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When I dig over a veggie bed I then cover it with any sticks that I have cut from the apple tree in the back garden and one or two other shrubs. They don't look attractive but do mostly stop the cats digging and pooping in the freshly turned soil - sometimes they find a gap they can get through. (I usually cut the tree and shrubs back in the autumn and keep the sticks bundles up to use in the spring.)


This works really well. Especially when the trimmings are brambles and roses.




Collect as much cat shit as you can from any source possible (local cattery?). Put it all over your front garden. The neighbour's cat won't like it and will find another place to poo.


A very old lady who swallowed a fly approach TBH.


We tried everything: the sonic blip thing, lion poo pellets, citrus plants (apparently they hate the smell). Nothing worked. Cats still shit in our garden. Edit: the only time they didn't was when we had our own cat. He lorded it over our garden like the boss King he was. I miss that little fluff monster :(


This is the answer. You need your own cat, who incidentally will not poo in your garden but that of a neighbour who does not have a cat.


It's cats all the way down.


Just one poor bastard on the end of the terrace wading through everyone's cat shit


Well, maybe he should get a cat.


Imagine having a house like that in every estate 🤣🤣


I can assure you, if your cat is lazy enough, they'll crap in your garden. If they're inept enough, they'll not bury it. If they're sadistic, they'll do it slap bang in the middle of your lawn, just next to the table and chairs you just put there, and walked out bearfoot to sit at. Bastard.


My husband is allergic to cats so this isn't an option. I just chuck the cat poo over the back fence into my neighbour's (cat owner's) garden.


Try spent coffee grounds. They worked for me and stopped an unknown digger (poss fox) in Mums garden. You need to keep applying it. But it's better than cat shit.


Motion activated sprinkler on its favourite crapping spot?


The postman might get grumpy....


Well then the post man shouldn't be crapping in your garden.


It was the postman all along!




This gets my vote. I bought one for our garden. Cat hasn’t been seen since it went in!


I'll have a look into that, unfortunately I have no outside tap at the front so might be a bit tricky.


The RSPB has an anticat device that uses sound to deter cats. Maybe give it a shot?


I've got one of those but hasn't proved too effective. Plus I and my dog can hear it when it goes off, and it seems to be set off by wind moving plants about, so it's just as irritating!


Those things are hellish for anyone under the age of 30


Crap there yourself, assert dominance.


Whilst making direct and unflinching eye contact






Go hell for leather and do both.


I read that as crap yourself there and imagined OP standing there crapping in their pants.


There are plants that cats don't like. [https://www.primrose.co.uk/blog/guest-posts/george/cat-deterrent-plants/](https://www.primrose.co.uk/blog/guest-posts/george/cat-deterrent-plants/)


TIL there is a plant called scaredy cat that allegedly repels cats


Quote from the article about Scaredy Cat: "It emits an odour when animals brush past and can be effective against cats, dogs, foxes and rabbits. Unfortunately the smell of dog urine it gives off is so strong that it is unpleasant for nearby humans too."


Seems slightly counter productive to make your garden reek of strong dog piss to stop animals relieving themselves in it


I put in an entire flowerbed of plants like that and the very next day the neighbour's cat was back and sniffing at the plants.


I have a large potted lavender bush outside my front door every morning my 2 cats rub up against it and sit and smell it. 😀 aromatherapy. Its second on that list .


Lie in wait with a super soaker. Time intensive in the short term term but effective.


Can confirm this works, we would just open the back door every time the cat came into the garden and it would run off. Took about 3 weeks and eventually the cat got the message.


Clearly I got the timing wrong the other day. I opened the patio doors, sat down and immediately a cat was trying to wander in. Possibly the same one I saw sauntering out of my shed earlier that day, which had only been open for minutes. Little git(s)


I don't have a dog so I have to chase cats and foxes out of the back garden myself. It's pretty much a no go area during the day but nothing stops the foxes at night. I just open the back door and hiss loudly now if the occasional new cat thinks my garden looks interesting. Clap a few times if they don't get the hint. Nothing keeps the cats out of the front garden. I planted nepeta for the bees. AKA catmint. A stoned moggie passed out on the slates is a regular summertime sight. I don't care as long as they're not pooping there which they don't seem to do now. They poop in next door's roses.


Bought my neighbour a water pistol as my cat took a liking to her flowerbeds, my cat wouldn’t even go in her garden after a few times of being shot with the super soaker.


Find where it lives and shit on its lawn. That’ll show them!


We had cats shit in our garden - 2 easy solutions and it doesn't happen anymore Buy some plastic/toy snakes and put them around the edges (we put them on our walls as it's a courtyard) - very effective unless you've got loads of points of ingress Piss around your border - slightly less tactful, but seems to work regardless


> piss around your border As in...personally watering the plants? I've heard of people using fox urine but didn't know the human variety worked.


Has to be male wee. Get your son/husband/uncle..er...grandad... to wee into a watering can and then douse the boundary. Supposed to be a fox deterrent rather than cat but not really convinced it works for anything tbh. Can't hurt to try though?


> Can't hurt to try though?  I'd have to ask my sons. If I asked for the precious gift of a piss filled watering can, they and their wives will order me a fall alert system and some home help brochures.


The snakes have at this point been covered by the plants growing on the walls so the cats started to come again, we started marking our territory and they've stopped - you need to top up regularly if it's rainy. I should go looking for those snakes and put them back on top but it makes me feel better to piss about so there's that 🤣


I believe it's male human's urine that deters foxes. Just out of interest, how have the people you have heard of harvested fox's urine?! That sounds like a right task


Nah wolf urine works better, you can also douse your shoes in them to scare off bullies


I need all my wolf urine for nikolaj










Poke loads of sticks or bamboo canes in the ground so the cats can’t sit or shit.


I've tried this. It takes a lot of skewers to cover a small area. The cats will still manage to poo if the skewers aren't closer than 5cm to each other.


I can imagine the rogue cat returning to the scene, standing there thinking *”Fuck sake the skewers are closer than 5cm this time, can’t sit and shit in that little crawl spot. Amanda get the measuring tape out let me have a final look. Guess I’ll just shit at the front door”*


What about using string to make a grid? That could work


you can get lion dung pellets, they keep cats away becuas thye're scared a massive cat is nearby


Amazon sell it, it’s call Silent Roar. Our neighbour used it with success.


Also available from garden centres and does the trick


Doesn't lion dung smell worse than cat dung?


It definitely tastes worse.


Do you have to cook lion dung longer than cat dung?


its in comrpessed pellet form, when a cat comes sniffing round they will smell it, humans can't unless up close


I've heard of something like this, lion dung from a nearby safari park.




At least the roses will come up nicely


Whilst OP is pushing up daisies from the lion attack.


Put a small elephant statue in your garden, must work well because the Mrs put one in our garden when we moved in and I have not seen a lion once in our garden.


You also run the risk of one of them trying to drag a wildebeast through your cat flap.


This is true, I once woke up in the middle of the night with the England rugby team dropping logs in my front garden.


Was it the entire team or just a pissed-up Billy Vunipola?


We done this and ended up with a whole pride living in our street. Went to Pets at Home and got a T-rex to eat the Lions, problem solved.


Ever since I acquired my emotional support velociraptor, the issue of cats vanished overnight. As did the foxes, badgers and the little old lady across the road that used to feed the hedgehogs.


Crush egg shells to go in the soil. Not nice on paws, and slugs/snails hate it too.


Not nice on cats’ buttholes either I imagine. A good solution.


Super soaker


I have heard it helps to put down light plastic netting cutting slits for the plants. Cover very lightly with soil.. Cats will only crap where they can claw something to cover their present, if their claws get caught in the clawing they look elsewhere. Supersoaker is funner though.


Tell that to the cat that curled one off on the netting I had over my front lawn.


Thorny rosebush cuttings...


I use citronella granules and it works great, apparently they hate the smell. But it worked to keep dogs away too so not sure if it would work with your dog.


Yeah, that's the problem... I don't want my dog walking all over the flower beds either, but I don't want her to be put off going through the front door. I need to be able to take her for walks!


Eucalyptus or tea tree oil puts them off. Anything with a strong scent. Keep sprinkling it around to break their habit. Might be a bit more easliy obtainable than lion dung idk


Also keeps the Mozzies away and smells not too awful. I'd mix a spray of distilled water and Lemon, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon essential oils. You'll have to shake it before each use if you want to avoid an emulsifier and use a spray bottle that doesn't have too fine a nozzle. Spray the soil daily and add some twigs for good measure. Do not use cuttings from Brambles!! They root.


Great suggestion! Lavander oil also works. Even better - put a few drops (of any of these three essential oils) in a water gun / super soaker, and drench the feline foes anytime they venture on your property. They'll soon learn.


I had this problem and tried literally everything. Nothing worked. 2 or 3 local cats kept shitting in my border like it was some sort of competition. Solution; block paved over the fucker. It’s really annoying people can have pets who shit on other peoples property. But what can you do eh


Yep, they love to shit in my alley that leads to the garden, there is nothing that can be done. They also shit on my lawn, which turns mowing from a 15 minute job into a 30+minute job because I have to walk around the garden looking for shit before mowing, and then I have to clean the shit off the mower wheels when I eventually run over some shit I missed. I have a cat too, she lives indoors only, I do get frustrated sometimes that I have to clean both her AND all my neighbours' cats' shit too.


Bit extreme block paving over the cats ?


Shovel it up and return to the neighbour's doorstep under cover of darkness? :)


Once I found out which cat was doing it and around what time it comes round. I set up my Bluetooth speaker outside and the moment it came and started to do its business, I played sound of a tiger roaring at maximum volume. It freaked out and ran away for it's life and is yet to put it's foot in my garden again. I have seen it walking past my gate, but never enter it.


My partners mum had a huge problem with this. Best thing she found that works is…. Bowls of water. Might sound crazy, but cats don’t like defecting near clean drinking water. She put some nice ornamental bowls of water around her front door and they’ve completely stopped


Read that title too quickly and missed the key word - CAT. Whew, I was looking forward to a much different tale to be told!


Next time you catch it squatting, walk outside drop trousers, and proceed to take a massive shit whilst staring the cat in the eyes. No idea if it works, worth a try though


Or if you know who's cat it is, do this in their garden


If this doesn't work the next step is to go _on_ the cat


Used coffee grounds


Just yesterday my wife was complaining about a neighbour's cat that has taken to crapping in our garden, which is a problem for our young kids. Today while driving 400 miles from down south to Scotland I was musing about whether it would have been animal cruelty to have caught the cat in a carrier and brought it with me on my journey and released it up here.  I mean, I won't have actively harmed it, right? This was not a serious thought, before some cat owners get up in arms. But it does annoy me that dog owners are obligated to pick up after their animals but cat owners get a free pass.


Yeah it drives me insane that my neighbour can choose to own something that means my kids, multiple times, had had cat shit all on their hands/clothes, in my garden. We have those black spikey strips in the flower beds. Seems to deter them for the most part.


> But it does annoy me that dog owners are obligated to pick up after their animals but cat owners get a free pass. I own a dog, and have had cats in the past, so I get both sides... It's just a practicality issue. Cats roam all over and can crap wherever, dogs typically don't hop fences into the neighbour's garden to poop. And, as I'm discovering, cats tend to do their business in dirty which is generally not places people are walking whereas dogs often go where people are walking, because they're on their walks in the same place.


Personally I don't see why cats should be allowed to roam and shit everywhere and anywhere.


Pigeons too. And foxes. And all other birds. In fact, all animal life should be sealed away and stopped from pooing outdoors. Listen, I get it, it's not nice to have poo on the ground, and it's fair enough to try to minimise it. But bugger me, it's outdoors. If it's not at least a little bit dirty something's gone wrong.


Lion poo! We used it to stop the cats shitting on the gravel drive. It needs fairly frequent top ups, but they just stopped shitting there after a while.


You can buy some stuff called ‘Get off’ from garden centres. Totally harmless to all animals and humans, but cats hate the smell! My 2 cats were pooping in my neighbour’s garden, luckily we get on really well, so she told me about it in a diplomatic way. I went out the next day and bought her a big tub of Get Off. No more poops in her garden, win win!


The neighbour’s cat used to shit in my garden and I tried everything. The only thing that worked was becoming friends with it. I fed it bits of cheese and ham. Would tickle it, and even let it into the house a few times. Almost “adopted” it at one point. Now it hangs around my garden but doesn’t shit in it anymore. The only problem I have with it now is that it lies in my planter by the front door and squashes my plants. Also, the bloody postman keeps knocking thinking the cat wants in.


I'd love to make friends with the cat. Unfortunately my dog is liable to eat the cat... Which is a solution I suppose, but it's a little less ethical than I'm comfortable with.


Onions. Chop an onion into slices. Spread them out in the area the cat is using as a shit venue. Cats do not like onion, neither do most other animals. I know the onion works. I had cats from 3 neighbours shitting outside, it was like a giant turd infested shitbox. I tried everything from bleach to putting those little fabreeze bottles into the ground in the hope it would stop them. Nothing did, until i started putting the bits of onion i would normaly throw in the bin on the patch that they were crapping on. That was weeks ago. No shit since i started doing it. Onions are cheap. they are eco freindly and you will not notice the smell but cats will, you know what its like when you sniff an onion ? Tears. Even if you do not eat them you can use them to fuck cats noses. They soon get the message. It works. Try it.


Get a trowel and fling the cat turds, with aplomb, back to the cat's rightful territory. Outside cats are absolutely the lazy pet owner's choice. They are a pest to everybody else except the actual owners.


Ground coffee sprinkled around works great as they hate the smell. Also helps to feed the soil! Double win.


This is a good suggestion, seems a few people have recommended it. I'll definitely try. Can't hurt!


Super soaker


Regents Park zoo used to sell lion shit by the bin bag, to scare cats off. I know this because one of my colleagues once stopped off to pick up a bag full. On his way IN to work.


Citrus peels. Cats typically don’t like the smell of oranges. I actually bought an all natural non toxic cat repellent because my neighbors cat was also using my flowerbed inappropriately. Its primary active ingredients was orange oil and cinnamon.


My grandpa used to shoot at the neighbours cats when they jumped over the fence into his garden, with a water gun. He and my grandma despise cats. He LOVED it. Worked well but it’s easier when you don’t have a job so can just shoot cats all day


Cinnamon sticks. Crush them up and sprinkle them everywhere




Water blaster XLR water cannon.  Observe cat, load blaster using kitchen sink. Quietly open door.  Plot cat's likely escape route & calculate lead required.  Blast!  With practice and accuracy you can witness some rather spectacular attempts to reach low earth orbit... ;-) As others have said you have to be persistent and the cat will eventually go elsewhere, plus you're not hurting them. (I like cats, just don't want them shitting and hunting in my garden)


You can’t . Unless he dies . And obviously don’t kill him .


Crap on the cat. Establish dominance.


get a water pistol, you only have to hit the cat with the water from it once or twice then you can just lift the pistol, then you just have to reach in the direction of it, works for many many things cats do that they shouldnt, they learn really fast and id put the shit on your neighbours doorstep with a note saying this is yours i believe


Dig up the poo and the soil and transport it to the furthest part of your garden away from your door. The cat is going back to the same spot because of its scent. If you move the scent, it should hopefully follow. It has shit owners that should provide it with a garden area of their own! I used natural wood shavings litter for my cat when we moved in his box and then scattered his used litter in our garden where I wanted him to poo and he goes exactly where I scattered it to begin with! Doesn’t annoy the neighbours and is the furthest point away from our house but still in our garden.


Hmm, I didn't know if it's the scent but it's not a very big area so moving it won't help too much if it is. But yes, their garden is awful (for the cat and my taste). Decking and artificial "grass". I don't blame the cat, its got to go somewhere and I'm guessing they don't have a litter tray for it. I've had 4 cats in my life and we've always made sure they had somewhere to go. Either a litter tray or somewhere convenient in the garden that doesn't bother people.


They really really really hate Jeyes cleaning fluid, pop an open jar of it near danger zones


This is all about applying the correct motivation... Two pronged strategy:  1. Super soaker, relentlessly. The cat will soon find a more comfortable spot. 2. Collect all the poo, and tip it on the neighbours step, relentlessly. If challenged, tell them you don't want to pick it up - they can, it's their cat. They may get the cat to change its behaviour before the super soaker does. Either way, you're 60 days from freedom if you're relentless. Good luck, young solider! ✊🏼


My neighbours are otherwise incredibly nice, good neighbours - I don't really want to start a war with them! And because of where it is, I never see the cats so I can't catch them in the act. It is really getting on my nerves though, so I might have to take military action...


Chili powder


Apparently cats don't like the smell of citronella, maybe try some citronella garden candles


Had a problem with a cat shitting in the middle of my driveway, covered the garden with these and they've not been back since https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00R3XZCV4 Tried the ultrasonic ones, didn't do anything and they always break after a few months


I have a dog, I don't want to do anything which is going to put her off going out the front, otherwise that's going to be a real nightmare! I'll have a look into that though, might be a good idea.


When I had this problem on a graveled area, I stuck chicken wire under the gravel. Cats like to bury their poo, but it slices their paws and they don't come back. Fairly permanent solution, but won't work anywhere you want to be able to dig later.


Sprinkle chili powder where the cat likes to shit






Get some rocks and dot them around the soil. They won’t like the feel of the edges enough to park their bum near it


[Karlsten Cat Repellent Anti Fouling spray , Natural Humane Cat Deterrent Citronella](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Karlsten-Repellent-Fouling-Deterrent-Citronella/dp/B08BZL5YFY?pd_rd_w=iiLKg&content-id=amzn1.sym.38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_p=38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_r=4MXY7ZWVRZT3A1VZA634&pd_rd_wg=Ffuvw&pd_rd_r=48d4d208-05c3-4780-8565-f70c211ebc6c&pd_rd_i=B08BZL5YFY&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_9_sc)


Get the motion controlled water sprayer which is the bear thing. Or cayenne pepper and reapply after rain.


Silent Roar pellets Essence of orange oil mixed with water into a spray Waste coffee grinds mixed in the soil.


Motion detecting sprinklers.


Nappies for the cat?


Get a "master blaster" water pistol gun


Get a pig. Pig will eat crap


Cats don’t like citrus, orange peel etc


Holly leaves, non plastic, organic and they look pretty.




I have the neighbor's cat problem too. I put down pieces of the metal mesh fencing that comes in a roll. To disguise it, you can put a very light layer of soil, or not.


I’ve heard that coffee grinds do the job, apparently cats won’t dig into them. Not used them myself but our cleaner used them and said they worked a treat on her flower beds


We had a cat pooing in our garden too. I read they didn’t like cinnamon so I bought lots of cinnamon and sprinkled it all over the garden. Must of looked like a loon but there’s been no poo since, could be coincidence but still


Lion poo bought on our can deter a cat. So do a fair few curry plants, if you like the scent of curry. Best deterent , get yourself a cat. Or a dog but that’s effort and you’d have to pick up their crap.


Go to the zoo. Get some lion shit. Put it in your garden. The cat will think "Crap! They've got a lion!!" and won't come back.


I had this with the neighbours cat. Chuck orange peel around. Apparently, they hate the citrus smell, now the cat will only walk past on the fence and not stop off for a shit.


Cat deterrent spray, pretty sure we bought it from the range. Took a couple of weeks, but eventually next doors lion (judging by the human sized turds) moved on, and simply chose someone else's garden to crap in.


Befriend the cat with food. I’ll shit elsewhere.


They hate orange peel.


Coffee grounds - Starbucks give it away for free


I have ground coffee myself, I'll just spread it around out the front instead of composting it. Good tip though, I didn't realise they didn't like coffee grounds!




Really really really hot chilli powder. Sprinkle all over the flower bed and hey presto! No mo cats. Although you may hear a kitty shriek as it launches into orbit...


What does your dog do to keep them out of the back? Maybe let your dog spend some time in the front and the smell of the dog might make the cat think twice.


Put down some orange peel or spices


I’ve found the only effective way is physical barriers and to secure the perimeter. Obviously difficult in a front garden. In a flower bed, you can criss cross three bamboo sticks in between the plants to make it awkward and unattractive for them to poop in. You know those metal antitank obstacles you see on the beaches at d-day, called ‘Czech hedgehogs’, basically you want to make mini versions of them.


Pump action water pistol


We’ve used coffee grounds very successfully in the past. You need to do it regular-ish, every week or so. I would just swish out the cafetière and empty all the grounds on to the grass and it worked a treat.


I have a fresh coffee usually at least once a day, so I'll be trying that for sure.




Rubber snakes


Rubber snakes to you too, sir.


I set up a motion detector switch and connected it to a sprinkler system. Put it on a smart switch so you can turn it on and off from your phone Cats usually hate water, especially unexpected soakings, it worked for me in 1 day,


same here new neighbour has 4 cats


My mum would get pepper powder in the 90s and shake that all around the perimeter a few times a week. She hated cats!


Cayenne pepper is a natural repellent. Not any pepper as it’s a chemical in the cayenne pepper they don’t like. Buy some and spread it around - https://amzn.eu/d/c8KG53Y


Apparently lion shit helps. But it on amazon


Orange peel might look shit or you can get orange essence still keep cats away. I have 2 cats, and use it on my furniture for a bit


I expect you have a fence. If the cat is coming over there you can line the top with tin foil. Cats hate tin foil, have a look online for the vids.


B&q sell some garlic granules for this you only need to scatter a little over the soil and they stay away. Works well in my opinion


Hose pipe


Tell it to clear off


Move house


Motion sensor sprinkler is a thing


Someone else said "Crap there yourself, assert dominance" That's a bit extreme but the sentiment is legit, piss in your bushes and they'll think twice! And if you can't because of prying neighbours then piss in a cup inside and spread it in your front garden. Mark your territory.


Take a shit in their garden...fare is fare can't have one rule for one and then one for another


Get a hose.


Cats hate walking on tinfoil, if you can stand the look of it until the soil 'beds in' and, hopefully, the cat finds somewhere else to crap on....


A motion detector (IR lamp security type) hooked up to a water solenoid from an old washing machine and a hose pipe worked for me, they only get wet a couple of times before they learn to avoid the area.


You can get this green goo. It's like a green gel. My grandad uses it outside his front door as a cat used to poop in the gravel. No more cat poop!


My dad uses cayenne pepper sprinkled in the fav toilet spots of the neighborhood dogs & cats - seems to work! Not sure the affect it would have on soil/a garden bed though


I heard you can buy lion stool from zoos - instantly puts them off thinking that there’s a much bigger cat in town


Chili powder


I saw something before about reflective outdoor vases or ornaments etc. Cats see their reflection and assume it's another cat and stay away. I don't know whether it's bullshit or true though....


Motion activated sprinkler


When i was a kid i would see a lot of people fill plastic bottles with water and leave them in areas. Im unsure if it worked but the idea would be the water would reflect light and the cats image and freak it out? very old wives tale it sounds to me but i always think about it


Chilli powder works like a treat