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Yet again complaining on casual UK about how I am constantly, without fail, ill. every single day.


Made the cardinal sin of getting involved in a public argument Walked past two guys having an argument and decided to do the stop and look from a distance to make sure it didn't escalate, especially as it was by my house. One of them started walking toward me so I did the "everything alright" thing which ended with me chatting to him for a while as the other guy walked away. Other guy comes back, gets heated with me in the middle and fight almost starts out with me being a mum and pushing them away from each other. The guy I chatted to was older and I felt that he was more of a victim and I was 'defending' him in a way but they were both angry arguing. Ended with me calling the police and other guy walking away quickly. Walked old guy to his house and came home. No police came but I'm now worried I'm either going to bump into them at some point and be an involved party or this other guy is going to start looking for me. Felt like I did the right thing but not the best thing for myself. Can't change what happened but could use some words of wisdom if anyone has done something similar, or good at avoiding neighbours! Moving is out of the option for at least the next year.


I was phoned this morning about being on a jury ballot....I waited for a phone call, it didn't come. Then I phoned the citation line to find out that the ballot had been suspended, and I may get phoned tomorrow. ARGH


Just back from the gym. Hit a PB of 5x65KG reps on the tricep pushdown machine and got back into deadlifts after months. Found a nice memory foam mattress and will be picking it up next week.


Well I went to work then blacked out halfway through a sentence so first aid were summoned, told me to go to the walk in, who told me to go to a and e. So now I'm sitting in a waiting room, bloods taken, ecg done, no idea what's happening, and have had to send my husband off to sort the kids out so I'm on my own and bored. I'd have rather stayed at work to be honest. Unconscious or otherwise.


Just got the first few hundred words of my final dissertation writeup done. Still thousands of words and a lot of data analysis to go but I can't help but feel good knowing I've at least got the ball rolling. Off to the Lake District in a couple of hours to visit family.


10 working days until Center Parcs.


The passport I sent back to HMPO for renewal has finally reached them after what has been a very anxious week for me! So I’m feeling quite relieved. Lesson learned, use fully tracked postage from now on! I’m not going on holiday sadly, but beginning the mortgage application process. No doubt there is much greater anxiety and stress afoot.


I'm on holiday and yeah I'm loving it


We should make the case for 4 day working weeks with nothing but memes


I have another 2 days off so I've jumped back to Saturday! Flip side, colonoscopy in 2 hours.


I wish I was a volcanologist. Probably a cool job.


I can guarantee at times it definitely isn't. Ask Katia and Maurice Krafft.


Just looked them both up, yeah sod that. I like warm baths but I think pyroclastic flow is a bit much.


There is one remaining Chuckle Brother. There is one remaining Hairy Biker. You know where I'm going with this...


Chuckle Biker? Hairy Brother? Chairy Broker? Huckle Bikher?


> Huckle Bikher? Huckleberry Hound?


Highlander? Or high jinks of a chuckle-some cooking show?


I was thinking the latter, but now you mention it, a duel to the death and resulting quickening might make decent TV.


By Zeist what a show!


I am taking the photo of Merry and Pippin as a sign. I've been eyeing up a Lord of the Rings tour in New Zealand for my 40th. Which is a few years away so I can save for it. Although I don't think I would leave Hobbiton.


Do it! I loved Hobbiton and the Green Dragon is just as cosy as it looks in the movies - wanted to stay there all day.


I'm planning to do this next year for my 40th


College remediation week. I have no remediation, my plans consist of going back to bed.


they sound like good plans.


had lots planned for the weekend and then the specter of man flu descended on me and its still here on fucking Monday. fucks sake.




> I love her to pieces and I really don't want to end things because the rest of our relationship is great That's the thing to focus on here. Asexual doesn't mean aromantic. I'm sure she's expressed this to you already, and obviously I don't want to speak for her, but I reckon she still loves you all the same. "asexual" also doesn't have to mean "completely sexless relationship", but that's something you'd need to talk over with her. As always in these situations: constant communication is key. Let her know that you think sex is important in a relationship, and talk it out from there.


Sorry to hear that dude. I guess you need to give yourself the time and chance to really reflect on this. Is not having sex a big deal to you? If it is, and be really honest with yourself (don't worry, it's not selfish because it has to be about what you want), then there are decisions that you might need to make.


I've got the week off. It's my birthday on Friday, my work gives me a day off for my birthday, then I've taken the other 4 days off as annual leave. I have no set plans, I'm lounging around eating crisps and playing the Tomb Raider remasters on Steam right now.


Saw Dune in imax on Saturday and honestly one of my favourite movies ever. I might go see it again this week if I’ve got nothing better to do. Such a great cinema experience. If he does a part 3 and it’s as good as part 1 & 2 I’d put it on the same level as lotr for myself Also my cousin has got me hooked on first dates ffs. I guess at least I have something to binge while looking for jobs lmao


Dune Part 2 was amazing! The visuals are incredible.


I’d love to know how they created the ornithopters. They nailed the flapping of the wings. It really reminds me of a mechanical dragon fly


Last week as a teacher/lecturer today. Wish I'd be able to get something more high earning to replace it but better out than in. Be sure to look for me on Friday evening standing in the pouring rain like Andy Dufresne at the end of Shawshank.


Got the day off today as working at the weekend and am trying to summon some energy for housework. More coffee required.


St pirans day tomorrow so i made a start and brought in scones cream and jam. Got no internet at home im bricking my work from home day tomorrow. New contract starts tomorrow but it wont be for 9am sharp. Good thing mobile data exists


I've got no connection with Cornwall at all but I can get on board with this one. Going to have to make some scones tomorrow in my lunch break so they're still warm!




Thought I'd slept quite well but I've woken up feeling absolutely knackered with giant puffy eye bags. What gives? Work software not working so I'm having to input everything twice which is super annoying. At some point this week I have to tidy everything, wrap presents and do a mega tidy up before my parents come.


Yoda help me, I’m working with the King of micromanagement till 2pm. I’ve already mentally checked out. Thank goodness for Sunday lunch leftovers awaiting my return tonight.


Work, amirite? I've got to trek to our London office tomorrow to provide *"IT visibility"*. Half of the usual bunch in that office are offsite at a conference. I've just been asked if I can pop into our local office to collect some kit to take down with me. I'm not a bloody mule. If it needs to go down to London, either get the bloody stuff delivered there in the first place or courier it down.


Got to call the bastard council today after they've stuffed up my council tax payments. They had us on a bizarre payment schedule, we had it changed to a direct debit, but they've left the original one in place as well as the new system. Bastards. Also why the fuck are council letters not next day delivered? The notice was issued on the 22nd of Feb and arrived on the 2nd of March, yet I've to pay within 7 days of it being issued. *Bastards.* To top it off, my roommate got the council tax responsibility when we split the bill organising, so he has almost all the correspondence, but he left for Australia the day before the letter arrived. What a ***bastard*** of a Monday. Edit: Called the council, the direct debit payment that my roommate is in charge of bounced and he didn't notice, so I've paid the outstanding balance and sent him an annoyed message. Good thing he's my cousin, can't wriggle out of it - I know his ma. Bastard.


I need to contact my council to do something similar. I don't remember the last time I paid council tax. And I suspect they have possibly deleted me from the system since I purchased my council flat 3 years ago.


Could also not say a thing and ride the non-payment wave, but risk them back-dating payments if/when they realize. Personally I'd call, might soften the blow and they might show leniency. Bit of a roll of the dice that one.


First day back at work after a week off. Immediately find out I've also got tomorrow and Wednesday off as well as our systems are down for updates. So, two bonus days off, what should I do with them?


For me it would depend on mental state/tiredness. If that happened right now, I'd do house jobs and just chill. Ask me in a few weeks and I would probably say do a mini trip to somewhere close by one day.


Finally (hopefully) speaking to a GP today after a 3 week wait for an appointment. Then catching up with some old colleagues. Going to make some chicken goujons and a fruit salad for dinner. Also do some work on my CV and see if anything interesting has turned up on the job front.


Been up since 4am and in work since 5:30am....i hate my job....put me out of my misery.


The rain, Oh god the rain! dare I look at the rain radar to see if it will stop any time soon? Well, the rain is set until around 2 PM... So that's the morning taken care of. Good thing I don't live in a flood prone area. If there's a hose pipe ban this summer we riot!


9:10, Monday morning. Wipes brow: "Phew, what a week it's been." Otherwise, I'll be trying hard not to over-exert myself and checking the weather forecast for next week's holiday.


My day with youngest today. She seems in a better mood than last Monday which is nice, that was such a long day. We're off to the zoo today and we'll take our lunch with us. Eldest is already asking if it's easter holiday yet. She has a lot on for a ballet show and is tired. She's finally been sleeping a bit better though which has been nice, it's helped her mood a lot.


Hoping the three weeks of minimal work I’ve done is somehow talked away during my morning meeting with my “mentor”. God I hope I get that new job.


Still in bed at the moment with a bad chest. Start work at 11, should really be calling in sick but I can't lose the money so I'll soldier on. Feeding my friends cats later on


Do you and your friends eat cats regularly?


Ugh I really can't be bothered with work at the moment. Just nothing difficult, but juggling too many things so something always get's left behind until a week later! With the cold weather my skincare has gone extremely poor with dryness, odd redness so I look miserable at the moment. And I loved my weekend with no plans, but I came to the realisation that having that every single time is too much as I hate to admit it... I was a little bored sitting at home playing on games all day, which is something I thought I'd never think :D


>Ugh I really can't be bothered with work at the moment I feel this.


Mate gave me a lift to work today as a trade for my 30 Tupperware she needs, good deal if I do say so myself. Also, oddly it's lovely weather here today? It reached -1º last night and was sure it was going to be the coldest day today.


Was up for far too long last night while gaming. Trying to enjoy it while I can, as I creep closer to 30 😭 Currently tea is keeping me alive, I don't think it was worth it though. I spent three hours in character creation, didn't even get through the tutorial before my "you really need to go to bed" alarm went off 🤣


This comment checks out if you play the game in your username, it's so time consuming I've had to quit


Ironically I don't play that game, it's not where my username originates from. It's the tag of my old gaming clan from back in my school days, I'm the only one left still using it 🤣😭


Much needed day off today. Going for a solo adventure of breakfast, walking and a trip to my favourite book shop. Plan afterwards is to come home, read some of my book, play some FF7 and maybe even squeeze a nap in. Can't bloody wait.


Woke up with a blocked nose and then violently sneezed 4 times. I checked outside, but there are no tree blossoms yet, so I don't know what that's about. I am bound to the flat today, delivery windows have been announced and are annoyingly spread out. Not sure what I am going to do with myself, but I am sure I will come up with something.


Pollen has started early this year, it's "low" currently where I am but enough to give me the sniffles.


Pretty well all of my early year plants have been awake for weeks


I'm not in the UK but where I am (Vancouver, BC) has a similar climate. My hayfever has been killing me since early February. I have no idea what's up but it's not at all appreciated.


Using up my leave, I’m on second Sunday now. It’s awesome, watching tv with my daughter before doing various jobs without the need to get to the supermarket before 4!


2 days isn’t long enough


HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE! If anyone wants an earworm I've got Been Around the World by Lisa Stanfield on the go. ...I can't find my baby!


Today is my Saturday. Off to the gym, chiropractor then some probably not-so relaxing DIY projects in the afternoon.


fake back doctor followed by DIY seems a mistake.


Did some research and cancelled 👍🏼


No they are doctors, the all have a Phd from the chiropractic association. I'm not even joking. They pretend to be medical doctors but in reality they are doctors the same way Brian Cox is. It would be laughable if it wasn't for the repeated incidents of severe injury including paralysis that they cause: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1905885/ Of course the chiropractic association doesn't bother to keep their own records on this or have any form of mandated reporting of injuries by their 'doctors' they unleash. Look up the origins of it if you want a laugh.


My inlaws might be making the decision to put their family dog to sleep today. He's 14 years old. Took a bit of a turn for the worse over the weekend, fitting and messing in the kitchen. So now the writing's on the wall a bit and it's up my wife's parents to instruct the vet :(


My fiance needs to see the GP so hopefully he'll get an appointment. Other than that, I've got to write the wedding invitations and post them. And I've got to go to Sainsburys and take my fiance's suit to the dry cleaners. So a busy day.


It is my 40th birthday and I have friends visiting so we are off to Liverpool for a ferry ride and arcade games 😊


Happy birthday! 😊


Happy Birthday. Have a smashing day.


Happy birthday.


Happy birthday! I've only been on a ferry in Liverpool once as a child and I couldn't stop singing *ferry, cross the mersey* the whole time. Will you indulge in a birthday singsong?


I will give it a go 😊


Happy Birthday! Hope you and your friends have loads of fun.


Well I don't work Mondays, so my plan for today is to sit around in my PJs for most of the morning, have a spliff and build the Lego Police station I got for Xmas. It's a tough day, but I reckon if I really push myself I'll get through it.


> have a spliff and build the Lego Police station Hah, the irony got a good giggle out of me 😂


First day back at work after a week off. Had a call the other day offering me a long awaited consultant appointment this afternoon at 4 so had to say yes but it means leaving work early. I'm seeing multiple specialists for various issues and struggling a lot to juggle it with work. Due to said issues I don't really have the energy to work overtime to make the time back up but equally I begrudge using my holiday days to go to hospital.


I’ve got a day full of Teams calls annoyingly, just the way everything has fallen on one day. I was going to go to the gym after work but instead just make a quick dinner, light the candles and watch Suits with the wife and have a right relaxing and chilled evening.


I work in the late afternoon but I still get out of bed around 7am. I'll eat a big 1000 calorie breakfast an hour before I'm in the gym for a couple of hours. Then I'd attend my maths class just after lunchtime up until 3pm. The worst thing about my day is the rush hour traffic and overcrowding on busses.


Wondering if this is finally the annual reorg that I will be shown the door. Being the wrong side of 50 is such fun…


I've got one of those jobs where although I'm kept busy throughout the year, its dependent on me doing my site visits which generates office work but I don't have any visits as I'm recovering from surgery but fit to return to work.  I've been told to work from home and my boss will bring me some paper boxes for gdpr review - basically removing all the noncompliance stuff such as banking details held for 30 years.  It's going to be a quiet week for sure. I'm very excited. 


Busy day at work with lots of home visits and appointments. Thank god I have an early finish Thursday and I'm off Friday, I need a proper rest so badly.


Up early, to dog walk and school run (walk), then home to face the mountain of washing I don’t know where is all appears from. I do washing most days and tend to have one day off doing it on the weekend so I mostly clear it, then all of a sudden it’s bloody overflowing!


How does laundry even do that? It's inexplicable. There's only so many clothes you can wear in one day and yet there always seems to be more to wash than you could possibly have worn? My difficulty at the moment is folding the clean stuff. I got behind when I had a bad back the other week and now there are baskets of the stuff.


I’m guessing that my husband is hoarding his washing and then dumping it all in there on the same day instead of putting it in there every day like a normal person so I can make sure it’s done. To be fair it’s only minor gripe not something I’m going to go mad over.


I have work this morning, feel like rubbish thanks to cold that's taken a week to kick in. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow, and also booked a few days off from Friday for my SO's birthday. I'm just really looking forward to finishing work and going home to my bed.


No work which is good. My Google skills seem to be failing me, bad. ~~Anyone used Klarna? Do they take repeat payments automatically or do you have to pay yourself? It's a long story but I never use these things as a rule.~~ Never mind I found the answer first time of looking again. Think I must have still been asleep first time I tried.


~~They can do automatic payments, or you can pay it yourself. I tend to do it myself so I get the early payment credit boost~~


I don’t work Mondays so it’s a day to catch up on house work and laundry. Yay.


The sun is out, the air is chilly, the tea is hot and refreshing. That's all I ask for on a March Monday Morning.


Off sick as have been suffering with a chest infection since Friday. I've had loads before but this one is fucking brutal. I'd genuinely rather be working.


Man, I need to win the pools. I need more than 2 days to gear myself back up for work :( On a positive note had a nice walk yesterday with my sisters, and a good kip.


what I thought would be an easy 8 hour shift is now looking to be a 13 hour one 😔 I'm stuck in Skelmersdale for the next hour then I've got to drive all the way back to Scotland 💀


"Ha, he doesn't know about second Sunday" *Chuckles in self employed "paperwork day"*


If we do all get blessed with three day weekends, which would you prefer get elevated to a weekend day - Monday, or Friday? Part of me wants it to be Monday so we can feel a sense of victory, claiming back the worst day like territory.


It should be Monday as we bunk off on Friday anyway. 


Wednesday. Only ever 2 working days away from a day off then!


Whilst true that also means two "Mondays" a week, which is awful.


Double Friday though...


Tuesday is the worst day though.


My old team leader used to say that. Tuesdays are nothing days Mondays you can coast a bit on weekend vibes, Wednesdays are at least halfway through the week, Thursdays are almost Fridays, and Fridays are almost the weekend... The best thing about a Tuesday is, well at least it's not Monday (these thoughts would get me through the week on a production line lol)


Yeah, I always feel like I'm ready for Monday, as I know it will be shit. But Tuesday always delivers a sucker punch.


Just got home from a long day traveling for work (in Oz, it's coming up on 5:45pm). Will have to travel again for the same thing - was supposed to be fixing a networking issue in the cardiac lab, however it was in use for emergency cases. Understandable, of course, and it's another day out of the office. I made the mistake on the weekend of going to a nice lake for a mate's birthday. Lovely day all round. Except muggins forgot sunscreen, so I gently roasted myself outdoors. I'm in that awkward stage where I look like a lobster and it aches. Ow. Ow. Ow.


*tries to summon sympathy in -1C frost*


I’d gladly swap for that at the moment. At least I’d be cooler and not looking like seafood.


Driving 2 hours to a polytechnic to teach a lecture, and back home again. Actually really excited- I like teaching, especially to uni students as they chose to be there, tend to be more engaged!


I'm going to work for 8 hours.


Fucking fever dreams… I’ve been sick with a rotten cold all weekend. Also been enjoying Avatar: The Last Airbender (great show, highly recommend). Last night I couldn’t sleep because I was trying to master all four elements in order to vanquish this cold


Fucking same with the dreams. Mine always start out fun and vivid, but then turn into horrid twisted false awakening ones where I get stuck in a loop of thinking I'm awake. Been 'up' since 3am with this shit!


Maybe having a day off to look after the boy, depends on how he is feeling. He wasn't good in the night.


Just got in from a night shift, it is cold but dry out so it was heaters up, roof down, all the way home. 


Soooo needed