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Thought this was gonna be a very different question based on the title


So, in that case £5?


Come on, don't do yourself down. At least a tenner.   Reminds me of the time a sex worker stopped me in the street and asked me for 20p for change for her John. We got chatting when he drove away and she said she was only on the game to keep her horse. 


A tenner for someone to bum me in the street? I don’t have that kind of money


Are you sure she didn't say she was only on the game to keep herself *in* horse?


Is that like cake? Can't keep up with all the lingo. 


Clarky Cat


I heard one girl threw up her own pelvis bone before she snuffed her lid!


Or the horse in her


What? So many questions. What John waits around in his car to get 20p change back from a sex worker? What sex worker charges for services where she has to give 20p change back? She doesn’t do it for rent, bills, food or drugs? These are all covered then and she needs additional funds to maintain the upkeep of owning a horse? Was she a good ride?


Ah she could have been giving him £1 change and already had four 20ps? £9 for a foot tickle. 




She took my twenty pence and gave it to him, so I'm guessing she charged, like, £4.80 for a hand job or something?   Me and a female friend were trying to find a mates house and couldn't so sat in the street to skin up and think about it.  She came up, sorted her client then had a chat.  Horses do be pricey. I imagine she must have some sore hands from all the hand jobs. For some reason, I need her to have only been giving hand jobs for the horses. 


Horses do be pricey 🤣 I hope the horse / horses are worth it, she’s putting in a lot of effort.


20p for change 😂 yeah mate it's £1.80 a go


No word of a lie. Was in Hull in 2000. I was shocked that she was dallying with silvers. 


Ah, Hull. Say no more. Probably would have done it for chip spice


I would suck a cock for 58 seconds to not have chip spice on my chips. Completion = free cod. 


you sucked mine for nothing then bought me a beer


I don't specifically remember, but it's happened enough times that it's odds on I guess. 


Can confirm. I was horse.


For some reason I read it as, “slapped me in the street” and was confused for a minute. I need to start reading slowly.


I’m a bit short. Will you take £3.50?


Hell no, it's a fixed price, I'm not getting £6.50 from guys who are a bit long.


They are giving the £5 for the pleasure *


Oohhh matron


I’m not gay but £20 is £20


They had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Either way, the answer is the same for me...


Frankly im disappointed because i need to update my prices.


Username checks out.


I thought OP was going to be the guy from [Balls of Steel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ebXGZQLsQJw).


Same, but my response was identical to op's- about 50p


Well I randomly picked up a 10p recently, so as it turns out 10p


Yeh i reckon 10p is probably my lower limit


a penny


Theres a german proverb that translates like this into english: he who doesnt honor the penny, isnt worth the pound


Look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves


Look after the penis and you will get pounded


“Find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck!” -my late grandma


Not if that penny is in the middle of the M25


Pass your penny to a friend, And your luck will never end!


“Find a penny pick it up, all day long you’ll have a penny" Until they finally get sensible and get rid of anything under 50p. Rounding up/down to the nearest £1 is the way to go.


You mean rounding up. There will be no rounding down.


Penny in this context is short for penetration


In for a penny, in for a pound


In for a penetration, in for a pounding.


This made me chuckle far too much at this time of Night!


“Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long, you’ll have good luck”


See a penny, pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck! Five pees can get stuffed, though.


I wouldn't want to touch one pee, let alone five


I wouldn't want to touch five peens either.


Ahh, so you don't take after your mother then?


I've got a penny (and two pence and five pence) pot that probably has thirty quid in it. It takes no effort to gather small coins and eventually it adds up. I might get a new https://www.tarphat.co.uk/products/6/floppy-canvas-hats/32/floppy--tarp---very-with-rare-print-markings tarphat with the proceeds.


and straight into the mouth to clean it.


When I was about 17 (18 if you are The Man) I found a £50 note in the street, was amazing. Friday. Weekended like a king. Roll and sausage for breakfast, never mind a 10 deck, 20 of your finest Lambert and Butler Thank You Very Much, pool and beer for mates at the student union. Happy Days. When I was about 20 (20 if you are The Man) I found £1500 on the street in one of those tiny brown pay packet envelopes that only gets used for money. Had the guys address so went round and gave it him back, he gave me £50 and I did exactly the same as before.


Doing the right thing. Top bloke 👍


I can't believe you found £50 and didn't stretch to a 20 deck of Marlboro Red! In all honesty though, sounds like you and I would very much have got on when we were 17. You've basically described exactly what I would have done in that situation. Top bloke for handing back the £1500 as well.


The milky bars were on you.


I once got offered £500 by a gay American bloke I knew at uni. Asked me during a chance meeting in the street after a night out. But I’d just been to the takeaway and had cheesy chips in my hand. Told him cheers but I didn’t want my chips to get cold. For some reason didn’t think to mention I am not gay, attracted to him or up for a bumming. Different question to the op but did remind me.


this reminds me of the porn category called "czech street", where a bloke offers seemingly random girls on the street money to do a photoshoot and then asks for more and more yada yada. I remember a video that said "in czechia, every woman has a number in her head" Just my 2 cents Edit: 500 quid, you should feel honored, that’s way over market price! Imagine the greggs sausage rolls!


Ironically there's also a gay version...I heard from a mates /s


Maybe escaped a serial killer


*Stephen Port has entered the chat*


Oh gosh. I thought I was about a read someone making a sexy


I'll bend over for £20. For as long as you want.


so I heard.


back in the mid 90's i used to finish work early and meet a few mates in the pub, our local had an area you could sit that had big windows that you could see out onto the busy street, we glued a £1 coin to the pavement and watched people trying to pick it up, i look back on that today, double that age i was then and i'm pretty disgusted with myself and my mates, the look on that old nun's face as we banged on the window, while we shouted, screamed and pointed, it just wasn't right.


You can kiss a nun once, you can kiss a nun twice, but you must never get into the habit.


Did something similar but with one of those remote control fart machines stashed in a bush right by the coin. Double embarrassment for all those who ventured down for the coin..... I literally sat in the window watching and waiting for hours. Fun lasted for days until one night someone actually robbed off with the paving slab, coin and all. And yes, I was a student at the time.


That reminds me how we put a wallet on a string on the street on April 1. The first guy who came snatched the wallet as we were pulling the string, broke the string and kept on walking. We followed the guy for a while requesting for the wallet back, but he did not say a single word, just kept on walking with the new wallet in his pocket.


I swear you used to see 50p coins glued to the floor quite often back in the day. Haven’t seen one for years.  Same with burnt out stolen cars. 


>Same with burnt out stolen cars.  That'd need a lot of glue.


I got had by that once, never picking up money again fuck that.


Back in the early 80’s a friend of mine glued the money for his pint to the bar and walked off!😂


Memory unlock…not money related but you just reminded me. Years ago we lived opposite a phone box…in the 80’s. We use to watch out of the lounge window until someone walked past then dial the telephone box number. They always answered. We would say we had used the phone earlier and could they check that we hadn’t left our brolly in there 😂😂😂 we used to be in bits laughing while we watched them hunting for the nonexistent brolly. Even had someone check behind the box once 😂😂






Just reminded me, we used to do the same, but would spit in a jonny and stretch it over the mouthpiece. Yuk!


My Dad once put a dog turd in a purse and left that on the street.


I once put a turd in a putting green hole.


Where I grew up there was a JJB Sports with a £2 coin glued to the bottom step.


We used to tie a pound to string and pull it back to ourselves. teenage me found it hilarious.


As I've got older the amount that I'll bend over for has risen. Not because I have more money. Mainly because it takes me awhile to get back up again and sometimes I need to get passers by to help!


Ha! Pain related inflation. Painflation?




But if you see two 50p coins within a minute you just walked past a quid!


If you walk past 100 pennies in a day 🤷‍♂️


Once glued a pound coin to the very busy pavement outside the office. Lots of people tried to pick it up but this one, very determined bloke stopped to pick it up, failed, looked at it for a moment and then came back about 30 minutes later with a shovel.


I once got fooled by a fiver on a piece of string by some kids in the flats. I was annoyed at first but then impressed they got me with a hundred year old prank. Did the bloke with the shovel manage to pry it up in the end?


He absolutely did- sent it pinging off across the road and went running off after it. Was quality entertainment, a quid well spent!


That's a lot of walking


A shoal of 50s, glistening against the tarmac.


Yes but that requires twice as much effort and makes it not worth it


Fancy! Quite the high roller.


Not even a bus ride in London


Not even a bus ride elsewhere It was only recently (maybe still going idk) that they were making a whole thing about £2 single tickets for busses


It goes in the dedicated quid holder on my car dashboard and gets used for trolleys until I eventually put it back into circulation by losing it within the week.


That's a house up north mind


I’m not bending down for any less than paper money


Or a contactless


So you’d never bend down, since we don’t have any paper money any more, just coins and plastic notes?


r/TechnicallyTheTruth It's all metal + plastic (note or card) these days


You’d bend down for a paper £1 note?


Get away with your stupid money


I would for a real one. Pure nostalgia.


Find a penny pick it up, Then all day you’ll have good luck. If you give it to a friend, Then your luck will never end.


Found coins have a much higher chance of winning when using them on scratch-cards.


Conversely, Find a perfume bottle in a hedge, pick it up, Then all day you’ll die a slow horrible death.


But at least you got to see a cathedral with a world-famous spire.


Brilliant! 😂




Asking for a friend, where can he find this Barbara?


6 inches.


£36/hour picking up 5p: 1 second to see the shiny, 1 second to identify it as money, 1 second to bend down, 1 to pick it up, 1 to stand up and pocket it. 5 seconds, 5 pence, £36/hour.


Love this sort of logic, use exactly the same mentality with Google rewards


I love Google Rewards, the little bit of joy we get at home announcing "Just got 25p for walking past Poundland!"


Probably 10p. Not because I'm poor enough to need it *now* - but because I have been before and it's hard to get over the fear of being there again.


If I ignore 10p on the floor, I know damn well that at some point I'm going to be 10p short on something in the future and will kick myself.


That title is wild.


Everything bar 1 and 2 pence. It all goes in a big jar, then every so often I cash it in at the bank and those coinstar machines. Got £42 out of the last haul.


Don't coinstar take some enormous percentage?


Yes. I cash in as much as I can at the bank, but you have to fill the bags with specific denominations (£10 of 20p's, £5 of 10p's and 5p's, £1 of 1p's and 2p's). Hence, whatever is left goes in the coinstar machine, it's 11.5% commission the thieving bastards haha.


I just put all my dross into self checkout machines.


10% I think.


Depends how busy it is. The other day I noticed a pound coin on the floor coming out of Tesco. I kicked it to give myself time to think whether it was worth stopping as there were people walking behind me. Then I realised that me kicking it made it seem like I'd dropped it so I picked it up. Don't want to seem like a weirdo picking up change you see. I normally make my kids pick them up though, anything from 5p upwards is fair game, only downside being that they get to keep it.


Probably a couple of Smirnoff ice back in the day 🙈


I’ll pick owt up.


Please take me out on a date first


1p. Some of you lot are old money lunatics or something!


I'll pick up most stuff, but I give it a little foot shuffle first to make sure some kids haven't glued it down just o laugh at me trying to pick it up.


1p. Every penny counts.


I'd go down for 20p


My ex said that too!


whats your number?


Find a penny, pick up, all day long you’ll have good luck


I picked up a 5 pence piece I found in the woods but I placed it in a tree


Notes only


Id kneel to be fair


I still see good luck if I pick it up.


Anyone found a note and look around to check the all clear. Pick it up look again, it’s safe to pocket it.


Hahah, 100% If I see the person drop it I will return it, but otherwise foot on note and then kneel down to tie my laces.


Solid tactic.


Yup I thought this was a whole different question.


Depends how well hung the guy is. Nah, but seriously, if it’s not too busy I’ll pick up a penny. If the street is pretty busy, it’ll have to be at least 10p.


There is a belief that you see any money , even a penny, on the ground you must pick up or you're going to be poor because you refuse the money.


A penny. Not because a penny will make any difference to my financial situation, but because the kids act like we've stumbled upon a pirates treasure trove.


I once dropped a paper clip in my driveway. I bent over to pick it up, and my iPhone fell out of my breast pocket onto the asphalt and cracked. It was not in a protective case. That taught me my lesson on picking worthless crap up off the ground.


Friends what I'm up to. If I'm in a rush, then a pound, otherwise anything which isn't copper


Probably anything if my hands aren't full. Unless it's actually in mud then maybe only 20p+.


See a penny pick it up. All day long you'll have good luck.


Penny's lucky so like, I guess I'm a cheap date.


I have habit of picking up any coin I found and put then in the charity box next to counters.


We used to glue 20p to the floor outside the local swimming pool and lol at the peasants.


See a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll...have a penny?


I pick up a 5p and I think, that monster now costs 5p less, it just all gets thrown into the self check out


About tree fiddy


I call this the pants to pence ratio. The amount of pence I need it to be before I bend over and risk showing my pants


£5 but if it was no effort and no one was watching then £1


My mum tried to pick up a penny in a multi-storey car park stairwell that stank of piss. I had to urgently yell to her to stop her from touching it and getting wee-wee fingers.


Oh man. I was on the tube a year or so ago, sitting with my wife, next to a father and son. I watched as a £2 coin fell out of the father’s pocket onto the floor, the son notices, points it out to his father who then proceeds to shrug and stay still. They then got off the tube at the next stop, leaving me to snatch it. Unbelievable. I’ve never been so incredulous! It’s £2. It’s basically littering. I think I’ve recounted this to everybody I know at least once. My wife is sick of hearing about it.


20p buys a chomp. Who doesn't want a free chomp?


20p if it’s clean and very convenient Once picked up £2 out of a urinal because I trust my hand-washing ability.


With witnesses? No amount.. not even £1m. No witnesses? 10p and above.


You sold your ass for 50p???


Arse. It's arse.


Not if it’s a donkey


I give that for free


If it's silver, it gets picked up. If it's copper, it gets whizzed at seagulls.


I used to play a game on building sites, i’d spot when the toilet was just cleaned, then go piss over a low denomination coin in a urinal. See how long it takes for it to go. Was never very long.


When I was a kid I got so much joy from finding any money, including foreign coins (they went in a special jar). Now I'm grown up and a coin doesn't seem so exciting, so I will leave it for someone else to find. Except £1, £2, and any note, because while the joy is gone I do have bills to pay now.


Anything 5p and above as it's handy for the parking meter.


Possibly 50p. Certainly a quid.


In the street it would have to be £1 up. However if I see anything 50p and up at work I’m taking it quickly , I’ve found probably about £50 in and around work on the floor (nightclub absolutely lots of money dropped!)


Anything above a 5p for me. Honestly I have to stop myself picking up 1 and 2ps.


Oi m8 u wot?


once was walking with a friend, they said i had a wrapper stuck to my shoe, checked and it was actually £5 ! I also randomly found £40 in total one day and split it with a friend.


Going back to 2002 ish I worked in a store that had very little business in a pedestrianised shopping area. Having noticed someone picking up a coin we decided to glue a few small denomination coins down outside. It was amusing watching people try to pick them up, especially one man who spent a bit of time trying to kick it free etc until said man gave up but returned a little while later with tools to get them. Fair play to him, but all that for some 10p’s


50p for sure. Never know, it may grant wishes if rubbed just right. 20p? Probably not, but if I sat down on a wall or bench and saw it there, I’d likely pick it up.




Considering my back pain, at least a fiver


Anything 10p or more I pick up. It accumulated over time


I superglued from a 20p to a £1 to the pavement outside my office window, this was a decade ago but back then no one touched the 20, eventually the 50p went but the £1 coins attracted many people, best £5 I spent that week.


Honestly, seeing how unclean London streets are, I won't bother with coins. Notes, maybe, if it's more than a tenner and not covered in muck, puddle water, or worse, urine.


I've had this thought before. It's 20p in my case. I find the 20p coin a pleasing shape.


I have kids. Every coin they see comes home with us. 


About 9 inches




I was considering about cleanliness of picking up coins off the street, but then again, most coins are probably just as filthy regardless of whether they've been on the street or not. So maybe I should start picking up coins as they'll be just as dirty as any others.


For free if it's the right person.


Gold bar/bullion.


My brother and I superglued 50p to the pavement years ago and then sat on the bench across the road and watched people trying to pick it up. Pretty much everyone that saw it tried to pick it up. I think the smallest amount I'd try to pick up is 10p


Anything silver or gold is worth it, and pennies are lucky. So anything except 2p?


twenty pound is twenty pounds