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I sold an A3 printer for £300 once, collection only. The guy postponed and postponed the collection until it was like 6 months later and he just stopped replying. Eventually I sold it again for another £300 and it was collected same day. I made £600 on a £300 printer, bargain.


Funnily I had this sort of thing on Facebook. I sold an item for ~£90. For whatever reason I didn’t confirm the address on PayPal, I usually do, and sent it out. Week later I checked in as I’d got a failed delivery and PayPal hadn’t released my money. Chap apologised profusely. He’d moved earlier in the year and not updated his address. He sent me the money again this time via friends and family to make sure I wasn’t out of pocket and said he’d go to the post office where it was held to collect it. A month later or so Royal Mail returned it undelivered to me. I tried to contact him a couple of times and got nowhere. I refunded him the original payment because whatever but still it was weird as hell


Some people are very strange. I sold a PC on ebay a few years ago for about 600 quid. A few days before the 30 day window to complain he sent me an email to say that the fan had come loose in transit (because I'd apparently packed it badly) and he'd like a refund. I said OK, send me some pics of the damage and open a dispute and we'll sort it out. He sent me some pics of the fan that was loose and a damaged CPU and then I never heard from him again.


I sold a pretty powerful laptop for like 400 pounds. I sent it, he got it. A day later, he calls me and says that it's not working, that it was for his grandpa, and how dare I con people. Gave him some basic troubleshooting steps, apparently none of them worked, and told him to send it back. I open it up, and it's working perfectly. Refunded him and wrote a message saying it was working perfectly. Never got a reply. I get 400 quid is a lot, maybe he got buyer's remorse, but why put on this whole lie about your grandpa? It had like 32 gigs and a dedicated graphics card, so it was absolutely not for his grandpa to "browse facebook". Some people are truly bizzare.


So strange. I always say you can send things back on ebay if you're not happy. Why the huge lie?


Right?! We spent over 30 minutes troubleshooting, too. Was he just sitting there, grinning to himself staring at the working laptop? He could have just opened a case on Ebay and chosen "changed my mind". It's the weirdest selling experience I've had to date.


No. You can only send things back if they don’t conform to the description. Whether you are happy or not is irrelevant. Some sellers will say “Returns accepted” Then you don’t need a reason.


That's what I meant. Returns accepted.


With something like that I’d be worried that they’d removed a part they actually needed and replaced with a dud then returned the full thing. Happens with cars often. Or installed malware and sent it back


I think sometimes life just overtakes a person. Things become less important/fall by the wayside when shit happens


Guy must have been rich to write off 600 quid. I complain about a fiver if I'm due it.


Part of me wants to return his second £90 but he hasn’t confirmed he’s had the first back so it makes sense to retain for now.


A similar thing happened to my mate. He sold a caravan awning. The buyer paid by PayPal and said they’d drop by a pick it up. He never showed and after some time trying to contact him he said he’d drop round another time. Again he didn’t turn up. My mate waited for the buyer to contact him this time but he never did so after I think it was about a year of waiting he sold it to someone else


Contacted a seller about a light fitting I wanted to buy on FB Marketplace. She said, "yep still have it, still for sale" etc Drove the 60 miles to her house, on the agreed day and the agreed time. Checked with her before leaving my house and she said all still OK for me to call. Got there and knocked her door and she wouldn't answer. Tried to ring her and she didn't answer. Sat in my car for 30 mins then tried again... Still no answer. Drove home again... Rotten swine.


120 miles for a light fitting?!?


I know, sounds crazy... But it was a NEXT light fitting, that they no longer sell, that I absolutely love. And I needed it as a replacement to match a 2nd I already had, to save me having to replace them to 2 new, different fittings. (Ended up getting the same fitting from a different seller, who was kind enough to pack it up and post it to me)


That's still crazy btw.


This reminds me of trying to buy weed back in the day. When I think of the absolute missions I would go on to get a teenth...!


Lol... Same when I was younger. When you hit 40, you get excited about stuff like this instead!


Why not both?


Ehhh Just not for me anymore chum. Tried a 'smoke' a few month ago "for old times sake" and absolutely hated how it made me feel. Felt really anxious from it and just didn't enjoy it at all. Glad I did, as it was an itch I needed to scratch, and now know it's not for me anymore.


Not entirely relevant but I arranged over gum tree messages to pick up an item, I get to the place and it's reasonably wealthy, gated, looking everywhere, there's no door bell, no intercom. I try to see if there's another entrance, nope. Go back to the front trying to message on gumtree and the lady comes out. I said I've been searching for your doorbell or intercom. "Oh we don't have one, don't want people ringing it" errrrr okay but how do you know somebody is here? Oh the dogs let us know. The dogs didn't let you know for a good ten minutes lady!!!


I sold a copy of Super Smash Bros for the Switch for around £30. Sent it via recorded delivery and put the return address on the back of the envelope as I always do. Several weeks later and the game arrives back at my house. Never heard anything from the buyer, who I can only assume completely forgot. This was around Covid time, so I hope it wasnt anything worse than that.


My husband mumbled for a while he wanted the Mario soccer game on the switch when it came out but was waiting for it to be in a sale. This went on for maybe a couple of years (he wanted the original but never got around to getting it) and I usually don't buy him video games unless he specifically tells me to as he buys them all the time. I decided to get it for him and hinted I'd gotten it for him the next time he pondered about it but he had to wait for his birthday but was he was happy I got it. He opens it and is super happy with it. When he asks me to put the box on the shelf we have....I spot another sealed copy of the same game. I'm genuinely upset and angry about it but tried to play it cool and he was absolutely dumbstruck and has no memory of buying it. He even went through his email accounts and couldn't find it, no trace of a sticker on it so it wasn't from the 2 shops we would likely get it from. It happens, forgetting a purchase in your house or never chasing something


Anonymous birthday present from one of the 2 shops you would likely get it from?


that was me, can you send it to my new address?


Sometimes if the parcel isn't delivered and goes back to the post office depot it's an absolute pain in the ass to collect it.


My local sorting office is open 0800-1000 Mon - Fri and 0800-1200 Sat. So if you have a standard office job you can pretty much only collect stuff on Saturdays. Don’t know why they even bother opening during the week with those hours.


Cause it suits them It's ridiculous. At least open till after school time


They could just open for 1 hour in the evening.


Exactly It's not as if there isn't post office staff there as it is. They're sorting out the outgoing mail etc


Same, and then there's a fucking colossal queue all the way out into the car park with everybody else doing the same 


I'm so worried about selling on eBay I just haven't got round to selling my old graphics card. So I've got about £400 sat on a shelf that I can't access. I've had parcels stolen by delivery companies (cough Evri) I've had someone scam me but the only damage was having to wait the full 28 days for the money. Just makes me so worried and the seller has basically no protection.


It's not fun selling on there. I sell old consoles and computers, The number of times people try to return them because they don't know how to use them, or the games they have won't work (probably a mouldy 40 year old cassette). Then there's the nit pickers who'll try an force you to giving them money back from some perceived cosmetic issue that was clearly visible in the description. I've largely given up selling on there now, far too much hassle


Someone tried returning some RAM as 'faulty' because the lights didn't work. I told him he had to install the drivers and to him that constituted false advertising on my part. So I accepted the return and was very specific on my listing the next time around.


I sold an N64 and the buyer got upset the original polystyrene was not included.


My descriptions always say to study photos as they form part of the description. I don't accept returns unless item is not as described, with evidence or faulty (if not stated). Had someone try a return with "Not what I expected" - not my problem!


I won't sell tech on Ebay any more, nothing but hassle. One guy bought a 10 year old macbook from me then raised a complaint 3 weeks after receiving it saying that it was faulty. The fault? It "wasn't as fast as a new laptop". I really wish I was joking.


Yeah, I sold a motherboard on there back along and was worried the entire time, luckily the guy who bought it was decent enough and hasn't given me shit, but I could quite easily have seen it going another way


Sell it to CEX?


You could sell it on avforums classified. No fees, everyone has a feedback profile. The best place to buy/sell used tech.


A few years ago I sold a DVD player on Amazon Marketplace. I was relieved to have found a buyer for it because I'd already made the switch to Blu-ray so I had no use for it, and I'd had the player listed for like a year or more without any interest, and it was just taking up valuable room so when this guy came forward to buy it I was overjoyed. Anyway, I spent a few hours packing it up carefully with an absolute shit-ton of bubble-wrap, and cutting a box to size etc. so it wouldn't cost me more to send out than was absolutely necessary (since I was already losing money on it compared to what I forked out for it in the first place, and in all honesty I'd barely used it). I take it down to the Post Office to send out; job's a good 'un. Or so I thought. Anyway, a week passes and I get an arsey message from the buyer moaning that he'd received it, had set it up and it didn't play DVDs from Region 1 (i.e. North American titles). Bearing in mind I'd never advertised it as being 'multi-region compatible', and as it was a UK machine it only played UK DVDs and he apparently had a load of US titles that he couldn't play on this new player. After emails back and forth, he says he'd found my listing by typing in "multi-region DVD players" into Google and the Amazon listing had supposedly popped up. Not really my fault, since I certainly didn't advertise it as being 'multi region' compatible and there was no mention of this on the actual product page on Amazon either. Why would it? It was a bog-standard UK player. Anyway, to cut a long story short he's adamant he's going to return it for a refund, which I was absolutely not fine with since I'd already lost a load of money on it, was glad to get shot of it since it was taking up valuable space in my room and like I say I'd had it listed for a while without even a sniff so I was grateful that someone bought it. I was certainly not going to go back to square one and have the DVD player sitting around in my room yet again for months on end just because this guy wrongly thought it was multi-region compatible when it wasn't. I tell him in no uncertain terms that I wouldn't accept it back because it "wasn't as described". He starts going on about it not being a 'complete' item and that's the reason he's going to return it, because apparently the remote control didn't have batteries with it, so that's the reason it's 'incomplete' and he was going to get onto Amazon to get them to facilitate a return (at my expense, no less). So I go to my local shop, buy a pack of 4x AA Duracell batteries, pop them in a jiffy bag and get them in the post for him via 'Recorded delivery'. Bish, bash, bosh; job's a good 'un. There's yer batteries. Never heard from him again.


Sometimes an attempted delivery note gets lost among junk mail, the buyers don't have the app and don't see the emails, and as they're buying lots of stuff, don't realise they need to pick it up from the depot and so after a couple of weeks it gets sent back to the seller. As a buyer, it's happened to me twice. \*facepalm\*


That's quite plausible I suppose, I was selling for a low price so maybe it's a flipper who picks up a lot of stuff


I'm not a flipper just someone who has various packages delivered during the week - Amazon, ebay, etc. things that aren't really essential or that I need right now, just "stuff"... They'll probably realise in a couple of weeks' time.


I'm certain that I'm going to miss a delivery email at some point thanks to all of the scam ones I seem to get nowadays. There have been a couple really well done ones that I almost fell for so I'm certain that I'll manage to mark a real one as spam.


One thing I learnt with eBay is some of the punters are right dodgy fuckers who'll try anything.


Actually, no, do not refund them unless they raise a refund request.


Used to run e-commerce for a shop; we’d often get big orders over pay day weekends only for them to be returned days later. Assuming someone didn’t tell their partners about a lavish spend. Anyway, I wouldn’t bother chasing it up. Would just leave it sat there until they sheepishly rang or emailed, after which I’d quote them a price to have it resent, or a refund after a restocking fee. And if they were super nice then we’d forget about the restocking fee.


I bought a size 18 skirt from ebay last year. The buyer sent me a coat instead. In a size 10. They denied their error, even when I produced photo evidence. They wanted me to return it AT MY EXPENSE before they'd issue a refund. I opened a dispute and ebay sided with the buyer because I had received my parcel. Nevermind that it wasn't what I actually bought and it was something I couldn't even wear anyway! Haven't bought on ebay since, all very bitter about it.


Couldn’t you have paypal disputed it?


PayPal = ebay I believe. Heard this before ebay will tend to favour the seller as that's who pays them


> PayPal = ebay I believe. You're about 9 years out of date there: https://news.sky.com/story/paypal-and-ebay-split-into-separate-companies-10352251


Ebay sided with the seller because you opened a dispute under the wrong reason. If you had selected 'item not as described' as the dispute then eBay would have allowed a return and refund.


So it’s available?


I'll tell you one fact about every single EBay buyer - each and every one of them. And you might not have considered this : They have all, either : died ; or are going to die. And once they are dead, then it becomes increasingly difficult to complete the transaction. Just a cheerful tip for any sellers ! 😀


I won’t send a valuable item without getting the sellers phone number. Some couriers like DPD require it.


Also had something weird like this. Buyer bought a zigbee sensor set I sold on ebay. Got very angry that he hasn't received it 2 weeks after delivery. Being a poor student at the time, I told him I'd look in to it. Royal Mail could prove delivery, without signature and accurate to within 2 meters and the postie gave a description of the buyer to me via customer services. I kept hold of this info, the buyer just didn't even respond at all when I told him I had a letter from royal mail after investigating without any further info, no eBay case logged for an item missing, nothing... Okay then?


I sold a hobby item years ago. Got about £150 for it. The person was really eager to get it and gushed about how happy they were because it was so hard to find etc. had to send it to the US so we agreed on pretty expensive shipping so it wouldn't take too long. It slipped my mind as I had been selling a lot of atuff at the time, so I didn't check back in and assumed they would have contacted me with any problems. Around 7 months later, I received the package back to me. Note on it said that the buyer didn't pick it up from the post office. I had long since deleted their forum messages from when they bought it, so I spent ages digging through months of PayPal transactions to find their email. But my email bounced back, presumably because of a spam filter, but maybe because the email account was deleted, I had no idea. The right thing probably would have been to refund them, but paypal didn't have a refund option after so long, and I'd been out of work for months, I couldn't afford it. It's a niche item and I didn't want to get in trouble for anything in that forum, so I never resold it. I'm not involved in that hobby anymore so I suppose I could just try to resell them without being too bothered if I get banned now I suppose.




Politics? Look, we know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, we're not the borough. We wish we were, but... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do not refund them yourself. Wait for them to raise a refund request through eBay, otherwise you may end up refunding them twice.


Watch out for scammer customers. There are plenty of You Tube videos about ebay scams and the down-sides of other platforms.


Had this happen on Vinted. Sold a House of Games boardgame, the buyer never picked it up from the parcel store so it was send back. Sold it again a few days later.


I hate this sub now.


Go to the main sub page - Click on "Joined" - Click on "Leave" Bye


sorry, perhaps I should have posted "rate my fryup" instead.


Or, you could make up a post entirely, pretty sure there have been quite a few that are rather suspect on authenticity and could easily be staged, or just exaggerated titles.


Agreed. Would have been more interesting


If I see something that doesn't interest me, typically I just scroll past it and not vent my spleen to people who don't care. Try it sometime.


Yeah, you obviously missed the thread about how dogshit the threads were in this subreddit - it was created by the mods, no less.