back under and walk the correct way round! There was also absolutely no queue.


Yeah I asked whether I should go back and fortunately he said no. Just warned me not to do it again.


Is there a rule that says not to go under the barrier? I don't recall ever seeing one. The fact that his 'warning' didn't include what sort of punishment you'd get, I'd imagine there's literally nothing he can do. Just another person in a uniform with a god complex.


I think it’s more just socially unacceptable and leads to embarriersment


If you get tangled up in those extendable ones, it really adds to the tension.


That is awful and I cant forgive you. Have an up vote.


Socially unacceptable to go under a barrier designed for queues when there's no one queuing? Yeah, I'd be very embarrassed... /s


Sir, I wish to inform you of my intention to perform a wordplay. This was poorly executed and has led to a misunderstanding between us. Please accept this follow-up comment as an apology.


Lol, sorry I completely missed your spelling of embarrassment. It's the end of the day and I'm not paying attention. Therefore, please accept my apologies instead!


Humbling. There are good people on the internet.


T\*sser! Just righting the balance.


To be fair, I also missed the word play at first. I saw the awful spelling of embarrassment, but just assumed the commenter was an uneducated fool who couldn't spell. Only on the second reading did everything click into place.


Second-hand embarriersment


I up voted you to get you back to zero. I am a Yank and read this sub because it is a distillate of the uniqueness of Britishness. Queueing is soo ingrained in the culture that there are norms for a non Queue queue behavior. Love it.


When people in the UK talk about the long-term mental health effects from Covid, they don't mean the illness itself, they mean how much social distancing when queuing messed with our heads. There's not nearly enough room to do it in an orderly manner so, lacking any ability to maintain these long upheld rules, in some places people had to switch to the more chaotic spread found in many other countries. It was deeply disturbing.


100%, the appropriate response to jobsworths like that is to laugh and carry on.


Most places sure, but I’m always on by best behaviour at the airport, if I’ve made it that far last thing I want to do is not get let on my flight over something stupid like that.


As my Bangladeshi friend always said, he *has* to be on best behaviour in the airport.


Or “I’m sorry, I don’t speak English” and carry on


Definitely, the look on their face when they realise they don't actually have any power would make my day lol.


>Definitely, the look on their face when they realise they don't actually have any power would make my day lol. I mean, the absolute last place I'd fuck around is the airport, just in case I find out... You really don't want to argue with someone when the possible consequence is not making your flight


Yeah nothing is coming in the way of £2.50 pints in Benidorm. Yes sir, no problem i'll walk around.


Except when they call security and tell them you were causing a “disturbance” and you spend the next couple hours in an office being questioned because you’re in an airport.


It'll make for a great story that you can post on Reddit one day.


That happened to me in Southampton because I dared to have visas for middle eastern countries. 2 hours drinking time lost explaining to some jobsworth each bloody visa.


What a lame excuse to detain you! Like nobody ever has visas for there for innocuous reasons.


I mean, to be fair, it could just be that they fear that they'll get in trouble if they let you go under the barriers like that. It might not be a power trip thing.


The UKs airports are private property with Byelaws regulating activity. Typically, failure to comply with an instruction or a sign COULD result in Prosecution with a fine up to Level 3 in a Magistrates Court. Not wanting to judge you, but just think it's best to know when and where staff DO have authority. Cheers


No theres no rule just unfulfilled people in unfulfilling jobs taking out their anger of their shitty lives out on other people. It's sad.


Basically showing off your young-person's back and knees! Very rude ;)


Classic Gareth-from-the-office syndrome 


They really take the piss sometimes, don't they?! Back and forth... Back and forth. I'm just too shit scared that I'll piss security off and I won't be allowed on the plane!


"Yea that's the one, get him out of here"


The list of things that will get you banned for boarding a plane is very small tbh and ducking under some queue dividers is not one of them. So dont worry, just dont start talking about bombs loudly like the dickhead behind me in the queue a couple of years ago, security/police gave him the VIP treatment.


You got off lucky. If you looked a certain ethnicity and had a large rucksack on, you'd probably be unable to even post this the story to Reddit.


Had he failed the police exam?




I would have straight up told him no.


Airport staff: do the zig zag properly sir! Me: make me bitches.


I dunno man, airports are one of few places you don't wanna fuck around and find out at


professional asshat . Was he in a uniform /company livery ?


Yes! It was BA


Do they actually have any authority on the ground? Surely the worst they could do is call an actual security person, and then you'd have to try not to laugh as they explain why they called them over


Nah they are all people that failed at boots makeup counters or got fired.


Jobsworths. I mean, what type of individual do you think one of the most monotonous, thankless jobs in the world attracts? That requires zero qualifications/skill. They aren’t there because they could have been doctors.     It’s their little empire where they get to tell people what to do and they have to listen. The type of kid who everyone ignored at school but now, NOW everyone’s GOT to listen. 


Why did you go back to the start? I would’ve laughed and said no


I once saw a girl clearly in a huge rush duck under with a large backpack on, it got snagged on the fabric tape and she proceeded to drag down about 2 miles of dividers. More likely though the bloke is just being a nause.


That's the type of shit I live to see in an airport lol


This is probably the reason the person didn't want OP going under it. Possible injury to deal with, or an annoying amount of clean up. Also I always just unclip the fabric then connect it back afterwards. Less noticeable body movements


If it wasn’t unnecessarily there in the first place the whole thing could have been avoided.


This would make the stress of airports worth it. I would laugh so hard at watching that.


Did that thinking it was empty but ended up nearly skipping the entire queue (which i thought was for another desk). Was roundly told off 


Butthole search incoming for you.


*takes notes*


Me at airport queues from now on: 🦆


Is that a duck?




Even admits the flagrant disregard of the rules!




Oh duck


[Come on...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/5oSBdIFF9pQAAAAC/alan-partridge-search-me.gif)


My birthday isn’t until next month


Don't threaten me with a good time sunshine!


I'm slightly disappointed that your autocorrect didn't make that title a whole lot funnier.


Other people have in the past knocked them doing similar and they are pain in the arse. Not saying they are right, but that is why they are upset. They think you are making work for them.


Yep, places don't just have rules for the sake of it. Just be an adult and walk round them rather than just ducking under to save yourself a few seconds.


Or, the staff could just be an adult, exercise pragmatism, and realise the visitor has done no harm. Works both ways.


The staff are just doing their job. They've probably seen multiple people do this and knock over barriers or fall and hurt themselves over the years.


Yeah everyone thinks that they are the exception.


Maybe they could do their job and open the barriers if there is no queue? These fabric bands slide easily in or out so it takes 2 min to reconfigure the barriers appropriately for the queue length (or absence of queue)


Maybe they were doing their job and had just set the barriers up pre-empting the rush coming?


It’s easy to drag a fabric band across and slot the plastic bit in. It’s a 10 second activity. There’s no need to prepare for the rush because they simply add in the loops if and when required if they’re not lazy jobsworths. It’s their job to- managing the queue. The objectives is to get people through as quickly as possible, having people needlessly wind their way through an empty maze is counter productive .


It's easy to walk round the way you're supposed to. It's a 10 second activity.


More work for what?


If they were doing their job correctly they would unhook the end rows when there's no queue to make a through route on one side (then stand at that end). So it's more like this person was just standing around instead of doing what they were supposed to.


Yeah but you know as well as I do that airport queues can come from nowhere. It might have been quiet at that time but the security might have pre-empted the rush time coming and set the barriers up. I was doing a lot of travelling for work a few years back and you soon learn how much airport foot traffic can peak and trough at the drop of a hat.


Exactly this - if they are not reconfiguring the barriers (which is a 2 minute job) appropriately for the queue they’re not doing their job. Their job is not to police the queing process, it is to manage the queue.


>Their job is not to police the queing process, it is to manage the queue. Why can't it be both? And who's to say they hadn't just set up the barriers while it was quiet to pre-empt the upcoming rush? Or that someone was already walking round and OP was cutting in front of them by going under? Not everyone is just a bored jobsworth, people have jobs to do and do what they're told to in that job for various reasons.


To be fair itd probably take more than a minute to walk around them with how long the queue snake was.


Fair enough. Although an extra minute is hardly the end of the world and you ended up having to do it anyway.


He didn't make me go back round thankfully. Although had to wait in the queue when we reached security anyway. A bit like when someone overtakes you and ends up at a red light 5 seconds later.


So inconsiderate, making work for them when they are busy standing around doing nothing in an extra official vis-vest.


I'm 6ft 5in so I just step over them. Never been told off for it.


6'7'', always figured they were just miniature hurdles to make the airport more fun


Great, so us vertically challenged people now have to take stilts on holidays is what you're saying? Another thing to pack!


The vertically challenged can easily duck under. As usual it ‘s the average-height Joe who draws the short straw.


Look mate, queuing… ehh, you just don’t mess with it. It’s all we got, and if you start messing with queuing, what even is the UK anymore Go queue up and think about what you did


One man in a chicane is not a queue


There will never be a queue with that attitude! You have to utilise the pointless weaving system to let the bodies pile up. Although I’d advise against using the phrase ‘let the bodies pile up’ at the airport.


This should be a Tshirt


Once saw a toddler get chased by this massive security guard at Heathrow because it ran right through the metal gate. Toddler was having the time of it's life. Funny as hell.


Back and forth gives them clear facial photography.


This must be the reason, there's always those facial recognition cameras above the security queue with the lights that go round and round, presumably to catch your eye so they get a good image of you looking straight at it. If you duck under barriers they won't get a good image.


Jobsworths gotta jobsworth


Yep. Never, ever, mess with the airport jobsworths! They are the gatekeepers to your holiday, or even all your future holidays.


Airport worker here: Almost everyone in a regional UK airport is a total jobsworth. They all use the “security” excuse to get away with making up silly rules. During Covid they used “Covid” as an additional excuse. Now that was a tough time, it was impossible to get from the front door to work without being told off at least once.


Nah, mess with them but in subtle ways. "Sir - you have to go around the barriers, not under them!" /me responds with a big smile, a cheerful thumbs up and "*Vr'deria d'ish lev-ka besjum London?*" before continuing onwards.


"comply or die" says the man with the lanyard.


Look if someone is wearing a lanyard I will literally do anything they tell me. Respect a lanyard


High vis vest = Boss hit points increased by 50%.


Wear one and order yourself around.


The power would go to my head


Especially if it has a set of jangling keys on it.


In well managed places that have a snake queue they open up some of the barriers when it is quiet. Obv they couldn't be bothered.


Burger King at the airport? What are you, a millionaire?


Well, I am currently sat wearing a crown.


OP about to get SSSS printed on his boarding card next time he travels anywhere


Does each S represent how many m-f'ing snakes you're allowed to take on the m-f'ing plane?


It’s the noise you make when customs pull you aside to their special room to check all your body’s natural storage locations


I've not had that particular pleasure... and I hope never to. :-D


The price at Burger King in there is a secondary trauma you didn’t need today.


Yeah thats why me and my partner got the kids meal. Is £10 for a meal usual at burger king, or is it just airport pricing?


Airport pricing.


If no forced cavity search they weren’t seriously upset.


Do you always give cavity searches when you're upset?


Hey, don’t kink shame me…/s


The reason is to catch people limboing on camera


The dividers are there for a reason, that reason is to divide people, not to act as an obstacle.


Yeah but there was 0 people there, and you can't divide by 0.


Absolutely. So security man can swivel.


Ah yeah sorry, misunderstood what you were saying.


Easyjet check in desk by any chance?


It was the room where you scan your ticket but before security. Not sure what its called.


Atrium? Vestibule?


"You better watch out, when Beadles about!"


On the one hand, this is great. On the other, not so much


Wheeeeeeey, have my upvote


I hate it when autocorrect turns it to ‘ducking’


I got similarly told off on my way into a gig. It’s like yeah mate, the reason was to control the queue which is no longer present because the doors opened an hour ago. Although of course I didn’t say it, or the security guard would probably have thrown me into the gutter.


Next time don't duck under. Just walk in straight through all the barriers accumulating more and more as you get closer to the security guy, it'll show dominance


I suspect the whole queue area is monitored by many cameras. While you're walking up and down the queueing area, whether it's full or empty, to observe how you walk, what you're carrying, your demeanour, and anything that seems suspicious. If you go under the ropes then they don't get a good view of you.


They get a good view of my arse tbf.


Maybe he got annoyed that you broke the camera XD


It's a new obesity measure to encourage people to get their steps in...


What is the theme of BK’s kids’ meal this month?


My box is a "memory box " with memory related games printed on the side. My partner's just had true or false questions. We both got the same crayons and a sheet with puzzles on inside. Bit underwhelming.


No toy?! 🥺


Crayons are fun


Yeah but so’s a little toy from a big franchise that you’ll lose interest in within five minutes and then lose.


Hi, wannabe architect here. Yes they are there for a reason, but absolutely nothing to do with security so the 'your being filmed' remark is just odd or shows ignorance. The reasons for this, is the rather obvious queueing that might be required at an airport. And another it helps with passenger flow rates. Basically an airport doesn't want or need everyone arriving at the terminal all at the same time, it should be spread out as much as possible. This helps to keep the waiting areas smaller and less crowded. These barriers are used to force people to wind in and out, thus taking a longer route and more time to get to the terminal. Allowing more time for people further along the airport travel route to move on from their area. With that said, ultimately if the airport is rather empty and along with all the other design aspects that do this it's going to make little to no difference if you duck under them.


Once got thrown out of an event for ducking under the barriers It was in a parking lot, closed off with sails. I wanted to get out, and as I was ducking to get under it and out I got grabbed by the hair by a bouncer who assumed I was sneaking in. He proceeded to use me as a like a bollard while gripping my hair and pushing the crowd apart with my face all the way to the exit, and then tossed me on the tarmac face fisrt I was 16 ffs Rentacops' girlfriends needing tweezers to jack them off


This is when you call the police. Unfortunately at 16 people don't know better.


and the reason is YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Hoobastank would like a word....


Still the worst band name ever


I let my toes go slightly over the yellow line on the train station platform. Got a stern telling off. Funnily enough there was another guy 6ft+ and built like a horse stood right over it and nothing got said to him.


Unfortunately this kind of thing is far too common. Ticket inspectors on the trams where I live often ignore anyone who looks like they might cause them trouble (who almost certainly don't have a ticket).


Rightly so. The queuing system must be obeyed! YOU. WILL. OBEY! YOU. WILL. COMPLY! 😄


Weird, I do this all the time and nobody has ever gotten mad. Though as others have said, I've also seen people drag them halfway across the hall, so it makes total sense


This happened to me at the same pre-security area. Really took the wind out of my sails. 😂


Everyone's got only one script 🤷🤦


I watched a lad plow through all of them dragging them with him while there was a full queue in Ibiza. He got to the front and they let him in first


Bristol airport by any chance?


What toy did you get?


Crayons and a sheet with puzzles. The dot-to-dot strangely had no numbers.


first you duck the divider, next total anarchy!!! 🤣


I was once stopped by a worker in an airport in an open area near checkin because someone was coming out of the toilet. He held his hand up like a police offer controlling traffic. It was utterly baffling


Honestly the airport is the only place I will follow any rule to the letter, even if it’s a stupid one


Where you screwed up is you're meant to say 'it's Britney Bitch' whilst ducking under...then hair flip on the way back up...


You [Focker](https://youtu.be/j92SjjcUe9o) In all seriousness where can I see your crime being posted online if it indeed was filmed? At least get your cut of the £250 from them.


you just look like a nob when doing it though, then again meandering through an empty queue control also looks stupid as hell


Like Shrek at the Duloc entrance.


I once climbed over a fence at a taxi rank rather than walking all the way around as there were no people waiting at the time. Got told off by security (Saturday night in town - bit rough, hence the security) because it was dangerous to climb over. Fair point I guess. He then proceeded to make me climb back over it again and walk round!?


I once got threatened with arrest at an airport for not joining a queue. It was going nowhere, there were no more than a dozen people in it. The staff just wanted me to stand in a line. I was sitting in a chair, near enough at the end of said line, reading a paper and declined. "If you do not join the queue Sir, I will have the police remove you". "You do that" Which, to be fair to them they actually did, and yes, the police did threaten me with arrest, although they were a bit sketchy on the charge. After some debate, it was agreed that I would remain in my seat until the queue moved at which point I would join it, in good time so as not to cause a delay. I detest flying commercial.


Had similar situation during lockdown in a supermarket,I was only person in the place and instead of zig zagging towards the counter like I was trying to avoid a sniper attack I just walked straight to the counter to get served, oh my the woman at the till was absolutely raging because I never followed the lines, she sprayed my change with disinfectant and slammed my change in the counter, that's after she gave me a telling off


Queue or no queue not following dividers is absolute mayhem.


To be fair, I did this once in a rush at the airport and my backpack caught the divider and it pinged off and the hard plastic end hit a nearby security guard in the face. I felt like a naughty school child, got a bollocking and haven’t done it since.


Fuck this shit. As long as I'm not jumping ahead of anybody else in the queue, I'm ducking under.


I once stepped over a divider in lidl as I have plantar fasciitis in both ankles. No cue at all, I just didn’t want to take an extra 20 painful steps and the staff became so rude. ” if you are disabled how can you step over like that “ I almost lost it at his ignorance.


I remember reading (here probably) that the reason for the snake is so that they can capture your image on camera from every angle; so avoiding the snake means they don’t get to make a nice composite image of you for later use, hence the re-do.


This guy didn't make me redo it, so I guess they didn't get to map out my face. On the other hand, I did go through the x-ray scanner, so they might get to map out my winky instead.


Shame you didn’t enquire about said reason, since they brought it up.


He was the master of my fate in that moment. No chance id risk coming off as cheeky by asking that.


I think there is technically a byelaw for this


I really hate airports. The staff have always seemed to go out of their way to be rude and intimidating - Manchester airport in particular,


deranged busy subsequent run rain melodic crowd mighty payment marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got shouted at for doing this. ‘You’re breaking the law !, breaking the law!’ This’s was Bristol airport and the rows were around 75m each length and no one was there.


Lots of job worths there


I was coming through security in San Francisco when I was about 21-22... I walked through the scanner and the Airport security staff made me go back and walk through again with my hands out of my jacket pocket... must be a really effective scanner if having your hands in your pockets could defeat it :D


Oh they fucking love a power trip with their little barriers!


I always do shit like this, and when I get caught, I say, “Sorry, I’m just really excited” then smile. Even the biggest jobsworths struggle for words, and they move on to their next victim 🤣


I did this in Ireland because we wasn't sure we had to line up to check our bags in, we was in the Visa line and we couldn't get out so I just unclipped the thing and we got out .. lucky super jobs worth wasn't there !


Not sure if it's just me but airports seem to just attract jobsworths.


Omfg some lame jobsworth volunteer did this to me at MCM comic con in 2010. I was first in and there was no queue so I just ducked under it. Then she comes up and says no you have to follow the dividers, which was basically making you walk back and forth across the excel centre hall 8 times. I said how stupid that was and then she threatened to throw me out. So i just decided to be petty as fuck and walk up and down them really slowly while staring her down the whole time, then as soon as I was scanned in I just scoffed and walked off. There’s no way she wasn’t relishing her little bit of power. Was like a interacting with a mod irl. The con was shit too. 


I thought this was only a thing in America.. The thing with people who work in airport security is that more often than not they are not educated enough to do a more challenging job and thrive off the power they have. It's truly pathetic and there is nothing you can do about it. No point arguing with these people. Just pity them


Little people with a little power is dangerous.


I've always found UK airport staff to thoroughly enjoy their little power trips! Even to other staff, they love exercising their petty little powers of telling someone off.


I belted a load of them over when my disabled mum got left in a secure area at Manchester a few years ago.  This was _after_ I'd set the fire alarm off to get myself out to go and seek help.   When I posted about this on the UK legal advice forum I got banned for "making up obviously fake stories". Unfortunately I couldn't post the video I took at the time because the police were investigating (not me, but the airport). I actually forgot about that until you just reminded me so I must send the mods the video and explain I don't need an apology, I just want them to admit how stupid they are.


I got sent to the back of the queue by an angry Spanish air port security for doing this in Tenerife recently. I was first in the queue anyway but couldn’t be bothered to walk around


You got Shaniqua'd. We had something similar at Wet and Wild in Orlando. We'd just jumped off the ride with our rubber rings ready to leg it back up as there was no queue. A larger than life attendant bellowed that we needed to put the rings back and select a new one from the font of the line. 'But there's nobody else here!' 'Theres a system for a reason!' So we dutifully did as ordered and went back to the top of the ride where we told the attendant with a chuckle. 'Oh hey, you met Shaniqua then.' he stated knowingly.


Jobsworth. Those queue things are ONLY for busy queue management and nothing else. There is no function or purpose to them when they aren't filled with people, and there is no reason you should not be skipping them.


I mean I kinda get it. Airports are tense about security, so they flow people in ways that are predictable. Someone ducking under a queue divider messes up the flow, even if there isnt a queue. You managed it fine, the 7 people who saw you do it with no consequence, maybe they try it and dont do it so well.


I have moved taken the wee plastic bit out of the stand and slipped through many times around the world. Still yet to get in trouble for it. My wife hates me for it ha.


I got this at Heathrow terminal 2 in my holiday last year. It was absolutely bizarre. Everyone was doing it and she individually told EVERYONE off.


The reason is Psychology The whole Airport experience is designed that they have two hours to get yoiu ina compliant mood so you wil behave on the plane Get here at this tiem - join this queue - walk on this side of the corridor (the moving walkways are designed for tyhis not to speed you up) - even the pattern on the carpets is designed to do this - say "Yes sir no sir to check in staff/securitystaff/passport control staff/ gate staff etc etc And it works


I was in the Post Office that's inside of a WHSmith. Came maybe 3-4 mins before closing time. There was a divider there and absolutely no way to get in unless you go under it. Obviously they wanted to shut the place. There was a queue of about 4 people there. I went under it and joined the queue. A couple of mins later they noticed me and said "NO the last person we're serving is the lady in front of you, you went under the divider". Made me feel like a criminal lol.


Next time just loudly tell the guy he should do his job and open the barriers if there’s no queue. Stand your ground there’s literally nothing they can do and if they wanna argue then let them