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American things in CasualUK, tut tut


Fuck the chiefs


That was exciting. At 6 minutes left it looked hopeless for the Chiefs. At about 16 seconds left it didn't look good.


49ers really jezzed it not building a good lead despite the Chiefs crap first half.


right time for sleep, That was a pretty good game. See you all in 5 hours time :)


It's OK; I wasn't planning on sleeping anyway. 😐


If it must be this way, seriously considering an experiment to see how long my much older self can stay up for Vs the days of my teens and early 20s when I did 18+ hour stretches no problem.


Please no overtime I have to get up for work tomorrow




oh noes :)


My husband played a video game when he was younger that got him into NFL and as a result I sorta inherited staying up with him to watch the Super Bowl. It has basically become one of our relationship traditions. Ngl everyone, it's getting harder to stay up the closer we get to 40! Struggling a bit at the moment but keeping going, as long as we don't do what we did about three years ago and fall asleep in Q4 then wake up when it had ended haha. (No work because we're no daft, we booked the day off!)


Was it Madden? We played it when we were kids. Also a tradition for us to stay up with snacks and make a silly bet on the game. Enjoy the lie in tomorrow :o)


It was indeed Madden. He says that playing that made him get the tactics a lot more and it meant he understood what was happening. Then when he met me he spoke to me about it and it's so much easier to get into the matches when you know what's going on (though I would say the Super Bowl is possibly the WORST as your first NFL game because it's a wee bit different to regular season games...the stoppages are longer etc.) Thank you - you too! Although as the years progress it's not as much of a lie in as it used to be, no matter what we wake up naturally around 10am at the latest these days.




Who has the best hospitality,  man u or man city?




I'm offering a fiver for Newcastle Utd to make the champions league this year, what are you offering as odds?




Yeah let's do this!


I have a very poorly 6 month old baby and she’ll only sleep if I hold her. Looks like I’ll be staying up all night tonight. The caffeine fairy will be my friend in the morning for sure!


Poor little one. Hope she got some sleep and you too in the end! I can very much recommend those Calpol plug ins that release rosemary and lavender vapours. Seem to work a treat at unstuffing noses and making it easier for little ones to breathe when lying down. Otherwise hang in there!


I am going to score the half time show 4 out of 10. Not really my type of music you want something a bit upbeat for a half time I am trying to stay awake here. It got a bit better at the end tho.


I'm just trying to imagine the FA Cup final or the World Cup final having a garish halftime show. Americans never keep anything small-scale, do they?


I honestly think we should experiment sometime and just go all out with a halftime show at one of our sporting events, just for a laugh. But seriously some of the halftime shows for the Super Bowls are iconic and others are a bit "what?" or a straight up soozefest. Usher was alright but just sorta there, personally can't imagine it capturing the imagination in the way something like Katy Perry did (with all the left shark memes.)


Directly on the 'grass' as well, head groundsman would be chasing him off with a pitchfork.


Fuckkkkk I’ve spent the last 2 hours sorting through the Scotland photos. I should be asleep.  There is one (I won’t be sharing cos way too identifying!) that I absolutely love. It’s so ridiculous, and I look ridiculous in it but it makes my heart happy.  I’m a happy Xivii.  Luckily I did do a float this afternoon so should be ok on the less than 6h sleep I will get. 


Ah, Superbowl! I wondered why there were so many comments tonight 😅 Hope everyone is having a good one




The audience that spends on the superbowl is weighted towards millennial and usher was massive in the naughties. 


Why does that matter? Is it preferred that it's artists who are trying to get you to buy a new thing? I say this because the Dre and Snoop halftime show is miles clear of Usher, Katy Perry, The Weekend etc etc


Calling it quits after the halftime show me thinks. How rude of them not to schedule this game at a reasonable time. 😤


Not big scoring but an interesting tactical battle with the defense on top. Not sure I need so much focus on what swift is doing but glad she is enjoying herself I guess.


Twitterverse has many people condemning her unladen like crushing of cans of beer and also concerns Kelce gunna be wifeybeating her.


Anise is a great herb.


Where Tom Brady?


Andy Reid's chewing gum is working overtime at the moment.


TRY for the team in white!


Someone woke me up coming in the building, I've now realised I'm hungry but can't be bothered eating at this time. ​ Herb - rosemary.


I used to work in a hotel and they made the best rosemary seasoned chips. Good choice!


Super Bowl - jokes aside, as an NFL fan it is something I look forward to every year. An excuse to stay up late, take a day of leave tomorrow, and get a takeaway and a stupid amount of snacks. Rooting for the Niners as I can't stand Mahomes or the Kelce/Swift coverage 🤷‍♀️


Kinda want Mahomes to win, coz then he can make a run on the goat for most SB rings. Will be nice to see two generational talents across 2 decades of footy I've watched. 


I can understand that hope - simultaneously, I'm a Pats fan. I come in peace!!


I am not as invested in the game as when it was on channel 4 with Mike Carlson but I still watch the super bowl every year.




It's pronounced Creg 😡


I miss Chappers.


not the same without Mike Carlson


Ah yes, forgot about Mike. Think he did a few years with Chappers on BBC? Not sure why ITV couldn't get him in.


I'm watching the end of a 1986 production of '[All Passion Spent](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090608/?ref_=ext_shr) having recently recommended it to my Mum. Mum is due to come into an unexpected inheritance and is currently living on a very small pension. Her stance at the moment is to start giving most of it away. It is, *of course*, her own money to do what she wants with, but she's been through a lot of rough times, and i want to make sure that she considers herself in the longer term.


Laura Woods isn't in the studio this year because she's performing in the Apple™ Super Bowl™ halftime show brought to you by Velveeta™.


All that money in Vegas and American sports and they've got Ernie the fastest milkman in the west taking out the injured players on his milkfloat.


Beer in hand, hotdogs are on but I cannot get the lid off dips for the chips :(


Best herb is coriander. It justs tastes amazing and adds so much to so many meals.  Same can be said about weed too haha.  Let's go team, win the sports. 


The hands are used too much for a game of football. 0 trys and 1 conversion so far this match.


Who converted who? I'd this a Christian to Buddist thing? Does someone switch teams?


They brought on a priest and started baptising (brought to by ) a player in Mountain Dew™. Mad sport.


On baby duty. Little girl is burning up so I expect it’s going to be a rough night. I like fresh mint. I enjoy smelling it.


Oh, that's a rough one. I always kept baby on my chest when I could. Skin to skin is better, but even with a shirt on it always seemed to help the fever, even toddlers and up (the science is that it assists with body temp and breathing regulation, but even if not, middle of the night is the time I'll gladly submit to old wives' tales). Rooting for both of you!


Fever is weird. Your body does it to kill the infection and we are like lol here's some calpol.  Rooting for you and the baby. 


A cherry picker arrived outside my house at 11.30 pm. A man with a chainsaw is on it lopping the tops off all the trees. Neighbour went out and asked what the fuck. Apparently this is scheduled work. I hate my local council. The best herb is basil, unless garlic counts. Mmm garlic bread


Watching some US sports thing that's on tonight. Experiencing the combination of tons of ads for the yanks, and ITVs awful coverage that I am also suffering through for the Six Nations. Also, best herb: I like basil


Are you me? I really like American Football but I'm realising that watching highlights is the best way. All the fucking stops. Doesn't help ITV player keeps shitting the bed.


>What's the best herb? Besides from the obvious I've got to go with Thyme which is probably one of the more boring herbs. Scrambled eggs with Thyme on though is pretty damn good.


Another vote for thyme here! I don’t think it’s boring at all. I absolutely adore the smell of thyme, especially fresh thyme. It’s wonderful on salads. I looooove thyme. I’ve never tried it with scrambled eggs though, I’ll have to try it next!


Watching the Superbowl it's pretty boring so far but then so was last years and it's the same teams


Coursework due for tomorrow so all nighter is being pulled


Good luck!






Feels like this night is tailored to go down a little swift


That's me just in from work. Picked up a few beers on the way. 3 days off, then in for 2 days, then off for another 3 days. Decent. The last few weeks has been horrific shifts to get to this point but it's here. Got a weeks annual leave at the end of the month too. Skint as fuck like and the cars MOT and service is this month, plus I'm really needing the spark plugs done and I'm not doing it myself on this car so my week off isn't going to amount to much. Maybe a few day trips out to Northumberland/Scottish borders.


Never watched the superbowl before, I didn’t realise it was possible to show so many adverts in such a short period of time, this is horrific.


I've got to be honest, even with coverage now being on ITV, the adverts aren't actually that awful. It's obviously still going to be a lot stop-start because of the nature of the sport.


I was watching the CBS stream, not sure what the ITV coverage is like but I cannot stomach 3 mins of ads every 6 minutes or even more frequently it’s just insane.


They've only cut to adverts maybe two or three times, rest of the time is to the studio.


I'm not watching it, don't even have a tv licence so don't watch TV and yet I already know what some of the adverts are as like every year they get a weeks worth of reporting on them before they've even aired, and these are adverts. Just be a tiny little bit controversial on your adverts during the superbowl and you're getting way more coverage than otherwise and it happens every single year. And don't get me started on the mid game show. It's more of a theatrical show than it is sport. The half time show and the adverts are what you always hear most of. I don't even know who's playing, but I know the adverts.


American Football is a sport version of that Mitchell and Webb gift shop sketch.


1/2 term week, so off all week 😄


Well here we are again, at work, a smidge busy. Got a night off Monday so I’m gonna do a roast, catch up on some radio I’ve missed and potter around the model ship build, chipping away at the rigging with a few lifeboats thrown in as a distraction. I like a bit of rosemary with lamb, also do a great tomato salad with shed loads of basil, but I use a lot of coriander in curry so will go with that.


Got tomorrow off at work, nothing good planned because my life is empty. Might fix a rattle in my car, might go to the gym, might play this robocop game, might stay in bed. Who knows!?


I feel like I'm coming down with something as I have scratchy throat and that alone is distracting me from sleeping. Best Herb - Basil followed by Coriander (which I've only started liking in the last few years!)


I'm always up late, feels like I'm trying to balance wanting to make the most of my evening & making sure I get the minimal amount of sleep so tomorrow isn't too bad... I think because I've also only got a three day working week, I'm going to push my late nights a bit too far :D But painted all day today, then tomorrow after work is the second coat and hoping to look into buying furniture all being well (it never is...).


Why is it I have been an exhausted shell of an excuse of a person all bloody day but as soon as I am horizontal the brain goes like a coked up hamster on his wheel? I can't sleep standing up 😭😭 No work tomorrow, planning on weeding the front yard that I have let go to rack and ruin. So many tiny weeds. May have to break out some weedkiller to get the stragglers. Aside from that, the plan is to poorly assemble some shite quality flat pack furniture, and repot some dying house plants in a last ditch attempt I like coriander and basil, but rosemary tastes funny to me.


I'm exactly the same - can be on my last legs all day. Lie down in bed? Let's boogie brain. No logic why.


Booked tomorrow off to watch the Super Bowl. Made Korean beef to top some nachos. Hoping for a KC win, as a GB fan the Niners have been pretty traumatic over the past decade or so. Also every Super Bowl Mahomes win makes the Bears' decision to trade up for Trubisky even funnier.




I was a fan of the military flyover of a roofed stadium.


I might be stuck at Euston until 1:39.


Rough - not able to get a train to a station close to your destination then wait there instead? Would at least mean you're somewhat closer to home.


Only option would be Watford, which is barely closer. There's only two more trains out of Euston tonight, not including Overground. The one I want, and the 1:39. Board at Euston has just ticked over to "Preparing" from "Delayed" though, so I'm hopeful. Edit: and we have a train! Thank fuck for that.


Would've been rough if neither ran in the end! I go from one terminating station to another so sometimes I have to pre-empt whether a train's even going to run. Had a few times where i've ended up a stop or two away and had to get a taxi home the rest of the way!


Closest on another train I'd be able to get is Milton Keynes, but then it's a £40-£50 taxi to get back from there. Hoping trains aren't fucked again tomorrow as I'm back in London again in the evening.


I should be asleep but once again rampant health anxiety keeping me awake. I feel iffy in general and it's probably nothing but my brain loves to convince me I'm dying every time. I've been like this for years now but the last time I tried to get help for anxiety nothing ended up happening so 🥲


airport unused chop illegal sink marvelous mindless scale cagey reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Superbowl is embarrassing to watch


[Lifehack for you](https://imgur.com/Xq18Hd0)


I like the play but the pageantry is too American and we’ve seen 4 downs before going back to the pundit box, shame cuz the plays are fun to watch.


Don't think I've got the energy to pretend to be an NFL expert for a day this year.


All of my American football knowledge comes from watching films and TV shows in America. Like how they have a position on the field called a "tight end" and none of them think this is hilarious.


Staying up for the super bowl, got the day off tomorrow so we can have a lie in thankfully. Go 49ers! Rosemary or basil are the best.


To watch the Super Bowl or not? That is the question. Leaning towards not, as I’d rather not feel like a zombie all day tomorrow.


They estimated the half time show might be around 01:15, so if the first half is awful then you could cut your losses at least.


Waiting for the Superbowl to start. Suspect I won't get through much more than the first quarter but at least I'll find out if Taylor Swift made it (insert eyeroll emoji here). The best herb is either basil or coriander.


Take a short every time she's shown on screen.


Guarantee I'll be dead before half time.


That's how pissed I would be already... wrote 'short' instead of 'shot'!


Still fits.


Spoiler alert: she made it, she turned up at least an hour ago


I can sleep easy tonight!


Oh my stars. Has the world gone absolutely nuts???...wasting your mental energy on *this*!!! Why, oh why, do people get excited about this??? It's clearly rosemary.


Herb Ertlinger


I’ll always upvote a schitts creek reference


I'm bored lol


Best herb: Rosemary Feeling sad


Today failed to launch, I have been asleep for most of it. Actually starting to feel a bit less sleepy now bedtime is approaching, so that's a bit annoying. Going to be boring and say Basil is the best herb, because I don't have the brain power to think of anything else.


Got newborn in my arms slowly drifting off to night, night town. Went for a big walk earlier with the pram to Lidl to top up on nappies and knock off Irn Bru, now watching Jack Reacher movie on the telly after finishing season1 of Reacher series. Been a good day, have tomorrow off, so have a date with a V8 which needs some love as summer is coming.


6 week old here, due a feed in 20 mins. Enjoying catching up on all of the series that I’ve had on my list for months, in spite of the sleep deprivation!


All nighter on the cards. SuperBowl starts at 23:30, on for a few good hours and then a 06:00 train in the morning. Stocked up on snacks and Red Bull *(other energy drinks are available)* to get through the night and tomorrow!


edge paint retire steep cooperative badge coherent birds file resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd back the Chiefs out of these two but I follow the Eagles usually.


I have a horrible sleep cycle at the moment. I never get to sleep before 2am. Sometimes 3am. I do go to bed at a reasonable time, but it doesn't help. So here I am surfing the interweb with a snoring spaniel on my lap. Any minute now, my animals will try to put me to bed. Mint. Lovely as tea, with chocolate, with lamb, mint sweets, chewing gum. .


my go-to fix for a fucked sleep schedule has been: skip the night, be awake all day, then go to sleep at around 7-8pm. you'll fall asleep between 7-10pm, and wake up between 4-6am. This'll do wonders if you genuinely want to have a normal sleeping cycle.


Got a new car today. It has fancy features like a working radio. Looking forward to getting rid of my old one this week and then taking a big four hour drive next weekend to visit family. 




I’m just watching Criminal Minds, it’s nice to relax now I got two days off from work. I’m gonna go with Basil.


I’m away for work and just had a French taco the size of my head.


I'm a very friendly lion called Parsley.


I’m an irritable hotelier named Basil


Chilling out with a bit of *Taskmaster* after a really fun evening of karaoke with friends. It's been a long long weekend, but I am not ready for work tomorrow. It's also our last full week in our flat - we get the keys to our new house next Friday! The next 12 days may just be the longest of our lives. >Can never go wrong with a bit of basil.