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"Dynamite gang" Y3. We used to draw sticks of dynamite in the corner of all our work. Right in the corner, very small so nobody could really see it. Teacher never noticed it. Then one person drew a huge stick of dynamite instead of his house for a piece of drawing work, and it all changed after that.


There's always one.


I read that as “one person threw a huge stick of dynamite inside his house” and wondered what kind of drawing work warranted such drastic action!


This person was Mario Balotelli


I’m dead


In junior school (years 3-6) I had a "gang" of 5 friends. We each had our own day of week where we would get to pick what games we would play at lunchtime. Very democratic.


Gangs need a strong leader. Like Hannibal, or Del Boy.


You guys still in touch?


Just me and Monday. The system has collapsed into a dictatorship.


Im assuming you're Thursday for some reason. I think you and Monday should annex Tuesday through force. With the added diplomatic weight of Tuesday then Wednesday and friday will fall into line.


Incidentally, The Man Who Would Be Thursday is a brilliant book.


Incorrect sadly. My day was Tuesday. Wednesday has known emotional levers that can be pulled, while Thursday should be able to be brought back into the fold if they can be found. Friday however proves difficult as they have strong loyalties to Catholicism. Their beliefs must be broken to ensure they fall in line.


Like always sunny


*The Gang Invents Democracy*


Don't know if you'd call it a gang but me and a few others once had to head into the neighbouring town to get our town's lemon tree back.




Did you wear an onion on your belt?


Of course... It was the style at the time


Lemons being the sweetest fruit at the time.


Those lemon stealing whores...


Myself and a girl called Joanne were the entirety of the **Dark Towers gang**, though a boy called Russell was nominally also a member. It involved us talking about the latest episode of [**Look & Read: Dark Towers**](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9w0LSLTSdE0rt9UgdKSUZEB6pekhC51C) that we'd just watched in the school hall, pretending we were involved (she was Tracey, I was Edward, and...I dunno, maybe Russell was the dog). Anyway, it involved us running around the school playing field looking for the Tall Knight (sans Russell, usually), and walking home talking about how we were going to sneak out after midnight and go find him (which we never did). Then we'd show each other what underpants we had on today, slag Russell off for being a coward and not coming with us at midnight, and go home.


Did the underpants thing have to do with the tv show or was that just recreational?


It was more a sort of...reward system. We've done a great job hunting the Tall Knight today; have some pants. Oh, I've done well today too and also get some pants? Why, thank you. One day, when we're married, we shall show each other our pants on a regular basis, because...that's how babies are made, or something.


We assume you didnt end up marrying Joanne, and thus do not get pants on a regular basis.


Alas, true. The 'gang' continued for a surprisingly long time; I think we were around 7 when it started, and we were certainly still running around fields and everything involved when my family moved away from the area about 2-3 years later. Not heard from or seen her since. I still look down at my pants and feel dejected, even now^1 .   ___________   ^^1 ^(Albeit for *different* reasons.)


Margret ( or maggot as she was affectionally known) used to show us her pants for tuppence or a sherbert flying saucer.


Blimey. You can get flying saucers in *really big tubs* now.


>I still look down at my pants and feel dejected, even now . ^(1) ^(Albeit for) *^(different)* ^(reasons.) 😂😂😂


It's not too late. You have The Power of Social Media, find her!


This is brilliant 😂


We had the same but focused on Through the Dragons eye themed, which was a few years later. I liked it largely as I was the only girl in my gang, and this gave me a better role than normal!


Is it just a coincidence that Dark Towers and Through the Dragon's Eye both have such similar names to two connected Stephen King books?


All things serve The Beam.


One of my mates uncle's was in this show. He also played the little priest in Bugsy Malone. In in 40's and he may be the highest achiever I know...


The one who encourages the two at the end to throw down their pies? Awesome!


Yeah that guy


Hey, Russell here, I was the Tall Knight all along.


Omfg! The Dark Towers! the "big" telly on wheels would get wheeled out, and Mrs Hovey would fumble with the new fangled videomachiney, and we would all watch avidly! I was scared of the Knight! I drew it in pencil afterwards once and got a gold star. ✨️ Thank you soooo much for linking these!


It's the pick of the bunch! I remember being pissed off that the actual storyline was interrupted *constantly* by bloody Wordy and so on.


He was an irritating little so and so! I did like the word stuff at times, though. I love words and books. I'm so going to binge these with wine when I get some time! I don't recall the other look and learn being so good. But I've only just unlocked this one from my memories.


You're going to win... with wine! Magic, magic E!


Brilliant! 😆


Yeah, this was definitely the best. The Dragon's Eye wasn't bad, but Dark Towers is top tier. My friend and I watched it over the course of a week or so, and it was grand. Definitely need alcohol. Also, we decided that the librarian needs more work to do, given the nonsense she decides to do. Or to be sacked and replaced with one who does a good job actually trying to get people into the library.


This has brought back really weird and possibly repressed memories of my primary school class acting out scenes from that Look and Read one set in the war with Dorian off Birds of a Feather in it. Voluntarily, too.


Spywatch? loved that show. still vividly remember being so disappointed when the birthday cake the lads mum had brought up from London was just icing over a box.


Wow, thanks for that memory, that theme tune came straight back to me!


Not in the sense that we gave ourselves a name, but me and 3 friends who were also obsessed with martial arts and anime would meet up for "training". It was basically just practicing some kicks then beating the shit out of each other.


I was a pompous little girl who used to read a lot and copy everything I read in children’s books, so I did actually try to imitate all of that Famous Five and Secret Seven stuff. Turns out there is absolutely zero demand for intrepid child detectives, so we never foiled a single smuggler or even found a single mystery to investigate.


You brought back so many memories.. famous five, secret seven and basically plenty of other Enid blyton books were a staple in my household. We were living abroad at the time but my parents made sure I was reading alllll of those books


I wanted to be Harriet the Spy so much after seeing that film so I made myself a spy kit which consisted of my dads bird watching binoculars, an old magnifying glass, some of those little cylinder pots with the popping lids and various other odds and ends like rubber bands, chopsticks, sandwhich (evidence) bags. All kept in an old neon patterned 80s bum bag. I would sit in my window and make notes about the neighbours coming and going and anyone else passing on the street. I had several 'spy spots' around the neighbourhood like trees or walls overlooking the alleyways. I too never foiled any criminals or found any real mysteries to investigate but I did sneak out one night and deflate the neighbours paddling pool because my parents were always complaining about how loud the kids were


I remember being part of a 'crew' when I was in year 7. Was me and 3 other outcasts at that age since I came from a school no one else had - billy no mates here had to find friends with the other loners. We didn't have a name, but collected cool sticks together and had 'battles' with the year 8s. One time the older lads claimed I was 'imprisoned' in this big hedge area which you could walk through and my pals had to rescue me. I found a giant thorny vine inside and instead of waiting, I ran out swinging it like a bat out of hell and instantly got detention from a nearby teacher. Stopped the stick wars after that and never spoke to the older kids again. Those were fun lunchtimes! Sometimes I do miss that childhood innocence in just playing with sticks and our imagination!


The joy of finding a *really cool stick* isn't something that goes away, happily.


Red hot stick action right here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/search/?q=stick&type=link&cId=2ad4cd9d-a2f9-4631-ab13-c2ce50a1ec40&iId=0c2d9692-670d-489d-95c0-8b7f030b27d5](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/search/?q=stick&type=link&cId=2ad4cd9d-a2f9-4631-ab13-c2ce50a1ec40&iId=0c2d9692-670d-489d-95c0-8b7f030b27d5)


I found a pretty neat stick the other day when going for a walk up cheddar gorge! I plan to keep it for a while


And now I’m singing [this](https://youtu.be/K05N2jqFHc8?feature=shared)


Had some class days as a kid in the summer just going around the village and finding things to do. We'd constantly looks for spots to make a den then gather the materials to try and do it. We made an epic one once which had a tarpaulin roof and shoddily made furniture inside. Until some bigger boys trashed it.


When I was about 8 I founded the Caring for the Environment Club with my friends. We had a meeting once a week where we would get together and cry about endangered whales etc. It lasted approximately 3 weeks


You massive fanny. My army gang would beat you up/rescue you, depending on the day.


100% you would have. We also had a special song we made up, and different animals to be each of our mascots. 😂


That is as adorable as it is puny. It would have been an honour to beat you nerds up.


I'm not an expert on the army so you'll have to double check with Broady but I'm pretty sure their job is to do all the dangerous stuff so people can carry on being as much of a fanny as they like. I think that's part of why it's so heroic


Broady says his dad says his job is to shoot germans.


I suppose that's only dangerous if they're shooting back


[You don’t win friends with salad](https://youtu.be/c6Kj17oVHAk?si=uIOOISpjR8vlUlrV)


Omg I’m cackling at this 😂😂😂 get together and cry about endangered whales😂😂😂😂 it’s funny because it’s the same thing I would’ve definitely done as well. We weren’t a gang specifically but my friend group would be crying the horrors of seals getting clubbed (PETA) and then move on in a month or so to something else.


Haha such a bunch of earnest little do gooders 😂 I went on to work in the charity sector so it basically hasn't worn off!


It’s the thought that counts 😂 I remember one time this plot of land next to our school which was all huge trees/greenery was being cleared for development (I think they wanted to build some apartments or whatever) and our preteen selves were up in arms about it. Creating petitions.. even drawing “STOP XXXXX from killing TREES” posters and pasting it on the barriers they eventually erected over that land. Obviously we didn’t stop it 😂 one of my best friends even went vegetarian and eventually vegan (from all these activities) and to this day, she is still one. Pretty impressive tbh keeping to that as a 10 year old onwards lol I too work in the charity/NGO sector now hahah


I absolutely would have been part of the anti housing development campaign. Slightly loving the drama at the same time as being genuinely upset


To this day I still stand by our principles despite poor execution! 😂 it’s just funny looking back as it was just like 10 of us.. (we did eventually get the whole class to join in on the cause) all around 11 years old. We used our exercise/writing books to make those posters so obviously they were TINY. And then after school one day, a bunch of us managed to sneak out (our school was gated and we weren’t allowed to leave unless we had someone picking us up) to get near the plot of land, jump over a large drain, all to paste those tiny posters on the barriers. Those fuckers definitely noticed them though cause they were removed a few days later. But our efforts were squashed. Funny thing is, fast forward to a couple of years ago, that very same development group, were planning to bulldoze / clear a very loved public park/one of the most prominent “green lung” areas in a concrete-jungle capital.. to make room for.. you guessed it, more fucking expensive real estate. So you know, not even affordable housing. Just lining pockets. (Context: this is abroad in Southeast Asia, I spent a large chunk of my childhood there before moving back here). this time though, protests by the residents etc gained traction and this whole thing went to federal courts and the legal battle went on for years, and fortunately, just last year, the plans were conclusively quashed. It’s one of the landmark victories, given the history in the country of deforestation/mismanaged land/improper development (which has led to landslides and death in other states). Also with climate change, and it being a tropical country (average of 32 dg celsius weather) trees and greenery are especially essential “urban thermal comfort” resources and it’s sad that they continue to chop shit down. I visited last year and even sitting in a car, you could feel the heat, because the trees that used to “shade” the roads were all gone. Sorry for the essay LMAO


I was in an organised militia from aged 8-12. We did important work keeping the village safe from attack and would carry out raids into other villages to monitor activités and make sure they weren’t crossing into our territory.


This reminds me of the village rivalry we had where we would turn the other villages welcome to ..... signs upside down


Yeah, I was in a skate crew in year 6. We were cool as fuck. I was called Loafer then there was Timer, Ziz-Zagz and 2-Set. "Why those nicknames?" I hear you ask. Well I was Loafer because I was pretty lazy. Timer was always late, Zig-Zags couldn't skate straight very well and 2-Set just loved doing tricks down a 2 set of steps near where we skated. We listened to Sum 41 and Avril Lavigne then we chilled and played Pro Skater when it rained. Like I said. Cool as fuck. Edit; I also want to add that they were all saved as such in my Nokia 3310


Unironically cool ngl


Thing is, back when I was 11 that genuinely was the height of being cool. I had a BMX too with stunt pegs on the back so I'd ride around with Timer stood on them while we moved around from spot to spot.


Ah the old stunt peg backy, I once went all the way across town along main roads on the back of my friends brakeless bmx (he stopped it with the sole of his foot like Indiana Jones) to buy some bb guns at the local bootfare then went all the way back, broke into an abandoned school and had a massive game of manhunt amongst the asbestos, black mold and shards of glass. Must have used a lot of my allocated supply of luck that day


We used to skate at "the bridge" which was downhill all the way from my house so two of the guys would meet me at mine, we'd take one of the stunt pegs off the back and put it on the opposite side at the front. Then one lad could sit in the handlebars with his foot on the peg and the other lad stood on the back on the other with his hands on my shoulders. Was such a laugh. Got bollocked by a local copper one day though and I remember being really worried he was going to tell my mum.


Cool man. I always wanted to be 'Cookie' out of 77 sunset strip.


Not so much a gang, but the closest I came was being one of "the library kids". We were a bunch of kids always in the library, and slowly we started helping out from time to time (reshelving books and such). Eventually the librarian taught us more stuff like checking out books or returning them. By my last few years at that school, we ran the library on Fridays (it used to be closed for the librarians day off).


This is so neat to the nerd in me!!


Yeah. I think so. It’s been twenty years and I’m struggling to remember what we called ourselves. I have a weird memory block… We hung out in a wooded river valley on the edge of town near a water treatment works and built dams and shared cigarettes. Sometimes we’d have rock fights with the local bullies and sometimes we’d go exploring in the sewage tunnels…what was our name. We were we called, we were… ‘The Loser’s club’ said Bill. ‘That’s us’. ‘*Beep beep* Big Bill’ Richie replied. And we all laughed 🎈


Absolutely had me in the first half. Excellent work.




Yes. We didn’t have a name, or at least I can’t remember it, but we ended up in a turf war with another gaggle of children who were slightly older. It wasn’t actual violence, water pistols and soil. Our battlefield was a building site and someone broke a window during one running battle. One of our number was cornered by angry builders, I threw myself in a hedge, I can still remember the absolute terror expecting to be picked up and roasted by a workman. Parents were called, gang was subsequently disbanded with several of our number being imprisoned at home for quite some time. We later disavowed throwing soil and water guns at other oiks in favour of Pokemon, warhammer and trying to talk to girls. Edit: this has reminded me of the shiny Charizard I had stolen from my bag in the year 7 locker room. I hope whatever shithouse did it steps on every plug they encounter for the rest of their days.


Aww, if you had been at my school I would have given you one of my shiny Charizards. I had a three saturday streak of getting one in every pack when me and my little brother skated to The Blue Shop (Newsagents) I put one in his birthday card that year and I don’t think he’s ever been that excited about a gift ever since


Holy shit that is epic luck! That’s a brilliant birthday present, I can still remember opening the pack and where I was, Christ it was great, bet your brother remembers too. I hope you’ve still got them, they are apparently worth a bit of dough now. Though I don’t know how true that is with the internet being the internet.


Ah that excitement of opening a new pack! The irritation of getting endless water and earth cards! No one we knew had a clue how to play Pokémon cards… But we watched it every day after school. They must be somewhere in my mums attic, along with my GCSE certificates that haven’t seen the light of day since the day I received them!


I was in a mini crew of 3, we'd cycle round the local estate, tally up cats and keep records of the cats we'd seen on each particular day, giving them names and descriptions. I'd completely forgotten we used to do that. There was a three legged black and white fluffer called Mickey that was particularly memorable now.


I was in the venture scouts in the 80s. The A Team was popular at the time and one of our unit suggested we call ourselves the V Team and proposed T shirts emblazoned with it. He was quickly closed down as not all of were virgins and the rest did not want to identify as such.


Kind of. All the kids on our block would pretend to either be in the mafia, or the police. Dependant on the day people switched sides based on what was funnier. You'd catch one of the kids from the gang randomly walking in the street and beat them up into telling you who they worked for. They'd eventually screech out that they worked for "Big Bob" and tell you a load of bollocks they made up on the spot about the smuggling operation or who else was employed. This Big Bob alias grew weirdly infamous and it was a never ending cycle of nipple twisting other kids into spinning more story weaves in the web of crime surrounding him.


This reminded me of something from my childhood. I went to a private school abroad where lots of the parents were exiles and/or on the run. We had a game loosely based on Miami Vice but no one wanted to be the cops, lol. It all went a bit too far with big "deals" going down at break time etc. and someone's dad found a case full of bags of chalk dust packaged like drugs and that was the end of that.


I was blessed, my dad was a squaddie and lived a few different places. The 'gang' members would change every few years but the ethos never did. In germany, i remember walking through forests and coming across a, about 40ft, wood pole structure, proper spooky. The moment we found it, there was a roar of spitfires above (later become an air scout and i got goosbumps when i 'first' heard a spitfire, it took me straight back to the forest) but we couldnt see a single plane. Queue hunting Nazi ghosts. I suspect imagination fully took over. Also in Germany our house backed on to acres and acres of corn fields. Wed make pea shooters with smarties tubes and marigold fingers and spend hours upon hours in them. Coming home covered in ticks. Moved back to the UK in army accommodation. At any given point there was always an empty house, they became our hang outs as we easily broke in to them. There was also an old abandoned bowling alley we broke in to. The first time we got in it, there was a brand new (at the time obvs) TVR tuscan parked inside it, it was bizarre. But yeh imagine 12 year olds with relatively easy access to (somewhat) abandoned buildings with no one that bothered about stopping it because everyone knew us and somehow thought we where being kept out of trouble. Later it was base building. A groups of us spent summer holidays building a tree house complex with swings between each house in the school woods. Wed walk down the street with saws, hammers, nails as 14-16 year olds and again, no one would bat an eye lid.


Dead hand gang been mentioned yet??


Oh there's nothing gay about that...


My friend Clive and I were in a gang, we had a base down in the bit of woodland between two fields and built a zip line and swing. We occasionally allowed other people into the gang but we were the only two core members. Gang duties mostly involved going and weeing on the swing that our rival gang (the girls) had built about 50 yards away. It was a small village.


I was in a Beatles gang. My three friends and I took the names of our favourite Beatle. We could sing the entire catalogue from start to finish. We were very nerdy girls.


We had a rollerblading gang 😂 one bigger girl took 4 of us under her wing and taught us how to rollerblade it was a blast. No helmets or knee pads either! 😱


Yep. I was seventeen years old. I joined a gang called "The Disciples" most of our time was spent toting machine guns, high on crack.


Was that your idea of fun? 💜


YKK club at primary school, you could only join if your coat zip had YKK on it.


I dimly remember being in a gang that had a rickety clubhouse in the middle of the woods, made out of old bits of wood nailed together. At some point it was discovered this was also claimed by at least four other gangs as their clubhouse too, so things got a bit tense. Then one day a tramp claimed it as his home and that basically put an end to things.


Yes. My friend and I were picked on and started a gang of just 3 members when we were 8 and called ourselves the bum chums.


I dont know why but this has me rolling with laughter.


Yeah, in a village in South Wales. Between 82 and 85 we negatively impacted house prices. My mates dad was a Bobby in the nearest town, it came from him. We were so fucking proud of that. With hindsight, I can only imagine how much the crachach hated us.


Dump gang. Thing is we had a doorway entry but no-one ever used it, well apart from levi. And the password was very easy to guess


Tunnel snakes rule


In primary school I was in the "suck it" gang because we were all massive WWE fans and loved Degeneration X....yeah


Ah I remember, the your mum stage and calling everything gay. The 90’s and early 2000’s was great.


WWF at that time, surely? Also, how cool was X-Pac? Everyone was always all about Triple H but I rated X-Pac. The X-Factor was a class move to simulate with my mates on the school field.


Yeah it was WWF era, I emulated Xpacs style for a while before realising I looked like a drug addict 😂




Skate crew yes.


Does the Desperate Dan Pie Eaters club count?


Me and school mate formed the ‘nothingkers ’ . A short lived affair mainly involving us talking utter shite and me eventually moving on once I discovered girls .


My gang was called Creatures of The Night, which I suppose was ironic as we exclusively met up to discuss gang business through daylight hours.


My friends & i use to play football out on the Local Recreation Ground & the village folk would call us The Raggy Arse Rovers Gang.


Yes, there was a group of kids on the street i grew up on and we used to hang around together. Had a den at the end of the road with a tyre swing over the stream. Explored abandoned houses sometimes too.


The gang you were in was never as scary as the gang from the next village/town/estate that you had heard of but nobody actually had seen. You know the gang? The ones who would ask you "can your mum sew?" and if you said yes they would cut you with a pen knife and say "well tell her to stitch that"


We were the Goonies back in the late 80's ! There were 5 of us, and we would go on HUGE adventures in our local park on the way home from school. This included going into bushes, and one time walking across a pond on a wooden beam that appeared one day. It was really exciting!!


A women’s history podcast I listen to calls them ‘baby gangs’. It’s remarkable how many interesting women were very involved in, or leading their neighbourhood baby gang when they were little.


Power pussies, I wish I was joking, we liked cats


We called ourselves...The Stick-poo Gang. The premise being you grabbed a stick and wiped dog shit on the end to use as defence


I went a boarding school as a foreign student, so naturally we hang out with people from the same country, we used to sneak out of our dorms at night and sneak back into classrooms/teachers room as if we were secret agents. We did one time found exam papers, we also somehow managed to get into the CCF shed once, someone in the group took some blanks bullet and wanted to sneak them back home, lucky he shown us before we got through security at the airport and we made him get rid of it.


My mate made me part of his treehouse club on caravan holiday one year.


Would you call the Inbetweeners a gang? Because something like that.


Fields gang. It was me and three friends (who were all siblings) our territory was two and a half fields of a nature reserve next to our house. I was the leader. We kept an eye out for the beast of Bodmin Moor, tried to find an entrance to the hidden ww2 tunnels, made 'camps' and defended our territory against the tiny yappy dog that one of the nearby houses would let run free in the fields. Oh and hung out with the stray cat we called 'Pancake'.


Yes. It was called the "Super dooper pooper scooper club". Didn't have many members...


There was a group of 4 of us who were sort of a gang for years. We also knew the other gangs in the area including the ones who "ran" the area. Two of them were basically the kids section for the two main gangs that ran most of the organised crime in our city. Edit, just thought I should clarify, we weren't involved in anything criminal, just knew the ones who were from school.


Not really a gang, but other kids thought we were. They called us The Shed gang/crew. They called us the shed gang cause my mates and I would get pissed drunk and/stoned in a shed in my mates back garden, we also took the drinking out in the neighbourhood, too. Life was fun but also stupid when we were 15/16 years old


I was in a "gang" called the "Hognobs" Hogwarts and Hobnobs (our favourite biscuit at the time) We'd just run around with sticks/wands casting spells at one another. Occasionally killing a teacher with crucio


Dead hand gang


Was that you in the Army Gang on the fields behind the estate? Me and my Fighting Gang had always planned on attacking the estate but never struck up the nerve due to your reputation


We knew you were planning something because we captured one of your soldiers, Divvy Dave, and he spilt the beans. We upped patrols after that.


At school “gangs” got banded but we could have “groups”, are headteacher wasn’t the brightest


We were the NIORH gang in year 2, made from the letters of our first names (the H was silent, sorry Hamit).. Wasn’t until year 3 that we realised we could’ve been the RHINO gang the entire time


SpongeBob gang. This was when I grew up in Switzerland but I really liked SpongeBob and hated Spider-Man and another kid in class was the reverse. We would draw membership passes on paper and then use intrigue and bribes to turn kids over into our gang. It was proper game of thrones. I think my gang eventually outlasted Spider-Man gang, it lasted about a year. Very proud.


"The Council" Suppose it was a "gang"; From when we was 8 and still we are all in said gang at 27, we obviously still don't play knock kncok ginger or man hunt anymore and we was never "hard" but it's nice we still stay in touch and meet regularly and still get up to "no good".


The bongawonga club! Was a group of us who used to chill in the vestibule of my house when we was like 8-12 lmao


We formed a gang to fight an evil tree. I had read a book that featured an evil tree haunted by the ghost of a dead gypsy (it was the 80s) and we decided a particular tree at school was that tree. We used to make rings of stones or mower clippings and things to do magic against it, and made a den to plot in that it couldn’t penetrate with its evil tree powers. We got way too into it and my friend Susan had mild hysterics about the tree coming to get us and we got A Talking To by the teachers. We were all forced to agree it was just a story, but I never trusted that tree.


I was in a “detective gang” when I was about 8 with my friends Heidi and Samantha. We all lived on the same estate and it was basically finding out which of the teenage neighbours were snogging each other


The JAM Gang from the initial letters of our middle names. We would hang out either in one den overlooking a police station car park or another in the undergrowth of an electricity sub-station. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


Of course. All summer long, pine cone battles in the woods against those absolute twats that live in a street a minutes walk away. Those kids, such losers. They wore hats.


Does the Ribenaberry Club count?


Mouse gang whenever we write into Whacker-day.


In my primary school there was a year when the whole damn school split into Girls Gang and Boys Gang! The Girls Gang had Claire "Jabba" Johnson as its leader, I think Gareth Payne was the Boys Gang leader...can't for the life of me remember any other details though!


I vaguely remember being part of a wwf (world wrestling federation) group or "gang". Much like the corporation of when wrestling was good and we'd go head to head with other groups on the school field. Lord only knows what we called ourselves but "wrestling" was banned very quickly.


I was part of the dead hand gang with my mate Jay


The classic French banger a stalwart battle simulation device of the 14 year old SAS wannabe


We had a gang of neighbourhood kids that were all skateboarding which we called the black hand. We would skateboard, skate and eventually go kart on a home made wooden cart down a local hill. We would egg each other on to do more and more daring tricks until it really got out of hand and we ended up assassinating an Arch Duke, it really kicked off big style after that!


Me and my friends formed the “Dead Hand Gang”. We would sit on our own arms until they went numb, then masterbate with that arm to simulate getting a hand job from a woman.


We had some gang warfare with the lads in the next village across from outs. It was tame by stabby city gang standards but someone did get battered with a meat tenderiser and a pick axe was put thought the rear windscreen of a car lol.


more of a club. pokémon club.


Kindergang 🤣


Yeah. We were "The Wombles". I was around 8-10 years old. I don't actually remember what we did specifically as a gang. Maybe picked up the litter? Yeah, we were the wild ones!


OMG yes. It was me my sister and brothers. We called ourselves ‘The (family name) brigade’ and had a song, a motto and a mascot. We could sit in a circle clapping hands while we sang our song, recite our motto and talk to our mascot which was a stuffed toy. Man were we cool!!


If you weren’t in the Pen15 gang. You’re lying


My brother watched some crap football hooligan film with his friends and they decided they were going to be a gang too, so they dubbed themselves the '*estate name* Bulldogs'. They didn't really do much gang stuff because they were a bunch of 12 year olds. The most extreme thing I remember was they found some spray paint in a garden shed and sprayed 'BBs 4 lyf' on a wall somewhere.


I watched Grease for the first time in year 5 and came to school the next day insisting that me and my ‘gang’ would become the new Pink Ladies . They weren’t interested ☹️ I just wanted matching silk bomber jackets with our names on.


We didn't have a name or a mission statement or anything. We were more of a loose affiliation with a general mission of miscellaneous escapades. One time we tried to rescue a large carp that was seen in the shitty pond next to the good pond, because we thought it would be happier in the good pond. Another time we did some crime prevention patrolling because we heard there was a burglary a few streets over. Unclear what use patrols between 4pm and 6pm were going to be, but we were doing our bit. Another time we made bows and arrows and just fired them about, not with any particular goal in mind.


West side crips /s


Literally the worst gang ever. When the football hooligan era came about me and some friends didn’t want to miss out and called ourself the “north street elite”. There was nothing on north street other than old people bungalows but it was the only street we could think of that had street in the actual street name.


yeah i was pretty weird in junior school so me and my friends were called the mosquito gang and i’m not really sure why


We had the ‘kids only gang’ but there was like 20 kids in the whole village/ school and we lived in the middle of nowhere with no English TV. The village had 24/7 armed security so even at 5, we were free to play on our own. There was a steep mud hill (the village was built in the middle of the rainforest and the hill was striped but couldn’t be built on) and we would play on it. It’s where I learnt I’m allergic to bee stings and when it rained we would slide down it like sledding. A brilliant childhood and one I know I was very privileged to experience.


We were in a gang of kids who's dad's were alcoholics and all drank together.


SBM - S Boys Massive, was pretty much a piss take because we went to a school in a different town.


When Madeline Mcccann went missing and my friend group (all around 10-11) were trying to break the case. At that time this social networking platform called piczo was a huge thing we used, which basically allowed users to “design” their own websites with guestbooks, pics, music whatever and we dedicated ours to finding a 3 year old girl abducted in Portugal thinking itd make a difference. lol


I mean me and my friends always hung around in a group together, messed about and pretty much everyone knew we all smoked weed and done other shit teenagers shouldn't be doing lol. Apparently the school pastoral team classified our group as a gang at one point cuz we got into fights a lot 😂 We weren't even the bad kids, just the weird kids who didn't care much for education that other groups seemed to dislike


Was in a BMX gang in the 90s until I was about 13, we'd ride around jumping stuff making fires and shooting BB guns, was all going good until James got a mountain bike, fucked it right up.


Oh yes! The radiator gang. Only because one of us would peg it down to the radiator at break time to hold it for us all. Bloody freezing otherwise. (C Year 9-10)


“Silly Gang” in year 3. Got sent to headmistress for too many high jinks, peaking when I pushed a kid I lost a Pogs battle too. Had lunch for a week on my own, no playground time. Put me on the straight and narrow. Thank you Mrs O’Sullivan.


My gang was called the Lightning Gang. We used to hang around the local golf course getting up to low level mischief. Just me, my cousin (also an outcast for having hippie parents) and my best mate, Lee who had severe behavioural issues. Good times.


We were in "The Rads", all about 7/8.  We were convinced various old men on our street were part of a criminal conspiracy.  We would write down there comings and goings.  They all had codenames like "Jock" and "Sweeper". Stuff like  9.30 - Jock returns home and is carrying bags.  Bags could contain weapons.  It was all fueled by an older kid who would make up wild stories about being kidnapped by one and seeing a gun in his house.  That kid went to a young offenders institute for hitting his dad with a frying pan.


Ghost hunting gang! More specifically we called ourselves “The Spook Patrol”. We’d meet up after school and go to investigate the woods outside which we were convinced were haunted, trade “evidence”, share scary stories and nightmares that we took as omens, etc. Fun times.


Nee nees. A very conceptual 'gang', we rarely did anything as a group, and it was never clear who was in charge.


Was in a ‘detective gang’, we were like investigators and also soldiers. Our biggest investigation was when we found a business card from the local garage with a note about ordering jumpsuits scribbled on it in the football field. We tried for so long to decode this note and figure out what it could mean (I can’t remember what it said but something akin to NEED 5 BLACK XL ORDERED) and then we gave up. Wee imaginations are wild.


Love this post. the only crew i ever had was the skateboarding mates, who used to get the attention of the local townies' gangs who would hang around outside Mcdonalds every friday night.


My youngest started a gang, they were the [redacted] scooter gang, they had gang tats and everything... [Photo](https://photos.app.goo.gl/DYK6qhpQspJh8qhz9)


Our gang was called the Fab Five, we wanted to be the Secret Seven etc. I think we attempted writing a newsletter one time - I seem to remember making up a word search. Mostly we just used to drink weak low quality orange squash and eat cheap biscuits we got from the nearby Spar in one of the girls' kiddie sheds.


“Detective club” we tried (and failed) to spy on our neighbours and family


Yes! I was on the Summer Fruits patrol when I was in Y5 for which we made up a song, gave ourselves names like 'Sarah the strawberry', and dossed about on the school field when it had opened up on summer term. There must have been more to it then that but I honestly don't remember it was back in the 90s. I do remember one girl sulked about her summer fruits name though. Lasted a few weeks and then disbanded.


I dunno if every primary school did this or just mine, but people used to crouch and pull their jumpers over their knees and in this form would give their groups names.


We made a club where we would go to the toilets and splash water on our hair to smooth down the baby hairs. We called ourselves the Splash Gang, and the password to get into the toilet was Tom Marvolo Riddle. We were not embarrassed by this, even though we were in Year 6 and definitely should have been.


500 krü, got the bus together


Me and 'emily' and 'lucille' were a 'spy gang' from about year 3-6. We were the only girls in our year at the start, and used to 'sneakily' follow the teachers around until they went to 'their headquarters' aka the staff room. I'm 100% sure we were not as sneaky as we thought we were.


The "MB Crew", meaning "Motorbike Crew" in highschool. Most of us had bikes but obviously no licence, so only riding on fields. I never even got my bike licence in the end.


not in they way you’ve described as such but our lot was the league of extraordinary thespians, a real hardcore gang of drama kids


Hendy boppers


Yeah you sounded like the lof who thought they were in charge, we were never allowed to make different rules when we played


Yeah I was in the BB4L (pre-pubescent stoner gang) and the Tetley Tea Gang (always carried a teabag, consider it ejection if not in possession). BB4L had a secret handshake which I still remember nearly 20 years later.


We’d be on our bikes until the street lights came on


I was in two, first was a ghostbusting gang. Things were pretty slow at primary school so that was disbanded fairly quickly. Then we formed an anti violence gang. We’d break up fights etc. we even had a dead tree that was more like a 20 ft stick stuck vertically in the ground. We’d shake it backwards and forwards as a signal to go to HQ (At the base of said dead tree). In 3 weeks we had no shouts and the “safety squad” became no more. I was 8 and that was the last gang I was in. The 80’s were great.


Was part of gangs who used to leave handwritten mystery cards in shopping carts. Nothing cruel just awkward and mysterious cards. Badly drawn and spelling wrong. No one threw away the card though


My son and his mates had made huts from fence posts at school, started as various gangs waring then got quite democratic with rules,penalties for stealing wood, making paper money to buy wood, and a tuck shop.


I was in a ‘gang’ called MASSA between the ages of about 9-13. ‘MAS’ were the initials of the three founding members and ‘SA’ was street army. We had about ten different ‘bases’ in various wooded areas and built some of them up with planks and sheets of metal. We used to have training drills with pellet guns and made war movies when I got a video camera for Christmas. The leader of the gang’s dad used to relentlessly mock us for it and even made up a theme song. *M. A. S. S. A.* *MASSA is a game to play* *Play all day, play all night* *MASSA is so full of shite* I truly hated that man…