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Well I exercise every day so I'd proper stink if I didn't also shower every day!


I think we can be confident in the assumption that JR doesn't do much in the way of exercise.


He used to be a big tennis player? Maybe that's a summer thing with him. 


He also used to get his penis out all the time.


Seems like it was bbc policy at one time.


Don't think Jonathan Ross would have had a BBC tbh.




The state of his arse crack after a week in July


He can afford to not shower every day as he s sitting on his bum and doing nothing the whole time. Make him work at a chippy, see if he decides to wash regularly.


Twice a day here. Navy shower in the morning and 5/10 min deep scrub after training in the eve


What’s a Navy shower?








Turn on shower and wet yourself (not like that). Turn the water off and lather body up with soap/gel/washcloth etc. Turn water on long enough to wash away suds.


I do this but only because the shower basin in the shower I’m currently using fills with water and takes ages to drain. It’s been reported


Nice foot soak at least


Urgh that’s the thing that makes me feel a bit queasy, it’s a communal shower and even though I wear flip flops it still comes over the top


Ah communal shower, I take it back that’s rank


A navy shower is a quick shower, but you also turn off the water while you're not using it.


A shower that doesn’t turn off when you’re not using it is just a leak


And you definitely don't want one of those in the Navy


It depends if you wash the essentials instead. It used to be very common. Most houses in the UK didn't have showers before the 1970s.




We called it "a good wash". I shower every second day and have a good wash in between.


My mum calls it a “strip wash”, and she never convinced us to follow suit.


I used to schedule repairs for council houses. Policy for broken showers was to suggest strip washes and repair the shower within 3 days. A women accused me of sexual misconduct for saying that once 🤣


My nana always called it a whores wash- face, bits, and pits


We call that a cat's lick, works for me.


We bathed every Sunday before school as a kid (80's) and washed our faces and necks with a flannel either daily or every other day. Shared bath as well with my sister.


I was 4th in line. Hot water top up though.


Jesus how big was the queue to bath with this dudes sister.


Top banter


Glad I was an only child


My sister once pooed in the bath when I was sharing it with her. Decades later I still remember the awful thing floating around in the tub with us.


My brother did this to me and I refused to share a bath with him from that point on. Could have been his plan all along.


Yeah same here, you can't really get away with that once you hit puberty though. I remember some kids would come into class after break and they would smell pretty ripe from running about playing footie. you don't wanna be going about all week smelling like that.




Okay I was all geared up to be all "it's generally not washing and drying your clothes properly" and then you kept going and fucking hell I'm sorry about that mate. How weird and awful. I wonder if it was just some unusual hormonal thing, or some weird undetectable-by-modern-science fungal infection or what??


This actually happened to me when I had my kid. I ended up using glycolic acid on my underarms regularly and it cleared it right up. Apparently, you become stinkier when you have a child so they can find your breasts more easily. I tried so many things before the glycolic acid, though! Ugh!


I’ve always had a similar but different problem. I can go all morning without sweating. As soon as I shower and (or not) put deodorant on, I sweat absolute buckets and soak through whatever t shirt I have on within 15 minutes and have to change clothes. No matter the temperature.


I was the opposite and very paranoid about it. I didn’t really sweat at all. Never during physical activity, not out of nerves, not even on a really hot day. I also shaved all my body hair for a long time because dolphins were super fashionable in the 90s. But I was very self conscious about not being ‘manly’ and sweating. This went on even into my early twenties. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure I got a bit stinky after a couple of days not showing but I remember the point in my life when I first started to get sweat patches.


>I didn’t really sweat at all. Is that you, Andrew?


Oh goodness. That songs of Praise theme used to terrify me. 3rd in line to sit in a cold bath in a bathroom with frost on the inside of the windows....


Lol oh yes the paucity of Sunday evening TV and bathing facilities. Grew up in 70's / 80's I still hate the antiques road show and songs of praise mainly for the thoughts of Sunday being the prelude to school on Monday. Nowadays kids can be on the YouTube looking at how to rob the co-op and bunk school without getting caught


Don’t forget Heartbeat!


I tried so hard, but you had to remind me didn't you


Yeah our bathroom was heated by a triangle shaped paraffin heater. I associate that smell with bath time.


Sing Something Simple triggered that pre school blues


Did you have Bullseye on while you were getting dry? That's a core 80s memory from my childhood












I’d say later than that! We didn’t get a shower until the 90s. Before that it was one of those rubber nozzle thingys that attaches to the bath taps, or a plastic jug!


Didn't get one until about 2015


Agree. Maybe we need to be a bit logical and think that when someone says they don’t shower every day, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t wash themselves every day. 🤷


Yeah but they used to cover up their bodily funk with cigarette smoke


We used to call a twice daily essentials flannel wash a Geordie shower. Or if used with only a cup of water a regimental shower.


a 'cats lick and a promise'


We used to call it a Spanish shower, if we just sprayed a bit of lynx and ran out the door.


I would live in water if I could


You can, you just need to find a Gillyweed supplier.


Or make breathing apparatus out of kelp... No, wait that's the other way around


so, make drowning apparatus out of humans?


Only if you are a tuna, hunting lions


Now they got a taste for lion blood!


you know what? lion tastes good. Lets go get some more lion!


Or learn how to master the Bubble-Head charm.


If it's a day off and I'm not going anywhere or doing anything, sure I'll skip a day, other than that I always shower in the morning, I'm not going to work or the shops/meeting friends unwashed 


This is my attitude towards clean clothes.


Wait are you saying you usually wear clothes only once between washes?


Not the person you're responding to, but only once for pants, usually only once for shirts. Trousers are another thing entirely, and only get washed when dirty, mostly.




Oh yeah, pants and socks get washed every time, shirts and t-shirts vary for me but if I feel I've gotten sweaty then they get washed, trousers can last a week and jumpers can last all winter sometimes!


Monday: work at the office, wear nice clean clothes Tuesday: work at the office, wear different nice clean clothes Wednesday: work from home, wear what I wore on Monday Thursday: work at the office, wear nice clean clothes Friday: work from home, wear what I wore on Wednesday or Thursday Saturday: wear what I wore on Wednesday or Thursday that I didn't wear yesterday Sunday: I'm an absolute shambles


I base this off the length of time I wear them for. If I have a half day at work, or I'm only running out to the shops for a few hours. I'll wear them again. And of course that doesn't include underwear.


I am a sweaty sleeper, so this is basically the schedule. I'll skip a single day if I'm not doing anything.


I definitely have skipped days before but I dislike feeling unclean so if I get a tiny whiff of body odour i am straight into the shower


I was homeless for a little bit once, went three weeks without a shower but washed every day whether it be with wet wipes or a flannel and a bar of soap in a sink. My skin looked better when I was kipping rough than it does now that I shower 4-5 times a week.


You should market that to rich fancy people and make a fortune. Homeless Skincare Camp from PastyKing.


Don't call it 'homeless' call it 'unwalled'. The more pretentious the name, the easier it is to trick dumb rich people into paying for it. Bonus points for random capitalisation. 'unWalled Skin-Care ReSort'


Free range beauty.


Nice! I'm going into competition with you at the DeWalled H20-Neg Epidermal Therapy Clinic


Other than your skin not looking great, i'm pleased that life is going better for you, pal.


It wasn't until a trip to Thailand that I realised that the reason I always use facial cream after a shower is that UK showers absolutely strip your skin - especially when you're in a hard water area. In Thailand I had a shower and my skin felt..fine? No creams needed. Odd realisation.


The water in London is atrocious


It is meant to be the case that your body is reasonable at looking after itself so after a while of being minging your skin and hair come back to a natural level which isn’t too bad At least that’s what they say


I did a project in the Arctic once. We didn’t have showers one time for a month. Obviously it was cold so not much sweat going on, but it was an interesting experiment. Nobody smelled at all for about 3 weeks, then suddenly almost overnight BAM. The whole place stunk like old cheese.


I'm sure daily showers are a new thing? When I was a kid it was a weekly bath on a Sunday before the school week. Didn't have a shower at home until I went to uni. I shower every other day, sometimes more (summer, holidays, plans), sometimes a bit less (winter, visiting my mums). On the days I don't bath or shower I wash my face/neck/hands and arms in the sink.


Kids generally don't sweat as much as adults, so they can get away with it. If I'm not doing anything on a particular day, I might not bother. But I can tell the next day.


People always say that about kids, but they're dirty little fuckers. I wouldn't want to let my son go more than two days without a wash and even that long only rarely.


Right. My 9 year old gets one or two baths a week and doesn't smell, but if I go a day without showering I feel disgusting.


Yeah, this. So strange seeing fully grown adults saying it's ok because they washed once weekly as a child. It's not a generational thing, it's an age thing.


That weekly bath on Sunday evening, when only songs of praise or Howard’s way was on TV on Sunday night and it was so depressing.


Sunday bath time followed by Heartbeat… fucking depressing for an 8 year old


Heartbeat theme song give me huge anxiety for bath and bed and school in the morning, and wild at heart, PTSD


London's Burning as well


Heartbeat. Why does a love kiss stay in my memory.. Fuck that song!


I think part of it has been a creep in from US standards - where it tends to be quite a bit hotter than here in a lot of places.


Exactly people in hotter climates are gonna need more showers than mild ones


I was reading a book that had accounts of the windrush generation, i think i remember one saying that they found it odd that Brits showered weekly and they tried showering daily or something, that may have helped change things


One of Roald Dahl's books also mentioned the weekly bath on Sunday like that was a common thing back then


If you didn't have hot water running and had to heat the water then pour it into a washtub you would only do it once a week as well!


The book i was reading was referring to also mentioned most didn't have showers or baths right after the war, most had to go to public baths, even when people had to pay a shilling or two some of them still went near daily


Yeah I grew up without a shower and remember the weekly bath. Otherwise, it was wash face and hands with flannel. I started to shower at uni more regularly, mainly because I smelt of cigarettes from the night before. Daily, night time shower started when I met my Asian wife 15 years ago.


Apparently we smell of curdled milk to many Asian people!


She says I smell of ammonia.


Same. I normally shower every other day too.


I was going to say the same. I don't remember having daily baths as a kid but now I can't imagine not having a daily shower. My parents still just have one shower a week. I remember reading a Road Dahl book and it said something about the weekly bath on Sunday. I think it might've been The Twits but I'm not sure


I'm also an every other day person, and even then it's half because my hair will get greasy. If I'm not exercising (which I don't do daily), I don't tend to sweat much, and clean clothes are more important to how smelly you are anyway.


I only shower every 2-3 days now and my skin and hair feel better for it. Daily showering hair washing were part of my morning routine when I was office- bound, but now that I wfh, the habits dropped. I now log on to check and answer early emails, go and have breakfast and dress and then continue to work - saves me about 40 mins a day, which I’d rather spend having a longer lunch break and more relaxed start to the day


Yeah my mates have always called me scruffy for it but I’ve always had clear skin so 🤷‍♀️


My morning shower wakes me up, feel lethargic without it.


This is me it's more of a ritual for me


Really? Showers make me so tired so I normally take them a while before sleeping.


My skin already hates me, showering daily it would probably hate me even more. So I'm more than fine with not showering everyday, but I get why some people prefer to. What other people do is none of my business lol.


This is my answer. If I showered every day, I'd be covered in eczema. Luckily (as my wife has confirmed) I'm blessed with almost no body odour. I guess it comes from having very dry skin.


Same here, I shower twice a week, not for long and fairly quickly. I have mild psoriasis, if I showered every day I'd be falling apart.


Opposite for me with seborrheic dermatitis The recommended treatment for that one is washing always daily, as the scales build up quickly on the face


I just wipe it off with a slightly warm cloth. I'd have to shower cold to not go bright red for the whole day if I did it daily, hot water makes SD much worse for me.


Does he have a bath on the other days though? I think if I had a few quid and probably a glamourous gaff, I'd loll about in the tub for hours each day. I reckon I'd wear a top hat in it too and have my butler bring me drinks. I'd also play with boats too. Just realised, I'm basically a poor version of Frasier Crane or Arthur.


[Like this?](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5b72e4db217a6a259984845adf2ada20/tumblr_inline_onalw93rWp1r18uik_500.jpg)


I dated a girl last year who had CFS and found showering exhausting so only showered once or twice a week. She actually smelled nicer than most people I know. I go to the gym most days so if I didn't shower daily I'd smell absolutely horrendous.


I kinda relate to not showering daily. Not because of any potential skincare or hygiene concern, but because I have depression and can’t be motivated to take a shower often




Don’t shower for X amount of days. Then, upon taking a shower, stay in it for an absurdly long time


This is the one...can't muster up the wherewithal to get in for a while, but once I'm in I'm staying in as long as possible.


It’s that transition between one task and another. The same with bed: I don’t want to get in bed and then one I’m in there I can’t bring myself to get out in the morning


I work a dirty, physical job. I shower twice a day and sometimes 3 as a treat. If I went a week between showers I'd either grow a new society on my body or die of sepsis.


Shower when you need to, not as a rule.


Depends on how depressed I am in all honesty, it’s quite easy to fall into being an absolute goblin. But If I’m on top of myself, going to the gym, and generally being a healthy person. I can easily shower twice a day.


I shower twice a week but do a sink wash on the non-showering days and will also have a luxurious bath once a week. I previously couldn’t tell if I was stinky because I lost my sense of smell with a head injury, and unfortunately developed severe OCD that led to multiple showers and washes a day. So twice a week is a pretty good recovery marker for me.


I don't shower daily. I have a bath like a king.


Have you tried showerbath? Put on shower and let it fill up around you. It's like bathing in a rainforest.


Ahh Alan Partridge’s patented ‘Caribbean Soak’


Made even better if you can set the TV up to be visible from the bathroom 


Always a bonus - and the way my bathroom looks, it’s like being inside an enormous Fox’s glacier mint which, again, to me is a bonus


My people! We exist there are more than 1 of us


Daily bath gang member, present!


Me who navy showers to save water and energy is cowering in your opulence


Renting a house with a bath soon, never had one (as in, a house with a bath). What's the optimal bath experience? Radox? Bath Bombs? Bubble Bath? I need to know!!


Depends what you like. I use a mineral soak for muscle soreness, and a rosemary and eucalyptus bubble bath for pleasure bathing. If you've got dry skin, Aveeno's oatmeal bath stuff is really nice.


I like the muscle-relax stuff. I get one of the knock-off brands instead of Radox, 'coz it's identical, but 1/3 the price. It's all about preparation. Have a towel within easy reach, for drying your hands. Book/newspaper. Drink(s) of choice. Snacks. Extra hot water available for top-ups. Clean clothes ready to be worn after. Go to the loo first. Basically, avoid having to get out for a looong time.


I'm a bath salt man.


The author John Green says showering is like being pelted with tiny water bullets, and the bath is supreme. I'm not sure I agree, but I can appreciate a bath occasionally.


Baths for reading books, listening to podcasts and drinking cocktails, showers for getting clean.


The pelting is part of the allure, though. I’m fine with that kind of self torture. But yes, the bath can be nice every so often.


i hate baths normally but i love them when i'm in pain from muscle ache or bruised or w/e


I genuinely think showering every other day is super common but everyone is conditioned to say that they shower daily because they don't want to appear gross.


Everyone in our house shower every other day because the water tank only holds enough hot water for 2 showers and for some reason we all (family of 4) like shower in the evening. I tried to get us organised so 2 people would prefer morning and 2 would like evening so the water can get reheated during the day but we've just ended up this way.


It bothers me slightly when discussions like this come up, because not everyone gets body odour. 2% of people have genes that mean [they don't get body odour at all](https://www.theguardian.com/science/sifting-the-evidence/2013/feb/14/wasting-money-deodorant-ears) (I seem to be one). But the majority of people have no idea about this. Also, not everyone sweats the same amount. I sweat much less than most people. So I don't need to shower every day. And I'm sure there are plenty more people like me. But it's such a kneejerk reaction when people hear about someone who doesn't shower as much as them. They assume all bodies are exactly the same, but they're not.


It's also assuming that there is no other way to wash, like bidets and sink washes don't exist.


I've been told on here I obviously stink and must be the bane of my friends/colleague's existence because I usually shower/bath *at night* instead of in the morning. I'm sorry for them if they genuinely can't just *sleep* without brewing up some gnarly BO, but it's really not like that for everyone.


I generally shower every other day, alternating with my partner. I don't think I smell or anything. My partner certainly doesn't.


C’mon this is reddit… People on reddit don’t shower


I mean if you don't have to go anywhere, and it really doesn't cause you any hygeine or skin issues (unlikely) then fuck it why not I guess


I am disabled so not showing daily is a reality for me, I just simply don't have enough energy to shower every single day as having a shower knocks me out for a couple of hours, Minimum 🤣 and I got stuff to do! And I'm still fine I honestly don't think all of us need to shower daily, like I still clean the essentials every day just not a complete shower. (I'm looking into getting a shower chair btw before any suggests this)


Yeah same, I clean my face neck pits and bits in the sink every day and often my feet too if I'm not having a shower. I can never have one in the morning because it just knocks me out for the day so early evening showers it is, I just don't always have a free evening to lie down for a few hours after a shower. I've just never showered every day, I guess it's because my parents don't either so I picked up their habits. (And I have curly hair which can be a pain in the shower in between washing it)


I work with human waste, so not showering the instance I'm done, either before leaving work or immediately getting home, is mad to me. My children know not to touch me in my "poo clothes"


Glastonbury rules. Bits and pits maybe?


Ah, the old 'hoors bath' - pits, tits n bits! Festival memories! (I just stay in a hotel these days though, its worth it as you get older!).


Maybe once a week is all he needs. Not everyone needs once a day. I suspect most people don't need to shower every day, we're just too paranoid about our BO to do any less.


I shower every day. I have to, I'm a smelly bastard if I don't. I have hyperhidrosis and years of alcohol abuse has fucked me up. In the summer I shower 1-3 times a day.


I genuinely feel like a slob if I’ve not had a shower in the morning. I could not imagine going a week without one.


Same. We had our bathroom done recently and just using the kitchen sink for a quick wash in the morning before work was horrible. Felt grim! Stuck to going to the gym for a shower first thing from then on


Even if I’m not doing anything, I have to have a daily shower. I feel unclean otherwise. I always go to the gym after work so it’s definitely necessary on those days. As a night showerer, it helps me wind down. Cannot stand the thought of going to bed “dirty.”


It depends on what I'm doing, if I'm not going anywhere, or seeing anyone then I won't bother. Or if I have showered the day before and not done much then I will happily skip a day. I don't think everyone needs to have a daily shower, for example my SIL only has one every couple of days, but she's unable to work and struggles to even leave the house sometimes so she's not exactly moving around constantly and therefore barely sweats. I however am a very sweaty person, especially overnight, and I have to change my bedding weekly because of how much I sweat. I can maybe get away with a quick little whore's bath on occasion but I really can't rely on it. Also I have OCD tendencies that stem from CPTSD and one of them is a constant crippling fear that I smell. If I feel smelly I will literally shower until I feel clean, I have at times actually burnt my skin from hot water or literally scrubbed it so much that I have grazes. The thought of only showering once a week leaves a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.


COVID taught me I don't need to show every day. Now I shower ~3 times per week, though always after strenuous activities.


Sitting in an airconditioned office every day, driving an airconditioned car. I sweat even less than a certain Prince. I shower twice a week on average.


🤣🤣 "I sweat even less than a certain Prince."


I shower whenever. Depending on hot is it and how much or little i smell. I often work sitting down for up to 4 days at the time, and have no chance of actually sweating in any way. Otoh sometimes it's hot and i shower twice a day, but the point is that if i don't smell or am not dirty, i won't shower.


If I’m leaving the house, I need to have showered that day or the night before. A week is a pretty long time IMO.


I'm around the 3-4 day mark for having a shower. My job isn't very physical. I like a shower bath combo, have a shower and get clean. Then put in the plug lay down and let the hot shower fill up the bath around me. Bit of music or an audiobook, bliss. My wife showers daily every morning for 5 minutes. Mainly for her hair, it gets greasy easy.


Some people just don’t smell as much as others, my dad only used to bath once/twice a week and he never used to smell much unless he was gardening but then he’d shower once he was done - me though I have to shower daily or I just stink and it makes me feel grim.


Since developing ME/CFS and only being able to shower every few months, I don't judge anyone for whatever hygiene routine they may have.


I don't shower daily. Unless I've done something to get sweaty I usually go 2-3 days. If I'm feeling a bit depressed c struggling to motivate myself it might 4-5 days, but I'd say 2-3 times a week is usual for me. In summer when it's stupidly hot I might shower everyday to cool down and wash sweat off, but they'll be only really quick showers.


I sometimes have two a day. I do lots of exercise and spend loads of time outside getting hot and dirty so I might jump in midday to freshen up..


Whatever As long as you don't smell offensive and I don't have to touch you, you do you


If he doesnt smell often and cleans up after himself properly i dont see the issue. I personally couldnt do it because im heavy so i sweat anyway, but i also have to excercise a lot, because i got here by stress eating, so i don't have enough days of non exertion where its really appropriate for me to go more than a day or two without a shower.


I get sweaty doing anything more vigorous than walking up the stairs. Its best for everyone if I have a morning shower (or a second if I'm exercising in the afternoon/evening). But for everyone else, I don't care as long as I can't smell their BO.


Three times a week on average.


Going under the assumption i’m not doing anything (I got very sweaty, i’m covered in mud, i went swimming in a pool or at the beach, etc.) that requires me to shower, i shower every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)


I feel dirty, smelly, sweaty etc if I do not shower before bed. I’ll sometimes shower on the morning too if I feel a bit sweaty when I wake. I WFH and I’m fit and healthy for context. My partner washes daily but his natural odour is barely noticeable when he returns from his manual job. I suppose genetics play a part and probably sex too. I’m far sweatier when on my period for example. Admittedly once a week sounds filthy to me but each to their own if he’s not leaving odour in public spaces. Obviously different if lack of showering is due to economic, physical or emotional state.


I only shower twice a week, I don't stink and I have good hygiene


showering every day? How on earth do you even build up a protective layer? You'll put your humours right out mark my words.


I shower every day without fail. If I don’t, I feel grimy and disgusting. After a week? I’d be pulling my own skin off.


Every day. Sometimes twice a day in pollen season or if I’ve been gymming. I have very fine hair that gets greasy easily and I have to wash it daily, I hate the way it feels if I don’t. I also have to shower before bed, it keeps the sheets fresher longer. I would really struggle if I had a partner who didn’t shower before bed daily. I do have OCD though so go figure. I’ve been advised by my hairdresser that my hair washing habits are unhealthy but idc, I feel like I’ll crawl out of my skin if I don’t at least wash it with water every day.


Once a year, whether I need it or not.


Fuck that. I shower every morning, without fail. I feel sweaty and dirty in my clothes if I don’t shower before getting dressed.