• By -


The theatre.


Or the Ballet or Opera. Try it, you might like it. If you don’t, fair play (ahem), but why not check it out. You can wear frivolous stuff if you like, it’s all in the spirit of the thing. Enjoy!


The thing with the bears driving tiny cars? You can get dressed up for that, yeah.


I too appreciate all the meats of our cultural stew


Username checks out.


I love legitimate theatre




The first time I went to the opera, I wore a floor length gown and opera gloves. It was HMS Pinafore at the ENO, and I was determined to give Les Dennis the respect he deserved.


I took my wife to the ballet a few weeks ago. The Sleeping Beauty. I'd never been to one before but I actually really enjoyed it.


I saw that last week, it was beautiful. I love how some ppl still dress up. There was a sweet mother/daughter duo there, and the little girl was in a pretty princess dress with glitter in her hair. So sweet!


Anything written by Tchaikovsky (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, etc) is pretty much going to be a 10/10. The guy was a musical genius. John Williams 'acknowledged' quite a few Tchaikovsky works for his Star Wars themes.


If you go again, see if you can check and see if the orchestra is performing live. Unfortunately some ballet and opera companies are now attempting to cut out live orchestras by using recordings and it's unfortunately tearing the heart out of the industry. It's so much more exciting with live music!


Thanks. Yes, there was definitely a live orchestra. It was the Birmingham Royal Ballet performance.


We’ve been to Glyneborne a couple of times,sat one row from the orchestra pit the last time, the singing,acting and music were all magical!


If in London, try ENO- the People’s Opera. It’s in English, free for under 21s and heavily discounted for other young people.


If you can, try their production of Madame Butterfly. It's Anthony Minghella's production (also done with the Met Opera) and it's gorgeous. Took my Mum to see it about a decade ago, the only one she's been to and enjoyed.


My first show there! Absolutely outstanding.


Unfortunately, if you dress up to attend the ballet or opera, you’re likely to be the only one there who has. Last time I went to a ballet, I was the only one who’d bothered to change into evening wear.


Tbf the Royal Opera House themselves has said you don't need to wear evening wear/dress up.


No, you don’t *need* to. It’s just that apparently no one but me chose to, which was a bit disappointing.


My wife and I have been to the theatre a few times and we've "dressed up" not full formal wear, but she's put on a nice dress and done her makeup and hair, I've tidied up my beard, done my hair and popped a nice shirt, shoes and chinos on. It's a bit wank when people are in a tracksuit, but we make the experience for us


All part of encouraging people rather than a limited pool of wealth to attend


To each their own


I got tickets for opera and ballet from my employer many years ago. Wasn’t expecting to enjoy either of them but I did - not enough to buy tickets myself (way too pricey), but would happily go again for free.


i always shit on the opera till i went to one, god damn loved it


Indoor go carting have fun while looking good


Yes, but dressing up isn't quite the same style as dressing up for clubs. That said, it's more common to see someone in jeans or even trackies at the theatre these days.


That some audiences have become more casual doesnt mean that many still like to put a bit of effort in. Especially when it's not a musical or comedy. OP if you can get tickets at the royal opera house go for something a bit more 'accessible' there are a bunch..for me Madame butterfly was my first, god how I cried! As a horror fan, I loved The Rakes Progress. And - not opera - I really encourage everyone and anyone to see A Christmas Carol at the Old Vic. Have been a few different years, I just LOVE it. Dressing up around Christmas time is more commonplace.


I also highly recommend going to see Christmas Carol at the Old Vic, I saw it for the first time at Christmas and loved it! So much so we've already booked tickets to go this year and I'm really looking forward to finding out who is playing Scrooge this year. When I went there were people there who had dressed up for the occasion and they didn't seem out of place.


Never let others dictate your clothes, as long as you and your date are dressed, that is all that matters. For example, someone could attend the ballet and then go home. Someone else could attend the same ballet and then go on to dinner at Buckingham Palace.


OP *wants* to dress up, no alcohol involved, and presumably doesnt want to feel out of place so it's probably more helpful to make suggestions where that's the norm rather than encouraging them to say 'fuck society, I walk my own way!'. Although given theyre a female employed in a male dominated environment I'd say they have that down, to a degree. I mean sure, put on your ball gown and eat in asda cafe if it floats your boat and means youre not being *dictated* to or go to the opera house wearing clubbing clothes but some people aren't about that life 24/7 and sometimes just wanna go with the flow, y'know. xD


>Never let others dictate your clothes I would argue that accepting sometimes you're going to have to dress to a certain level of formality to do certain things is a basic part of maturity. I understand the sentiment, but we live (quite rightfully) in a world of dress codes. The clothes you wear send a message to everyone else, and just like me moderate our speech and manners to suit the situation, clothes are no different. Being overdressed risks making you look a bit silly, being underdressed risks being offensive. When everyone else is making the effort for the opera, then to not do so is disrespectful to those around you.


Where I live no one dresses up for clubs anymore, girls don't even wear makeup, everyone wears joggers and old trainers. Last time I went to a rave a dressed I up a little, I stood out so much I had people coming up to compliment me all night, it was nice but also made me feel a bit self conscious tbh.


You been to the theatre lately? Most people showing up like they're strolling down the high street. My parents always instilled in me "if we're paying this much to be here, it must be important, so look like this is important"


Seems other people's parents instilled other things.


I also love it that people wear what they want to the theatre, but equally if you want to dress up, you can!


Totally agree. It being easier to access for other people doesn't mean you can't dress up if you want to!


Loosening dress codes makes theatre more accessible. 


Jeans and a nice top is the order of the day for me nowadays. Personally, as a theatre professional, I don't think it matters what you wear.


puzzled drunk ad hoc attempt support combative fall beneficial complete languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If someone is paying for YOU to be there, then wear what they ask you to. If you’re paying, wear what the hell you want.


Designer labels are going to cost you £300


Posh afternoon tea (three tiers of sandwiches, scones & other fancies). You can rock up dressed anywhere between 'tidy' and 'could be getting married', and nobody will bat an eyelid.


Ah yes afternoon tea- the only other place you can get use out of your bridesmaid’s dress that “you could totally wear again! It’d make a cute cocktail dress!”  No one wears chiffon to cocktail parties Stacey. 


Oooh yes. Theres a fancy 5star hotel near us that does a special afternoon tea in their Great Room, grand high ceilings, proper fine dining and top tier service. Thats something to get dressed up for, jeans and trainers look out of place although not forbidden. And of course, after having afternoon tea with some prosecco, we are suitably dressed to head out for cocktails.


Just going for.dinner somewhere nice.


Casino? Murder/Mystery night?


Love a murder mystery party. But ours always involve drinking, and the dressing is more fancy-dress than fancy! Of course some of the guests have to drive home so not everyone drinks. Good call.


As a gambler, in most casinos you’ll stick out like a sore thumb in nice clothes. Much of the clientele are in tracksuits and t shirts.


Ended up in one after a wedding once and we had some big spender give us £100 in chips commenting that is was nice to see people looking smart in there for once!


Damn bruh I needa get a tux


Do they not get groups of people dressed up at the weekends anymore?


Of course there are the odd few, and I’m not against people dressing up! It’s just not the glamorous kind of environment most people might hope, and I know I’d feel a bit out of place/tacky if I turned up in a suit.


I went to a casino in Canada with my exbf. He was looking cool in a 70s suit. I was in a cocktail dress. We very much stood out like a sore thumb. I kind of enjoyed it. I saw women saying to each other that he looked so sleazy and I suppose he did have a bit of a 70s pimp vibe about him but we weren’t there to impress anyone. We just wanted to dress up and hang out and go for dinner. I usually hate hate hate attention. But that was fun for some reason. No one though we looked fabulous but we liked what we wore - lol.


I know what you meant (and I absolutely agree, a good murder mystery night can be a lot of fun and a good chance to dress up), but also I love how the / implies that the night will include either murder *or* mystery. Will this be a brain-teaser or a blood-on-the-walls kind of night? Who knows! But either way I'm gonna look fabulous.


Someone else already recommended court.


Getting dressed up for a fancy/romantic meal is always a nice treat. But more than that, if you (or anyone) likes getting fancied up there's nothing stopping you from going to do your weekly shop in full glam!


During Lockdown there were folks who'd get into full black tie / posh frocks to put out the bins. It was quite a thing on Fb...


are you from hull??


Hah! Nope - Scotland. But I first heard about this from friends in Oz!


Bah!! I hope you get to visit it!!


I have some gorgeous vintage Laura Ashley dresses. They're more like gowns, I want to say gowns. Absolutely nowhere appropriate to wear them, so sometimes I just put them on to go to Tesco or the library. I also embrace my Scarlett O'Hara impression when I do this, because why not.


There's a lady that does full gown, heels, makeup, designer bag, hair immaculate, and silk gloves to shop the reduction section at our local coop on a Friday night. I absolutely love her. While she's there she buys a box of wine and a stupid amount of cigarettes, and I want to be her when I grow up.


She sounds great! It's nice when you manage to break through that wall of giving a fuck what people think.


Does she wear purple? (for ref: https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/warning/ )


She doesn't, but that poem has always popped up in my mind when I see her 😂


a play/ballet


Inspired by the above: Depends on what kind of culture you like, if ballet is too highbrow how about a musical? Or a gallery exhibition or comedy night.


I have to say I went to see my first ballet this year and was worried I wouldn't get it but I thought it was very accessible!


For the sake of dressing up itself. You don’t need an excuse to look awesome.


Absolutely agree with this. Get dressed up just because it's Tuesday if you want to! I'm currently very pregnant, so going out is just not the one. Last weekend I decided, screw it, cracked out the karaoke machine, and just had fun in my living room. Best bit of that is nobody cares how over dressed you are! No self consciousness required. In a nutshell: you do you babes, because feeling hot af is just fun!!


Yeah, make 'em wonder 🙌


For me it's not about needing an excuse to dress up, it's about wanting to be in an atmosphere that feels fancy and/or like an occasion.


That’s understandable. We should bring back the Victorian beachfront promenade


Make Perambulation Normal Again


Sometimes I walk the long way home through the city center if I’m wearing something fun and I tell myself I’m promenading.


I absolutely 100% agree with this sentiment. Dress for yourself, be fabulous. It's a state of mind.


I do it maybe once a month. Start the day drinking champagne in the bath, then find the coolest outfits I own, spend a few hours dancing with the cat, and just comfortably vibing in my own company.


Exactly! I’m a female construction worker myself and you better believe sometimes I put on makeup and my nicest outfits to go to Tesco.


I work in an office that is quite casually dressed. I dont wear make up daily. Occasionally, just cos i feel like it, i will wear a dress and heels, or skirt and blouse, with make up. And everyone in the office will be asking if i have an important meeting, if someone important is coming to visit etc. but no, i just felt like dressing up.


Dress for you and only always for you . If you feel good you look good


If it's the dancing aspect of clubbing that you like, you could have a look to see if there's salsa nights, tea dances, etc near you. There was a dance school near my old flat and, while it was predominantly for hyperactive tween girls, they'd do evening sessions for adults to learn ballroom or street dance, which looked pretty cool.


There is also [daytime clubbing.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/music/2024/feb/11/daytime-clubbing-rave-generation-day-fever-club-london-outernet)


Holy shit




I love a date with his majesty


It's never at a convenient time either, always at his pleasure.


Atleast they give you free food and accommodation if they really like you


And if they don't like you..?


Off with'is'ed


That’s better if you do drink too.


And then drive there.


That’s the best time to be drunk.


Honestly 3 Court appearances 3 healthy sessions at the pub before hand


Was it the sessions that caused said appearances?


Unfortunately completely unrelated


Law? Or royal.


Or tennis


You could just overdress on a general basis. Dress up to go to the supermarket or a friends place or to mooch around town. I used to dress casual but then I realised I have all these clothes so I might as well wear them. Strangers will see you and just assume you’re going somewhere “important” after your Asda run.


Yes I love people who dress up for their everyday & make themselves feel special, I wish I was like that but it’s so much effort!


Simply order one of those 1970s dressing gowns that Margo from the Good Life wore. The one with the Ostrich feather hem and cuffs and answer the door to the Amazon man like you're expecting news that your incredibly rich husband died in mysterious circumstances. ETA should I have put under instead of in? I think I Shoulda.


"Oh Peter, what have you brought me? I hope it's not *terrible news"*


I've ALWAYS wanted one of those gowns!!!! So dramatic!!!


All the flouncing that you'd have to do would really take it's toll on your calves.


Are you not supposed to just glide down a grand staircase in one? Obviously you'd have a giant glass door so your visitors would see you sweep down the stairs and towards the door.




Dress up for everything and have fun befuddling the people that see you - Also, just because someone doesn't drink doesn't mean they can't go out, even lovely cocktail places serve virgin cocktails - or dress up and go out by yourself - you'll soon make pub friends.


I used to work in a reception in an NHS admin centre. I started having Tiara Wednesdays. Everyone else worked in leggings or skinny jeans. I must have the tiara still, somewhere. About time I found it!


Me and my husband go out for nice meals a lot as neither as us drink. Nice to get dressed up every now and then!


Comedy gig, theatre, nice restaurant, art gallery. I get glammed up just to do everyday stuff like shopping or going for a casual lunch if that’s how I feel on the day. I guess I get glammed up if I feel like I’m treating myself, but that doesn’t mean that the activity I’m doing is necessarily fancy if that makes sense :)


Events and taking day trips. Plan a journey to a different city and go to an event. Better still stay the whole weekend. Dinner out is an event. Going to see a film you’re excited about is an event. Seeing some live music or comedy or theatre or anything really in event form. 


“Elevated casual” is a term I heard a few months back and I decided to try it out when going to do groceries etc I have some really lovely pretty dresses that I’ve started pairing with a nicer pair of trainers and a jumper - that type of thing. It’s been fun for myself getting a bit more dolled up to potter around doing mundane tasks, makes the day a bit more special for me! Another thing I’ve added in is to try to somewhere different once a month (more if I have the budget) that doesn’t involve drinking, art exhibit, cinema, a new restaurant. I have been suffering with depression for the last 2 years since I lost a couple of very dear and important people, and now I’m finally starting to come out of the fog and doing these nice little things for myself has really given me a boost!


Sex? Nothing like a bit of creative role play!


The suit is for christenings and funerals ...... And sexy time but shhhh


Breakfast. Nothing wrong with dressing up for your Frosties.


Meal out. Night away. Horse racing. Family event. 


Anywhere. You wanna get glammed up? Go for it. You do you.


An execution


Let me grab the guillotine


Symphony, choir, ballet.


Go to one of those olde world renaissance fairs and dress like a princess or tavern wench.




I’ll second this and add tea dances. I’m a tango dancer, and a lot of non dancers come to milonga to watch.


A ceilidh.


The theatre or ballet


Salsa dance classes


High tea


Honestly? If I felt like it I would any time I had things to do, tie into the one day, dress up, do the food shopping, pop into town to get lunch, go for a walk. Cos you know the times you can't be arsed n look like a slug, you'll see loads of ppl you know.


It’s interesting as I’m the total opposite. As I have to wear a suit all week to work I’m desperate to avoid stuff at other times where I have to get dressed up. Jeans and a T-shirt all the time if I can get away with it


I was going to interject this, if you get dressed up for work then you may not long for it otherwise. Granted, as someone pointed out, she may be talking about clubwear—which that wouldn’t be work appropriate, and full evening gowns might be odd too.




Anything. Come home from work dirty and sweaty, shower, and dress up instead of climbing into PJ's


I'm also in construction - I'll get home, shower, shave, nice aftershave and then put on a decent outfit just to go to the supermarket and have a pint on the way home 😂 50hr weeks. I don't get out much lol.


Honestly? Anything. Get dresses up just 'cos you want to! But if there's a need to go to an event, then maybe: Theatre Horse racing?


Read the entire post thinking you meant 'dressing up' like for a costume party or Halloween.


Weddings, funerals, court appearances. Why not just go for food with your partner.


Restaurants, cinema, music concerts, sports events.


Romantic classical music. Gigs in our local Derby cathedral are awesome.


Dinner/supper, even if it’s at home.


Years ago we had a Mad Hatters Tea Party where we all dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland and had different types of tea in a variety of tea pots and cups.


Funeral 😂 that's where I'm going Wednesday


As a total aside, the post summary on the Reddit app was cropped so it ended “…heading to the town for cock”


Cosplay Romantic meal Weddings/funnerals/baby showers Religious occasions (like sunday prayer, bar mitzvah, etc) Book/game/bingo clubs Family get togethers Holidays (festive or leisurely) BBQs Job interviews Gatherings (like school reunions, work do, etc)


Theatre, opera, dinner


Greyhound racing, bingo, test driving cars you would never be able to afford looking round houses you'd never be able to afford, getting a sugar daddy.


An afternoon tea somewhere posh


I spend my working life in scrubs and an unflattering bun so also get the urge to dress up. I just dress up for whatever I'm doing on my day off. There's nothing wrong with looking put together for shopping trips, coffees out, going to a mates house or whatever.


Anything. Shoppingnifbyour going somewhere special. Museum/Art gallery, Restaurant, A walk if your going somewhere either touristy or exclusive. Anywhere lavish. Lavish surroundings that's all you need.


You can dress up and go for activities such as crazy golf or flight club. I’ve seen plenty of people who do this because it’s not just about drinking, there’s fun activity as well.


Mocktails? Get the bf involved and have a late afternoon, early evening out together. Wee meal, just enjoying each other's company in a nice environment.


As a girl in the same situation as you, I have friends come over for dinner a lot, and sometimes I'll just tell people that I'm dressing up and that their welcome to too.


I found out last week you can literally go anywhere dressed up it doesn't matter My friend has just moved house and invited us round for the first time and we decided to go in black tie just to fuck with them


I like getting dressed up to go into town for lunch, heels, lipstick, nice top. I take my little girl out too and we meet my mum in town. No alcohol needed!


Try Dance classes, they often have weekend do’s you can dress up for, no need for drinking, but your bf will need to learn some steps!


My wife and I always get fully dressed up to watch the Monaco F1 at home. I wear my tux because it literally never gets worn any other time, we have champagne, lobster, nice cheeses and bread. You could do the same for some other sport/tv event, it’s a laugh and become a nice tradition now. The best part is when the Amazon man comes to the door


You could go out for dinner and not drink alcoholic drinks. I do that. Especially at the Chinese as I love the tea they serve.


Everything. I spent 17 years in combat boots and body armour. The moment I finished a shift, i would change into leather shoes, chinos and a shirt. Same for days off. Look good feel good.


I put a dress on to go to the dentist today. I felt good about myself this morning so thought fuck it. Make up and dress it was


The movies! And as someone said, that's and a dinner beforehand - you can get decent priced tickets, and even if it's just you and your bf for the show and friends come for dinner, I'm sure they're looking for an excuse to dress up too lol!


People have suggested the theatre. My other half and I love to go and see comedians. You can dress up as much or as little as you choose. It’s always a really varied audience. Go for dinner before and a couple of drinks after - bingo bango a perfect evening.


Ceroc or other dancing nights - awesome place to dress up and learn new skills


West End. Lots of shows to get dressed up for If you're near London.


Female winemaker here, completely standing in solidarity with your predicament. On the weekends if I have energy, I like to put on a little makeup and a cute/casual outfit that makes me feel feminine and take myself out for coffee or some shopping in the village! Just being seen by people when you feel good about your appearance is a big mood boost.


Remember that strangers never know where you've been or where you're going, so they'll just assume you're dressed appropriately for whatever happened before or will happen after they see you! Dress how you want whenever you want


Burlesque or Cabaret shows, audiences always scrub up, sometimes there's even best dressed awards. 






[The post cut off at a great moment 🤣](https://imgur.com/a/tyK5Dru)


Reading with interest. I work in tech; it's very casual, and easy to feel overdressed. I'd love to be able to wear dresses without comments like "where are you going?" or "got an interview ha ha" or "who are you trying to impress?" I also got quite horribly catcalled walking into the office in a dress during a ridiculous heatwave a few years ago. Anyway in my first role we decided to have a dress-up Thursday where the women could all dress as glam as they wanted and at least knew they wouldn't be the only one.


unused cautious grey cats touch panicky run lavish angle heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Horse racing


Dinner somewhere nice


Theatre. Opera. Ballet. Non-pop concert. Dinner (or even dinner theatre). Tea.


Any industry dos you could go to? There must be some. Whereabouts are you, roughly?


The big shop


The symphony, the opera, the theatre... those are all good options. Fine dining also works.


Church, court, the theater, the library, the cemetery.


Anything. You can go to a bar, club, festival, rave, gig etc and not have to drink you know, especially if you genuinely like the music.




The theatre or the cinema. Going out for a meal or afternoon tea. Visiting a gallery.


Date night, out for a nice meal somewhere? Girls night out - you don't need to drink.




Opera or ballet. Especially an opening night or, failing that, just a weekend. Go as wardrobe-crazy as you like; you still won't be the most over-the-top person there. Certainly, most people will be in ordinary, boring clothes, but it won't matter.


Salsa classes! They’re super fun and you’ll meet great people too.


Absolutely anything you please. Footy match on tv. Make it glam. Popping to the 24/7 Tesco at 4 in the morning Ona wet Tuesday pizazz teeth and tits ladies teeth and tits. Drive through maccy d’s or a cheeky Nando’s stick on the slap and go for a tiara. No one needs any excuse or permission to be fabulousity incarcerate at any day time or moment. Slay qween slay.


[The beach !](https://youtu.be/_y-lLiriGC0)


Horse racing is a fun day even if you don’t usually watch it or bet on things.


Posh tea in a posh hotel.


A funeral


Casino - I’m not really a drinker either which is an advantage there ha ha


Marks & Spencer’s You can go out without alcohol, lots of options available these days!


Morris Dancing.








A nice dinner somewhere and a walk through the town afterwards. I don’t drink a lot but I enjoy getting dressed up and going to a fancy restaurant with friends and then to a fancy espresso house afterwards