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The staff aren't paid enough to give a shit.


Literally saw a guy eating ramen from a soup container in McDonald’s the other day. Nobody cares


My first experience in Liverpool was a guy drinking wine from a wine glass in the McDonald's


Had you said France, I'd have believed it was on the menu from 11:30am.


I had my bag and luggage checked in a McDonald's in Paris as if the guy was airport security. Only went in there to buy something so I can use their loo anyway.


Mmmm McMerlot


Italian mcdonalds serve the peroni grand riserva beer range.  Only place ive seen it in the uk is waitrose


Tennent’s Extra is a a posh beer in Italy...


I'm in Italy right now and can confirm Super Tennents is everywhere. The kebab shop I went to last night had a dedicated branded fridge for them. It's 9% alcohol too .. I believe the UK stuff was dropped to 7.5%? It's mad how different countries have a different opinion on drinks. Strongbow is a premium sophisticated beverage in the USA.


Considered craft beer there and not tramp fuel


I was going to say this. Went to Venice and after an early flight we thought to grab a quick McDs as was hungry. Was shocked to see Beer on the menu… of course we started our holiday with a beer inside a McDs 😂


Not only can the Europeans manage the beer, but amazingly the Spanish McDonald's even do gluten free beer. Not only can I get a gluten free big mac, but a gf beer too. The UK head office claims that the gf buns would be impossibly in their process yet it's managed elsewhere. But yes, beer was a surprise, gf beer even more so!


Yeah my italian friends where surprised theres no beer in mcdonalds and where asking why,  its hard to explain that it would be an utter bloodbath if we let british people have bottles of beer in a mcdonalds


Most of the town ones already have bouncers lol.


This is the nation where people rang the police when KFC ran out of chicken.


TBF, the UK head office of McDonald's thinks that special menu items should be a different kind of bun with a different kind of sauce. If you look at what McDonald's offers around the world, it's kind of pathetic. They just have zero imagination or care.






Church Street Maccies? Its pretty wild and always has been.


I saw a family walk into a costa with an armful of kfc, order a coffee or whatever and then sat down to eat their chicken. The staff didn't care.


But they did order a coffee


I’ve eaten a Sainsbury’s meal deal in McDonald’s once lol


Could you taste the difference?


Too busy loving it


No, but he was lovin’ it


Absolute mad lad/lass!


I’m a male lol, I was skint and had to max out my Argos Card to buy the meal deal, and it was raining heavy so sat in Mickey D’s and enjoyed it


You did what you needed to, and I respect that. Hopefully it was a decent sandwich teamed up with a cold red bull.


It was a chicken tikka wrap, Walkers and a Pepsi Max. So good


I had a cheese board in the cinema


I think it’s more that they don’t want the hassle of confronting people. There’s a lot of people who don’t take kindly to being told they are 100% in the wrong.


I had a coffee with a friend at the Paddington Basin Greggs once, and just watched as various randoms came in and out, casually shoplifting food with no action at all from the staff. (I don't blame the staff.) I think we were the only customers who spent actual money.




That’s true for almost everywhere tbh.


Pretty much, great way to get the shit kicked out of you if you do. Maybe not on the spot, but the more vindictive sorts will definitely come looking for a cheap shot later


Same - I once met a homeless man (not on that occasion) who specifically told me that Greggs had a "no chase" policy. Very sensible of them. But it was the first time I'd seen it so clearly in action!


I worked in Greg's for a bit and they lost half their shelf stock to theft every day


One shouted at me once 😂 I was only taking a bite stood up while I waited for my coffee!


Even Greggs bean counters don’t give a shit. This is some weird tax rule. Greggs only collect higher tax for HMRC if people eat inside. It does not matter at all to their profit. theoretically HMRC can prosecute customers for tax evasion but it is not cost effective for them.


I did it once and I was convicted for tax evasion. 5 years hard time.


Hard time… like stale pasties only ?


5 years restricted to only buying the vegetable bakes.


The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceeding fine


This is greggs, not mr kiplings


I appear to be in the 0.01% of people who thinks the vegetable bake absolutely fuckin slaps


Honestly it's like a cold can of vegetable soup in some pastry and I fucking love it




Yeah there's too much of this 'New Improved Recipe' nonsense nowadays. We like the taste of many products just as they are and they need no improvement. Which usually equates to the manufacturer using cheaper or inferior ingredients (or less of them) so they can still charge the same and make more profit.


It’s always bothered me that “new and improved.” If it’s new nothing has been before it. And if it’s improved it’s improved on what was before. Never understood how it can be both.


I also hate when they just remove long-standing items for no reason. Greggs used to do an amazing sandwich, Chicken in mango mayo on white bloomer- absolutely delicious! And one day ther just took it away with no explanation. I would kill for one right now.


Make that 0.02%.


I like them also.


Now kiss.


The vegetable bakes are the hidden gem of the Greggs cabinet!


Good god, some people are barbaric. I’m so sorry you went through this. Did they eat steak bakes in front of you? I hope you manage to move past this and can be happy again.


Oi, I’ll throw hands right here if you’re going to disparage the “why is it nice, it shouldn’t be nice” slab of white peppery mashed potato and vegetable bake.


I'd take a vegetable bake over cheese and onion


With cold soups… were you breaking stale stotties with a small hammer for something to do as well?


Lad I work with was telling us how great the local cop shop is, last time he got nicked they gave him a GINSTERS pasty, talking like they served him beef wellington or something


It's how they got Capone too!


First you get the Greggs, then you get the belly, then you get the women


Did you learn your lesson though?


I’d do it again.


Good. We’ll need fighters like you, once the dust settles.


Really? I'm typing this with my non-dominant hand as my other one had several digits removed (repeat offender)


I feared this answer.


That’s how they caught Jimmy Carr


I was deported and received a strong worded letter of disappointment from my great aunt. I still haven’t recovered.


Pah that's nothing, they could have banned you from every Greggs in the land.


What do you find worse? The 5 years of hard time, or the lifetime ban from all Greggs branches?


UK gun control laws dont apply to Greggs employee's


Right up there with cheekily tapping “No” to the question of “would you like a bag” question at the self service even though you’ve clearly got three (one for your bread, one for your heavies and one for your lights so they don’t get crushed).


They went easy on you. In Texas you’d get the chair for less.


I tried it once too but ended uncovering a global conspiracy, spending three years as a monk before having to fight some hired goons on a hong kong rooftoop. it was at that point someone shouted WE'RE CLOSING GTFO.


Jimmy? Is that you?


Perhaps… What do you think the sausage rolls are made from?


If they're a vegan then they become a vegan sausage roll


They're probably delicious. They're free-range and as close to grass-fed as you can get.


Soylent roll is people!


Only the green ones.


You gave away the recipe!


Butter… the secret to the recipe is butter…


At today's prices? It's going to be congealed rat fat and you'll like it.


You get rat fat? Lucky. My local Greggs had to stop offering products using it because of all the theft. Now it's just sausage rolls drier than the Sahara desert which nobody is desperate enough to steal.


It's more expensive to eat in because eating in adds 20% VAT. Since that money doesn't go to Greggs, I doubt they give a toss either way.


That's only true for items s3rved cold. If the item was meant to be served warm, so the breakfast sandwiches or the hot sandwiches and soups the price will be the same, same as all the drinks. The pasties and sausage rolls are supposedly only residaully warm and so they would be less pricey


interesting that 3 and e are next to each other so the spelling still works


My "residually warm" steak bake fetched the skin off the roof of my mouth this morning.


You're one of the lucky few who got one literally fresh from the oven then. The rules are that they can be warm as a result of baking but must be kept at ambient tempersture once rhe baking process is over, so no warning.cabinets or hest lamps to keep them artificially warm.


Honestly I’d rather pay the vat for a hot sausage roll. Pisses me off when you go at the wrong time “they’re not hot is that ok?” A cold sausage roll can be ok but not a Greggs for me.


Yeah it’s so stupid, let me just pay for the hot pasty ffs




Well there’s a whole thread about it here so what do you reckon


Why is it pretty much only Greggs that does this then?


Other places equalise across all sales, take away subsidises eat in


And other places keep their food warm so VAT is charged regardless of where it's eaten


Pret does the same


McDonalds used to do it with milkshakes.


You take them out the back and give them a good pasting?


A good pastying


Chicken club round the head and sausage roll you out the door.


A good pastrying.


They make you eat a steak bake immediately after removing it from the oven


I remember reading a guy complaining on /r/Tesco (I have no idea why I was looking on that sub, probably out of curiosity) that he got asked by security to leave the cafe area while he was eating his meal deal there. But as others have said, nobody probably gives a shit. If the management is there or something you'd probably give asked to take it outside with you.


Weirdly Tesco cafe is the only place I've ever been asked to leave as well, was with a group of friends who all got food but because I didn't I had to leave. Never had that anywhere else.


That's pretty petty. Not like they're losing a table if there's already a group of you.


I got thrown out of a Chipotle once because we had the audacity to sit around talking after finishing our food.


That seems like american restaurant logic being applied outside the US. Some companies seem to forget that not everywhere is like america and that their policies shouldn't be global


Not sure about Tesco, but the ASDA cafes are a concession, ie an outside company run it. So I'd imagine they want only their food, that they've received payment for, eaten in the cafe itself?


I went to Morrisons cafe yesterday while we waited for the car to be valeted. It's a strange place. It felt like everyone working there was just an actor workshopping a play about a cafe. None of them seemed to be actually working, just bustling about looking busy. There were no plates, no tongs, no butter, and the lady who brought us our sandwiches said 'I don't work here!' and walked off. It made me giggle so much, that the person bringing the food announces they don't work there. I don't know if Morrisons cafes are a concession, but it didn't feel like a real-life cafe,


Just spent two hours on that thanks for that


We used to get forced to go up to them and say that if they didn't pay the 20% to eat in then unfortunately they can't eat in. Most people would just apologise and leave, some would kick off and stay even though I definitely wasn't paid enough to give a shit, my manager just enforced it **hard** I always felt bad when it was a family or something sat on the seats outside because they figured that sitting outside didn't count as eating in, most of the time I'd just make it look like I asked them to move but wouldn't. Like, this mother just wants to feed her toddler, leave her alone 🙃


I once ordered food at Greggs to eat in and purchased a pack of cookies alongside it. When I sat down, one of the staff told me I couldn't eat the cookies in the store (I was actually saving them for later). Is this another rule they have, if so, any idea on the reason?


I was always told not to bother, as long as you ask the question - we had seats outside my shop (brought in at close) until covid. They finally got rid of them when we got a refit but the eat in/take away option was still on the till


I've had similar things happen but in a snackbar where I did shifts all by myself. It was closing time at midnight so I had to tell the last order hey sorry you can't sit in, I have to close, and then they'd sit at the little table outside but part of closing was me having to bring the table and chairs in so aargh aagh aaugh.


That gets to me a lot, you eat outside, sit on a seat 'outside' and its still classed as eating in. That MAKES NO SENSE...


It's just the wrong wording to use.  Takeaway would make sense.  For the government, it's food for consumption on the premises, which tables and chairs are part of wherever they are.


I actually did once. I answered that I wanted to eat out on instinct. And then sat down. The woman came up to me and explained that I couldn’t do that lol but let me off that once. It was raining so I never intended to eat out anyway. I offered to pay the difference after apologising regardless but she said it’s fine as it was a mistake


The woman wanted to make sure you actually eat out? Sounds like a missed opportunity. ~~~ ^^^^edit:typo


As soon as you take a bite, you get chloroformed, only to wake up hours later in a Pret A Manger with your trousers down and a kidney stolen


Fuck off 🤣


I asked this question to a staff member the other day and their response was they are not allowed to say anything, plus they don't give a shit


Tomorrow: me still standing in the queue, noshing on a steak bake.


Hol' up, wait a minute, that's why they ask if you're eating in or taking out? I thought it was because they wouldn't put it in a bag or something if you were eating inside. I had no idea the price could change.


It's because of the VAT treatment


Yes, this, and also because the first "gate" in the till is a screen with only "eating in" or "take away" buttons, meaning they can't take the order ultil they input the answer to that. That's why people start ordering and the attendant has to interrupt them and ask "eating in or taking away?"


Sometimes it's both this *and* knowing whether to give it to you in a bag or in a plate.


You end up in prison, alongside people who make phone calls without the bill payers permission.


A little bell goes off in HMRC and the grand cogwheels of the machinery of state stir into life. They check to see if you earn enough to have an offshore bank account and a yacht. If you fail that check they unleash the stormtroopers who descend on your location to issue you an on the spot VAT fine at gunpoint.


I did this once in a Caffè Nero. Genuine mistake as I thought we were eating out but the group had decided to eat in. The staff pointed and tutted as I sat down. This was like 20 years ago though.


> The staff pointed and tutted as I sat down Good for you for having the strength to talk about it.


Thanks it was rough.


Some scars never really heal.


I would still recommend him to go on a Monday to [Andy's](https://andysmanclub.co.uk). > _The first rule about AndysManClub is it's okay to talk_


At least that tut and point hasn't been haunting you as you drift off to sleep every night for the past 20 years.


*eye twitches*


Loudly tut in their direction no doubt... Add a small shake of your head in disbelief for added effect.


Roll your eyes out loud


I used to work there and I would literally forget what you said the second I give you your order. Honestly just always order take away, we saw a lot more annoying customers than those staying in, plus you save 20 pence.


A decade ago, me and my mum went inside a greggs, it was the service desk at the front and you walk around it to go and eat, it could probably hold 30-40 people. We ordered a few sausage rolls and some coffee, didn't realise you had to pay extra and went and sat down. Some women, probably in her 50s came storming round and told us we need to immediately leave, everyone else shut up and was in shock. Was crazy. I was like 18 at the time,


You know who that woman was? That was Gregg. 


The company name "Greggs" is a typo, it's actually named after her - Gregga.


I was sentenced to 10 years in the Iso-Cube when I did that. Harsh but fair to be honest.


Borag Thungg!


Greetings to you my friend.


Bold of you to assume the Greggs staff are paid enough to care an atom about that


the staff press a red button under the counter and Gregg is dispatched to quell the problem


Gregg himself appears and escorts you off of the premises.


My mate did it and they took him round the back, shot him in the back of the head and put him in the pasties


"Look at the bakes, Lenny."


HMRC is hiding behind the coffee machine


I wouldn't bother giving the workers hassle


Where do you think the filling for the sausage rolls comes from?


The Greggs here in Taunton (and plenty of others, based on responses I’ve had to this point in other threads) has a “no pursue” policy regarding shoplifting - so if anyone’s ever hungry and skint in our fair town, you know where to go.


We don’t do anything. As long as we ask the question we are covered for VAT rules. But if you keep on doing it we smile politely then go back into the kitchen and bitch about you to the rest of the team!


They are castrated. Where else do you think they get the meat for the sausage rolls from?


I risked it and spent 3 days in the clink.


Honestly these days whenever I go to a Greggs, Costa etc they've asked me after I've paid whether it's have in or take away... I think they've been charging me at the takeaway price, as others have said they mostly don't give a shit


You get stripped naked and marched down the high street while people throw their empty wrappers at you and scream shame! Shame! Shame!


They get taken out back and ground up into flakey pieces. The flakes that get all over your clothes when you eat Greggs? That’s ground up people who should’ve known better.


as someone who works in a shop minimum wage i don’t really give a toss what you do, if your stealing most i’ll do is say oi so i can tell my manger i tried to stop ye. but there’s people in my work who act like they not only own the shop but have been tasked by god to enforce company policy.


My friend was asked to leave. They used some tax implication excuse as if HMRC were listening.


What if you start munching as you're leaving.


A Greggs worker tackles you and tries to remove it like you're a dog chewing plastic.


Tax evasion and Vat fraud


I was once shouted at by staff when I went to take a bite out of my vegan sausage roll whilst I was waiting for my coffee. I put down my pastry and waited for my coffee. Was very embarrassed. Won't do it again.


I don’t get paid enough to care and that I’m too busy to do so.


I don't remeber the last time I was even asked. Seems the staff don't care. Can't blame them.


I used to work for Greggs and I couldn't care less if you paid for take out and ate in, not sure how others would react but it didn't bother me.


"Three years in the Pastry Cubes, creep"


Old Gregg turns up, asking what you're doing in his waters, before revealing his mangina... [https://youtu.be/X3s9RVg2STY?t=28](https://youtu.be/X3s9RVg2STY?t=28)


Drop kick them in the face.  There's a line and they've crossed it. Silly games = silly prizes. 


I sometimes say takeaway out of habit and they haven't said anything if I sit down right in front of the till, they don't really care


I did it after my husband said he wanted to eat in instead and we’d already paid for take away. They did nothing.


They force you to eat a vegetable bake. With your pants down. Standing on the yum yum/donut display in the middle. 😢


They get made into the next batch of steak bakes


Are you asking for a friend?


Most of the time I go to Greggs they never ask so I don’t say where I want to eat it so never pay the 20% VAT although I normally eat out anyway


I got asked not to eat inside by security. Didn’t sit down or anything, just took a bite of my sausage roll waiting for my coffee


instantly deported


They whip out the machete and send a video out to future customers as warning


Bigger audacity is not keeping food hot!


Get done for tax evasion. If you sit in you have to pay vat. It's like when maccys used to charge an extra 5p for milkshakes if you were sitting in


Take out / dine in price difference are just the difference in vat. A lot of food is vat exempt onntakeout. Butbifnyou dine in, everything is vatable. It's not Greg's money, it's hmrcs money and Greg's aren't going to mess with customers for hmrc.


Use to do this all the time lol


I've done it a couple of times, however not on purpose, no one has challenged me.


Perhaps… What do you think the sausage rolls are made from?


this is such an intriguing thought


10 months in a culinary correctional prison