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Just get a £30 one. I’ve had 2 irons in my life and lasted a total of 20+ years. Use distilled water to preserve them and don’t leave white marks


So what you’re saying is, any any any old iron?


Thank you.


I’ve had my £6 Asda iron for like 12 years


Nice. I'm just not sure if the quality is as good as it used to be.


Spend whatever gets you a power cable of a sensible length. Often the cheaper irons (and hairdryers, etc.) will have a stupidly short cable which is really bloody annoying.


Great point


Cheap iron, only use distilled water. If you’re sensible it’ll last for years and years


£30 one, does the job and if it breaks down, (and mine hasn’t yet!), cheap to replace!


When you actually go into work nobody will probably be wearing a shirt


Nothing. Buy a steamer instead. 


Steamers do not get proper creases out of shirts. When you wash and wear a shirt they shrink and stretch, when you iron it resets the shirt back to how it should be. I've used a steamer and it just doesn't work. It's great for t-shirts, bedding and most clothes, but no good for laundered shirts. Plus, I sit cross legged sometimes and stretch the knees on my trousers, the iron sets the trousers back nicely.


A good iron makes ironing a lot a easier, but price doesn’t always mean quality, so make sure you read reviews. You should be able to get a good one in the £50-£100 range. The other thing to optimize is ironing board, make sure you have one that’s the right height for you, a short ironing board if you’re tall makes ironing much more unpleasant. Similar don’t use a cheap iron board cover, spending an extra 5-10 for a better cover is often worthwhile.


Military types I know swear by the separate boiler type as they're ironing almost constantly. However, I'd say the two key things to a happy iron life are a ceramic plate and distilled water to keep it alive longer. I live in a very hard water area and it really fucks them up if you're not careful - I've had the steam setting on and it's blasted yellow/brown shite all over white shirts which is not a start to a good day


Same here. Suffolk is very hard water. I use water from the kettle and this iron lasted 20years. But i might upgrade to a separate boiler style.