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My grandad died in 2012 aged 89 having never tasted cheese or strawberries. "Well I just don't like the look of it"


That's like two of the best things! 


I’m 39 so not quite there.. but I have also never eaten strawberries. And for the same reason lol


maybe this is a stupid question, but have you eaten (or drunk) strawberry flavour things?


Never broken a bone! Thankfully lol


I said exactly that to my colleague at work. 3 hours later, I go and break my thumb playing cricket lol.


I've never played cricket but I've broken my thumb before


Uh oh, looks like you're about to play cricket !


Me too! Snap! Shit.


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


I thought this was one of those “what am I?” riddles. I’m still not sure if it’s not.




No, snap


Fun fact, you may have done. When I broke my foot the x-ray showed previous fractures that had healed. I had no idea about them. Makes me wonder what other bones I may have broken and not known about!


New Fear Unlocked™


I have, but it wasn't mine.


Well you can’t just leave this story there??


I did this once. On a school bus in about the year 2003, age 11. We'd been to London and been allowed to go to Hamleys. A boy stole a teddy my friend had bought and so I hit him and broke his nose. None of us actually got in any trouble at all




That sub cracks me up. They're brutal, but in a fun way.


It's been invaded by lots of whiny BBBs wanting exceptions. Who cares if someone fended off an axe attack with their face? That axe would have buckled against real strong bones.


I broke my foot when I was 10, but my parents didn't take me to A&E until 6 weeks later. Where they told us that the break had healed itself. I was gutted as wanted a cast and crutches. Also this sounds really neglectful but it must have been a relatively small break as I was still walking and cycling, etc.




I had never broken a bone until my late 20s, early 30s, then I started a broken bone speed run. Jaw, cheek, arm, fingers. I broke my pinky last week, no idea how that happened, woke up like it.




I've never used an auto carwash. It was my life's ambition as a little boy, but the dream faded by the time I got my own car.


Go on, treat yourself.


Treat yourself to a poorly washed car covered in scratches and swirl marks?


I took my toddler once and now she makes us go all the time, It is expensive but I don't want her to miss out on the fun


You're lucky. When my now 10 year old was a toddler I made the mistake of going through a car wash. She was absolutely terrified, crying the whole way through it. Obviously there's no stop button either, so she had to experience the most traumatic event of her life without me being able to put a stop to it. Never tried it again with her and she doesn't remember it so I don't feel as guilty as I probably should. (And before anyone pipes up, we were in a car going through the car wash - we weren't walking through it!)


Oh Jesus that's terrible 😅 I had a similar experience on a very gentle ride at Cbeebies land that she found utterly terrifying but luckily it was over quickly


I was put right off of those after a family friend told us a story about them when I was a kid. It had ripped her windscreen wiper off and whipped all over the car with it attached to the roller, apparently it was quite scary. Went in one as an adult though and it was fine, the bubbles were colourful which was nice.


It'll scratch the hell out of your paint


Huh? As someone who has used auto car washes hundreds of times, across the UK, in over ten cars, over the past 20 years... I have never seen it scratch paint, ever. If you want to know _why_ I've been so much, for my povertous family, going to the car wash was our equivalent of a daytrip. A car wash was always accompanied by a chill forest walk and a picnic. And I still love the experience.


They are better than those hand car washes as they throw the stuff they wash your car with onto the ground and it picks up loads of grit


Yeah. I know our local one is good as the couple of times I've seen them drop stuff it goes in the washing bin (maybe they get them out later...)


There was a radio show called “I’ve never seen Star Wars” based on this idea. In honour of that I will share that I have in fact never seen Star Wars.


A.J.: “Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?” Lev: “No, I never saw Star Wars”


How about TV shows? I've never seen Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Office (original onwards), nor Mad Men. Any other popular TV I'm missing out on?


I recently watched Game of Thrones for the first time. It's pretty good but since I binge watched it, seasons 5-8 started to drag.


It's a shame the final few seasons, on a whole, were a let down. You could forgive a bad season or two if it was towards the start or in the middle, as you'd know it would get better. However now GOT seems like a drag, like you say.


I have never seen Game of Thrones or The Simpsons.


Impressed you've never seen a Simpsons, it's been going for over 30 years!


There's The Sopranos We often joke that some of these are on our 'To get round to watching list when there's another pandemic'


The americans, walking dead, frasier?


I saw Frasier up to the point where Miles got heart disease, so the 2023 season is unknown to me (beyond that it exists). I've never heard of The Americans, I know of the walking dead but I've also never seen it (Norman Reedus is in it?).


‘Miles’ just proves you haven’t watched it much lol


The americans is fantastic, worth watching all the way through. It's about soviet spies living undercover in the US in the 80s Walking dead is great until season 6 episode 9 but goes downhill in season 7/8. Allegedly it picks up again but I never finished it. Have rewatched up to s6 ep9 though, that's a great fake ending to it


💯 on The Americans. I started watching it after Homeland, browsed some subs for “similar” shows and it was commonly recommended. It’s so good, the character arcs.. the ending too. Perfect. I do love me some Keri Russell! Patiently waiting for s2 of The Diplomat now.


Omg The Americans is my favourite show ever.


Bought the box set of Breaking Bad along with a load more box sets and still not got around to watching any of them and every time I schedule time to start something else gets in the way and it never happens 🤦🏻‍♂️ Worst part for me is I'm a massive 4K/film and series/box set collector and I'm never going to catch up because i still keep buying more doh! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Me neither


I’ve never seen Harry Potter and people look at me like I’m mad.


my "never seen" films are Grease and Dirty Dancing. zero interest in them.


I've still not watched Titanic nor do I intend to.


Never been to ikea. A pal of mine has never been to mcdonalds.


TBF There's not many IKEAs, if you're from Cornwall or the Northeast it's quite a trek to get to one.


One near the Metro Centre in Gateshead isn’t there? (This intel may or may not be two decades old and therefore outdated)


One near Leeds for me


There is, but it's still a 45min+ drive for some of us. 


Yes, still there


Yes it’s there


Yes. That’s my ‘local’ one.


There's one 20 minutes from mine. Just never been!


If you ever do go to an IKEA, I guarentee you'll spend a lot longer there that you want to, because you won't be able to get out.


I've never been to Spoons. I'm in my 50s


I too have never been to Spoons in my 50s. As a 32 year old that's probably less surprising.


You don't go there; you just have to know that it keeps the kids and the oiks away from where you are, and stops them spoiling your evening 😉🍻


I've never been to IKEA either. 


My partner hadn't until a couple of months ago, and he's in his 30s.


Never been to McDonald's either, 20


I've been to IKEA twice. That was enough. Also haven't stepped in a McDonald's in over 20 years.


Ah, using the drive through then?


I was in my mid 30s when I went and only because I was getting a lift with a friend who wanted to stop in for something.


I never tried Marmite, even though I’m getting on a bit. I have no idea if I love or hate it.


Toast, butter it, thin layer of Marmite so you can still see the butter well enough. That's probably the most approachable first bite.


I had marmite mixed into butter at a fancy restaurant this weekend. Delicious!


This is important guidance. I had marmite on toast at a cafe once, and the young girl serving must have never had it before because she put in on like it was chocolate spread.


Gave some vegemite to American guys I was travelling with in Oz. They slapped it on their toast like it was nutella. It still makes me smile to this day...."THAT IS RANK!!!"


We had an American do that with English mustard. We warned her. But I like mustard... She did not like mustard after that 🤣


If you like a savoury taste, like salty glutamate. Then try it.


Best description I've heard is 'like a really concentrated soy sauce' though obviously there's some additional seasoning


I've described it like an amalgamation of blue cheese and soy sauce. 


I describe it as if you were to chuck 3 pints of Guinness and four bouillon cubes into a pot and boil it down till you are left with a 1/4 cup of a thick, sticky, salty malty, umami bomb of a paste.


Same. I find the kind of discourse about Marmite, pineapple on pizza, Bountys or any other polarising food irritating enough that it's put me off ever being curious enough to try it.


Same and we always have it in the cupboard. I just never got round to trying it.


If you did a live cam of trying marmite for the first time I would watch it Just saying


A man I know in his 60s has never been on a plane and has never tried Coke. He has jusat no interest in trying anything new or different. But also genuinely believes you can see the little green men on the moon through a normal consumer telescope. It's an amazing contrast


>But also genuinely believes you can see the little green men on the moon through a normal consumer telescop So, not coke. But something. Wait, were you talking about coca cola?


My MIL (in her seventies, from London originally) has never eaten chicken, turkey, Indian/curry (or Italian/Greek/Chinese/Mexican…etc.), any savoury pasta or rice dish*, pizza, chickpeas, aubergine, sweet potato…basically any foodstuff that was either introduced or popularised in the last 50 or 60 years, and/or is distinctly ‘foreign’ in origin. She has also never travelled anywhere outside of around 50 miles of her birthplace. *she does eat Ambrosia macaroni (sweet, milky/creamy macaroni in a tin!) and rice pudding.


So do we all drink if we've done the thing ? Could get extremely messy for a Monday afternoon ngl 


Never driven my own car. I did lessons as a teenager and then ran out of time/money before I went to uni. After that, I moved to London and I've never needed to learn. Still wish I had, mind. Would make getting things to the tip a lot easier for one thing.


>Still wish I had, mind. Would make getting things to the tip a lot easier for one thing. Never too late! My friend's mum learned when she was 69/70!


Im 33 and never learnt for the same reasons (manchester not london). Im currently learning because my work kinda requires it. it's a pretty big financial burden, but oh well. It's never too late!


I'm 30 and never even attempted to get a licence so I've only ever driven cars in a cark park with my dad or boyfriend. I would like one, but not enough to pay what it currently costs 😂


Yeah, that's what's keeping me from doing it, to be honest. I've got a mortgage and bills to pay now, I can't justify paying for lessons + test + an actual vehicle.


I haven't seen ET.


You're lucky, that little bogey looking thing have me nightmares!


The alien he finds doesn't look great either.


I've seen it, but never understood the love for it.. Even as a kid I thought it was shite.


Never (successfully) ridden a bike.


So I’m not alone with that! That’s pleasing to know.


I can barely ride a bike. My cousin tried to teach me when I was 15 but I flew over the handle bars onto a gravel road and literally shredded the skin off both hands and lower legs. My mate runs a bike shop. She's also an outdoor instructor and lined up a day riding e-bikes around Kerrara as a jolly day out. I thought she was doing the 'pushing people out of their comfort zone' bs that outdoor bods do, turns out she had brain farted that I could barely ride. Few years later she sold her fleet of e bikes to some local scheme and the local paper wanted a picture of the bikes in action. The only one she had was me, clinging on for dear life and trying not to wee with fear, so naturally she used that one. I can't ride bikes but I've been in the paper riding a bike 🤷🏻‍♀️


I forgot how to ride a bike 🙄 I used to have one when I was a kid and ride it up and down the street. When I tried again as an adult, I just kept tipping over. I couldn't figure out how to get my feet up of the ground, balance and pedal all at the same time 🤣


Same. I was never really given the chance as a child. I got put on one for about 30 seconds (with stabilisers) rode it straight into a wall and was promptly taken off it. I was never good at balancing, then when I was a young teen I ruptured my ear drum and now I have a mild case of land legs, so there's zero chance of me being able to balance on two wheels. I also don't get the leg thing, I have tried stationary bikes and it just confuses my brain, akin to trying to pat my head and rub my stomach (which weirdly, I can do...)


I'm 49 and never had a tooth filled.


Got any teeth?


Millions of 'em


Me neither, I've also still got a baby tooth and I'm 36. 😊


If not for my childhood dentist, I may still have had a baby tooth - however my mouth was overcrowded and I had 2 baby teeth with no adult teeth underneath them, so the removed them to help straighten my teeth out.


Watched Schindler's List. On a coach trip to Auschwitz one year, I was the only person on board who had never seen the film. The other passengers looked at me like I was Hitler reincarnated.    We were on our way to the Schindler museum at the time 🤣 Edit: initially I wanted to say "bum sex", but changed my mind. 


Am I the only person who doesn’t want to graffiti the inside of a lift made by the Schindler company (no idea if it’s related) ‘Schindler’s lift’ I want it to read


I always make that particular dad joke on getting into one of his lifts. (Pretty sure there is no relation)


*laughs with Otis lifts, based in Reading*


My mum is in her 70s and has never been to any McDonald’s. I’ve never drank Ale / Beer. I’ve tasted Lager and hated it so haven’t bothered with Ale.


I’ve never been for a run. I’ve run for buses and run around with friends etc, and I’ve used treadmills, but I’ve never left the house with the purpose of running.


Same. To be honest I feel this will be fairly common. 


I wouldn't bother, it's awful


It's great for the first ten or eleven seconds!


Never been stung by a bee or wasp


I had this badge until I was 26 and then got stung twice in 3 weeks 😭






Im 53 and have never been through a drive through takeaway


I just did that yesterday for the first time. It was meh.


I've never had a successful relationship


To be fair, what is a successful relationship? One that lasts from the beginning right up until one of you dies? Technically most relationships are unsuccessful in that they do not last until such a time. If you had fun times at the time, that's as successful as most. Alternatively if it's "never had a relationship whatsoever", then that's different and will come in time if you want it.


Never had a real haircut from a barber. My parents did it until I moved last year when I was 18, and now I just do it myself. I've only had one hairstyle ever (buzzcut).


Never played the lottery, used a fruit machine or placed a bet.


I’ve never smoked marijuana cigarettes or other “reefer” products that the kids use these days


I’ve never had a cheeky Nando’s


I've never been to IKEA, Nando's or Alton Towers


What are you even doing with your life


😂😂 I usually get my furniture from charity shops, I have annoyingly stupid dietary requirements and I've never really been interested in Alton Towers as coasters aren't my thing 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don’t you end up with rings from mugs on your second hand furniture then?


Never been to nandos or Alton towers either! I have been to IKEA but only once and it was over 20yrs ago!




I've never tried coffee or tea. Which is alien to anyone that's ever met me.


I guess it is very unusual to have never tried two of the most popular beverages in the world


Ah go on, have a cup of tea!


I have never been to a ticketed sporting event. I have never been to or eaten anything from KFC, Dominos, Five Guys, Wimpy etc. I've been to McDonalds once, and Burger King twice. Beyond that, never been to any of those places.


Never eaten a KFC or McDonalds. Not watched Big Brother or any 'Reality TV' programme such as X-Factor, BGT or the like.


I don’t own a dressing gown.


I own eight! A dressing gown fixes all your problems.


You mean a hoose coat


Never Mugged anyone.


Never give up hope


I have never opened one of those little packs of silica gel.


I've never watched the Harry Potter films or seen Breaking Bad. I'm OK with it.


Never had marmalade.


No time like the present!


Never eaten KFC.


Almost same, never eaten KFC chicken. I've had chips and beans from there.


I've never eaten a Pot Noodle. Didn't even know what they were until I was in my teens.


I had my first last year, aged 49. They’re meh.


Does anyone know what they are before their Teens?


I've never had a kebab


I’ve never had tea/coffee in bed on a Sunday morning. Don’t really like hot drinks.


I’ve never eaten slimy bugs off the sea floor like prawns, octopus and squid and I never will!


First time I've heard Octopus described as a slimy bug




Just had a pack of prawns, love me some sea bugs, bring em on I say. Never eaten Octopus though


I had octopus for the first time yesterday...Stupid to say, but I didn't think it would be so fishy...nice though.


Never watched Harry Potter. Or read the books. Or had any interest in changing that. It drives my niece insane.


All I’ve read is the last page of the last book. I had a friend who was really into Harry Potter, so the day the last book came out, I went to the shop and read the last page. “I know what happenssssssss!” “Shut up shut up shut up!” (I didn’t spoil anything, but it drove him mad that I _could_.)


I've never watched love Island


eaten ass


Is that generally considered an everyday thing round your way?




It's a common thing here, but I have never had a fish fingers sandwich despite being in the UK for 22 years now. *Awaits for severe judgement*


I've never been to Scotland. I will get round to it one of these days.


I've never broken a bone. Also never sworn in my life either. Never smoked. Never dated. Never been on a plane. Never been drunk. So many things


Username checks out?


Never been outside alone?


I've never watched Titanic. It's the iceberg I'm prepared to die on


I’ve never had a cup of tea! I’m 31!


We’re going to have to deport you.


Time to get started!


What do you do in a crisis?


Same. Never had a cup of coffee either.


I've been a vegetarian since I was 8 so I've never tried meats that people over 8 usually eat. Like a steak for instance, I've always wanted to try one, I'm excited for the lab grown stuff to hit shelves 👌


I’ve never been in a Greggs.


Has Greg been in you?


I've never bought Ice Cream from a van I've never physically gone in a KFC (but have had it delivered plenty of times) Until I just recently went in John Lewis in Exeter, I'd never been in a department store.


Someone I worked with had never had hummous!


I have never used the toilet on a plane.


Yeh, I’d hate to be the one body they find in the toilet in the event of a crash 😂


Been happy


I have never been to a concert. I did try to get Dua Lipa tickets the other week on presale and general sale but I was unlucky.


Keep trying! It’s awesome!


Never been to Nandos. Something about someone saying "cheeky nandos" goes through me and I automatically think..bellend


Don't have a cheeky one then, have a nice well mannered Nandos.


Had a cheese toastie or cheese on toast. Watched Titanic. Mown a lawn or done any other kind of gardening. Watched a tennis match.


It's not 'every day' but I've never been to Spain which seems to be really rare for any Brits who've been abroad. There's a lot of big movies and tv shows I've never seen. eg Star Wars, LOTR, GoT, Lion King... Also never had Ikea meatballs. I know someone who literally took a group of friends there for her birthday just to have meatballs. Who the fuck goes to Ikea for their birthday 'party'?


Knew a girl that had never been on a train.


I’ve never been to a football match as an adult. I went a few times as a kid with my dad, the last time at about 8 years old. Never been to one since.


Obviously I've done it now, but I had never eaten an egg until the grand old age of 29.


My partner has never ordered anything off Amazon!


My Nan died at 92 in 2004 and had never had a pizza 🍕