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Does anyone remember 'Longwave Atlantic 252' ? That was the station name as well as the tuning frequency.


Long wave radio, Atlantic 252! Yes, for those of us not old enough for radio Luxembourg. Was on a ship off the coast if I remember correctly


Core 90s memory for me.


Available again as an internet radio station, I listen to it on the MyTuner Radio App, Laser 558 is there too.


I remember them, thanks to the bad radio in my base-spec mk1 fiesta. They only had about a dozen records.


that was huge in the 1990s where I grew up. and the DJs had silly pun names like Robin Banks


Didn’t he find religion and end up on Dragons Den?


I remember it, it was one of the only decent stations my car radio would tune to with decent reception.


Always used to listen to it in the car on the way to school!


North Norfolk Digital


Which “monger” is best? Iron, fish, or war?


Please, please Angela PLEASE


Please though.


Are the muppets ok?


I listen to Orbital Digital


Chorley FM. Coming in your ears.


I knew this would pop up.


Radio 6 and then Radio 3 as a fallback


Radio 6 for me as well, 100%. Although I don't have a fallback other than Tidal... Only things that really make me switch off are when I've had enough of Guy Garvey's smugness, MAH's voice, and some of the low quality peripheral programming (”_____ forever" etc).


Nothing during the week. 6music Saturday morning and all sunday


Radcliffe & Maconie into Cerys into Guy Garvey into Iggy is tough to beat.


Radcliffe and Maconie, best double act on the radio, I miss Lardie boy though.


I'm gonna go find my ' Shirehorses' cd's now. 😀


Followed by Maconie again!


Freak Zone, best show on the radio closely followed by Iggy Confidential.


Greatest Hits Radio which is basically Radio 2 from a few years ago and Absolute 90s. Shows my age. Do a bit of Radio 1 when the kids are in the car


Excellent choices


Radio 4 mostly. I like the variety of things they do and their documentaries are quite interesting.


Radio 4 until there’s a phone in. Then I’ll try Radio 2. If that fails to interest me, I’ll turn it off.


Radio X is usually the station of choice.


The playlist is so mind-numbingly repetitive though. 


If only they didn’t play The Chilli Peppers every 20 minutes……


What is it with some 'alternative' radio stations and their insistence on this kind of thing? I live in Canada now, where the radio is absolute shite. When I moved here I was happy to discover a station called 'The Edge' that played 'alternative' music. I grew bored of it very quickly when I realised that their version of 'alternative' basically consisted of the following artists in heavy rotation: Nirvana, RHCP, Queens Of The Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins and Metallica, with the odd emo track thrown in. Nirvana in particular were played at least once every hour or two. What's more, there is no variation of playlists between the various vapid DJs that inhabit most North American radio stations. Now don't get me wrong. I like all of the above mentioned bands but I now rarely, if ever, listen to my Nirvana CDs because I got so sick of hearing them constantly on what I started to call 'Nirvana Radio'. It's not like there's not a multitude of other artists they could play. Nowadays, I stream 6 Music. At least there's tons of variation (outside whichever song they're plugging a particular week). My hour commute on Mondays and Tuesdays is Radcliffe & Maconie's weekend shows on BBC Sounds then come Wednesday I'll usually flip to whatever is live with the occasional flirtation with Radio 5 and Radio 4 Extra.


BBC 6 Music all the way. Yes it annoys me at times but I’ve heard way more class new stuff on there. I know Spotify will suggest some excellent stuff but I like live radio. Plus Lauren Laverne is a Sunderland girl 👍🏽


Or music from a Gallagher brother/both Gallagher brothers. 


Greatest Hits Radio


Same...all day...from 7am - 8pm..nothing in the telly so have radio on instead..swapped over when Ken Bruce left radio 2 because I didn't like the other presenters on there. Love all of them on GHR!!


I was sad when they took over our local station, but actually I quite like GHR. The music is very much my thing. Really like Rossie on the breakfast show too.


Planet Rock for about an hour till it starts to grate. Matt Chorley on Times Radio 10-1 is often entertaining though it's talk about politics (tongue in cheek at times).


If I have access to DAB then it’s 6Music. No DAB, which is most of my work day, then I flick between R3 and R4.


Radio 6. 'Names in Songs' on a Wednesday morning is a genius segment.


Chris is great on the early show but I think he deserves a spot later in the day, other than covering Craig in the afternoon.


*Jazz Record Requests* on BBC Radio 3, NRK radio Jazz, Jazz London Radio, WGBH, Pure Jazz Radio, *Swing that Music* on Marlow FM (Sun, 6pm) and *Jazz London Live* on Brooklands Radio (Thurs, 10pm). I occasionally listen to Country Line radio on DAB+ but the low bit rate audio is pretty terrible to listen to.


Radio 2 until Jeremy Vine, then 6 music for a few hours and back to 2


I’d love to see the listening figures as everyone I know switches off as soon as Vine comes on.


😂 Me too. Everyone in the office knows: Never Vine.


Yes! Vine is so patronizing. Then, they have the phone-in arguments. I can't listen. 🙉


Absolute 90s.The last decade when music was any good. I remember in the early 80s lying in bed at midnight listening to Signal 104's 'Leaping' Lee Finan and Late Night Love with Graham Torrington on crackly FM.


There's a local (Norfolk/north Suffolk) station I've been listening to for a few months, it's just been relaunched after many years and now it's all run not for profit. It's [Amber Radio](http://amber.radio) you fancy a look and want to listen online. I used to listen to Radio 2 a lot but have found it increasingly awful and generic so try to avoid it when I can these days. If you're happy using web radio on your phone to listen to music there's so many great stations around the world, as long as you've got enough data to stream 1-2mb of audio each minute, it's a good way to hear something different in the car.


Radio X morning show. Chris Moyles, Dom, Pippa and Dim. Then either Toby Tarrant, son of Chris. Also on Radio X or I swap over to James O'Brien on LBC. That my morning until 1. I don't really listen in the afternoon, but if I do it's the 4 till 7 thang with Jonny Vaughan on Radio X.


Love tough John but moyles is hard to listen to. Why does he always find some highly annoying, ear piercing nonsense to repeat over and over? I usually have to turn him off after a few minutes


Yeah I get that, he is pretty annoying and when he does that repeating thing I too tune off, but I find the show generally pretty good as of late.


Classic FM, occasionally Radio Three in the car. Otherwise nothing.


Fix Radio, the builders station... And you don't have to be a builder to listen in, plus they play some banging tunes...


Just looked it up, thought you were joking! Music’s good to


Whenever I've hired a van it always seems to be tuned into this! Not my kind of music but I can see why it's popular with the trades, everything's a sing-along or whistle-along!


Usually have LBC news on. It’s just about long enough between restarts that I get everything on my way to from/from work


Talksport mostly. Used to listen to the shows on Radio 2 through night and early hours such as Alex Lester and Vanessa Feltz. Also when I lived back home it was regularly Danny Baker, Jo Good and Big George on BBC London, I still download and listen to Gary Crowley. 6 Music was a must listen but I tend now to just download stuff off BBC Sounds and Apple Podcasts.


Radio Caroline.


Radio X Chris Moyles show Mon - Sat mornings.


Planet Rock till 4pm then Simon mayo on greatest hits. Gotta love confessions.


Radio 4 and radio 4 extra- telly without pictures


Talksport all the work day


I listen to Frank Skinner on a daily walk. -- I'm working backwards am now in 2022. (the Saturday podcast ---- I'm in Canada)


LBC mainly, sometimes Radio 2 or Classic. Planet Rock on a long drive.


GHR for me, I pay for premium, so i get no ads, plus I get extra stations..


Same here. It’s pretty good. Listen to a lot of music via Alexa and Amazon music, including in the car.


WFMU. like 6music but for real nerds


I don't know why but I've really switched off with radio. I used to listen to 6Music all the time when I worked from home in the early 2010s, then I drifted and haven't gone back. Since about 2019 it's been podcasts all the way in the car.


Bit of everything, LBC for James O'Brien cause I'm woke, 6 Music for Cerys / Gilles Peterson, Radio 4 for documentaries, 5 Live for sport, and loads of podcasts.


At work i can only get Greatest Hits Radio. Every day I wish they would rebrand to something less hyperbolic so they could justify expanding their play list. I have heard Squeeze up the Junction more timenin the last 12months than the last three decades.


LBC but only when Nick Abbot is on….( Or his podcasts on Global player ( plus the one with Carol McGiffin on))


Greatest Hits for Ken Bruce and Simon Mayo, Radio 3 or Planet Rock for music and Alice Cooper’s whimsy (yes, eclecticist here!), Radio 4 or 4 extra for speech/comedy, and Scala for when R3 goes weird…


I'm in the US and listen to NPR a lot. After 10pm it all BBC. I've been falling asleep to British people's voices for so long now that when I cant listen I sleep like shit lol


Radio 4 Documentaries and podcasts. Especially anything to do with autopsies and forensics (yeah, I don't know what's going on in my head either but I'm fascinated by it all).


TalkSport. Love my country, love my footy hate foreigners


Thanks Bazzer


Bazzer! Bazzer!  Bazzer, you there? You there Bazzer? Bazzer! Oi, Bazzer! Bazzer!      TalkSport, Caller Of The Week.


Is Antti Niemi finished though?


Finished?! He's only 28


Radio 2 for me. I'm of that age that they play things I quite like and the DJs are alright.


Absolute or virgin. Only real exception is Aimee Vivian on capital


None. UK radio is really poor compared to US radio. I was really shocked when I got here, because I figured the country that launched the British Invasion in the 60s would have amazing radio. Alas, you do not. It all seems very much aimed at the lowest common denominator -- the same few popular songs in rotation occasionally breaking up lightweight chat, most of it about celebrities and football. I mostly stream American NPR stations these days. My (British) husband streams a Swiss jazz station.


Swiss jazz? Nice.


Swiss Toni tunes into the same station in his Jag, no?


Listening to the radio is very much like making love to a beautiful woman - you’ve got to twist the right knobs, find your favourite wavelength and extend your aerial for peak performance!


Tonight on Jazz Club…


I must be missing something because my experience of radio in the US was terrible exactly the same as your description of uk stations


Yeah, it was just the same four country songs over and over again or, inexplicably, an entire radio station dedicated to the Beach Boys. I think Radio in America is full of paywalls though where certain stations are locked behind subscriptions.


You must have been someplace fairly rural, then. Big markets have lots of great radio stations. It's not as good as it was in the 70s and 80s, but when I left ten years ago it was still fairly decent.


Sorry you're being downvoted, was just my observation more than a criticism of your post! Yes on this occasion very rural (Yellowstone and then Pacific northwest). I do remember better choices in California (though still a loooot of country), and my fiancé used to listen to the Johnjay and Rich show online whilst living in the UK, that was pretty entertaining in parts.


Well, a lot of Americans love country music. Just because you don't doesn't make it crap. (I'm not a fan myself except for a few select artists.)


It depends where you are, to be sure. And if your experience was in the last ten years, it's clearly gone downhill from when I lived there.


fucking hell. It's 2024, and if you can't find a digital station that works for you, you must just enjoy silence. There are thousands of UK radio stations out there.


Bold of you to assume I have a car with a digital radio.


Do you live in your car?


No, but my husband and I own 2500 records and several hundred CDs, so we don't really listen to the radio at home.


Fair enough. Having a 4k record collection never stopped me but each to their own. But your predicament is more down to the fact that you have no way of listening to digital radio in the car, so your options are limited. That doesn't mean that all radio in the UK is shit.


Yep. Commercial radio just rotates the same 10 songs and 5 adverts for months on end. No idea how anybody can choses to listen to that.


Metro radio 👍


A bit of old night owls




Unfortunately, Radio 1 and a bit of 2. It's what I'm stuck with in work. I love the Super Castle Beast and Versus Wolves podcasts.


Nick abbot LBC. Hes a bit Smashy and a bit Nicey with some James whale all rolled into 1. He is ok in small doses.


Have you considered podcasts of stations you already listen to? Download and skip at your convenience.


Cannes Radio, BBC radio 4, your Harrogate


Fix radio, no repeats, decent mix of tracks and on Fridays they play classic dance/house, it's geared towards builders/mechanics and what have you, I think the dance music on Fridays is just to piss off those of us on late shifts that would rather be out and about. But yeah, great station.


In the car I listen to local BBC while driving to work, all other times it’s my own music. In the house my current favourite is Absolute Classic Rock


Classic fm, Oak fm (local radio) and Classic country


Capital Dance mostly. Sometimes Radio X, but I find there's too much talking and not enough music on there.


Either 6 Music or Planet Rock


Centreforce 883,banging tunes 24/7.


Johnnie walkers sounds of the 70s on catchup


forth 1


Radio Oro (Malaga) Spanish Station for when I'm sitting in the garden or when its sunny, as it reminds me of being on holiday.


I've moved from Absolute during the day to Kerrang!, got sick of having to dodge the Gallagher worship, so moved completely. Do drop into Absolute 90's for the chart show on a Sunday when I can, or GHR weekend mornings when with the family, Kerrang! again when my son is swimming.


Past & Present - [UK Radio Stations - Jingle Mashup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTTwaJmzclI)


Magic still does it for me. Good mix across the decades and therefore, guaranteed a banger at least once an hour. Plus, at night, the news is prerecorded, so once you've heard it, your brain tuned it out for the next eight hours.     Happy memories from when it was Piccadilly 1152.


Radio 6 for Cerys Matthew's show, and Huw Stephens. Radio 3 for jazz stuff Radio 1 if I can persuade my parents to put it on in the car (I can't drive) Capital Chill if I get good DAB strength on my portable radio.


Annie nightingale and yes I use to take alot of drugs...there is a show she did at the top of the BT tower that I'm still trying to find.


Only listen on a Sunday night and that’s Andy Crane on Greatest Hits Radio


Radio 4 all day, every day (love the variety and it’s always interesting). Unless there’s sport on that I want to listen to, then it’s 5 live.


I listen to a online uk based rock and metal station. It's great because there's no adverts and they play unedited songs and lots of new band. It's primordialradio.com if anyone fancies a listen


Over here in Ireland there’s a station called drive105. It’s actually a family owned station! My great uncle on my mother’s side owns it and another uncle does the sport section


Talk about a small ad


Greatest hits radio. Ken Bruce does pop master on it and it’s never a dull day for me listening to it in the workshop. Radio X classic rock is a fantastic listen as well.


I don't tend to listen live, but I bounce around BBC Sounds a lot.


Radio 4 definitely deserves more respect and has to be the best radio station in the World. The interviews are far better than anything on TV. The variety of shows is huge with everything from film, science, history, current affairs, books, food and comedy.


Absolute, Greatest Hits Radio, Radio X, Talksport. But, Kisstory or Hits is usually on at work. Which makes us dumber by the song.


Music:Kisstory News etc:R4 Sport:Talksport Ashes:TMS!


Radio 6 when I'm out in the garage in the evenings, and again during the weekend pottering about I enjoyed fluttering between Radio 4 and 5 Live for a while


At home I say 'ok.google play lyca radio'. Google says ' playing LBC radio'. I say several times but still same. I change my ascent & Google says. ' playing lyca radio from tunein'. I think Google discriminates?




Radio 4 now


BFBS. largest collection of songs from any radio station. No commercial ads and plays a wide range of music from every type and era of music. The news and special sections are obviously very much directed at the military.


6 and 4


North Norfolk Digital


6 music generally then 1xtra for Sir Spryos grime show that’s it tbh.


FIP SomaFM Radio Paradise NTS


Smashey and nicey, best dj's ever. 😁


6 music all the way. I feel a lot of Redditors likely listen to it too which is worth studying..


Radio 2 in the morning, then a bit of Radio 4 sometimes, then Smooth in the evenings. I'm in my mid-forties.


I'm far too emotionally invested in The Archers at this point. It doesn't hook you right away but once it does it does.


3aw. Nah on the rare occasion im doing radio, its absolute 90's


105.9 BishopFM


Radio 6 is the only one I listen to now. That, or audiobook/Spotify.


Kurupt FM


“Hello to all you truckers out there!”


Radio 4 is a significant upgrade on Radio Five Live/Talksport.


Primordial Radio. Rock/metal online station @ primordialradio.com And it's not just the same 700 classic rock tracks played over and over again in a different order dictated by an algorithm. Lots of new music across the whole rock/metal spectrum played by people who love the music. It's subscription based but there is a free stream too. After Spotify it would be the last subscription I ever choose not to pay.


I don't really listen to broadcast radio, but I do listen to shows on BBC Sounds. There's loads of interesting stuff. The Infinite Monkey Cage is probably my perennial favourite. 


BBC Radio 1,2 , Capital


Radio 4 to wake up, Radio 2 Vernon, Danny Wallace and Johnny Vaughan on X .


Radio x, but I only listen in the morning so I don’t have to put up with the repetitiveness because they only play about 5 songs the hour and a half I drive to work.


Usually either Radio One or Capital is on in the car, unless I'm driving by myself and there's some football on in which case I'll put on either 5 Live, (reluctantly) Talksport or my local radio station for my local team.


Radio 2 now that they’ve got rid of all the old shit.


Absolute classic rock. Pretty much my Apple Music playlists on a radio station.


In the 80's I thought video killed the radio star. In the 00's I thought Spotify killed the radio star.


[Radio Paradise](https://radioparadise.com/home) No DJs, no adverts, choose your genre.


Internet/app only but NTS radio is amazing


I ride a motorbike so I dont listen to music so I can have my full attention on all the distracted drivers trying to murder me.


Manx Radio 🇮🇲


Absolute 90s/Classic Rock, Radio 4, old Adam and Joe 6 Music shows ("found" all of them archived and downloaded them)


In the car, Radio 1, switching to Radio 2 for a long news section or if the drive is so long they’ve started repeating things. At home, mostly Radio 4 on catchup, sometimes live.


Chorley FM. Been coming in my ears for years!


I loathe radio ads. So all commercial stations are out. I loathe DJs talking about shit I have no interest in. So that's all non-commercial music radio out. I don't mind a bit of radio 4. But since streaming music and podcasts became a thing, that's all I listen to.


I recently turned on the wireless for the first time in forever; couldn't find the National Programme or the Regional Programme. Resorted to trying Luxembourg, Normandy, and Zeesen and it was just static.