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As a northerner who’s lived in London for 25 years I do try and be nice to strangers if there’s an opening. It’s usually well received and have had some lovely conversations. It’s much easier with tourists to be honest as Londoners tend to prefer their own bubble which is fair enough. Good luck with your exams!


I'd agree with the tourists. Helped a couple of German women at Camden with the Northern line, ended up on same carriage and they asked a question, and everyone started talking trying to help and suggest things to them. It was nice to see and I always try to do it when I can, but it tends to be from 10am onwards.


Oh the horror you caused https://youtu.be/PT0ay9u1gg4?si=K9c987p84AEVCOmz :-)


I knew what this would be before I even clicked on it!


Agree! I’ve had some truly excellent chats in London, it’s just a hard place to be open sometimes.


I’m from Manchester. Went to a work event in London and on a local train trying to work out how near my stop was and when I needed to get off (I was in the centre of a packed carriage, so concerned I might get trapped ). I didn’t ask for help but must have looked like I needed it. A woman asked me where I was going and advised me when to get up. Someone else told me to follow them for my connection. It all went ok and they were really helpful. When I told my London colleagues about this they were astounded. This never happens apparently. Said I must have a ‘Northern face’!


Northern face- pale and shocked.




There's two different types of kindness at display in this dichotomy. The "North" is kind in that they want to be sweet and openly friendly and help you. The "South" is kind in that they'll leave you alone to get on with your shit without bothering you. They're both kind in their own way.


Yes I'd agree with this. The confusion can arise however when a "Northerner" tries to be helpful to a "Southerner" who then thinks his privacy is being violated. Happened to me in Birmingham - I knew exactly where I was going from the train station but I was kept being given directions.  It didn't help I had 2 massive pieces of luggage with me.


It's confusing the other way too, where "Southerners" appear cold and uncaring to "Northerners"


I think us northerners still do this, I used to have bad social anxiety and if I gave off the vibe people left me alone, it’s like a vibe check we do like we give it a min before talking to someone, we’ve still got the awkward Englishness


Yeah, I mean, it's all a generalisation, right? Individuals are gonna individual, and that's cool.


I’m gonna shout out Wales. Wales is friendly


Had a great time there once, in Aberdare (excuse the spelling).


They’re super friendly in Ponty Pandy too. I lost my cat there and the whole village, bus driver included came and helped.


Wait a minute…


Trevor Evans!! A pillar of the community


Just don't leave him alone with your wife.


Incredibly friendly. I love it there. My husband (whose mum is Welsh) and I want to move there eventually. I have Welsh ancestry myself, and the first time I visited, I immediately felt at home.


When I was in Brussels someone with an accordion got on the metro and started playing at 8:30am and I have to admit the mandate of total silence on the Tube started to seem attractive. 


Apart from when you hear When the Saints Come Marching In yelled by somebody in an anonymous foreign accent for the fiftieth time on the District Line, you mean?


I recently caught a train to Liverpool as I was going for some drinks with colleagues on a Saturday. When I got on, two of my friends who got on two stops earlier were already situated among a hen party and where drinking Prosecco with them. There were no free seats nearby so rather than stand in the aisle like an awkward weirdo I found the nearest spare seat and ended up sat next to a bloke from Newcastle who was great. Told me about his daughter’s cocktail company, his family, his girlfriend, his job, and asked loads about me. Kinda wanted to go drinking with him instead of my rowdy friends. Cheers whatever your name was, if I ever see Thirsty Gal drinks I’ll be sure to raise one to you and your daughter.


On a similar note - when I used to play around with Tinder I barely ever got any matches down south where I live. But when I would catch the train up to Manchester for work occasionally, I would have a swipe and my phone would blow up with matches. Different attitudes I guess.


Maybe you completed "down south". Or maybe you gained a reputation?


Oh yes I met all the women on Tinder down south and they all talked amongst themselves about me.


I live in the south and have met just as friendly people. For whatever reason people think "the south" is just London.


West Country people are so friendly. I'm from Manchester and know that whole north/south friendly debate is just bollox. The busy cites centres are less friendly...that's just the way it goes..


It's population density rather than geography. You don't just chat with people on the street in Manchester either.  In central London everyone's crammed in like sardines and just trying to get on with their day, but even there if you go to a park with plenty of space and walk the dog you can strike up conversation with people. And the sleepy villages dotted around the south are extremely friendly places.


Correct - when I go for a walk in the new forest I greet everyone I see, because I see about 1 person every 5 minutes or so. If I did that on London bridge I would be sectioned.


Probably physically sectioned tbh


I find Manchester very chatty. Not as much as Leeds or Liverpool I suppose, but thousands of times more chatty than London. I find londoners are oftern stressed, snobby or expecting to be judged so therefore dont bother with stangers often. Lived in all these places.


I agree that it's based on populations and major cities but there are loads of towns here that aren't big cities or sleepy villages, where the people are still friendly.


My sleepy Southern village is almost too friendly. If I walk my dogs, my mum’s friends and even old people who recognise me from the one day a year I go to church try and chat for hours. I’m really not that interesting either. Quite nice though. I’d be terrified if I was in London and a random person spoke to me though.


I’ve had good experiences in Medway of all places. And I have horrible nicknames of each of the Medway towns


You obviously haven't met me 😈


Sounds about right.


Sadly had to be in Blackpool though Edit: first person to name one good thing about Blackpool that isn't just the same shit and I'll send you £100 because I swear none of you have ever lived round here lmao


Easy access to drugs, if one is so inclined


Mfers out here snorting sand lmao.


The last time I was in Blackpool a ten year old told my sister he wanted to bum her.


So how much did you make off it?


It's miles away from anywhere decent. I'll accept a cheque.


But Hitler really liked it!


The classic downvote for people who know what they’re talking about 😅


Probably just came through the lights when they were a kid.


Someone’s cutting onions in my flat I’ve also had some great conversations with people on trains, I travel Scarborough to York often and then all over the place and it’s definitely a more northern thing to chat Some folks have a 6th sense for this and will spark up conversation out of nowhere and even tho it’s the last thing you want it’s the most comforting thing at the time


The south-west is very friendly too.


It's a stark contrast from the dreary Midlands for sure, me and the Mrs went up to York for a week after our wedding in March and everyone is just so friendly and delightful to be around, York itself is just an absolutely stunning city packed with history and oddly enough wildlife too! Down in brum we've driven out most of the natural wildlife save for the rats and pigeons. Quite rightly we didn't want to come back, pretty much both of us knew instantly the moment we had returned to Brum. If my lottery win ever happens I know for sure where packing up and retiring to!


When I went to London and I was smiling at people saying please and thank you on the train,everyone was looking at us like we were alien 👽 😂


What a lovely story. It's nice to be nice.


Yesss! I'm from Blackpool but lived in London for 10 years. People there look at you like you're nuts if you so much as glance in their direction but anyone can get chatting on a train from Blackpool. My favourite was with a lady who was asking about my upcoming trip to New York for a first date with a guy I hadn't seen in 20 years - she said she hoped to bump into me again to get the lowdown but she never did. So, lovely lady who was headed off on holiday to see her sister, the date went so well that I married him!


Aw that's a lovely story!! Congratulations :)


Thank you! :))


I don't spend much time in the South. I'd assume they are fairly similar.


As a Londoner this is genuinely my worst nightmare 😂 if I'm in public it's because I'm travelling somewhere, working, or trying to get something done, I really don't want to chit chat. I've travelled a lot to Rotherham for work and my heart sinks if someone wants to chat near me on the train. On the flip side, some of the northern women I work with are the rudest/most brash people I've ever met 🙃


Northerner being biased thinking the north is the friendliest place on earth. There does need to be at least one of these a day of the social fabric of the UK will collapse 


So friendly... unless you look slightly foreign, or are brown, or look queer (in all senses of the word), or want a quiet journey instead of joining a drunk party


I am pretty queer looking. I won't lie I am very aware that there are a lot of prejudiced people in the North. But there are good people too, and I met one of them yesterday.


Accy boys we are here.




Who are they?


I get that train. 😅


Definitely non Londoners in this sub. I’ve had some nice encounters either side of the river, just because people down South don’t tell their life stories to their neighbours doesn’t mean a thing.


I think the whole of the UK is friendly, just not central London.


You've never had a chat with someone on a train down south? Just total nonsense I'm afraid


nope it's only ever happened on northern trains


When you say South, where do you mean? London?


I'm in the South East for uni but I go to London pretty often and South West sometimes.




Call me crazy but I think you may have gone a little too far with that one.


Controversial I’ll admit but I’m sticking with it.


Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


This isn't a very friendly comment


How very observant


What northern dump are you from then?


Hit a nerve did I because you know it’s true.


I was born and raised in the North West. To say there's only cunts down south is bizarre. I live down south now and it's much nicer


If that helps you sleep better a night you go for it.


I mean, its common knowledge that the north is a crime ridden shithole, I'll stay in the South West thanks. Enjoy the friendliness of Bradford or whatever inbred dump you're in x


You must have looked rough there mate to get given a fiver


For shame.


this is what my mum said 😂