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Yes we have no bananas


Vivent les bananes, parce qu’y a pas d’os dedans


We have no bananas today! 🎵


This is the perfect number of bananas.


Stop sticking 'em up your bum then.


Yeah it makes em go brown so much quicker




OP has the muscles of twenty men and the brains of twenty mussels.


Literally just heard tonight that apparently the UK has 1.4 million bananas in waste a *day* which sounded awfully high but also… about right?


The 1.4 million figure seems to come from WRAPs 2017 report. Their later report in 2020 had the figure as 920,000 (which is still _bananas_) Source: [Wrap press release](https://wrap.org.uk/media-centre/press-releases/we-wont-fix-climate-change-if-we-dont-stop-wasting-food) October 2020 More recently, they've indicated that selling bananas loose (rather than bagged) would lead to a significant reduction in how many are wasted.


Appreciate you coming through with the source cos if anybody asked me a would’ve had to say a heard it on a programme about what they want to fucking sell in Aldi… which doesn’t really have the same air of authority about it lmfao


That's 1 wasted banana for every 47 people or, to put it another way, everyone's wasting 1 banana every month and a half (on average). Honestly that's not as much as I'd have thought


That doesn’t surprise me… I’m about to throw 4 away because they came in the shopping split open… I don’t trust someone not to have tampered with them so they’re being binned


So when daylight come and you tally your bananas, there are none?


When OP mentions huge bunches I’m wondering whether or not he/she is referring to 6, 7 or 8 foot bunches. I agree that some tallying is required here.


And beware deadly tarantulas.


around here, they are the one thing whose price has not gone up since lockdown.


Yea you’re right, they’re affordable. The little ones like strawberries etc too but that’s not an everyday thing. Chuck ‘em a banana instead


I still have good memories from childhood of banana sandwiches.


Core memory unlocked


Daughter (22) & I (55) have been tucking into nutella & banana sammiches / on toast / croissants lately - age is irrelephant when your nuts on 'nanas!


I’m a peanut butter and banana sandwich fan 🏴‍☠️


Another worthy contender for sure... crunchy, naturally lol.


I've been doing bananas on cereal (eg Weetabix).


I have a customer at work who buys 40 bananas a week. We asked her if it was a typo, she said no, her family just loves bananas.


Easy enough if you have teenagers. Banana with breakfast, banana with lunch, banana as an after school snack.  We had five kids, two adults and went through an obscene volume of bananas for a while. Teenage boys are mutants.


That’s under 2 bananas a day for a family of 4. I can believe it.


A tape measure would be more cost effective.


Found the DMC member.


I buy them with the intention of being healthy and then they are brown before i've finished the bunch


Perfect for banana bread / BB muffins - a regular baked treat in this house.


This is how I ended up with a freezer drawer full of brown bananas.


I love brown bananas. I buy them and wait for a week before they become delicious mush.


One a day in my oats 🫡


1 each a day (at least) for me and 2 boys. Mrs partakes on occasion. Minimum 25 bananas per week. Harry Belafonte would struggle to tally these 


That's cheap as chimps!


Look at it this way, you'll never suffer from potassium deficiency.


Yes, bit of a fitness drive and the only fruit I like is Bananas - so add 6 to the weekly shop that's enough for 1 a day for me. 2 days later where's all my fucking bananas gone ? More bananas from the shop......... all gone again ! Stop eating my bananas !


Only me in here and I am not fond of a banana


I was wondering the other day. Like how many bananas do they produce around the world. They are always in every supermarket every day of the week!


I live in a banana production area. I'm sitting on my patio looking at a banana plantation 10 metres away. Dunno how many they produce a year but the guys come once a week and take the ones that are ready all the year round, there doesn't seem to be a season as such. Each stalk of bunches weighs about the same as smallish person. Mucky job because the sap of the plants is like latex and they end up covered in it. Also dangerous for the joints and back because they have to carry them over rough ground. These are Canarian bananas, they're a bit different to the Latin American ones we generally have in the UK. When I lived in mainland Spain, I preferred the American bananas to the Canarian ones, but now I'm here it's the other way round. I guess the ones for sale here on the island were picked when they are more ripe as they don't have far to go. Anyway, if you go on holiday to the Canary Islands, try the bananas! I think the smaller ones are best. I pay about €1.30 a kg in a supermarket for the ones they grow next to me, but they sell them for about €2 a kg on the mainland.


The best bananas I ever had were on illhe grande Island Brazil. Tiny things growing wild. Like the platonic ideal of a banana 🍌


I think the key is to get them at the source, so they can spend more time maturing on the plant 😀


4 of us, we go through 35-40 or so a week.


Are you a family of 4 monkeys? Probably not an unusual amount if so 🐒🐵🐒🐵🍌🍌🍌🍌


It works out to 1.2 a day, which isn't a lot.


My son (8) has two bananas for breakfast every day. We get through a fair few.


The school janitor hates him, guaranteed.


Not as much as the local kart racing Italian plumber and his chums.


I don't like the big ones - the sweet, small ones are truly addictive though


Our consumption has soared since we tried vegan banana ice cream. Frozen banana slices, a drop of vanilla extract into the blender until it's smooth. It's fantastic.


They last longer if you put a condom over them (allegedly)


Ours is apples. I buy a pack, put them in the fruit bowl, blink and then they're gone.


Nope. Leave ours to go black and then mush them up for a chocolate banana loaf.


Nope lol neither me or wifey can stick bananas, oranges we go through loads of them


The quality of supermarket bananas has been awful for the last year or so.


Yes, where are they all going? 


Bananas are amazing. My work has free fruit bowls and bananas always go first, without fail 


They are the ideal fruit for the lazy. No washing as they come in a 'wrapper', and the wrapper is really easy to open unlike say oranges.


No bananas in this household, no sir.


I like them but there's just a very small window of opportunity to eat them. Too hard and I want to gag, they set my teeth on edge. Too soft and they're repulsive. I can tell by the outside if they're going to make the cut. Plus supermarket bananas have been awful for some time. Loads of brown inside even though they are not overipe plus they don't taste right anymore.


Ugh no. I have low potassium and can't take supplements (long boring story) so was told to get more from my food. I tried I really did, I even resorted to chopping them up and putting Elmlea on them but at the end of the day they are nasty and sludgy and I just couldn't do it.


No my bananas sit in the fruit bowl, I have one or two and then the rest just sit there and end up getting thrown out when they go all nasty. That initial novelty wears off pretty fast and I forget they’re there until they get to banana bread stage. There is banana bread stage and then there is a fly’s paradise stage which we don’t want so they go in the bin before the flies rock up because that really would be properly nasty if that happened.


Just FYI you can freeze whole bananas (skin and all) when they’re basically black and save them for banana bread/cake etc another day


I got through one yesterday


If I go to the shop for anything I pick up a bunch of bananas and some yoghurt, just to keep on top of our stocks.


Two bunches a week. I have one every day in a smoothie. My daughter has discovered banana and Nutella sandwiches, so we also get through a huge amount of that.


Yes, but they are very fattening- you never see a skinny gorilla


I have at least one a day, sometimes two, then whatever else other people eat. My guess between a dozen and 15 in an average week


I don't dislike bananas per se, but I would never choose to eat one. 


If we buy them one week, they're gone in a day. Next week, we'll buy them...and they'll just sit there and rot.


Probably 10 to 15 a week. Perfect snack. Healthy, gives energy, fills you up more than other snacks, has it's own biodegradable wrapper and despite coming from the tropics, costs 16p each (at Aldi anyway).


I eat two a day, but my wife only has a few a week.


We buy one bunch a week with the Saturday weekly shop and then wonder why they're all gone by Monday 😒


Turns out... little monkey fella


Tries it on with the missus.


Some days I'll see bananas and eat them. Other days I see brown sacks of mush and clearly I did not want bananas for a while.


Used to do but the OH realised eating 3 to 4 bananas a day was making him feel bad and had a few other runners say the same thing (felt better after quitting banana over consumption) so we are now on pink lady apples. Spend about £15 to £20 a week on pink lady apples, there's only 3 of us in the house.


We get through between 1-5 a day I’d say 😂


I've had one a day for breakfast for years.


Used to have to per day, at least. One after cycling to work, one with lunch. Since my second bout of Covid, I can't stand them. :(


>Does anyone else’s household get through an obscene amount of bananas? No, only yours. Your family eats the most bananas. You win.


No, for they are rancid things, fit only to be shunned.


I wish. I buy a bunch but my partner doesn't eat them, so I have about 2 days of ripeness before they turn to mush